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New Pictures of Adam Lambert and Friends in a Club Called Rhonda July 2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Anonymous said...

phew that club looks way to crowed for me, I see Adam and his group standing in the back to the left on the ground floor.Love his hair.

Anonymous said...

crowded. from anon 2:44pm I met to print.

Anonymous said...

Yep! I see ADAM & his friends ... ADAM is talking to the dark-haired girl w/white top staning in front of him. REALLY like the blond highlights in ADAM's hair ... what a HUNK!!

Anonymous said...

Meant to say ... standing in front of him ...

Anonymous said...

My God, his shoulders . . . UNF!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they show the movie "A Fish Called Wanda" in "A Club Called Rhonda."

Anonymous said...

OMG finally new photos!!! He looks so young!

Anonymous said...

He's such a HUNK....Sauli...such a lucky guy....

Adam looks like he's been in the brew...

Party on Dude!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it's cute how Sauli just mixes right in with the group.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is looking better and better. Adam did get the pick of the litter, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

hiz boi and gurl putting highlights in their hair. anything for their Lamb;)

Anonymous said...

better pix of Adam than that last one under the last thread..Casey Abrams is getting lots of votes cause most that are voting for him are also voting for Haley,according to the message board.Abrams is less than 100 votes behind ADAM needs more votes( that is if you WANT to vote) here: Thanks

Anonymous said...

IIHY is #44 on the Vh1 countdown.

Anonymous said...

Adam is way beyond idol. Who cares who gets idol of the month.

Anonymous said...

If you want to vote for something do the VH1 Do something awards. That is more relevent than idol of the month and will get him more recognition. We do't need to live in the idol bubble any more.

Anonymous said...

come on, just one more month in the bubble and that's it!!

Anonymous said...

I Love how in the 2nd pic - Adam's fingers are touching Sauli's shoulder and looks like Sauli's arm in on Adam's back!! You can tell they are just sooo happy together!!

Anonymous said...

This will prob be the last mo for me to vote for the AIOTM...I AM voting for the VH-1 "Do SOMETHING AWARDS"( & I voted & voted for the sexiest man on the radio site)..I'd still like to know what the rules are for the Do Something awards.Can we just vote for Adam,or do we have to vote in every category??& can we just put in unlimited votes??It would be nice to know MORE.IF anybody knows,please post it here.

Anonymous said...

Adam is really a lovable person indeed!!!!

Anonymous said...

These shoes....?! (I guess you need to be added to the Adam Lambert Network to view these. She has tons of pics and some I've never seen before that I posted to the previous thread if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

Sasha was excellent tonight. I am so proud of her.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she was excellent or so I heard. I missed the first dance and only saw a few seconds of the 2nd dance. But, the judges' reviews were over the top. I hope someone posts those vids here.

Anonymous said...

@4:47 You do not have to vote in every category. But after you click the green vote for Adam ,click next category and then go back to his category and vote. You can vote as many times as you want. It would be great if Adam won this award. Is the Idol of the month going on every month or is this the last month. Gosh I hope it's the last, it doesn't correlate with success cause then Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Daughtry would be up on the first row with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks so tiny next to Adam! Adam is a gorgeous Hunk! Love the highlights in the the shoulders, eyes, nose, mouth, sexy the whole package....oh yeah, and he can saang too ....Thud.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks does sauli..loving these pictures and holding on for the new albun and 7/29..beautiful Adam and Sauli they look great together

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous in these pictures. Sauli is really lucky.

About VH1 #DSAwards:

1. Go to the link:
2. Login to VH1 voting site (if you don't have a login username, register then login)
3. Vote for Adam by clicking on the green 'vote' button
3. you can tell your followers via twitter to facebook to vote for Adam. If not,
4. Close the thank you window
5. Press F5 and vote again

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is reconsidering tattoos covering up any more of that beautiful freckled skin of his. I love the look of his naked arms, pale or tan--especially gorgeous with his costuming & fashion choices. He has the most perfect arms (and legs :), both shape and skin.

AfterElton had an interesting article on tattoos with comments. One suggested tattoos can resemble bruises, especially if they are spotty. Major covered areas, no matter how fabulous the artwork or design, could also have the effect of camouflaging those beautiful arms vs. making them stand out. A particular design could permanently LIMIT his look. I'm one who loves glitter and makeup--all Adam wants--or not, if he wants. Love the androgyny. Love the camp. I just want him to keep the rest of that beautiful skin unmarred.

I know Adam wants to be Rock N Roll. But, he is rapidly becoming a trend setter and fashion icon. Thus, he could boldy go in the opposite direction--toward naked, unobliterated skin.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Adam looks so hot in these pictures. If I was in that nightclub and saw him standing there, I would go over to him and ask him to dance! I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of him or my hands and I'm a straight woman. LOL! Love his bare arms and his hair is so Sexy!!

LP said...

Looks like they might have been to see a show. There is an ad behind Adams head. That might have been the intermission, and everyone came out for a drink, might be the reason so many people. Just guessing again.

Anonymous said...

Adam won the Sexiest Man of Mix 941 with

95% of the vote.

Yes, I said ninety-five percent of the vote.

He's now in the semi finals

Anonymous said...

Could the man get any better looking?? He is gorgeous with this outfit and the blonde highlights in the front of his hair. Adam is becoming a trend setter in the fashion world and could easily be a model in print ads for any famous fashion house. Can't wait to see what his look will be for the next album as he does guest appearances on tv talk shows to promote it and the first single from it. Whatever he chooses to wear, I am sure it will be stylish and dynamic. Just hope he doesn't get into"the drink/the brew" too much because any unflattering pictures of him won't help before the release of his second album. All those gossip mongers and Adam haters would just love to use that against him. I am sure he has been working very hard on all the songs for this new album, so a night out with Sauli and friends is probably just what he needed.

Anonymous said...

Whew, the drought is over - a pic of Adam out and Sauli and Danielle there too. It must be hot for him to go in a tank top as he's usually in layers haha.

And what's with all the throngs of people there just going about their business as if there isn't a major ROCK GOD in their midst!! Where is the flailing? haha

The Dark Side said...

Adam is a sexy beast. I cannot imagine how females would react to him if he was not gay. It would not be a pretty sight. As it is some even see Sauli as a threat. Personally, I think they are a great looking couple together.

Anonymous said...

Does it seem that the person in white that Adam is talking to in the crowded picture has a black square over/hiding their face in this picture? or is it just my computer..

Has anyone here ever seen Sauli live - I wonder if he looks different in person like Adam looks even better in person(altho they both look great in pictures!)

Anonymous said...

He really does live up to the "For Your Entertainment" by-line. That man knows how to work every angle. Dear Lord.....

Anonymous said...

Soon, the floodgates will open and we'll see more of our boy! Promotion time will begin! He is SO hot in these pics. Love the hair highlights and, well, everything!

glitzylady said...

I'm not sure if anyone posted anything about "A Club Called Rhonda" here, but if anyone is interested in hearing about it, this is a link to an LA Times article: It's very exclusive and only happens once a month.


Creatures of the Night Flock to a Club Called Rhonda

"The goal was to create a space safe for clubland abandon, classic and bleeding-edge dance music, and to crack the implicit barriers between gay and straight nightlife in L.A."

"The diversity of L.A. really wasn't reflected in its nightlife," said Granic. "I'm straight and Greg is gay and he's been my best friend for years, and I just wanted to see all my friends at once with the common denominator of getting loose." He lamented that so much mainstream dance music like that of Tiësto is claimed by, as he put it, "meatheads who would frown on dancing with gay men." Alexander wanted to remind his peers that "gay men aren't the only people out there" on the nightlife circuit."

"With Rivera's booking savvy and a move to the flamenco dinner club El Cid, the trio began landing their desired crowd, which Granic describes as "flaming nightlife creatures and superhot chicks." They also started drawing top-flight house and techno artists such as Todd Edwards, Juan MacLean, Metro Area and Nicky Siano, thus establishing a reputation as a rowdier alternative to the Avalon and Vanguard, L.A.'s two main bastions of electronica."

"Rhonda is definitely one of the best parties in Los Angeles, and maybe even the country,"

Anonymous said...

Is Danielle married or hooked up? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that black square on someone with a white shirt on too...why??

Anonymous said...

Looks like they're all enjoying great conversations. Not much of a fan of the leather around Adam's shoulders (too reminiscent of the 80s!).

Anonymous said...

I am not sure it is a black square. I think the person has a black baseball cap on and his head looking down. I tried to enlarge the picture and it appears that "whoever" that is might be looking at a smart phone. But then again, I am just guessing. LOL.


LP said...

I am thinking that Adams hair doesn't have hilights, he has let the natural color come in and only coloring the back and roots. He started out with a brownish color and it has been getting lighter and lighter. If you dye your hair you will understand what I mean. If you only dye the roots, the rest of the hair will go back to its natural color. Looks good any way.

Anonymous said...

Danielle is not married. I'm not sure if she has a boyfriend but I don't see her with one, usually just the usual crowd but maybe this is just when she's with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Both Adam and Sauli look gorgeous and happy! A little OT: If anyone's interested, Sauli has written 2 new blogs. The original ones (with a pic of Sauli's new silver-blonde hair) can be found here:

One of the blogs is already translated here:

Sauli has visited Jim Henson studios, could that be the same studio where Adam is recording? And also he looks so young that he couldn't buy wine 'cause he didn't have his passport with him (to prove his age). LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sister re the black square! Yes if you enlarge it, now I see there is a guy's face lit up by his phone while he is looking down and his head is black (hair or cap) and it blends in with the dark pants of the girl behind him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 13, 7:36 PM I have not seen Sauli in person but I have heard many Finnish saying that he looks even better in person.

Anonymous said...

I've seen Sauli in person. He looks gorgeous / really cute.

Anonymous said...

Adam is covered in freckles and they are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's shoulder and chest, what a man to dream for!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:36 PM I wonder do they always ask passport when you buy wine in USA?

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Adam looks annoyed standing next to Sauli lol

Anonymous said...

@7:30AM. Yes, that could be the way it is in the US. I don't know for sure though. Sauli did say in his blog that if you want to get in to a club you have to show ID no matter how old you are, so maybe it's the same with alcohol, cigarettes etc?

Both blogs were enjoyable. He's got a positive attitude towards life and he's not afraid to laugh at himself too, our "walking weirdo". :) (Anon 10:36pm)

Anonymous said...

Adam & Sauli look soooo good here, never looked "betterer". :) They are obviously very good for each other. As Adam tweeted earlier, he is very happy. This has to be good news for the new album as well. And it's great to see Danielle out with them having fun.

Anonymous said...

i've seen Sauli in person for couple of times. I think he looks smaller in pictures than he really is (height). When i saw Sauli for the first time, i was like whoaah, you're tall! (i'm like 165 cm my heels on :) )
He's the person who lights the room, radiating positive energy and you can really feel that.


LP said...

People have asked about Danielle Stori, she is a long time friend of Adam, and also a singer, who has many videos and albums. Not sure if she is doing anything currently.

Anonymous said...

I have also met Sauli. He surely is an incredibly kind and sweet guy with a wonderful humor. It's pity that Adam can't enjoy his colorful language and way of speaking. It just can't be translated to English.

I wouldn't say he is tall - just normal size. I do agree that he is much taller than what he looks like beside Adam in the pics.

Anonymous said...


In the US each state determines the drinking age. Some state laws are 18 years old, some are 21. To buy alcohol in a store, or in a restaurant or bar, you do need to show identification of age. If you are US citizen, a driver's license is the identification that is accepted. If you are from another country, and don't have a US driver's license, then you need to show a passport.

I think to purchase cigarettes, you have to be 18 years old. (I'm not a smoker.) Again, you would need to show identification, either US driver's license or passport to purchase.

That being said, some find do a way to purchase alcohol or cigarettes when they are under age. Where there's a will, there's a way.

I suspect Sauli won't leave his passport at home the next time he walks to buy a bottle of wine! Lesson learned. LOL :)


Anonymous said...

anonymous 10:30

yep, he's not tall, but taller than i thought. That was a surprise. Lovely guy <3


LP said...

I can picture them having a lot of fun together, since they both have a great sense of humor. It was so nice to hear that Sauli is a kind person, because so is Adam. I wonder if Adam is instructing Sauli in Urban dictionary. That might be a bit scarey for Sauli, in case he says a word with a double meaning. But Adam will correct him, after picking himself up off the floor from laughing. English is hard enough without the Urban dictionary :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is so adorable even after he's had a few.I love his hair.His beauty is undescribabel.When I see a beautiful picture like that.I just can't imagine there is anyone here or anywhere that can compare in looks or talent!!!!!!!!!!!!

HK fan said...

The height difference between Adam and Sauli wasn't so obvious in those first pictures of them together at Disney when Adam had flat boots on. I think because Adam wears high heels it always makes it look more. I remember once in an interview he said he wished he was taller, methinks he likes being head and shoulders above everyone..

Anonymous said...

Adam looks beyond gorgeous: love the shoulders, arms, body, face, hair, freckles, etc. He is a hunk and a half that's for sure! He stands out in a crowd with his magnificent "IT" factor (sigh!)
Looking forward to August 7th to drool over Adam!
Peace and Love,

Anonymous said...

I preferred Adam's emo style hair and AI-look. I guess that at that time he had high heels mostly when performing. Am I right? Now he loves those high boots and wears them everywhere and hair that is reaching the sky. So he looks huge. And Sauli looks smaller and smaller beside him. But think about Kim Kardashian (or what's her name?) and her bf! That I would say is size difference! LOL