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Sam Sparro about to finish new song with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm....he's the guy he wrote Voodoo with isn't he? An Aussie I think and obviously with a powerful pucker!...........Nite all.......JAK

Shiggles said...

JAK if that's true, thanks or the heads up! Voodoo is one of my most favorite songs. The haunting melody and Adam's voice amazes me everytime I hear it.

Anonymous said...

It's so exciting to hear everyone who is working with Adam say words like epic or killer. The anticipation for album 2 is building, hard to wait. At least hopefully we get a single late August or so. Need some new Adam music playing on the radio! Shiggles, I love vodoo too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah baby!!! I love sam! Btw it's sam on that pic w Adam, guy on his left,so cute!

Anonymous said...

Look at Lindsay Lohan!

Anonymous said...

OT but I could not remember who it was that wanted to know if someone could find the video of Adam talking about lyrics to one of his songs. Not sure if this helps or not, but go down to the second video where it says "songs". Adam talks about each song from FYE.


glitzylady said...

New picture of Adam and a friend posted just a few minutes ago...

@beaufp Beau Fournier
Reunited with the fabulous @adamlambert it's been too long buddy!! Work dipped hair!

Anonymous said...

'Black and Gold, Black and Gold'! Love the way Adam has a weakness for the Aussies! Will never
forget Adam, 'Voodoo', and oodles of flying glitter! OZ adores ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Since I am incredibily curious I was compelled to look up other songs by Sparro before I hit the sack last night.....dominate beats in his songs.....probably good sellers. I see why he's so popular in Oz.......I didn't go to bed till 3:00 a.m. and dreamed music for 3 short hours and woke up with a new revelation. Music is my Life!

Since I am momentarily expecting Medicare and Social Security to be ripped from my aged hands I will have to supplement my income in some way.
Of necessity I will have to work
the "streets" or the I've decided to become a RAPPER!!!!!!!!Hope you like it! Note:read aloud with "attitude"!


Hey, Mr. Jay Z, don't be messin with me
My bones are all achin won't be doing no"breakin"
"Hip Hop" is out and so is my back
"Crunchin" is somethin I do to my neck
In total fact I'm a bit of a wreck
But my toes are still tappin and you know I love rappin
I'm hip, I'm rad, I'm a cool old Granny
And can, on occasion, still shake my fanny
Now don't you be thinkin "she's just an old jerk"
Get off your butt and find me some work!

Not harsh enough? Not vulgar or gutter enough?
And I need a title.....suggestions?........JAK

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's tipped hair!

Anonymous said...

I'm really getting excited about this album - can't wait to hear Adam with all the new killer music.

Anonymous said...

@4.50 'Rapper Granny' you go for it!...but
you'll have to adjust those lyrics for Oz... you would have to shake your butt...

Anonymous said...

Check out some pretty:


Anonymous said...

Okay........on the Aussie track, I'll change that line to..." I'm a cool old slut and can , on occasion, still shake my butt". That would work...... titles......possibly "Geriatric Granny".."Medicare Momma".."Pill Popper".."Saggy Sister"..??

I'm going to need a new name, how about "Aged Avenger"? And I want a cape (in my case a shawl)
and a rhinestone, sequin and glitter muumuu and pink Reeboks!.......This could work!......JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK ! Cool rap, for a title , how about "The Granny Rap", & I'm not talking about a handmade knitted shawl.
I think " Voodoo" & "DTRH" are excellent ! They r brilliant songs, I'm looking forward to more like those songs! I prefer songs like these two & passionate operatic songs like "Soaked". "Fever" is HOTT too!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...


I am very good at picturing scenes in my mind. I can picture you rapping, just so funny. Like Sauli, you are a ray of sunshine.


Anonymous said...

@ Mwah!!K

I'll put "The Granny Rap" on my list.

I'm sure the new album will have varied genres, songs to rev us up and calm us down (well, as calm as we can be listening to Adam).

I'm hoping some day, as I mentioned on another thread, a whole album of romantic songs and yet another of soaring power ballads like Soaked and Time for Miracles....I want..I want..I guess I'm just greedy!................................JAK

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

Don't picture me with a baseball cap on backwards, they squash my bangs! And on performance days I won't be wearing my "help I've fallen and I can't get up" button around my neck.....though I have "glammed it up" took it off the chain (it scratched my tender neck) and replace it frequently from a stash of narrow satin ribbons in every color! This week I'm rocking hot pink!

Since no melody is needed, just a beat and the words.....writin rap is a snap and usually cr**!

Anonymous said...

@JAK , plz be greedy! You've lived long enough to be or do whatever you want.
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S

Me again.......You know what started this? You are close enough agewise to remember Moms Mabley.
As I lay awake "rhymin" I was picturing her!
When SHE was 75 she was the oldest person to ever have a current US Top 40 Hit! I have some fast work to do before December!...........JAK

The Dark Side said...

Adam said a month ago he had already written 25 songs, and now more. It should be interesting/exciting/mind blowing to see what finally ends up in the album. Hopefully, he will release others as time goes by.

Cheril said...

@The Dark Side 10:57am OR someone else releases a song written by Adam Lambert and he reaps the royalties. I'd much rather hear him, but I am all about seeing Adam rolling in the dough... happy and successful. :)

Anonymous said...

JAK : Yes, I remember Moms Mabley. She was funny,very entertaining. December will be here before we know it. You asked me about being here and the weather. It sure isn't Las Vegas. I feel wet all the time, shower and still feel sticky. Only thing that is better is I have many friends and family here. My breathing seems to be better. Maybe because of tons of trees, and no flying sand. No kidding, if you dust in AM in Vegas, you could do it again by night. Just dirt. Here in NY. I have been dusting about every three weeks, and than it is light. Good and Bad where ever you live. Thunderstorms here also. It cracked so hard the other day, I think I jumped out of my skin.
Thanks for asking about me JAK.


Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

Glad your breathing is better...thank the trees.
They produce oxygen and filter pollutants. Trees are our friends!!!!!! ^o^ ...............
In ref. to NY vs. Vegas heat...some years ago a dear friend was moving from FLA. to ARIZ. and her Arizona husband was trying to sell the idea to her...."Honey, it's a dry heat...not humid like Florida." After she'd been there thru a summer I called and asked her "Was the weather better there?" She said..."That depends on whether you prefer baking or boiling!"......JAK

Shiggles said...

JAK- Possible rap names:
GlamGram, IceJAK, G&G, Dam Joint, Def Ear, FloJAK, Sebenti-fi, limpinanapimpin, MommaJAK, FlakJAKet, Rappinanaflappin

Leftover Jacks I didn't use in my homage:
Bauer, Benny, Dawson, Nicholson, Nicklaus, Sprat, Kerouac, Dempsey, Horner, Palance, Klugman, LaLanne, Kemp, Pumpkinhead, Torrance, Starbright, of knaves, of hearts, of diamonds, of spades, of clubs, and the beanstalk, be nimble, of all trades, And Jill.....


glitzylady said...

Those are all great, but I gotta tell you, I'm especially dying here over these two:



Thanks for giving me a good laugh!..Its "one of those days" (sigh..)...and between these proposed Rap names for @JAK and her revised for OZ line "I'm a cool old sl** and can, on occasion, shake my butt..", I'm feeling much better.. : )

Shiggles said...

glitzylady -

I like those two as well, but I'm kind of partial to sebenti-fi as it references JAK's age. I had a neighbor (lovely lady) who moved to the states from another country. She had a very thick accent and was "bery upsent" because a retail clerk wouldn't barter with her. The item she was purchasing was $1.99 and she wanted to pay "a dolla sikky fi" and no more.

I'm glad I could give you a good laugh. I'm hoping your day brightens more as it goes along. You are always so positive and appreciated greatly for your wisdom and knowledge of all things Adam. :))

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles

Well, Jack Sh**! You've just about cornered the market on Jacks...can only add a few...Jack White, Jack Hanna, Jack-a-Dandy, CrackerJack and the pirate Calico Jack! Would Hit the Road Jack be acceptable?

@ glitzylady was channeling my busy brain, I don't think anything can beat Limpinanapimpin but since my first rap is pure....I'm gonna save that one for something raunchy. This present one is hereby named Rappinanaflappin!!!!!

Contest over! Shiggles gets the prize.........
What'll it be? Country music song, heartbroken mother poem,hook up poem, haiku,hospital poem, travel poem...choose your country, England, Scotland, Ireland ( a limerick perhaps) or my speciality, children's poems?
I have The Giant and the Elf, The Mermaid and the Whale, The Princess and the Parrot or Fraidy Frogs?

Cyberspace restrictions mean I can only offer words!......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK and Shiggles,

you BOTH get the prize. you both are so funny, so clever! thanks for giving me such laughs. love you 2.


Anonymous said...

I don't think L.Lohan should be in a photo with Adam.I saw it months ago - she is such a wanna-be. Can't believe this site would show it again. She is a loser.

Shiggles said...

JAK: I tried very hard to keep Jack as the first name but also thought of Balling the Jack, steeple jack, lumber jack and tire jack. Hit the road Jack wouldn't be polite imo.

Thanks for awarding me the prize for Rapinanaflappin. I was laughing so hard when I first typed it and Limpinanapimpin, however, sebenti-fi is still my favorite. But you chose. It's your Rap name now.

As for my pure rap prize, I would like a country rap. That should be challenging. Hubbs wrote me a country song once entitled "Take My Love and Shove It Up Your
Heart." and another "She Took My Brother and My Truck, Sure Gonna Miss that Chevy."

Anonymous said...

So Sorry - I just saw that the photo was for S.Sparrow (who works so well w/Adam) and is loved by all. No disrespect for him -just for L.

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles

Remember, you asked for it!..........1st Prize

---------------Rural Lament----------------------

Roof is a we are speakin
Ain't seen my dog.......since he ate the hog
Kids all got fleas......attics got bees
Porch swing is broken...barn seems to be smokin
I told Pa "enough"......spittoons full of snuff
Tractor won't pull......outhouse is full
Been feelin ill.........Feds found the still
Truck's up on blocks....goat ate my socks
Wife hid my rifle.......when I told her to stifle
Now I've lost my honey..and ain't got no money
Milkcows quit life ain't worth livin

Lyrics by Rappinanaflappin

Anonymous said...

I agree @JAK, I love Rappinananflappin! Good work Shiggles! Thanks for keeping it light around here JAK! I totally know of what you speak regarding Medicare and Social Security even though I am not there yet, we all need to be concerned for one day it may not be there if there is no compromising in our government. I say ban the two party system and start fresh!


Shiggles said...

Dearest Rappinanaflappin

I'll alert the media. You've got a hit on your hands. You won't have to walk the streets now!

That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Dayum you're good. I'll prize it forever and read it whenever I need a good laugh. I have too good an imagination and can see you right now just arappinanaflappin as I sit here snappinanaclappin.

Sorry, but I can't resist adding just one last line, cause ain't nothin never goes right in a true country rap song...

I knew it would I got hit by the train


Anonymous said...

Adam looks to be enjoying himself in this photo, love the expression on his face!!

Anonymous said...

Don't appreciate some of the negative comments regarding Australia, we did go out of our way to welcome Adam when he was here for his GNT concert, please be mindful that you run the risk of loosing new Adam fans if you treat them without respect.

By all means have fun on this site but not at the expense of putting others down!!

Anonymous said...

Continued from the above Post... Those who are responsible know who they are.

Hk fan said...

@anon 6.54
???? not sure what you mean, there is not one negative comment about Australia on this thread.

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles

It's really nice to have a new playmate in the neighborhood. This has been a fun week for me, since I took up rappin! After I wrote Rural Lament I was off on a binge and kept going for hours. My brain latches on and my "off" switch stops working. So now I have a new manila file which I placed in between Family Foibles and Adam's Junk. I have a huge old fashioned oak office desk at my bedside and the drawers are full of 50 years of my scribblings.

Now, a disclaimer in ref. to Rural Lament......
"Any resemblance between occurances related in this rap and actual happenings and people, like possibly distant relatives on my mother's side of the family, are probably, purely coincidental.".......JAK aka Rappinanaflappin

By the way....JAK is pronounced JAKE

Anonymous said...

@ 5:25 PM

Just a word about Lindsay Lohan. I don't consider her a wanna be, she's a once was. Paris,the Kardashians, Snooki and all the Housewives from Hell are wanna bes. No talent to be found among them. Lindsay is a talented actress who has lost her way and may never find her way back to a once successful career. The death this week of Amy Winehouse made me wonder if and hope that Lindsay can pull herself together before she's a tragedy. There are lots of celebrities with talent that fight their demons and some not so well...Charlie Sheen, Britney Spears, Mickey Rourke, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the list is way too long....I wish them well.............JAK
P.S...the greatest wanna be of all..Perez Hilton!