Adam Lambert's New Interview with OK Magazine - “I Am in Love”
Filed Under (interview,news ) by Admin on Friday, August 5, 2011
Posted at : Friday, August 05, 2011

Adam’s road post-Idol hasn’t been perfect. He shared with OK!: “I think a lot of the controversies that have surrounded my experience…. I think part of the reason why they’re controversies is because I don’t always get to communicate my point of view or where I was coming from, and I think the special really allows me to do that.”
“One of the things I find a little interesting is how much people want to focus on my sexuality,” Adam explained. “To this day, I guess, I’m starting to understand it more and more — that it’s just something that people find interesting. To me, it’s not something I think about actively. I struggled with my identity when I was a teenager, right before I came out. That was a very hard time to deal with that.
“I’ve had a couple moments in my career where there’s been some hiccups, but other than that I’ve had a pretty easy time with it,” he admitted. “And it’s funny how much people sensationalize it, especially in the media. But that’s entertainment.”
Was there anything that was off-limits in his new special? Only one thing!
“I think maybe my dating life,” Adam admitted. “I’ve tried to keep that somewhat sacred, as far as that privacy. It’s the one thing I have, you know? I think that’s not uncommon. A lot of people try to keep that private, but the good news is that I am in love, so that’s a good place to be. It’s a great time to be making music, I’ll tell you.”
Adam says fans can expect new music starting soon: “I don’t have a release date yet. Fans will be able to hear some new music in the fall. Something new is coming in the fall so stay tuned!
“With this album, I think that now that I have become a little bit more adjusted to the lifestyle, and having experienced what I have experienced over the past two years — touring and being on a tour bus and performing for fans all over the world and getting to know myself a little bit better as well — I think this album reflects that. It’s more personal I think… this album is potentially more honest. It’s a bit more of a reveal of who I am underneath the surface. I think people are very quick to judge a book by its cover.
“Hopefully this album will give people a little more insight into both my positive side and my negative side. Things that are really happy and joyful and things that are a little bit sad and haunting. ”
Source: okmagazine
Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
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Love this!!! "I am in Love"....
Wonderful and respectful interview.
This is old news to Adam's fans. Adam has not kept this fact hidden, just hasn't exploited it. The smile he has on his face, the way he looks at Sauli, his protectiveness, all points to his feelings. We in the Glam Nation are thrilled that he has found someone special. Adam is putting a new face on love and relationships and it is awesome.
So happy for you, Adam and Sauli. :)
Sweet boy, I wish you joy..................JAK
Off Topic:
For those of you who live in SoCal, just saw this opportunity: : )
2011 Los Angeles Equality Awards
Join EQCA for an Exclusive "Glambert" Experience
Tickets include "glamtastic" red carpet photo, entry to the LA Equality Awards after party and complimentary "glamlicious" cocktails by Blue Angel Vodka. All proceeds go directly to EQCA, helping us continue to create a state of equality.
More info below: Tickets are $100...Damn, I wish I lived down there!
I'm so happy for Adam and Sauli <3<3<3
So glad to hear him say it, being in love...It's really adorable how he tries to keep things private and then he goes and tells the world that he's in love. He can't keep it a secret, too excited and happy for that. Very happy for you Adam & Sauli!
If he didn't talk about his sexuality all the time, maybe people would let it go. We're really not as interested as he thinks. Get on with the music. Funny too, how he's changed from the 'rocker guy' he was going to be--sounds like this album will be more sensitive and emotional. Lots of us hoped he'd make this kind of music.
I think there will be some rock on his next CD
I love FYE and that was a mixture....
He's "just our guy" whatever he sings!!!!
@Anon 1:38 PM
"If he didn't talk about his sexuality all the time, maybe people would let it go."
He was commenting on the fact that people still focus on it. I'm sure when people stop labeling him and asking him about it in interviews, and make it the first thing people bring up when discussing Adam Lambert ("Did you know he's gay??" as if that matters when you are discussing his music) etc., then he'll probably be more than relieved and happy to talk about something else.
An example: A twelve year old family member (girl) was wearing her Adam Lambert t-shirt that she got at one of his concerts last year. She was at school recently, and one of the other kids saw it, and said "Oh, isn't he GAY?" Not "Isn't he that singer who sings WWFM or IIH" but "Isn't he GAY??".
When the general public and media attention becomes about Adam and his music and not about the GAY, then Adam can stop commenting on it.
People won't let it go, because he is openly gay.
Believe me, the haters would rather he not be openly gay. He has a beautiful heart, mind, and soul and makes people re-evaluate their beliefs. They know it.
For all the hate coming his way, he has tenfold the love coming his way.
He is simply loved and adored by so many.
You're so right, glitzlady. Adam doesn't bring it up all the time. Other people do. He just doesn't skirt the issue if it's brought up, and he's never rude. So much is made of it at this time in his early career, but I feel it will fade in time and the music will be the focus. At some point, the gay thing will be REALLY old news. Oh, BTW, love you, Adam!
that after party sounds like the bomb, wish I didn't live in Ohio. I hope alot of Glamberts get a chance to go.Is that link long enough? lol
With lyrics like "they say we'll rot in hell" in his most recent song, he seems to be directly addressing the issue himself, not letting it pass.
My local library has book title : "A tale of two daddies? " in the children section and my son come home one day said he learn about different types of people in his social studies class including gay people when he was 9, then the public "may" stop commenting on it. I live in Canada. So happy that Adam has someone in love and share everything. He is about to open himself in full force to the world that he only knows it exists but different from "his". He needs our full support in his music.
I find OOL to be the epitome of Romeo and Juliette.
True, 2:32.
The opression is real, and Adam is responding to it (honestly and beautifully).
Oppression is one side of a coin while fear, sadness, and despair used to be the other.
With Adam, the other side of the coin is love, pain, hope, and joy.
I am glad Adam is so brave and beautiful.
May Adam be blessed with joy and happiness and be surrounded by love always.
If they wouldnt ask, he wouldnt talk!
End. Of. Discussion.
Well, we heard it in Finnish first - Rakastan. Now we hear it in English - I am in love. Now it's really official. Much happiness to Adam and Sauli.
"I find OOL to be the epitome of Romeo and Juliette."
Thanks for that, 2:57. So true.
When Adam talks, everybody listens.
Something about him, so special.
Check out this link:
Join EQCA for an Exclusive "Glambert" Experience! ADAM LAMBERT to be honored at EQCA awards on August 13, 2011 in LA! They are promising an exclusive "Glambert experience!" AT&T presents the 2011 Los Angeles Equality Awards! Join EQCA for an Exclusive "Glambert" Experience. Tickets include "glamtastic" red carpet photo, entry to the LA Equality Awards after party and complimentary "glamlicious" cocktails by Blue Angel Vodka. All proceeds go directly to EQCA, helping us continue to create a state of equality.
Buy your $100 tickets here:
@Anon 3:35 PM
See post at 1:22 PM : )
Don't you wish you could go too??!!
"I am in love."
Straight from the heart.
Happy for Adam!
I'm happy for Adam , & Sauli , I like the guy. but IMO , it just seems so all of a sudden.
Love songs , or personal self discovery songs will be great on this next album , I'm just thinking, that voice, it just wants to rock n roll!
I'm still waiting for the right person to come along to write, direct, or produce for Adam's voice. I feel he wants to work with local friends but Adam needs some real good connections.
Well, that's my honest input. Mwah!! K
From RCAPromo: Think we can trend #AdamBehindTheMusic @VH1?
Yes Glitzylady, I wish I could go too!
So nice to hear directly from Adam about his feelings of being in love. You can tell by looking at him in the pictures we have seen lately; it's written all over his face. Can't wait for this second album to listen to the kind of music it will contain. Whatever it is, I am certain this album will be something amazing. Adam has to be true to himself and sing, produce the kind of album that represents him, his experiences, his feelings.There should be something on it to please most of his fans and that first single that will pull in more listeners and get radio play. Adam is in love and we all love him.
Adam just tweeted this: Funny! And Fabulous!
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Close up.... Whaaaat?
30 minutes ago
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Taken in Cyprus, Greece. Look closely. Hahah
30 minutes ago
For those of you who can't open it and/or are not on Twitter, there is a hair salon in Greece with a picture of Adam on its sign on its building! They have very good taste in men...maybe whoever owns it is a Glambert!
I have read that some of the fans were dissapointed about his performance in Quebec.
It's about changing his gear from extreme to low key. He didn't kiss Tommy, didn't change wardrobe and lack of sparks anymore.
Well ladies and gentlemen,
If you are only after Adams sexuality you are not a true fans at all and you can go and rot in hell.!!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!!
True fans will emerge once again for the 2nd album and tour because of his amazing voice with spectacular performance indeed.
I don't think anyone will be disapointed in Adams next album. You say you want to have dance music, ,well Adam likes to dance too, and Sauli LOVES to dance. He said he has been inspired by Sauli, so I think you will dance to your hearts content.
One little thing I wondered if you noticed, Sauli had his tongue pierced, before he met Adam. After their first meeting it was gone, although he still has the ring in his nose, like the one Adam has in his ear.
Love to hear Adam openly he is in love :)
4:43 Canadian,
Different fans like different things he does better than others, and we're all true fans for life.
a question for all men: define love?????
@ 5:14,
It's just so sad to read those comments that when Adam didn't kiss Tommy anymore and not changing wardrobe they have less interest to see Adam again. How pathetic those fans indeed!!! Very shallow........
Thank God he didn't kiss Tommy
Thank God he didn't wear "costumes"
Thank God HE SANG! That's all I ask for !
Canadian, not to worry, you must have talked to a complete different set of fans than me. The ones I talked to loved Adam in Quebec and are looking forward to his return.
I'm letting my husband handle this one.
Love means wanting her happiness more than yours.
Love means swallowing tears when she walks down the aisle towards you.
Love means getting a cold cloth and washing her face when she's throwing up.
Love means cooking dinner and cleaning up dishes.
Love means accepting that the kids come before you, forever.
Love means having a best friend.
Love means having a partner to share good and bad times.
Love means looking interested when she talks endlessly about Adam Lambert.
Okay, I stopped him there, he was just getting started.
I'm not going to give my tag this time, but I'm damn lucky.
That's good to know that there are a lot of us here knows the quality of talent that Adam has indeed......Whew!!!
I am in love too. With Adam!
Those very shallow fans will go away eventually if they are only after Adam stage act. Adam is meant for those who love his voice no matter what he sing or how he perform. I do think he is very ready and determined . With numerous people from current music industry collaborate with him for the 2nd album, he know what to take to achieve his stardom level including finding the best musicians on his 2nd tour. I trust his choice.
Rihanna and chris brown said they were in love too.
Let's see how long "Sauli" and Adam last...
What a loss for those supposed fans. Adam could stand alone in the center of a large stage and I would be there to hang on every note and every word. When it comes down to it, it really is all about the voice coming out of this beautiful soul.
@ 6:28,
Excuse me!!!! You don't compare Adam and his boyfriend from those two!!!! Different people and fifferent mentality okay???? You are nuts indeed!!!!! Beside, Adam is not a violent person to compare to anyone like that?? Use your brain a bit okay!!!! You are such an idiot!!!
What did you mean by "those"??
Let's not take it there PLEASE!
Adam is out there making millions, and you aren't getting a penny! So stop getting so worked up;)
You are lucky, indeed, to have a husband like that. Wow! :)
It is obvious to me that by "those", he or she meant "Rhianna and Chris Brown".
That really was a bad comparison.
I hope so...
Marc Anthony and Jennifer lopez said they loved each other too.
That's so true! LOL
Oh stop comparing Adam and Sauli to everyone else. Only time will tell. For now today, they are in love. We don't know what tomorrow will bring for any of us.:)
LP at 7:47: I absolutely agree with your comment. We have to take life one day at a time and live it the best we can. Adam is happy now, in love and seems to be writing from the heart, his experiences, his feelings. I am sure it is a thousand percent better than most of the "nonsense" we hear being played on the radio. As a fan from the first note he sang on AI season 8, I wish him nothing but happiness, love and success in life and his career. And, yes,if he is making millions(as noted in a previous comment), he certainly deserves to do so.
@ 6:47Pm
I must agree with you.
Ya but Chris beat up Rhianna. No similarity here.
Maybe they're more like my parents who stayed in love for years...
Nope! We won't get not one penny! LMFAO
Rosie O'Donell and then wife said they loved each other.
That's what I'm saying! LOL
Adam did punch a hole on the ceiling at GaGa's party, so we just never know.
Adam will never be able to please all of the people all of the time. Variety is the spice of life and people evolve and move on. Adam's been there, done that and has grown alot in the past year. Tommy's cute, the kiss was fun for fans, the glitter was glam and camp. I liked it in the hair, but not the eyes that often were overdone for my taste, but it allowed Adam to express himself,experiment and have fun. Adam has many sides to his personality and I'm sure, many more surprises for us. Adam's been prettyaccommodating, trying to give fans a little of everything, rock as well as ballads.He gets bored, so hang in there. You know he's full of surprises. I do love his electric, acid wolf highlighted hair and look he has now! Thud!! funbunn40
You shouldn't waste your time trying to reason with this person who knows so little about life
and relationships.....I think we are dealing with a pre teen.
@Anon 5:50 -Right On!! He will outlast them all!
Adam is recording with the BEST HIT makers in the business on this album & there will be dance music and electronics & he has said it time & time again. His voice will be in the forefront
and he will be current. OOL is an expample of the lower keyed & all will be personal & revealing as mentioned on the VH1 article. Smash Hits are coming!! No Baby,baby,baby,baby for Adam.
If fans are only interested in Adam's sexy antics on stage, it seems a like they may be young fans more curious and interested in Adam's sexuality than his vocal talent. If it's forbidden and naughty it has a wide appeal for those with less life experience. They may move on to someone that fulfills that curiousity and amps up their hormones. Adam does that for me just standing still and smiling! haha funbunn40
Yep! You never know.
Here's the thing - I love Adam and his music...I love the lovestory of Adam and Sauli = I love them both and wish them well! Mean comments used to really bother me stayed away for a while. Those mean people made me angry. Now I just feel sorry for them. They really have a bad life and attitude...I would hate to be in their shoes. I now just ignore them (and kind of hope something good will happen to them. Would hate to be that miserable!) All my love to Adam and Sauli!! <3<3<3
@ 6:24, Hold on to that man! He's a keeper and is "plugged in." Right now Adam and Sauli are in the butterflies, discovery stage of love. They have been together almost a year now. I think they know what they want and are mature enough to work at keeping it special and most importantly, between them. Adam acknowledging that he's in love publicly ia a big step for him. Letting the world know that Sauli is important to him and hopefully will be respected as someone very important in his life is probably why he did. I think he's also prod to have Saulion his arm like anyone in love. I'm just glad for them forever how longit lasts and hopefully it will grow even stronger. Adam is honest and has lived his life with no apologies, openly. Media has changed that for him now and it must be an adjustment having so many prying eyes also making assessments of his life with no personal knowledge. Tough on him and those in his inner circle. I wish them well. funbunn40
Still can't imagine that Adam is in love with this little troll!
This is a beautiful fan video:
I'm sooooo happy for Adam and Sauli!! They are both loving and loyal souls.
Anon 10:59 PM
So you think Adam is a liar. I for sure can imagine! How well do you know Sauli to make such a comment? The dislike of his looks is not enough to make such assumptions. Maybe Adam is not as shallow as you sound. I know I should ignore this; the mean comments are to be here again (usually it starts w positiveness when Adam's relationship is mentioned but then the haters come along and the show begins). So I'll leave this thread.
Well, hello again, "Sybil". I see you're back to stir some shit up. I think "Sybil" is we'll call you when you resurface. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go back to the "Remember to watch premiere of Adam Lambert's "Behind The Music" on VH1!" thread comments.
I also think Sauli is a GREAT match for Adam, and am so glad they found each other! Adam deserves love and happiness in his life, and I am so glad he has found it.
- Adam Fix
Anon 10:59 PM; There were some time ago in this forum comments that Adam looks like a troll with his new hair. Isn't it wonderful: A big troll and a little troll dancing and having fun in troll forest? :) I'm so happy that Adam and Sauli are happy at the moment. Nobody knows the future. You must enjoy your present life, not to worry tomorrow. And here is a quote: "If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought (Peace Pilgrim)."
Jep, the 12 years old haters strike again! Try concentrating on love and not hate. So go somewhere else to gush over Tommy with other Tommy fans and let us gush over Adams happiness here in peace.
I think Adam will always be known as the openly gay singer who rose to stardom through American Idol, and what's wrong with that? It's the TRUTH!
Wishing Adam and Sauli many, many blissful times together. :)
I love that Adam is in love. He absolutely radiates happiness, so does Sauli.
And love overcomes hate, that's always good to remember. Peace and love to all, especially to our beautiful lovebirds.
telling tabloids that he is in love is only fueling the gossip mill. if it doesn't work out, than they will have a field day with it. I would just keep it about music. Media feeds off of gossip and the artists are giving them what they want to hear. If he wants it private he shouldn't say anything about it again.
Love is a very powerful word used very loosely. Alot of people use it but don't mean it. I've said I loved men in my past, but it was lust. I don't know their situation, but I would watch how I use the word "love". You can love someone but NOT be in LOVE with them. Reality is Fickle.
Adam Loves Tommy but he isn't in love with him. I see a great friendship and trust between them and Tommy will probably be his side man for many years. I think better relationships evolve when the two parties aren't romantically involved. They have a great chemistry.
@ 1:13 AM - just don't mind.
There are still some desperate Adommy crays getting furious every time Sauli is mentioned. They come to all forums trying to bug the discussion on Adam’s real love. Steve Gray tweeted:
realstevegray Steve Gray
@jojobananaface o they send me mad hate mail everytime i do asauli story, tommy is cool, but celebs need to be more informed
Adam probably tries to keep his private life somewhat private, but right now he's just too happy to hide it, his face just glows with love. Awww...and we already could see that he's in love, even before he said it out loud... :)
There's a difference in loving someone and being in love with someone. Most of us love our friends. But now Adam has said that he is IN LOVE, which to me is something much more deeper and the connection between them must be very strong. I'm happy for Adam and Sauli, two good guys have found each other and they do seem to have a great chemistry.
Adam and Sauli has exactly the same appearance when they are talking about each other:
shy and smily
My point exactly.
@ Adam fix
I think your pathetic to keep account of what "haters" do or say. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
At the end of the day Adam keeps living his life.
And the CRAYS have come out once again...
This whole Adam/Tommy/Sauli/19/whatever-the-fuck cray bullshit is highly entertaining.
Tell me, when one is so craytastically off ones rocker, does one KNOW one is so fucked in the head?
We must understand everyone thinks different.
Peace & Love
Hate doesn't belong to @Peace & Love
I am very very happy for Adam!!
Some of the worst adommy crays seem very delusional. They must have mental problems or be very young...But the good thing is they don´t have ANY affect on Adam´s or Sauli´s lives so we don´t need to care about them.
So tired of homophobic idiots! Get some education! Adam and Sauli deserve respect in every way too. This 'gay' issue is getting soooo
old. Love the man for the genius entertainer he
is! Adam is a beautiful, intelligent, super talented man and it hurts to read all the utter rubbish people write.
@ Urethra_Franklin
No, I don't believe crazy people know they are crazy...but if someone believes they are RIGHT and the entire rest of the world is WRONG that would be a pretty good indication...JAK
who said anything about hate?
@ 8:38, You are a moron to think when Adam accidentally punch the ceiling while having fun is equivalent for being violent???
You are such an idiot he!he!he!
Guys relax.
Let's all lover one another<3
Peace and Love.
I meant love. LOL
Yes! Love conquers ALL...JAK
Maybe we should talk about sex, lust and passion again to maintain the LIGHT in this site!
Don't worry, the louder the Adommy cray cray, the faster the "one" will disappear before their eyes in no time. Adam has new management means full force into the mainstream to take him to a higher level. Trouble cray stuff will have no place in Adam's future. Just wait. Yeah, love conquers the universe...Lets celebrate love...<3<3<3
Anon 10:51 Hope so, I'm so tired to some delusional Adommy fans.
No need for negativity.
Let's keep talking about LOVE please!
@12:48PM-THANK YOU!!!!
I am so very happy to hear Adam say he is in love. Isn't it normal to want to screem it from the rooftops when you realize you have found your love! Why should Adam have to keep quiet? We Adam fans are all part of the Glamily and, therefore, very interested in our sweet boy's happiness. Congratulations Adam!
Peace and Light,
@ Ronnie dear
A little lust
A pinch of passion
Might bring sex back into fashion........JAK
It was that time in Paris - it will do it to ya everytime!!! I remember that long ago interview where reporter asked Adam what he is hoping for in a relationship. Among the casually mature things, Adam said he would like someone who looks out for him and takes care of him sometimes, as he always seems to be the caretaker. Sauli just seems to fit that perfectly. He seems strong and independent and funny and smart and calm and the health nut who has them out jogging and eating right. They deserve nothing but praise for the way they have both been protective, gracious and staunch in their demand for peace and privacy.
Ask and you will receive! @JAK, well done!
You said it beautifully. I suspect Montreal gave them a little bit of that Paris feeling back again. ;)
OMG,The trolls on this site seem so desperate and sad for some reason. I am not a shrink so I wouldn't be able to figure out why.Someone mentioned on another post they would be out like cockroaches this month because of all Adam's doings this month.Dam, I wonder what's going to happen when his wonderful Album comes out? EEEK! LOL. love to all, even the trolls.
Adam will always be loved. Love will prevail!
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