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Fan Montage: An Adam Lambert Glamoween

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 15, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, October 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

Nice work on the montage. Adam is a beautiful glampire. He can bite me any time.

Anonymous said...

Scary indeed!!!!

Bite me!!!! Adam!!!!!

Anonymous said...

now I am really in the glamoween mood!!

Anonymous said...

now I am on a glamoween kick, just went and watched youtube I wanna do bad things to you(True Blood)Adam lambert and will probably watch this one a few more kick to be in though!!

Anonymous said...

It's not easy being green....

Anonymous said...

I love the clown at the end Spooky!

Anonymous said...

On Halloween night if I'm gonna get bitten....
I'd like it to be by someone on whom I'm smitten....
So Adam bring your fangs and come
on over, what the heck....
I'd be only too glad to
offer up my neck!....^o^ ..JAK

Anonymous said...

Great job on the montage! Many pics of Adam I'd never seen before. Adam is beautiful even as a vampire!


HK fan said...

Love the pic at 1.58....
have to say, I hated the music though.

OT don't forget to throw a few fans on Q102 Hottest of the Hotties, Adam is leading in round 2 against Nick Jonas although has lost a bit of ground.

Anonymous said...

I'm into folklore, the original name is Samhain.

Anonymous said...

I have never dreamed about Adam, ever, but the night before last night Tommy was in my dream. It was strange. Last night TJ tweeted about finnish. That must be a sign..

Anonymous said...

@ 10:22 AM

Hey, me too! Just for fun when questionaires ask my religious affiliation (which I don't think is anyone's business but mine) I always write in Druid!!!! It makes for some interesting conversations.
No bonfires for Samhain though, just a candle or two! ^o^ JAK

Anonymous said...

I wanna be a Druid too!

Adamluv said...

@HK - thanks for the reminder about the Q102 contest. Some of these pictures were very sensual and so very fabulous!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@JAK - I've never been smitten "on" someone; however, I have been smitten "with" someone.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:08 PM

Mea culpa.....was only concentrating on the rhyme. Actually I think that is the only time I've used smitten in my life!

Anonymous said...

I like Adam with the fangs and emo hairstyle. Definitely a glampire.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:08-Grammar Police

You missed a few on this page and you have a long night's work ahead of you on 14 other threads!

Anonymous said...

@ Jak and all, Here's my Halloween ditty...It's Halloween night as I walk thru' the forest, the Banshees are shreiking a fine macabre chorus..A vampire appears in top hat and red glasses,his face pale and stark, hunting blood engorged masses... His glistening fangs are exposed, his full lips so inviting..It's Adam, oh joy! Here's my neck ripe for biting! Ok Lam My, your turn or anyone ghoulishly inspired!

funbunn40 said...

For some reason my tag didn't post for the Halloween ditty @ 11:04PM

funbunn40 said...

Oops! My 11:04PM Halloween ditty didn't post either!Jak inspired me and this is for my Glamoween friends on this site! It's Halloween night as I walk thru' the forest, the Banshees are shreiking, a fine macabre chorus... A Glampire appears in top hat and red glasses,his face pale and stark, hunting blood engorged masses...His glistening fans are exposed, his full lips so inviting,it's Adam, oh joy, here's my neck, ripe for biting! Your turn Lam my, or anyone ghoulishly inspired!

funbunn40 said...

The montage of Adam is getting me in the Halloween spirit! Wonder what he and Sauli will be this Halloween. OT...Last year I dressed my daughter and son-in-law for Halloween, as they are trusting, brave souls and work long hours.. She's a surgical co-ordinator and I dressed her up as plastic surgery gone wrong. She was a fright, 3 boobs,things in the wrong places, etc. Her hubby was the near-sighted surgeon with missing fingers and a drinking problem(part of the costume)They won first prize at a party and got a lot of laughs. Halloween was always a big event for my kids and still is for me. I never want to grow up! At my last house I dressed up as a witch for the 6 years I lived there at the annual neighborhood party that was outside near our small lake/club house area. I had a big bag of goodies for the kids, but no one knew who I was and I never said a word until I moved. I was called "The Wicked Witch of Withrow Downs" and the mystery and intrigue was a lot of fun. Hope you all have a fun filled, safe Halloween!

Anonymous said...

That was awesome! My kids loved it too!

Anonymous said...

.Halloween ditty continued.......
I offered up my neck to Adam even though I knew what it would mean....for you see the wailing and keening of the banshees is an omen of death. I couldn't believe that my trip to Ireland would end here in County Cork and what had brought Adam here to this ancient land? When had he been turned into this creature whose passion was only slaked by human blood?

The banshees in their flowing gray gowns were visible through the trees as Adam took me into his arms, pressed me close to his body and lowered his lips to my neck, first I felt a soft kiss then the exquisite pain of my final surrender to eternal darkness.

P.S. I died a happy woman!....JAK

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

Lam my seems to be off for the night so I stepped in....glad to have a bit of fun again. I just dragged my Halloween decorations out of my "junk closet" so am now in Halloween mood!....JAK