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More Halloween Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 30, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, October 30, 2011


Anonymous said...

I love Tommy ^^

Adamluv said...

Me too. Will be seeing him tonite in LA performing with Ravi Dhar and the Heartless. Isacc too.

Anonymous said...

WOW Tommy's girl friend is gorgeous. What is her name? For sure Tommy has a good taste. He even marked his taste on her neck. Sauli looks fierce and we all know he is getting his fierceness from Adam. I like to see a full head to toe picture of them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:07 Yes she is beautiful. Her name if I remember right is Liz.

Anonymous said...

Is that Tommy's hand in Sauli's shoulder? It looks so big...

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Adam is happy, in love, and content in his life. As he mentioned it on The Advocate mag.:

"I'm more comfortable with myself in the public eye. That's an adjustment.......There's also a flip that comes from being in a relationship; it changes your perspective and your frame of mind and what you want. I'm lucky enough right now to be in a relationship."

Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Adaumluv, I am still so jealous of all the things you get to do!! Give Tommy and Isaac a big hug from an anon on 24/7. Glad the guys are busy and keeping their skills up, getting ready for you know what!! Happy Halloween everyone, you guys are the best.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is much hotter than Adam and sauli,.Adam hair make me throw up,.

He's an idot that's I think Adam really is ,doing the same thing over and over,please next time give us something new.

Anonymous said...

7:07 ahem... you give good advise, please listen to it. lol

Bing said...

These Halloween pictures are very interesting. I'm just glad that Adam gets to do what he loves most during this part of the year!

Oh yes @Adamluv should you have the chance to do it please extend our warm regards to Tommy and Isaac as well as my deepest gratitude for the love and support they had given Adam in the GNT. Adamluv i'm really so happy that you get to celebrate life this way, supporting people who are close to Adam. Given the opportunity i'd do the same :-) You have a blast my dear!


funbunn40 said...

@Adamluv. How great it must be to be you and we get to live vicariously thru' you, reading about your Glamily adventures! Happy Halloween! Nice to see a pic of Tommy again and great that he and Sauli are friends. Sauli fits in so well with Adam's close circle and they radiate happiness. Life is good for them and they share so many similiarities. How can anyone with a heart resent their happiness and love for each other? I take great joy in the happiness of others and cannot fathom why some are happy with others pain, misery or loneliness. Adam has someone special to love and be loved in return. I would think fans would accept his choice and respect it and be thrilled for him. Out of anyone in the entire world, Adam chose Sauli and Sauli chose him. They soon will be together for a year. That says a lot. I hope the nastiness of those that take joy in trying to tear them down with negative remarks will ask themselves what they get out of it and what are they trying to accomplish? It just seems petty and pointless. I think they're a beautiful couple and I wish them much happiness. I hope they're spared the ugliness and cruel, baseless suppositions and hurtful remarks that are just disgusting. There's enough pain and misery in the world. What is the purpose of spreading more? Just tired of the juvenile, hateful, redundant button pushing that infects so many threads and the Adam and Sauli bashing for no logical reason. Now off to enjoy the revelry and creative costumes of Halloween and the excitement and anticipation of the little ones trick or treating.

Anonymous said...

ok Adamluv give us a review of the concert you went to last night. Like the one comment said we are living vicariously thru' you. cough it up! lol

Adamluv said...

Very happy to report on the show last nite at the Bootleg Bar in LA. Always run into friends at these shows. Tommy was dressed like in the photo of him with Sauli - heavy dark eye make-up, bloody mouth and long sexy coat! That boy just never looks bad!!!!!! LizAnne Hill, his girlfriend, was there all dolled up and my friend took a really good picture of them together. They were outside after the show and she asked Tommy if he'd mind posing with LizAnne? His response was very positive and gracious. They make a darlin' couple and it was so cute seeing how loving he was with her before the show. Isaac had the best costume of all IMO - he was dressed as a girl with white leggings, a red skirt, a white low scooped top, breasts, a red boret (know spelling is wrong!) and a long brownish wig! He looked beyond cute!!!! His wife was there with kitten ears. Love how their "significant other" are there supporting them. This group of musicians always put on a good show as they all seem to be having such fun! Over and out from Hollywood . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

thanks Adamluv for the great review, now I am even more jealous of you. I hope they had a ice crowd.

Anonymous said...

nice crowd

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

Those of us waaaaay over on the east coast appreciate your "going undercover", so to speak. to give us a bit of the flavor of the west coast. It was a nice complimentary review.......refreshing...JAK