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Watch Adam Lambert's WWFM covered by Dalileh on Sing-Off tonight (10/3/11)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 3, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

so how did they do at the end of the show? I thought they did a good job and did show alot of feeling. I think it would be a hard song to do.

Anonymous said...

ot we are going to have to work very hard on that MTVOMA contest, Glamberts had no activity for days but others were voting and voting their butts off.I just didn't know about it. I am on level 4 almost to a 5. keep going we have nothing to lose.

Adamluv said...

I also think they did a good job. Great promo for Adam. Isnt it the best hearing his name said on TV? Love it! ... Adamluv

Carlos said...

They killed it and with no instruments.. I'm impressed..

Anonymous said...

To me Sing-Off is kind of like Idol group performances. I only watched it tonight to see how this group did with Adam's song. If you want to know about the whole show go to this link for videos and recap:

Anonymous said...

@11:09 ITA, MTV basically nominated us Glamberts for this award. We know Adam doesn't like to promote himself. He tweeted twice about this cause he feels we, his fans, really deserve to win this award. He loves us and he is proud of us to be so supportive of him. Go to this link and vote:

glitzylady said...

I watched The Sing Off last season and enjoyed it.: the whole family likes it. And am watching it this season as well. It was so great to have Adam's WWFM covered during the "Biggest Radio Hits" section (Yay!!) of the show tonight, and to hear his name mentioned several times. Great publicity for him. The girls did a great job with it..Still prefer Adam's versions tho : ) Always....

On a personal note, I'm rooting for the Yellowjackets, a college men's group: I know one of the guys....Just fun to have that connection.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I heard the WWFM sang with passionate with conviction indeed!!!! I loved it..... Girls power..... Adam is really an incredible singer indeed....


Anonymous said...

I think this is the song that kept them on the show. I wasn't as impressed with their 60's song. Notice that 2 of the judges were standing and clapping when they finished their song. The group is really good.


Anonymous said...

First time too to watch sing off the whole hour. Wow! All powerhouse in the POP genre, impressed. I like the first part but not the chorus. WWFM is a heart felt song, the solo should be more prominent. Well, the girls did a good job. At least they mention Adam's name a few time, better than the other show!

Anonymous said...

The girls did really well,it's a hard song to sing. Felt the emotion but still of course love Adam's version the most. Nice he got mentioned. WWFM went up in itunes from charting over 1000 to 620. So more people bought it from itunes!!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts we made it to the news. MTV wrote this article about us:

Anonymous said...

Warms my heart to hear Adam's songs being sung in talent shows all around the world. Of course, no one sings them better than Adam, but I did enjoy this version of WWFM.

Cheers, Australia

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm having trouble with my posts like some of you others have mentioned before. My previous comment disappeared!

Agree with above posters this was fantastic exposure for Adam! WWFM was very well covered by Deliah group. It was heartfelt and also a complicated arrangement with all the layers of harmony. I liked their version, but, no one has a voice like Adam or sings it as well. He is in a league of his own.


Anonymous said...

Couple of Glamberts and TH fans are on one another's tails in that article's comment section. Too bad, I put my energy to max. out my daily voting limit by getting 18 points with each vote using my voting twitter/facebook profiles open as the same time.

Anonymous said...

I'm having lots of trouble voting on the OMusic Awards on MTV. I've signed in with my Twitter acct. and still only sometimes does it work. I usually get messages after trying my first vote of the day, "Hey SuperFan, you've maxed out your daily voting limit". This is only after one vote. I've been emailing back and forth to the Support Team at MTV and they say they're checking into it but no fix as of yet. Sorry, guys, I'm trying to do my best on the voting but there's a huge problem somewhere. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


Anonymous said...

10:33 make sure you only vote every 24 hours if you maxed your vote out the day before.

Anonymous said...

Been voting my quota each day for Adam. Also, I've learned from experience NOT to read the comments section of a poll. I have posted on them before myself, but I really dislike the name-calling and arguing. That's not what these polls should be about. I'd prefer to have no comment section on the polls. Just let the fans go to their own favorite person's sites and they can praise or diss all they want. I vote for Adam and that's it. This is how I keep my blood pressure under control. These girls did a lovely job with WWFM!

Adamluv said...

OT - over at mjs there's a thread of an interview with Simon Cowell and one of the questions was what he thought about "judges pimping certain contestants i.e. David Archuleta over David Cook and Adam Lambert over Kris Allen". His answer was that initially you want to hightlight the best but that audiences make up their own minds and that he's learning this more and more. Well, we all know how the pimping went for both David A. and Adam! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@DRG I use Google chrome to vote and post on this site. I have twitter and facebook voting profiles. I signed in with both of my twitter/facebook profiles to get 18 points for each vote. I maxed out my daily vote of 200 votes for today. I'm getting close to level 5. I haven't encountered any problems with MTV voting site or posting comments on this site. One possibility would be probably you have virus in your computer. If you have PC you can go to Microsoft site and check for viruses on your computer. They have free tools that you can check your computer for viruses or hardware/software upgrades. Another thing you can do is to delete your cookies. That might help!

The Dark Side said...

This was an awesome version sung by Deliah. Thanks for posting. Didn't watch show last night as I am really into Ken Burns Prohibition series on PBS, but will try and catch the show next week.

daydreamin said...

I walked in the house, turned the tv on to see this! Was so excited until this dweeb Ford guy made the comment, something to the effect of he's heard the song a million times before, but didn't understand it until now. WTF? Wasn't he listening before? Oh, yea, Adam's voice IS mesmerizing isn't it? You just get caught up in that voice. Also, when you slow it down so much as Delilah did, of course you're gonna hear the words more. Well, I'm ecstatic these girls took their competition to the level of Adam. A tough one, but they did a great job though I still very much prefer Adam's. That's the one I would buy given a choice.

daydreamin said...

CT, I had to reload the page to be able to vote the next day since I kept the window open on my puter. I had the same error message but was fixed when I reloaded. I hope it works for you!

Anonymous said...

It might help you to clean up your browser cookies.

Anonymous said...

Why does that judge have to criticize original performance by Adam Lambert to give praise. Just disgusting. First Adam Levine and now this jerk. Don't tell me they don't know because they know exactly what they're doing.

Adam must have felt the sting as he Twitted his terrific stunning acoustic version of WWFM.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:27 PM
I have to agree, I was sort of a little miffed at the judge's slightly weird comment alluding to Adam's version: I didn't really understand his comment or why he said it.., but have tried to ignore it, and just know that Adam sings it beautifully and after all, he WAS nominated for A GRAMMY.....

I also thought the same thing: Perhaps Adam posted this beautiful acoustic version of WWFM as a silent and emotional reply to Ben Folds comment. I generally like Ben Folds by the moving on....

Adam's tweet (from a few hours ago..) and link to the You Tube of WWFM Radio NRJ Berlin, on his spring 2010 European promo tour..Monte and Adam: Another link in case the twitter link (shortened for twitter doesn't work..)

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Lookin back:…

...and here's another version..haven't seen this one before (I can't believe that's even possible!!) ..but Adam is fabulous ( and gorgeous...) of course... ; )

HK fan said...

Yes, my first thought was that tweeting out the acoustic WWFM was in reply to that judge. I hope someone sends it to him on twitter...

HK fan said...

I've seen that second WWFM a few times. I wish I could remember the show (think it was a Dutch one), as there is longer video, with the host introducing Adam, and chatting with him afterwards which is quite funny. He really looked like he was into him..

Anonymous said...

I( also was annoyed at the judges comments about Adam's original version and thought he was totally off base!The girls did a good job, but Adam's was direct and much more satisfying, getting the meaning across. The harmony was distracting from the point of the song for me, but it was a difficult choice for that type of rendition. Still, it's a compliment to Adam to have chosen it. I really hope that judge heard Adam's acoustic version. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I also was annoyed at the judges comments about Adam's original version.The girls did a good job, considering it was a difficult piece to harmonize and I preferred Adam's less distracting version of the simple direct meaning of the song.Still, it was a compliment to Adam that they covered it. I aloso hope the judge hears Adam's beautiful acoustic version. No one can beat it. funbunn40