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Adam Lambert with Dan Wootton

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 08, 2011

From Dan Wootton:

"Wow! @adamlambert just played me some of his new songs. It was musical ecstasy. Album two is going to be BIG."


Anonymous said...

This is becoming torture with all these individuals getting to listen to some of Adam's songs from the new album and all their positive comments. Then we hear that because of legal issues, etc. the first single may not be released this month. Maybe nothing further should be said or tweeted at this point. Just put it out there and we will find it without all this buildup. At least we have the Queen performance at the EMAs to watch as we wait. I am sure Adam is both elated because of the accolades from singing with Queen and also somewhat disheartened because of the latest legal and creative issues he has referred to in a tweet. But I will wait along with all the other fans for this album that Adam has stated he wants to be perfect before it is released. Just a side note, I have seen nothing in print about Adam's performance with Queen at the EMAs in any brief mention of it in the newspapers I read. The others who appeared were named but nothing about Adam Lambert at all...very disappointing to me.

Anonymous said...

After reading all thouse comments about Adam's new album, all the meeting and prep. his doing, I'm start to think WE better get ready for THE BIG ONE!!Seems we still have time...hopefully not too much!!LOl.


Anonymous said...

Torture coming from Adam is a fantasy indeed:)

Well, what can we do that's life and we need to be more patience guys.

Adam needs us more than ever for this coming 2nd album so please we just have to wait a little bit more indeed.....


Anonymous said...

Torture from Adam, great...It's 1.12 A.M , now how I am suppose to sleep after you put that in my head!? ha ha!


Anonymous said...

I love that SG sorry it's late for you now eh?? Well I would like you to have a goodnight sleep and tomorrow will be another good day for us indeed....

It's only 7:48 here in Toronto.....


Anonymous said...

Damn Adam is gorgeous in those low black jeans and that blue jacket!!!!!!!!!Whew!

Anonymous said...

Musical Ecstasy he says. Adam is ecstasy in all ways. This album keeps sounding better and better, but I will be a patient fan!

The Dark Side said...

Adam doing a very good job of making me crazy...crazier...but I am pushing my patience button and will give him all the time he needs. Hope this is just artistic considerations and not any legalese that is keeping this single from coming out.

Anonymous said...

Dear Canadian, Thank you, I'll try to sleep. Now is 2.07am. Have a nice day! and maybe I'll have a nice nigh with Adam......mmmmm...


Anonymous said...

He looks great and I especially like gloves..! I was kind of hoping he'd leave them behind with the glitter. We all have our likes and dislikes. He looks so happy, what a treat his performance was for him. And us!


Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side

That possibility is a concern of mine too. Could a lawsuit keep him from releasing new material?
Scary long as some suits drag on. I am ever the pessimist so I'm telling myself it's just my usual "dark side"! lol

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Out of subject, ladies.
Read this article
For some reason I don't like it!
How about you?

Anonymous said...

@HAL ... Thanx!! Just went over to that site & left a little comment about WANT ... how many times are they going to release this song? Seems to me that they are offering a free download ... good on them ... those parasites still won't make any money!! What a bunch of BS!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I really want him go big but it's not about album it's about fan base.
It dosent matter how he's amazing album is like:lady gaga,bieber,Adele,Katy perry,they all have huge fan base but Adam dosent have that and with that look and style I don't think he's go big.

Anonymous said...

@6:36 You're kidding right???

Anonymous said...

From emas award they all talk about gaga,bieber ,Selena because they have performance and win awards .

Gaga win 4awards and bieber win too .everyone know them but Adam is new to everyone and he just performed without saying he's name.

Anonymous said...

maybe he will do a remake of Love Me Tender by Elvis.

Anonymous said...

Fat chance!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are collapsing ALL over the world desperately awaiting the single and album! Just imagine the utter and total estatic when they
explode in all their glory internationally! The mind just boggles, the heart is aching and we are still breathless from Glam Nation!