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MTV's "Most WTF Photos From EMA 2011"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 08, 2011

From MTV:
Adam Lambert posed for the cameras backstage at the EMA 2011, and by "posed" we of course mean "Smized." With a capital "S."


Anonymous said...

Love Adam forever. But I don't get picture at all:(

Anonymous said...

Adam ears look funny!

Anonymous said...

wow loving that jacket more and more if that is possible. What does smized mean, I never catch on to anything.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam to pieces and for that reason my only reaction to this pic is gonna be "No comment".

Anonymous said...

Love this article

Anonymous said...

If THAT photo doesn't convince him to let his hair grow....nothing will! He needs hair around his ears, they do stick out, but it's not noticable with hair!

Dearest Adam...remember these words, shave your chin, not your head!

We all have a photo or two in our albums that qualify for "worst ever", I think this will be it for Adam. Beautiful boy come back!


Anonymous said...

P.S. 8:26 PM

I admire your restraint!

Anonymous said...

He has the same haircut and ears on the other new pictures here that everyone is flailing over.This site bites the dust.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm gonna say this and don't care about Freddie's fans. You know how Adam has a magnetic effect on people. I think Taylor and May wished and dream that they were 30 years younger and Adam was lead singer of their band. I watched bunch of videos of Freddie on the three medley and hand down without any prejudice Adam's voice is superior and he made the three songs his own. I absolutely love them and I've been listening to them constantly.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:34 PM

Then don't visit!

Anonymous said...

I just can not believe how shallow some of your comments are.
Sorry! So shallow and ridiculous.
This site is becoming more and more like a silly teen gossip magazine.

Love Adam, don't care about the little changes in his hair or his daily outfits.

Can't wait for the next album. He is a rare genius and his voice and expression make my life so much richer.

Anonymous said...

It's campy and fun.

Anonymous said...

Um, not really.

Anonymous said...

I "ditto, ditto" everyone;s comments about the hair. It does not go with the ears. And, yes, I am one of his biggest fans,,, EVER!!! Don't get the picture. Please dear Adam, grown back the burns. Or at least the sides downto the ears. Love, Love forever,,,, listen to your fans, please. :) MWAH,,

Anonymous said...

Adam, please listen to your fans. Grown the hair back. At least down to the ears. I am one of your biggest fans,,,, and I don't like this picture. Grow it all back then buzz out a couple of strips and throw in the glitter. Like before. MWAH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The collar-flaps of Adam's magnificent coat look like the wings of the beautiful Raja Butterfly. The seams all around the coat are meticulously sewn, first-class tailoring for a first class super-model! That Queen performance was not just about Adam's excellence in singing but his fashion as well; those fantastic wedged boots too, as he strutted on the 'runway'. :)

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:36 PM Their is some little detail. I don't think Adam can write Bohemian Rapsody. And this is too late for him. Freddie was 27when he wrote this song and many other songs which became on of the most famous songs in Music History. He played piano, gutair, danced with Royal Balet. Freddie wrote 9 or 10 songs for the special event in Barcelona and sung them with most famous opera diva.
Adam voice is amazing, fantastic, he is great performer. He has brilliant future And I am sure will enjoy the songs which he wrote for new album.
But I don't think we can compare Freddie and Adam. Both of them geniouses on their own way.

Anonymous said...

There is no contest between Freddie and Adam. Freddie had a great voice, was a terrific song writer and concert quality pianist.
However, it was his style that made him famous. You know the expression "He Owned The Stage"!
He ran, he jumped, he strutted and preened like the peacock he was.
He was outrageous and his fans loved him. Let's leave him to be the legend he was in his time.

Now it's Adam's time, with his special voice, style and strut and heaven knows his fans love him. Don't compare him to anyone. Just let him be Adam. That should be enough for anyone.

Anonymous said...

P.S. It's a hideous photo!

Anonymous said...

Look at this gif of Adam getting hair on his sides and then it's shaved. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam outstandingly performed a tribute to Freddie and he did so darn graciously and with breathtaking vocals. What an honor for Adam and for Queen!
Adam was beautifully groomed, stunning infact and so glad he wore his medgies. He is a superstar! The rest of the show looked like the XFactor apart from GaGa, Jessie J and Bruno Mars.

Anonymous said...

That picture looks like some of his halloween faces. And critisizing the photo does not make me any less of a fan. I also don't like his medges they look like his feet are deformed. I do like Adam and admire him as a brave young man with a gift from God and a strong desire to find his life's dream. We just don't agree on clothes and hairstyles and probably a 100 other things.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, but hate the hair, just don't like this look.

Anonymous said...

It would be very interesting to know what Adam thinks about this picture!

Anonymous said...

A tweet from a fan:

Rick Owens boots: $2400. Gareth Pugh coat: $3500. Adam Lambert performing with Queen: Priceless!!!!! #adamlambert #mtvema

I think he looks just fine. He will always change his look and keep us guessing. Lighten up people!

Anonymous said...

This what Brian May said about Adam's voice:

Brian May certainly thought so, saying, "Adam's voice reaches out with sensitivity, depth, maturity, and awesome range and power which will make jaws drop all around the world "

and I was right. Check out picture of Brian May standing next to Adam in this article. He looks like saying to himself only if I was 30 years younger having Adam as a lead singer instead.

Anonymous said...

Here's an explanation from Adam about this pic:

MTVBuzzworthy Here it is. The best photo of @AdamLambert ever. Period. No contest.
adamlambert @MTVBuzzworthy lol I look crazy-had just finished w Queen and I was a sweaty mess in that hot press tent. Wool stage wear ain't practical.

Mwah!! K said...

Just look at that face! What an AMAZING voice!!!
From AI , Adam said his other little talent was making funny faces, his face expresses a lot, which is very good, I can relate. He's theatrical , he's posing at an extreme event ! Adam is showing me here , let's go all the way! & he did, what a fantastic & epic performance!
Bravo to you Adam Lambert, Bravo!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I wish I could kiss him and hug him and told everything is just fine, we love you! You are amazing, brilliant singer and goodlooking.

a fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

He's look like the grinch the green guy steal Christmas.

Adam you looking creepy please use mirror,it's saulis fault for not talk to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:32...I LOVE YOU! Someone with a brain. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Can't see anything wrong with pic ... read the title of this thread ... MTV's "Most WTF Photos From EMA 2011" ... well ... what does "WTF" stand for? Right!! The pic fits right in with the title ... that's why it's featured!! Lighten up everyone ... it's supposed to be Campy ... it's not a photo shoot!!

Anonymous said...

Adam without jacket is naked,I don't think he wear any top or shirt.

Anonymous said...

Not Adam's finest photo,the shaved sides give his head a Frankenstein look, just not flattering.Wish he wouldn't screw up his spectacular handsomeness when he's performing for special events. I think he feels he has to look extra edgy or rock and roll, but I think he's most attractive when he doesn't try so hard and overdoes it. When you're naturally handsome, more just detracts and ruins a good thing.Other than that, he3e looked and sounded fierce!

Anonymous said...

The more you complain about his hair, the more wrinkles you will get folks ha!ha!ha!

He is stubborn like a horse!!!! That's why we are crazy in love with this young man....

I tried not to complain anymore indeed:)))) but to enjoy what I see...


Anonymous said...

Didn't pay attention to the hair on his head, but DID pay attention to the hair on his chest!:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam’s performance with Queen was absolutely awesome - I’ve played it many, many times since the EMAs - but I don’t think he’s better than Freddie Mercury. Freddie had a style all his own as does Adam, and both voices are completely different so let’s not compare one with the other but rejoice in the wonder of both these incredibly talented artists. :)

Anonymous said...

I always wonder if Adam has a"mirror,mirror on the wall" syndrome or something or he's really just dosen't realize that the more he changes up the hair the more he looks like a character from a comic book not a rock star. This picture is HORRIBLE. He's always got my heart,but somebody needs to take the clippers away for sure! This first time he sang with Queen he looked stunning and REAL now over stylized . It seems like that happens to so many in music or actors that they become a plastic image of their real selves.

Anonymous said...

According to MTV/EMAs their 1.2- billion-viewer target was achieved. 1.2 billion viewers heard Adam...Congratulations Adam! And he didn't want his name mentioned; a huge lesson on love, respect and humility...for Freddie Mercury, a music icon.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks like the grinch, too.

Anonymous said...

Okay we've pretty much agreed that we are distressed by the hairstyle.
Now, having said that....didn't the hair stylist measure at all to get the hairline an even distance above both ears? It's so obviously lopsided! This is my last word about this particular and peculiar style. It's been around a while now, I'm sure he's contemplating his next. Since the single won't be our Christmas present....I'm hoping for hair instead, staring at The Advocate cover helps. :)


Anonymous said...

Just another beautiful photo of our singing genius. His magnetic personality shines through - just being funny and cute as always. The many sides of our sweet Adam. Never boring like picture postcards of some of the teenage pop stars. Adam is an intellectual after all. It's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

LOL funny pic. Not his best hairstyle for sure.

Anonymous said...

We may not always like the style of his clothes, the way his hair is cut or the friends he hangs out with, but Adam Lambert in never boring or uninteresting. I've said this before in another blog comment. For me, it's about the voice. He is the best vocal talent in the music business today and I think he proved it by the performance with Queen. This just left me wanting more, but unfortunately the latest is that the single and album will be delayed again due to legal and other issues. So until that time, we will have other pictures of Adam with different looks/styles to keep us occupied and commenting here. Adam is Adam and will continue to be his own person, fashion forward, changing it up, and moving forward into the next phase of his amazing career. So glad that I have been one of his many fans along on his journey to fame and fortune.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nancdruuu2 and JAK...My two dynamic pals!! :)

JAK, I don't think it's the barber's fault; I mean the hairstylist. Adam by nature doesn't like symmetry. LOL!


Anonymous said...

When people pose for pics . . they don't know how they will turn out...I'm sure if Adam was to approve all his photo shots...this would not be one of them or he could think it was silly and "let it rip"

Anonymous said...

Dearest Glamberts,
Don't we all know by now that Adam is a playful child who wants to experiment everything and does not take himself too seriously! IMO who among us can have the "worst" picture of ourselves and still look so loving and beautiful? I sincerely believe that Adam is giving us his total trust and his heart-felt message of love and acceptance : when we love someone, we accept that person to be whoever and however he wants to be! Love has no boundaries and no conditions! Truthfully, should we love someone less because he shaves his head? And why are we always so critical of the one we love most? So please allow Adam to keep that playful child in him and let him entertain us with his fresh and beautiful music!

Anonymous said...

something is going on Lician porter just tweeted OMG OMG OMG to Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Alisan!!

Rita said...

Hey, who wouldn't pose like a cheshire cat after performing in front of a billion people on such an incredible stage with the most iconic rock band in history? Go for it Adam! And, no matter how he cuts his hair, he is still the Adam I fell in love with on 1-20-09!

Anonymous said...

Adam's the one who tweeted OMG, OMG, OMG after Alisan Porter tweeted..."OK...I'm up". Just great friends having fun together :)

About this pic, I want to say that MTV USA is the only MTV site that always seems to post the worse pics of stars. I understand that their post was about who looked the most WTF but still...

When stars are in public, the papz and tv people will ALWAYS go for the worst look. They're sick that way...(or really jealous maybe???)

Anonymous said...

He made a funny face for one second. He sometimes likes to make a face for a picture. He's a goofball sometimes. If he hadn't done this, it would have been just another pretty picture. He wouldn't have gotten such a rise out of us. He'll get tired of the shaved sides at some point. I don't like it either, but he's still the Adam I adore.

Anonymous said...

JAK, maybe the barber didn't have a ruler, that's why it's lopsided! LOL.

Anonymous said...

How do you know he is not tweeting that to her because of something that is about to happen???

Anonymous said...

8:19, "smize" means smile with your eyes. Tyra Banks originally invented the term.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Adam will not be the new lead singer for Queen. They are announcing today, and it appears that the first short tour, is to make a final choice, this includes some new band members as well. They eventually want Queen to have new members so that Queen will live on. I definitely don't think that this is on Adam's agenda. He wants to be a solo singer under his own name. Marc Martel is a front runner contender, and he is very much like Freddie Mercury, in all ways. Actually quite different from Adam, who also was a great guest star for the EMA's. GAGA is also talking to Queen, but I think she would be for the short tour, not the world wide one that they are planning.

Anonymous said...

8:14, thanks for the info. I don't know about the plans that Queen have for their future. Just that Adam and Queen was such a quality performance and I like Adam to have a quality band, not necessary the Queen.

2t2tag said...

"I am ze sweaty devil of your dreams! Feel the excitement vibrating from my body to yours! Plus this outfit is soooooooo Hot!"

Anonymous said...

@LAM-MY - Always enjoy your insightful posts! How about our boy Adam Lambert/Rock God - so proud!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Adam fans. You and I are allowed to dislike his hair without being admonished. It's not his best look and that photo is horrible. His performance was amazing and awe inspiring. And Freddie? Freddie was and always will be a musical and performance genius, dead or alive. No one will ever replace him. Adam is simply the new generation of musical phenoms. It's his turn to accrue accolades, and it will happen. I wish him the long, illustrious career that Freddie had. We lost Freddie far too soon.

Anonymous said...

if I was on the short list on Adam's twitter, I would say...If your cd is going to be honest and personal, why can't your look be THAT???? He looks like a drag version of Kim Kardashian here.

Anonymous said...

Not my favorite but who gives a shit really?

Anybody who comments negatively or without a sense of humor on somebody else's look, outfit, ears, lips, hair should have the balls to twitpic themselves and post it.

Lizard Eyes

lorraine said...

When I look at any picture of Adam, all I see are his gorgeous eyes and lips. Besides his voice ,of course, it's the first thing I noticed about him when he was on Idol. WHO HAS EYES LIKE THAT_AND THOSE SEXY LIPS???? I know this sounds so shallow, but it's the truth and as long as I don't mention this to my hubby, I'm allowed to think anything I want!
When my son was in his teens, he tried every hairstyle, fashion trend etc imaginable. Didn't bother me at all---{I think to his chagrin}; he always had his beautiful eyes and smile-and still does.

Anonymous said...

Actually Miss Lizard Eyes, after I posted that twitpic I would rather have HONEST feedback rather than phony BS. Humor is very subjective.. some people get it some don't.

Anonymous said...

Lizard Eyes your comment is right on. Some of these hair comments are over the top and bizarre to me, insulting and condescending and beyond opinion.

Anonymous said...

his eyes are saying "I'm up to no damn good".

Anonymous said...

I like that picture because his face is like he's saying:
How yooouu doing?...I'm a bad, sweet, naughty, charming boy and you like
I adore him!!
and also I'm gonna make a copy of that coat, I love it!!! well, it would be better with him inside but... anyway!! Lol.


Anonymous said...

OT: the more i watch adam's performance (which is at least once a day) I remember neil's tweet. "looks like brian may was under adam's spell" It really is true LOL. Just look at brian following him (so cute, I love it) to me brian may looked memorized by adam!!

Anonymous said...

@lorraine- I can't talk to my hubby anything adam- he wouldn't even watch the performance. HIS LOSS! Thank-god you guys are here!

Shiggles said...

Adam captured my heart during the "before audition interviews" on
AI8 and I was praying he could sing. When he sang the first word of BoRap, I fist pumped and screamed "Yes!!" As each week went by, I knew he was the best singer on the show. During the group routines, my eyes were on him because of his graceful and sexy moves. His performances proved he was the showman. Then he sang "Tracks of my Tears" and I realized he was not perfection after all; he was in fact human, his ears stuck out!!! and I thought he was adorable.

Fans and posters: NEWS FLASH!!! Adam's ears stick out. How many times have we seen him change up his look in the relatively short time since Idol? He'll change it again when he's darn good and ready to. Let him be him. Isn't that one of the reasons we all went bsc over him in the first place?

I don't mean to lecture or preach. I'm just giving you my honest opinion.


Anonymous said...

I’ve been so happy and elated for the last few days - Adam’s peformance with Queen, OMG!!!

And NOW so many comments on thís thread make me sick to my stomach - no real Adam fans use words like hideous, looks like grinch and other awful expressions when talking about this beautiful, hugely talented man…

Every sentence that goes: “I love Adam, BUT hate the hair… BUT hate the shoes… BUT hate the outfit… just MAKES ME CRINCH!!! The “BUT” and the hateful things you say after the “but” totally destroy your credibility as a true fan!!!

And please, do not use the term “WE” when you write your own opinions or quote the opinions of a few people - you should not and you cannot speak for all of us!!! I’m surprised that even JAK writes: “Okay WE've pretty much agreed that WE are distressed by the hairstyle”. Let me assure you I’m NOT in the least distressed by Adam’s hairstyle or anything else on his persona or in his life.

I more than welcome his continuous ability to change and renew his looks. Every performance includes surprises and I just love it! And I love him UNCONDITIONALLY, feel no need to give him advice or demands, especially not about the way he should look, dress, sing & perform or live his life.

Sorry for the rant, but these childish and shallow, even ugly comments criticizing his looks in a MOMENTARY photo taken right after ONE OF THE FINEST PERFORMANCES in rock music history just made me so sad and angry! Where is love and acceptance???

There are also many beautiful, loving and appreciative comments, a big thank you to those posters!

Luv Ya, Adam, ALWAYS!!!

Anonymous said...

just realized that there is some shaving going on near Adam's temples. Forehead way too wide. Not liking the cut at all!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:13

Better watch out! JAK gonna jump you. She don't like being called out.

Anonymous said...

1:13 excellent well thought out comment.

Anonymous said...

there's some serious smizen goin' on!!!! love that jacket. SO HOT!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:49 I hope you won't give up on Adam if he doesn't dive into the glitter again. He said he got that out of his system with the GlamNation Tour.

Anonymous said...

Some of you need a serious reality check. Commenting on hair does NOT constitute treason!!!!!! Some of us don't like the hair, nor the photo. BFD! Get over it. If reading the slightest little comment about hair makes you sick to your stomach, you really need help. Seek it, soon before you implode.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that "Smize" means "smile with your eyes". The Urban Dictionary has a different definition......


Anonymous said...

Actually, I think Adam looks like the cat that ate the canary. If he opens his mouth, some feathers will come flying out!!

Anonymous said...

3:02am had to lol at your fun comment. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Anonymous said...

I go to work I am in health care I work with a lot of people I would hate to think that they are more concerned with my hair,my shoes,my ears not looking to please them after I have given it my all to do a good job with personal care with a smile.I want them to love me for what I do as I love Adam why should we give him any less when he gives us his all.

Anonymous said...

@4:06 Wow Honey. Stop to take a deep breath once in a while. Reading your post, I almost fainted.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And there you have it, folks. If you don't fall in line with the fanbot's viewpoint, you're a hater. This place is a rubber room, and a lot of people are bouncing off the walls.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:13 thank you for your message of love and acceptance! As Adam always reminds us : freedom of expression, ladies and gentlemen! So we are all entitled to express our opinions but not with mean, hurtful and degrading terms in regards of others! Do you think that Adam love us differently depending on whether we are old or young, fat or thin, ugly or beautiful, whether our ears stick out or are flattened? IMO Adam just wants to entertain us sometimes with his funny shoes or funny faces or whatever only to make us smile! So dear fellow Glamberts just enjoy it and thank you Adam for bringing us joy and laughter!

HK fan said...

Whilst I agree that this isn't the best photo....I shall admit that I'm obviously in the minority, but I don't hate his hair, its not my favourite on him but I quite like it, he always looks great regardless, and I love the blue highlights.

Anonymous said...

The photo was put there to draw comments, well it did. The thread was about the photo not whether we loved Adam or not. Don't any of you make fun of people you love?
Lighten up. You've never looked at a friend and said OMG what did you do to your hair? Honey, you are not wearing those jeans to the picnic, they are so ragged I can read your underwear through the holes! All said with eye rolling and a giggle or two. The most fun my hubby and kids have are their elaborate insults to each other.
Adam doesn't need your protection and quit acting like he is a GOD who can do no wrong and insisting your blind love is greater than other fans. I don't love Adam and I doubt you do. You don't know him. You may admire, adore,be fascinated by,lust after and be infatuated with but love? If so, I think you need a reality check and a real life.
It's an awful picture and I think Adam agrees and I think he's super!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:13 I agree with what you said about "elaborate insults" just in the spirit of fun and playfulness! This is not supposed to hurt anyone's feelings and is quite different from hateful remarks! I personally love Adam, but not blindly, not because I think he's God, but because of his gentle soul, which makes his music even more beautiful to me. And yes I do love him as I love beauty or humankind, and love is the right word to express the feeling that some of us may have for Adam! I sincerely do not want to sound critical at all, because my only purpose of coming here every day on this site is to read all your nice comments and get the feeling of warmth and friendship coming from my fellow Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

We do see eye to eye most of the time, don't we; I enjoy reading your posts too.

I think it's okay, both positive as well as negative posts, as long as we mean what we say and are sincere. There was this thread yesterday that for some reason made laugh until I actually teared...they were sincere but quite innocently weird, sprinkled with strange spellings to top it all. :)

tess4ADAM said...

I was going to comment about these posts here on this thread but on second thought ... SKIP IT!! Light 'n Love to All Glamberts Worldwide & to OUR UBER TALENTED MEGASTAR ADAM

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tess! My pearl-clutcher pal! I still like your pearl-clutching theory most, amongst others; you know about "holding" the Rosary. :)

Anonymous said...

@ 1:13 PM

Who made you monitor over who is and isn't a true Adam Fan?

Get a grip!

Get over it!

Get a sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

This photo is not his best! I won't go on because I know I have taken a few bad ones myself. Can anyone out there relate to that?

Anonymous said...

Be careful, dangerous to say anything but high praise, no matter what. And yes, I can relate to that, I have systematically sneaked my wretched Christmas photos out of the stack each year and destroyed them in secret.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my 4:57 You said IT!

A fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

Hi Finn friend! Thanks for confirming it. :)

Anonymous said...

voice is amazing, BUT image is a HUGE part of success. As Adam's fan, I wish his hair style(not) would just quit going shorter and shorter, It ain't rock n roll.

Anonymous said...

That’s a funny thread, indeed. Hairstyle-induced trauma! The ..Berts need immediate treatment through sexual displays AND MUSIC! Well, some of them need humor injections too, but that's not my department. (Or is it?)

That darn comment about the Grinch made me spend a lot of time. Still haven’t read the story (I bet someone here has that book with leather covers :-)). Nevertheless, I Google it. Yeah, WE (pluralis maiestatis!) can see a resemblance. HaHaHa. But not green, people, let’s make it blue and call him... Blinch (at least, there are no entries in Urban Dictionary for that one yet!) “The club-dwelling creature with oversized vocal cords". Let’s tell our story: How the Blinch stole the hearts!


PS: I’m skipping the Adam-Freddie debate. For now. :-)

Anonymous said...

The hearts of the ..Berts, that is. They are such frail beings!

Anonymous said...

@ GLb

I wish someone would give humor injections to the obsessively, frightening, desperately in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Glamberts. You know the ones who call everyone who isn't constantly frothing with passion and slavish devotion HATERS. No wonder the sanity of Glamberts has occasionally been questioned. I'm frightened myself, but unlike the ranters who leave no tag I will not scurry into a hole and hide, I will bravely leave my tag. MINNIE MOUSE

Anonymous said...

My brave Mini friend, ask not what the ..Berts’ obsessions can do to your sanity, but what your (supposed ;-)) sanity might cause to the obsessed ones. Let us go forth with frothing hearts, asking A’s (glam)blessings and A’s (glam)help, but knowing that (even) here, in A’topia, mind must truly be our own.

Anonymous said...

Minnie Mouse, I am right with you on this. You are 100% correct in your analysis.


Anonymous said...

I bet that Adam in his "worst" picture looks much better than some of his worst critics! For him it's just a bad picture of a beautiful man, but for them, they are just plain ugly and there is no cure... My only advice: look at yourself in the mirror before you criticize anyone else!

Anonymous said...

Actually I look really cute in the mirror. Have you SEEN my eyelashes? They are outstanding!

Anonymous said...

MINNIE, may I ask if you are perchance a Southern MINNIE who used to come and swim in my pool with my grandson? You would remember him....the guy who was 14 inches taller than you! I've missed you!