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ADAM LAMBERT Shopping Suit Store Shanghai China 12-17-11

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 18, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, December 18, 2011


Anonymous said...

As I offered once before, I would have been happy to have helped with any ANY measuring needed for a new suit! ^o^


Anonymous said...

@JAK You read my mind!That lucky person!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have seen in the store better.I hope BB didn't cut off any more hair after this.I don't think he did.I wonder if any fans got his pic in the store..with the cars going by,it was hard to see him real good,but that was BB all right,looking good & happy..He loves that shopping for sure.I hope he found a nice jacket or suit.

Anonymous said...

The Shanghai girls are a riot! I heard my favourite Chinese words uttered and totally agree...zhen piau liang!!...translate to...truly beautiful!! Yes you are Adam. Wow Adam actually gave a concert at the convention banquet hall. I thought it was just a couple of songs. He looks absolutely imposing even, all green and fuzzy. Holding a 60-year-old's hand is so heart-warming; Adam knows exactly what to with slightly older folks, never fails to respect them.

Anonymous said...

any concert videos

Anonymous said...

Out of subject.
Trespassing deluxe is down to #15-#14 POP. Original is #1,308!!!
Does it mean that we lost another battle, Glamberts?

Anonymous said...

@5:52 I have no idea what those numbers mean? I bought deluxe version last night but this album isn't out for 3 more months so how can anything really count at this point. What will help is if everyone buys the single on itunes this tuesday for a $1.00 something- that will matter with charts for sure not the album! that will come when it's out. Correct me if I'm wrong abut all of this.

Anonymous said...

Our sweet shopaholic is at it again. I hope he got a fantastic and edgy suit to wear at one of his many promotional gigs for BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys here are some pictures taken from Adams performance at the Banquet Hall....


Anonymous said...

@5:52 No we have not lost any battle at all. This is really good to be that high and his arrow is still pointing up. It's a long time till March and maybe just diehard fans are pre ordereing it. There's a lot of time and I think once BTIKM gets airplay more people will start ordering his album.

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets caught uo on his rest.He tweeted he has jet lag.

Anonymous said...

If dignitaries need a spokesperson for any peace talks or other conventions such as a nuclear summit, Adam will fit the bill. Even if there are deadlocks on agreements, Adam effortlessly will soothe and smoothen them. Then it'll be easier to look each other in the eyes or better still eye to eye. Once again Adam has transcended barriers. Row row row your boat >>>> :)

Anonymous said...

Canadian,thanks for the url,but it doesn't work for me.It takes me to a page that says"Sorry,this can not be found"( or something like that)Is there another way to see the pic?I tried 4 times,but no luck.

Anonymous said...

Boy what a busy place that is! I hope adam isn't all by himself- I think I saw body guards with him.

Anonymous said...

Hi7:20, google...Photos of Adam Lambert at Amway banquet concert Shanghai. Photos blurish, inside the hall/stage and a small shot of Adam.

Anonymous said...

OT - Just saw that Justin Beiber is to perform on the finale of X factor. Grr..

Anonymous said...

I heard about Beiber on the X Factor but there are usually more than one guest. Well imagine Beiber singing then Adam going after him. That would be a dream! But the poor Biebs lol

Anonymous said...

@7:34PM It seems like JB is gonna be around for many years. And it doesn't matter if he doesn't have voice or not and his moves are very stupid. Millions and millions people around the world have "Beiber fever". Like I always said, he has very supportive management, including big brother Usher and got big promotions from beginning of his carrier.
Adam wasn't so lucky, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

I think X-Factor is Simon's baby. And I'm very suprise that Simon never invited Adam to perform on this show:(

Anonymous said...

A hilarious and cute translation by a Shanghai fan: His hand had a lot of meat and was warm, the moment I stretched out my hand he shook it, he shook it really firmly. I refused to release my hand and held it some more, and he did the same, haha.

Another tweet: My life is complete! He is really sweet and beautiful. Not only did he sign autographs, but he kept smiling so sweetly at our cameras! He even said he liked my shoes! And he said a lot of things to me.

Thank you for the tweets both of you!! :)

Anonymous said...

@7:03 I agree, that it's nothing to worry about, considering that charting at all when it isn't due for another 3 months is a feat in itself. Actually, I think it will chart even higher come Tuesday.

Also, I have a tiny issue(-but-not-a-serious-issue) with you saying maybe "just die-hard fans are pre ordering it." First off, I'm sure even non die-hards will be willing to pre-order. I've done it before, and I'm sure Adam will reel people in. Second, I'm sure Adam has a lot more die hard fans than an Amazon chart position at #14, lol. But, and this is my main point in saying all this, realize that not everyone likes buying from Amazon. I'm a die-hard Glambert, but I've had big issues with buying products from Amazon in the past so I avoid them. So instead, I have to wait to buy it from AO Tuesday. So yeah. Just don't assume that only die-hards are buying it from Amazon... Because that makes me and possibly other Glamberts feel like I'm being excluded as a die-hard if I don't buy from there, lol. And that makes me very, very sad as I am a proud Glambert. ;)

That said, I'm sure Adam will be getting LOTS more orders come Tuesday from Amazon and especially from AO for anyone who doesn't order from Amazon, and then even more come March 20th. And by then he'll be charting on Billboard & iTunes, which is a much bigger, more important and all-encompassing chart than Amazon's. And doing well on those is what we REALLY want. ;)

So there you go. Hopefully offered some insight into why it hasn't hit #1 on Amazon (yet). ;D

Anonymous said...

@8:17 This is @7:03. sorry did not mean to exclude anyone from being a diehard fan if they don't preorder from Amazon. Actually it's the first time for me to order from Amazon. I bought all Adam's other CD's in stores or through AO. Just want him to chart high but you are right billboard and itunes are more important charts.Thanks for the info.

funbunn40 said...

I volunteer to measure his inseam and am happy to assist Jak! My Dad once bought beautiful silk suits years ago while in Hong Kong that were perfectly tailored. It was the place to purchase fine tailored,quality suits. Looks like Adam's getting ready for all of the upcoming 2012 appearances he'll be making!

Anonymous said...

Video stalking!!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 5:30 AM

I too am not a fan of Adam's every move in public or otherwsie being video-ed.