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More Buzz For "Better Than I Know Myself"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 8, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 08, 2011


V Camilleri said...

Ok Now I am getting Mad. I want to hear itnow . So unfair! We crazy with this waiting!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can not wait. When when when. OMG!

Adamluv said...

I think we've all freeeeeaaaaaaakkkkkedddd already!

Anonymous said...

I m listening to. "just the way it is". Cause I need new Adam music! I love this song. Come on we need the new song!

Anonymous said...

I'm all "buzzed out" now am just enduring the wait. When I see a def single release date I'll get excited again. Till then, saving my strength....and napping a lot!

JAK -_-

Anonymous said...

I think I'm starting to hate this song. As far as all of these comments are becoming more and more annoying, the song is losing something wich supposed to suprise us.

Anonymous said...

Patience is a virtue. Remember that and you'll get through the day without pulling your hair out by the roots.

Anonymous said...

Oz is going nutso! Totally nutso!