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Adam Lambert - Better Than I Know Myself (Behind The Scenes)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, January 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, January 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

Cn I come and sit on the floor with you Adam . . . I have a favorite sweather . .

Anonymous said...

Love the hair . . .I have the pic of Adam in white with the white cuckatoo in my work office . . .
Maybe I'll put a BTIKM pic there also......

fanatapan said...

what he was saying about a twist on the lyrics and the shot of him peeking out the blinds makes me wonder, unlikely though it is, if whether they've made it about an Adam who is obsessive over someone he "know better than they know themselves"? just a thought, and probably totally all wrong lol :D

Anonymous said...

I WAS SURE that @ 4:30am this morn.ET,that the Vevo count for this behind the scenes video was @ least 20,000 plus.I KNOW it was LOTS more than 310..( grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!)I love the concept..Adam looks so good,& very hugable-lol!! Mon, come on!!

fanatapan said...

@Anon 9:32, the count probs was at least that high - if u look at the number of likes on the vid (710 it appears to be) that clearly exceeds the view count. i wouldnt worry about it, YouTube have an unusual system, supposedly supposed to discount automated computer viewers designed to generate false popularity. 'tis a strange ol' world!

Anonymous said...

The hair, the eyes, the dorky but sexy sweater.... Can't wait to see what the "twist" is!

glitzylady said...

Rumor is that the Music Video will not come out until Friday, Feb. 3rd...EEEEEEEKKKK!!!!! Wonder if this is true????!!!!

From The


By Jarett Wieselman

January 27, 2012

Adam Lambert will be dropping the first video off his new album, Trespassing, on February 3 (yes, I know Adam himself said the 30th, but he misspoke) and Vevo has gotten a sneak peek at Better Than I Know Myself.
As you can tell from the comfy clothes, this is a very stripped down video for the aesthetically outrageous star.
So check out the video to see what Adam says about the song and the video's concept

fanatapan said...

thanks for the info @Glitzylady, its a shame that the video might be postponed, but since Adam announced it early, dont they not have much option but to do it on 30th? i mean misinfo and all that, dont they have to stick to whatever they announce? just wondering in an ever-hopeful if slightly delusional way :p

Unknown said...

Adam, You are so handsome and you do NOT look like you are 30 years old. No way!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love his new natural look. Very cool and handsome!

Anonymous said...

does a hot woman in a cardigan show up???? is that popcorn???

glitzylady said...

It seems the rumor that Better Than I Know Myself Music Vid will Premier on VEVO on Feb. 3rd is least that's what it says on VEVO: Shoot!!! We have to wait 4 days longer..oh well.... : ) Has not been officially confirmed by Adam or RCA yet tho........

Anonymous said...

I love a lot, love all. Adam without makeup looks much younger than 30, he looks very sexy and sweet. I would like the video came out on 30 th, because the next day is my birthday and it would be the perfect gift.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

I know what this song is about!!! It's about the plant!!!! Did you see Adam cares this spinklers can? And this special light in the room?
Probably, this is very sensetive plant!
Seriously, did we get another WWFM?
Cause this preview is looking practically the same like WWFM video.

Anonymous said...

Was excited for the 30th but its O.K. the video will be here around the 30ish! Adam looks so handsome and vulnerable. I just want to give him a big hug in that cozy sweater!

Anonymous said...

I really can't take this waiting any more. First, it was for the release of the single, then the album and now the video for BTIKM. It is making me CUCKOO. Then we get this tease about the video which makes it even harder to wait for its release. I love the new more casual, more natural look on Adam that we have seen recently. Someone said he doesn't look 30. Well, what does 30 look like? All I know is that he looks great,does a smart, articulate interview and is such a sweetheart. Why anyone would have anything negative or ugly to say about Adam Lambert(as we have seen in the past and still see occasionally) should have their heads examined and their ears checked. He is the best vocal talent in the music business today(along with Adele) and it's about time that he is recognized for his spectacular musical artistry.

Anonymous said...

Too bad if BTIKM will be postponed til Feb.3rd,but it's not too much longer..Maybe the person that shows up @ the end of the video will be Leila,Adam's mom--Now that would be a twist,right?lol!No,maybe BB just meant that the 50's or 60's feeling in this video is the twist..That cardigan looks like an old comfy one,but frayed,like Adam likes things so many times.It's like an old bathrobe that many of us love,& won't throw out,esp men,you know?Thanks fantapan @ 9:35 for commenting on the Veveo viewer count on the BTIKM behind the's still not up to what the true count is,but IS better...I wonder if the count on the audio( only) of the Vevo BTIKM is correct.It should be @ a million by now..haven't checked it since this morn.( 2:39pm ET now )

glitzylady said...

Adam has confirmed it: Feb. 3rd....

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Behind-the-scenes of the BTIKM is up now: , leading up to NEW premiere date of Feb 3 on @VEVO. #ItsWorthTheWait

Fan4fun said...

Better than I know myself YOU (and you only) KNOW how to bring me back to 24/7 Paradise, my amazing sweet Adam!!!

@@@@@ Glamily in Paradise,

I miss you all, dear friends, especially our dearest Club Weird members; where are our people??? @P.A.S.,@HH, @Mwah!K, @Sweetie, @Melissa Toronto, Ronnie, Sanni, Sister, Glambrit, Cheesa and many, many, many others?
Where is @Eva? Today is her birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Eva!!!!!!! ... wherever you are, dear!
@Adam Fix and @GMF also are kind of missing, rarelly come to us, what is happening?
You don't «see» me but I've been here almost every day reading news and your opinions but not making any comments... the words just don't come due to a very deep emotional depression I got since October (very normal after certain surgeries, my psychiatrist said). Yeah... I'm under drugs... and so is Icon!!! He had a serious break down too, last Halloween, do you believe that??? But he will probably want to tell you later or tomorrow in his own words, once he's allowed again to «talk people» in Paradise again, but you get prepared, you have no idea how BAD my hero Glambercat can be... sometimes.

PS: From January 29th on, sweet Adam will not be my «Diamond Boy» anymore. He's now a MAN, he's 30!!! He has been promoted to my «DIAMOND MASTER!!!»

Anonymous said...

this is very weird...the BTS's video of BTIKM is up 2 times on you tube...that's why one still only has about 300 views.I think they both say Vevo,but maybe one's really not.I think the other video is 5000-6000 views what the heck's going on??Oh,well,who knows??The link from this site is the correct one.I think.

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo, getting close!! Cannot wait to finally see this and get the buzz going for this great song and performance by Adam. He looks great here...

Hhhhmmmm.... what's this 'twist' he keeps mentioning...?


Anonymous said...

Twist... Crap, He's not talking about his Mom... is he???

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm really trying to figure out the "twist" to the video too. You never know with Adam who is always full of surprises. I notice there are 2 different rooms on the set....the old comfy one that Adam is in and then right next to it on the other side of the wall this very modern looking room. Adam keeps talking about "light and dark" and "duality" so I'm wondering if the 2 opposite looking rooms having something to do with the theme? He sure looks young with no makeup and "naked" eyes LOL!


Anonymous said...

the twist: the love interest is female. snort snort

Anonymous said...

he comes from the dark room into the light room and it keeps going back and forth throughout the video but he ends up in the light room.

HK fan said...

@anon 9.32
I've seen this question before about videos, apparently the answer was that the video count always stay around 310 for the first 24 hours, then starts going up after that.

its so good to see you back posting. Agree there are too many of the old tags missing. Hope you're feeling much better, we were all worried about you.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back Fan4Fun! Missed your great posts and the many others you mentioned.

Regarding Adam's video and the "twist", I also thought about Leila appearing at the end. I also thought maybe this is kind of a flashback of some kind (Don't ask me what!) or maybe, he's looking out the window to his future self and how "things" turned out. Whatever it is, I know it will be great because Adam's mind is behind it all.
Also love the "look" of WWFM because I wanted a video of just Adam and I think that is what we are going to get. An intimate portrait of our Glam God (without make-up just as glam to me!) I'm drooling in anticipation!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this upcoming video!

HK fan said...

the 2 rooms are almost mirror images of each other but one light and one dark, they both have 2 'air canisters' in the corner? Don't know what that means but it must have some significance, and the window in the middle actually looks like a one way mirror, that the dark side can see into the light side but the light side cannot see into the dark?

Anonymous said...

30 isn't OLD and if people look OLD at 30, then there's something not quite right. Adam is almost a 30 year old man and he looks mighty fine.