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Adam Lambert Confirms "Trespassing" Album Cover on Twitter!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, January 23, 2012

Posted at : Monday, January 23, 2012

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Anonymous said...

Absolutly love it, what a sexy look on this mans beautiful face.
Adam you picked the right on.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the album cover. Adam looks gorgeous and edgy. It depicts the concept of the album Trespassing. Love it! Love him! Can't wait for the album!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! This has made my day!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG when I got Adam's tweet, I gasped! Then when I saw the album cover, it took my breath away! Perfect choice, edgy, gorgeous, and MAINSTREAM.

Plus those eyes...they hynotize me! And I luv it!!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

HK fan said...

Love it. Those eyes seem like they're looking straight into our souls...
no one can bring up 'too campy' with this look.

Anonymous said...

1950sRocker (Ohio)

Anonymous said...

omg hes hot....just fainted!

Anonymous said...

i love the cover.
The background looks amazing, and well of course Adam does too. He always does.

melliemom said...


Anonymous said...

Could this man get any more handsome!! I can't wait for this album to come out!

Anonymous said...

Perfect and gorgeous!!!

glitzylady said...

When I first saw this picture from the Vevo tweet...I thought "OMG!!! Please let this be the Album cover..." I happened to be on twitter when it was tweeted and then then Adam confirmed! The fandom is in a very happy place right is THIS fan!

Anonymous said...

Now that is down right sexy to the core. Lord help me breath again. He is as good looking as any man could be.

Anonymous said...

Perfect, Gorgeous, Beautiful, Soulful, deep verbs can go on & on & on.......... love it love it love it!!!

tess4ADAM said...

Can you OD on GORGEOUS? I think I'm about to!! Lordy ... WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MAN!! Those EYES take my breath away just DARING me to buy the album & take it home & listen to it ... IF I DARE!!! **I DARE**

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

yes! yes! yes!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:12
I agree with you, except those are adjectives, not verbs. LOL

Anonymous said...

This cover photo of Adam is attention grabbing; your face... And the bright yellow Trespassing sign can be seen from far away and stands out! Usually private property or road signs of this nature are in bright red but yours, Adam, is a bright gold, inviting us to trespass and I think Trespassing will go more than's going to be platinum!! The album title sends me a good vibe, there are three $$$ signs. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Adam's hair .... Adam's EVERYTHING ..... squeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Anonymous said...

totally OT: Does anyone else think there is really good talent on idol this year? I love the auditions with no idiot auditions so far. No one has come close to adam yet, but I think this is going to be an amazing year for idol.

Anonymous said...

Stunning, beautiful, magicial, mesmorizing, totally eye catching,right in your face and heading right to the heart and soul! LOVE IT ADAM!!!! Australia is a lovin' it..... massive time!
If this doesn't rock the music industry off it's might as well shut down permanately!!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, that's pure perfection.
Puts a little skip in my step....hmmm!

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful, I love it. Perfectly understated, but eyecatching at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Love the (no) trespassing pseudo-police tape!
Both clever and eye-catching!
Really great cover.

Anonymous said...

He is staring at me and it is a little freaky...then I see that tiny little boyish smirk and all is well with the world. He is daring people to take a peek.

Anonymous said...

God DAMN - our boy is smouldering HOT! Where's an exit? I need some air!

If this would have been his first album cover, I think history would have played out differently. I hope ppl give him a second chance. Go kick some ass, Adam!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The world is in need of another male mega super star. Trespassing will put Adam on that radar. Bruno Mars is alone and Adam can be an added company. It'll be good for both of them. Can't wait and this album cover is out of this world indeed.

daydreamin said...

Laura Saltman interview is up!

daydreamin said...

And more of Access Hollywood interview here:

Anonymous said... it..lover it. love it. Can't. Wait for his album ...

Anonymous said...

This happened today while watching Adam on the "Trespassing" album cover:

9 years old aughter: Oh! Mum, he is so goodlooking!!!

Hubby: See! You brainwashed her!

Me: Not at all. I didn't brainwash her. I just raised her well. And just wait on March 20, I promise you I'll raise you well too.


Anonymous said...

Means daughter. Sorry. Still giddy from excitement! lol


daydreamin said...

Shimayo that was hilarious! Thanks for sharing! Our husbands put up with a lot don't they?!!

Anonymous said...

You can do jokes too, huh! And in a dialogue, very nice, especially about raising your husband well! Your daughter has good taste, you know. :)

Anonymous said...

Like everybody else, I LOVE Adam's cover. I am really hoping his new album will become a gigantic hit. I still think FYE was a fantastic album. It should have been a bigger hit in the states. There is NO ONE like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hi Daydreamin and Lam-my! You're welcome. The thing is, my mother is a huge fan of Elvis and as far as I remember there was always his music at home. Now, it's my turn to "educate" my kids with the music (and singer) I like, and it's up to them if they like it or not. Fortunately, they seem to really love it, so I feel very lucky and thankful. I wish one day you all could visit me, at 7am you can hear "If I had you" at full volume from my room, it's sort of "djow san" (good morning) to my homophobic mother-in-law. I know I am evil...
Have a nice day, guys!


Anonymous said...

Magnific!!! Da BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes u r right:)
I meant Adjectives: Thanks!!! LOL
It's the GORGEOUS pic of our Rock God ADAM!!!
no word to describe anymore !!!
Can't wait to hear Trespassing!!!

Anonymous said...

(giggles)I think I'd better stop from posting now, I'm too high from excitement that I even can't spell my own name correctly. Stil giggles...silly.


Anonymous said...

Shymayo sounds really good too, but you don't feel shy to me, lol. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet 4 hours ago:

In addition to serving as Executive Producer of TRESPASSING, I'm also the Creative Director. @leecherry is my Art Director and Photographer.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous *faint*... hehehe

Anonymous said...

As Adam's photo appeared on my screen, my first thought was "amazing"! Then I scrolled down to the poll, and imagine my surprise when I saw the first voting choice was "amazing"! truly is a fabulous cover.

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry did a fantastic job here. Amazing cover for an amazing entertainer.

Anonymous said...

I don't have soul when I'm staring at him right now!!!!:)))

Can't wait to see him grawl on the stage again!!!!

Concert here we comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Mwah!! K said...

Since I just lost my big post, I'll just have to say, I love Adam's new cover! But FYE cover is my fav cuz I can't forget how I reacted to seeing Adam for the first time on an album cover!
My reaction to this cover? My heart came up into my throat, just an OMG!moment here. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

When I woke up this morning I was really sleepy. Then,I turn on my computer to check on Adam's "during the night" news when suddenly I saw it!!! OMG!!I just could help to scream!!AAAHHH!! Amazing!Stuning!It's the kind of cover that even you don't know or like the singer you go for it! It makes you wanna buy it and know how that man sings!!If the big music store I usually go don't place it in the main entrance display, I'm gonna leave some CD's there!!heheheh...They should do a special edition with a HUGE poster!!LOL!!

LOL!! Good job with your dauther!! and you should work hard on your husband!!ooopppsss....;)
Love the subtle touch of morning music,goooodd....:D


Anonymous said...

I LOVED the 'FYE' cover SO much.I love and respect my Glitter Glam Adam and always will with an enormous passion. Today, in the realm of 'chaper 2' I think
the new album cover is brilliant.
Lee Cherry captured Adam to perfection! Yes, love the toned down Adam but I know Adam will always have that glitter in his DNA! Way to go Glitter God!

Cheril said...

I've loved everything Lee Cherry has put out there with Adam. This is a really gorgeous picture. If you look closely the left side of his face is lighter with and has the highlights in his hair and the right side has shadow representing the darker side. Gotta love Adam cuz he's always about the details.
This cover is a winner.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet 6 hours ago:

Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement! Can't wait for you all to hear it!!


Sligo said...

Wow nice

Anonymous said...

Great album cover!

fefa14 said...

this cover eztah por enzimaaahh!! (over the top lol) im so exited i cant think of any words in english lol!! XD el ez el mejooor!! dios miio tan sexy y rico ke eztah jajaja (sorry again i said....he is the best..OMG his is so sexy and delicious lol!) i love how he is always teasing us!! we cant waiiitt!!!!! at least i cant!!NO PUEDO!! esperar no seh sii llegue a marzo 20!!! :)

Anonymous said...


TRANQULIZATE!!! RESPIRA!!!Lo se, lo se...It's too hard to expres yourself in another language when you're sooo exited!!!!LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Your first word reads like tranquiliser! Hey her Mom will come after you! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Getting excited myself, maybe I'm the one who needs the tranquiliser!
LOL! :) Above, mine.

ksgirl01 said... and Adam, not always in that order, LOL. What a great way to wake -up! I love how we get a little tease here and there with the new album, how exciting is this? Adam you look great as usual. next, the video of BTIKM. loving it :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.13

Maybe we will need TRANQULISERS afther we heard Trespassing!!!!
fefa14mom, I'm lucky that you undestand spanish!! LOL!!!


Anonymous said...


EEEEEEEEEEEK!!! Someone find the 6
people who didn't like the album cover and make sure they have a pulse!

9 more girls in my dorm just ordered the said "I don't know if I'll like the music, (she's a country music fan) but I'm going to sleep with the cover under my pillow!"

I called my Mom at work and said "check out 24/7", when she called me back, she said " well that woke the office up, even put a sparkle in the eyes of a couple of the guys!!!!!the women are drooling, the ones from 25 to 65, no matter how old you get, you're still A GIRL!"

I have a cool Mom.---------MM

Anonymous said...

I love this album cover! This is just perfect. Another perfect day for me was yesterday. Washington state is going to be #7 for marriage equality! Maryland is also announcing...come on CA! You can do this for our Adam!


Anonymous said...

LOL! LOL! Hey I scared you, didn't I...I'm not fefa's Mom!! I forgot to sign. Thanks for the greeaat laugh! Gotcha! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

So your hard work as President of LGBT (WA) seems to have paid off!! Very happy for you and the LGBT people. :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT.....

And now I need to go outside and breathe deeply

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

If you missed Adam appearances for this past week, watch 23 videos of Adam's performances and interviews here:

Anonymous said...

These UK listeners are killing us with their reviews. Read this article:

We've not had this good a feeling about an album since we heard an advance copy of 21 by Adele.


daydreamin said...

This is backtracking a bit, but here is a great article regarding the Leno performance and how they believe Adam will gain many more new 'on the fence' followers due to the new music and also because of the toned down look.

Anonymous said...


You're a very very bad girls.....Now i'm gonna need the tranquilisers!!!LOL!!! and looking to that cover doesn't help!!!!
I really need to breath!!

Love your coment!! I also thought about the pillow thing....LOL!


Anonymous said...

Twisted big time! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Rock-a-doodle-doo! Hey it was an honest mistake, forgot to sign. And then your follow-up comment to fefa's Mom sent me skyrocketing! LOL! Thank you for a good hearty uplift...internal jogging! :)

daydreamin said...

@lmb Congratulations! A lot of hard work paying off!

@Minnie Mouse- EXCELLENT!! Love hearing about the excitement this new album is stirring up! I think we are witnessing history in the making and I am sooooooo glad to be a part of it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ SG: Hi! and thanks for your kind words. Hubby hopefully will be tamed soon ( he's so stuck with his Celtic music, Mary Black all over the house. I have nothing against her but I always make sure Adam Lambert wins at the end. Ha!).


Anonymous said...

love adam lambert album cover-he look like young elvis-omg o handsome with a voice of an angel.

Anonymous said...

lmb, are you president of LBGT in WA?

Anonymous said...

Y'know, it just occurred to me that the album will have booklet of a photo shoot, right? So there will be MORE pics inside the CD. If this cover is any indication of what's inside, I think I'll just pass out right now. It's going to be EPIC! It's a wonder I have any breath left at all, because he steals it every single time.

BTW There's also a Japanese photoshoot he did, right? In some mag or something?

fefa14 said...

yeah pero es ke no kreo ke pueda trankilizarmeee!!! jaja all day i have been showing everyone adams cover lol and time has not gone fast enough for school to end so i could se more of him lol

lolololol!!! i just arrived and read that comment and im like MOM?? since when does my mom enters here!?? ....but i know!! YOU could be my internet mom lol :)

Anonymous said...

You're wellcome!
but, be carefull!! there are plenty of asteroids out there!!Go straight to Adam's star, I'll be right back!
Btw, I'm printyng a few pillow cases with that cover, drooling know...


You're wellcome!!:D


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would TRESPASS onto his property anytime.

Anonymous said...

Those are the most heartwarming words, I have heard being crazy here. Yea I'm truly honoured to be your internet Mom!! Anytime!! Also, I'll protect you like a motherhen if SG tries to offer you tranquilisers again! LOL! :)

Can I place an order for the Adam pillow-cases...I need 10, LOL! Regarding those asteroids, not to worry, scientists scrutinise the skies every second of the day. Anyway they won't be able to even get a whiff-past Planet Kungfu because our KungfuMan is admiring himself there and his magnetic field is super strong especially when he is wailing to the stars. But I think I had better watch out for a special shimmering asteroid that may be heading my way, sexy, funny and fierce! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

I just have to catch my breath and shake my head in awe every time I look into Adam's gaze on that album cover. He is so beautiful and perfect.....Thud.


fefa14 said...

ur welkome!!!! and not to worry SG has done nothing !! lol :) no trankilizers for me haha i will have to control all the delicious things adam is doing to us fans haha because by the looks of it i wiill have attacks more often lol XD

BTW hopefully i will behave well lol

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam don't tune down he's glam look ,he's wearing less eyeliner.:(

Anonymous said...

I want to put it on my ceiling. Soooo Sexy...oh that mouth.

Anonymous said...

I'll try again---Google won't let me into my account as myself!I also love the pix of Adam on the cover of new album. I do hope that the pictures inside have some of the very handsome Adam in blue. The cover is very SEXY of course!!!!