Adam Lambert Movie Date with Boyfriend and Friend 1/22/12
Filed Under (Friends,pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Monday, January 23, 2012
Posted at : Monday, January 23, 2012
Making the most of the evening, Adam Lambert was spotted out on a movie date in Hollywood last night (January 22) at the Arclight Movie Theater.

Thanks to danilo85!

Thanks to danilo85!
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They're looking good. Danielle has lost some weight, she is so pretty. Wouldnt you all just love to be at the movies and Adam is close by?
Knowing Adam and Danielle are close friends, wonder is those two ever got heavy with each other.
You know out of curiosity.
Ladies, he said it aint gonna happen unless you have a surprise under your skirt. Get yourselves some dildos and get ready.
There are some great ones on the market, feel just like the real thing.
Still laughing at the comment about where their mouths have been. That struck me funny, now when I look at pictures of A & S that thought crosses my mind.
They probably rumble till exhaustion.
Wish I knew what was so funny . . not really but I can just hear BB giggling
Adam looks adorable with a cap :)
@8:52 AM Aw I love his giggling.
Pic# 1
Adam thinking "oh, here we go again"
Price of fame sweetie!
the boys are living healthier and it shows !! good for them!
But to me Sauli is starting to look a bit too skinny.. but that's just my opinion.
I love Sauli's bone structure.
Adam looking so good, as usual. I wonder what movie they went to see. Even though there are cameras in his face, Adam seems to be happy and laughing and probably realizes there is not much he can do about this any more. He'd better get used to it because once the video for BTIKM is released and then the album, the media and papparazzi will be all over him. Unfortunately that's the price you pay for fame and success. Don't much like those jeans on Sauli; it looks as if he spilled something all over them. Anyway, it is always great to see the latest pictures of Adam whether he is shopping at Whole Foods or coming out of a movie theater.
awwww<3 so cute :)<3<3 and i love sauli's hair that way! looks so so cute! and adam is super adorable as well! they're just the perfect couple :D
Oh Adam, why do you do this to us with your magnificent beauty and sexiness! Adam, always in the company of beautiful people, but always the stand-out! (I can't get enough of the cap also-accentuates his gorgeous face.........sigh) I know, how about a coffee table book -
we can call it, THE BOOK OF ADAM!!! Best-seller for sure!
I think it would be more disappointing not to have paps around you when you're a new celeb. I wonder if they follow Kris Allen around when he's exiting restaurants, movies, etc.
Adam trying not to look at the paps. THEY LOVE YOU ADAM!! :-D You're not only a song god, you're a fame god as well!!
Adam is probably trying not to get blinded by the flashing of the cameras..its dark out and to have cameras flashing in your eyes is painful. But on the other hand, what happens when you're a celeb..And such gorgeous people! They all look great!
Sauli wearing Adam's scarf.
Adam never ceases to amaze with his beauty. Love Sauli's curly hair! Danielle looks good, too! Meeting the paps in part of the job. A good part, I'd say.
Can't we EVER come to this site without someone "Wondering" about ADAM & whomever? Gets kind of OLD & I wish people would stop it!! JMO
Tweet from AccessHollywood:
DishofSalt Laura Saltman
Ok. Off to interview @adamlambert
Watch her video
HAC radios added BTIKM to their playlist. We still need to request. Please go to the following link to find your local HAC radios and please let's request via email, twitter, facebook, text, and fill out mediabase forms or other radio forms. PLEASE!!!
From MTV:
jim cantiello
An LA co-worker has a few minutes lined up with @AdamLambert later. She asked for a couple of questions. And I wrote 30. Whoops! #CutCutCut
From MSN UK:
MSN Music UK
Heard some of Adam Lambert's new album. Very hush-hush as it's not out for a while. I predict Trespassing will be a HUGE dancefloor hit!
MTV UK reviewed Trespassing:
On twitter:
CANADIANS!! ET Canada w/ ADAM LAMBERT is on tonight on Global at 6pm Pacific!!
UK is showing Adam's GNT on T.V. Here is a tweet from someone (not a fan yet) recommending it:
Recomends every1 to watch @adamlambert concert for the first time on uk tv. On @Chartshowtv saturday at 11 am
with his boy and girl. he is in a good place:) the two that mean the most.
8 51 that is a riot, they must go thru tons of lube.
I think Danielle would be his woman of choice if he went to the other side.she knows him Better than he knows himself;) I think she really loves him or she wouldn't be with him all the time when she could be with someone else. a huge admiration from both sides. Friends can get sexy and I think they probably have from time to time.
I bet Adam sits in the middle and Danielle and Sauli treat him like the Glam God he is;) I wonder if he pays for the date???? they probably stick their hands in his popcorn when he isn't looking;);)
Adam is having a date night with his two special people. it must be nice in the Lambertland about right now:)
what movie did they see
To be fair to Kris, he doesn't live in LA where the paps lurk. Adam always looks good, and yes, Sauli is a cutie, and Danielle looks very good also. Beautiful people having a good time. Nice. And to the suggestion that Adam should do a coffee Table book, please add my yes to the voting list. We vote for everything else Adam, so a book would be good. LOLs
the Saltman always wanting to get close with the Glam Godfather. she is feisty little cougar.
With his boy and girl. Love how he loves them both.
Those san francisco dj's get an award for pulling that out of him!
Might have been Katy P :) She would be nice and fun.
Trespassing will let us in more. Cant wait.
what's up with the lack of PDA these days?
I bet Danielle gets in a cuddlefest with AL and SK. living the good life in those Hollywood hills
OT: @Anon 11:19, here's Laura Saltman's tweet from after the interview, with a nice pic: "Just wrapped intv w/ @adamlambert such a sweetheart. Great way to start the week."
PDA ???
@Anon 12:51, PDA=public display of affection :) (being a teenager during the tech/social-networking age has its benefits :p)
Can I live the good life in HW hills? I'd be the 4th to partake in their love fest.
what do mean lack of pda? between Adam and friends?
In the beginning of their relationship, Sauli mentioned that he doesn't like PDA, that's private for just themselves. It' not a new thing, I don't think you will find many if any PDA with Sauli and Adam.
IMO, i dont think that they, nor anyone else, need to publicly display their affection for someone - it makes it seem like they feel the need to qualify their relationship, which happy couples obviously dont. i would say this about both high-school couples as well as couples in the public eye, such as Adam and Sauli. just my opinion :)
there's nothing wrong with arm holding. it is very intimate and can be done in public. they should grab hold of those strong arms and hold them for the paprazzo. He says he likes his arm candy. He has both varieties. Flaunt for all the world to see:)
he has arm candy but in different wrappers;))variety is always a good thing.
Adam is cool, he'll do what he feels like doing whenever he feels like doing it.
OT: So we saw Adam on Leno and Ellen. Are those the only appearances he has scheduled to promote BTIKM? I remember Ellen saying "You won't see him anywhere else on daytime TV." Why the hell not? Other artists do GMA, Early Show, Today, something, anything. And what about Letterman, Kimmel, Conan, Ferguson even for cryin' out loud?! How about SNL? Come on, new PR people...Do your job!
1:19PM Adam will be doing some European promo I believe sometimes this week and on his birthday. I don't have the dates. But I know he is going to Germany, Switzerland, and UK. Others who know please give us the dates.
Adam doing the jig with Katy Perry, my god now that would be something.
Respect ADAM. Why is it always so differcult to realize he is a gay man who needs to be respected. He sure has to put up with so much crapola from so many people.
Yahoo music:
lyndseyparker Lyndsey Parker
Thank you @adamlambert for a wonderful, info-crammed interview! I can't wait to share it with your fans. #trespassing
3 minutes ago
Seems like Adam had press conference today in L.A.
Let's ignore trolls. PLEASE!
A lot of news today. Adam is having a promo press conf.
Special message from Adam to his fans:
From Twitter:
@oriharakaoru: I'll be streaming ET Canada from 7:30pm-8:00pm EST...
Apparently Adam will be in Germany from 1/30 through 2/2. German fans, can you translate this:
Sony Music Germany
@adamlambert wird vom 30.01. bis zum 02.02. in Deutschland sein, um bundesweit die Radiostationen zu besuchen! Also Lauscher auf!
Google translation of German tweet:
@adamlambert is from 30.01. to 02.02. be in Germany to Germany to visit the radio stations! So eavesdropper on!
Danielle knows Adam inside and out. they were roommates once and probably cuddled on the bed or maybe on the sink or shower??? who really knows??? but she said on an AI interview once "I LOVE YOU" to him. and baby in a twit. She isn't going anywhere.
Danielle called him BABY in a tweet not twit. she is his cuddle bunnie
I wonder what movie they went to see? love the pics. I get mad at the paps until nice pictures like these or the ones at Whole Foods surface. Can't help it. hee he
In one of Adams radio interviews he said he had been with a woman befor and it was fun.I wonder who that was!LUCKY GIRL
Very strange pictures. Are they drunk?
They don't want the camera to catch their eyes. My guess is a little tipsy or been smokin something. Adore Adam. No judgement. Just looking at his eyes in the one. They aren't bright and clear. They are looking a little sheepish. Just sayin.
the trolls are here with the tipsy drunk smokin' something sh*t! You aint foolin' anyone with that crap.
Freaking gorgeous. Love this cool sort of messy casual but put together look on Adam. Love this cap thing he wears. Meh is way too gorgeous.
Strange pictures be damned. They are just trying to avoid eye contact with the paps. Maybe they went to see The Hunger Games.
Have to say that I don't agree with the fans who think Tommy is very loyal to Adam.
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