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Adam Lambert on Access Hollywood Video: Is Adam Lambert Toning Down His Rocker Look?

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Adam Lambert tells's Laura Saltman why he decided to tone down his glam and rocker style, but he's still wears some crazy shoes. Adam's new album, "Trespassing," will be released on March 19. Posted 1-24-12.

Adam Lambert chats with's Laura Saltman about his upcoming birthday, but is he ready to turn the big 3-0?


Anonymous said...

listening to these interviews brings to mind the words 'growing up'.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous,,,singingl,,talking,,I could listen to him all day anjd night

Anonymous said...

lunch break eating and typing not good

Anonymous said...

Saltman and all her fangirl glory. flirting much Ms. Saltman. trying to get a rise from the Glam God himself. always ENTERTAINING*

Anonymous said...

she makes no secret of her crush. shhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Always interesting to see an Adam interview. He is articulate, smart, witty and so personable. Also, I love this new look for Adam. Turning 30 and turning a new chapter in his life and career with the release of his second album Trespassing are all good. Hope 2012 is the best one of Adam both professionally and personally.

fanatapan said...

OT: on AdamOfficial there's a new post about UK reviews of Tresspassing, and i thought i'd give u all the link:

and by the way, the fact that people like 4Music are saying this is GREAT news for Adam - they have a lot of influence on popular music over here in the UK. Channel 4 is the main music/pop/current/quirky/alt tv channel over here :) so its all great publicity, and maybe he can finally make it big over here :D

Anonymous said...

The UK is Adam's hardest nut to crack. The good review is so important! Hope the UK finally discovers what they've been missing and stop being "too cool" for Adam. He is SO worth their attention!

As for Adam's toning himself down a bit: I love his new look BUT I hope he'll glam himself up now and then just for old time's sake. I'll miss the glitter if we don't see it again. I hope that on his next tour he'll be sexy as hell but maybe in a new way. Maybe he'll do a song with the old glam, too. Whatever he does, Adam will always be in the forefront of what's new and exciting. I've got goosebumps on my goosebumps just waiting for it to happen. Kudos to the UK reviewers who finally know a great talent when they see one!

fanatapan said...

also OT: Clevvermusic featured the new Trespassing cover today, here's the link for those that are interested:

:D fanatapan

Anonymous said...

leather bodysuit with knee high leather boots for next tour. preferably black. showing every little detail

Anonymous said...

with those eyes, who wouldn't get their flirt on;);)

Anonymous said...

I often used to think to myself maybe there was a little bit of hiding behind the glitz and glamour.I did love it though but I think I love this more subtle and mature Adam more, he is just devine.
The album cover is beautiful.
Wheres Jak? Hope all is okay.

Anonymous said...

Hiding behind the glitz and glammer. I think he just loved the look. He loves Bowie and Bowie did the same. He is right about the RS article on Bowie. Explicit.
Bowie announced he was gay in the 70's, after marrying a woman and having a child. After the gay announced, he is married today to Iman the model and they have a daughter.
Alright Adam what shock are you going to give us years from now?

Anonymous said...

This is Jessie Lynn

I guess JAK is still in hospital, I've been watching for her tag all day. I wanted to thank her for responding to my post. But I have so many of you wonderful people to thank for all the kind messages, I will thank you now and keep my eye out for JAK too.

I'm going to save a couple of these threads so I can re read them, they are like warm hugs. They are scarce around here lately.
I don't want to sound all poor me. I know my family loves me, they just don't know how to treat me, I think it's like JAK said, they are afraid for me and they just don't understand my situation and the situation they feel I've put them in.
I am still deeply closeted, Only one friend knows and she's my confident. My parents don't want to talk about it, the ignore it and it will go away approach. I guess I was rude to my Grandmother, the last time she brought up my spending eternity in hell, I told her, she needn't worry yet, so far I was as celibate as if I were still in the womb!

Adam was SOOOOOO lucky with the parents he had. I am very grateful for the guys who started the "It Gets Better" spots.

I'm praying JAK will be better soon, I forgot to tell her I liked the birthday poems for Riff and Adam.

fanatapan said...

Jessie Lynn, i agree whole heartedly with your warm wishes for JAK, i really hope she is well. and i wasnt aware of your situation until now, and i'm glad that neither of us are alone; i'm bi and i'm out to my friends and my whole school knew within an hour, but i'm terrified of telling my parents, for fear of experiences similar to yours. but, as Adam and so many others rightly said, it GETS BETTER. i dont think about the effects in the present, i just focus on the positive outcome - thats what i'm telling myself anyway! thinking of you and JAK of course x :)

Anonymous said...

I miss JAK, too. I hope she's somehow able to keep up with Adam on a laptop or something. If not, we'll just have to pray that she'll be back soon.

Jessie Lynn, my heart goes out to you. My godson is gay and is lucky to have a loving and accepting family. My step-niece is gay and does not have it so lucky with her family. It makes such a huge difference in their lives. One is open and comfortable and happy. The other is hesitant and tense about anyone finding out beyond the immediate family. Such a night-and-day approach to life! I hope your future with your family becomes easier as time goes on. It's constantly amazing how Adam has spurred acceptance and understanding in many families. His positive influence is wide and strong.


Anonymous said...

There's actually more to the interview. If you click on some of the pics, when the second clip ends, you will find more to this interview ... talking about Trespassing, etc. Check it out!

Anonymous said...

I love the piece of hair falling down in the front.It is so good seeing Adam interviews again.

Anonymous said...

More from His Gorgeousness...

Anonymous said...

Remember guys some of the song will be funky, edgy, rock. Just wait people when the concert starts, the Rock God will grawl and pump the fans indeed....

Right now, he is promoting the single so a little bit of what we are seeing right now on television.

I really believe that the second time around will be wilder and more electrifying voice indeed.

2012 is for Adam this time and so on!!! YAY!!!


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there were any adds today?

Anonymous said...

Jessie Lynn, warm thoughts from me as well. I am straight, but had to fight some hard fights especially with my mother, and I ended up getting married at 19 (which is not that rare in the US but EXTREMELY rare where I come from) just to be able to get away and to run my own life myself. It may take some time for your family to come around. But in the meantime, please do look for support elsewhere, because there is plenty of it out there. We don't get to pick our families, but we do get to pick our friends. I have many LGBT friends whose "second family" I am honored to be part of. I am sure you will find that second family as well. We are already here on this board for you virtually!

Anonymous said...

OT, but so emotional:
A gift to Adam for his Birtday from Vietnam...

Anonymous said...

Oooops, meant to say for his BIRTHday... sorry!

Anonymous said...

the flirting is so obvious between these two. get a room already!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Vietnam. That was an absolutely beautiful video.It's good to know that you love Adam like we do.


HK fan said...

This is part 1 of the Lyndsey Parker interview. Its a good one, she really lets Adam talk without all the interupting that many interviewers do.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody said Bowie?
It was Freddie who complitely change his look after he turned 30!Sorry, but Bowie could change his style but he coudn't do anything with his ugly face!
Freddie was sexy,funny, and it didn't matter what kind of cloted he weared.He was, he still is the Rock God.He dind't have a lot of interviews(one of the things he was known about). But his interview were smart and full of humor and love and happiness! Same as Adam's interviews
Love you, Adam

Anonymous said...

That video from Vietnam was so sweet. I hope Adam does get to see it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie Lynn, I hope you are feeling better now. Remember we Are here for you. I am more than old enough to be your Grandma and would love to be a friend to you.
I dont have a lot of experience in what you are going through with your family, but I have gradnsons whom I love dearly and will love them forever whatever comes our way.
Your family will hopefully educate themselves on your situation and come through for you. You are perfect in every way. Remember that.
Jadam. NZ

Anonymous said...

I think I'll sound discuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusing if I said that Adam would prefare to have 16th years old fans from rehab than us, old woman who spend their time between MRI, mammo,and ekg? And after all try to share all deatlis of our biopsy with him and his fans!
By the way, about sickness. Did you see that somebody started the blog "AdamLambertfever"? This is very stupid

Anonymous said...

Adam looks better than ever. Just a gorgeous handsome man with or sans makeup. Perfection. And that speaking voice--so soothing.

Anonymous said...

@8:34 ... First learn how to write properly ... then ... GO POUND SALT!!!

Anonymous said...

Old people are really getting pounded lately. Should we apologize for living past 60?

Please direct me to one of those countries where the wisdom of elders is respected and sought for guidance. Are there any left or should I just tie a plastic bag over my head and get out of the way? FU

Anonymous said...

OT - Wouldn't you love to give Adam a gift for his birthday? Let's make sure his song "Better Than I Know Myself" gets more than 1 million views on YouTube before the 29th.

Just go here:

I've heard that if you just hit replay, it doesn't count as another view, you have to refresh the page.

I also finally realized that I can open YouTube about 10 times on my computer, and keep refreshing each song when it finishes.

Let's go for 1 million!!!!!