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Adam's Friend Alisan Porter Announces Pregnancy

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 1, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, January 01, 2012


Carlos said...

Congrats to her.

Kind of tacky to post that on Twitter isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you dear......

Adam will be an uncle to be again.:)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and hope the baby is healthy, along with Mama. Is this one of those modern pregnancies when the father of child least in site?

Anonymous said...

Daddy probably took the pic. They were married last year. She is also the Godmother to Riff. Congratulations , It' nice to see a baby so loved already, some are'nt sadly.

Anonymous said...

her biological clock is ticking.Glad to see her so happy.

Anonymous said...

all the ladies in the Lambert camp are becoming mommies, but ADAM isn't the donor for NONE of Them:(( what pretty babies he would make.

The Dark Side said...

I thought Alisan Porter about the same age as Adam. These days 30 is not that old to have your first child. Congrats to the happy couple.

Anonymous said...

30 is not that old to have a baby but it's getting more difficult to conceive in your 30's.

Anonymous said...

Curly Sue is going to have her own little Curly Sue. Congratulations to mama, baby and daddy! [:

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sooo happy for Alison Porter! She is so accomodating especially to Adam...their duet of Aftermath was spectacular! By the way, that ultra-scan of the foetus looks exactly like the one the gynaecologist showed me of my first child, a boy, many many moons ago. The gynae told me it was too early to tell if it was a boy; but I knew all along it was a boy. My so-called clairvoyance once again had hit it right on the bull's-eye! :)

Anonymous said...

what would adams kid look like

Anonymous said...

A bit tacky posting the pregnancy testers but I guess Alisan is so over the moon about it, she wanted to share it with the world. According to wikipedia, she'll be 31 this year. Hope she has a hassle-free pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world are some people saying to post that is tacky? I just don't get the negative comments.

glitzylady said...

Congrats to Alisan....and I don't see it as being tacky that she's announcing it to her fans this way...I wish her happiness and health..And an easy pregnancy.. Another baby for Adam to cuddle...Awww! : )

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So happy for Allison! I didn't know she married last year. Lots of babies for Adam to hold and enjoy!

Congrats to Allison and the daddy.


Anonymous said...

I'm very happy for Alisan and her husband, Adam's friends are having babies in clumps...nice that they will have a big extended play group of "almost" family near the same age. Maybe Danielle next?


glitzylady said...

Off Topic: great review of "Better Than I know Myself" from

Track Review: Adam Lambert, 'Better Than I Know Myself'

"Better Than I Know Myself" (3:36)
Producers: Dr. Luke, Cirkut and Ammo
Writers: Lukasz Gottwald, Joshua Coleman, Claude Kelly and Henry Walter
Publishers: Kasz Money Publishing/Each Note Counts/Prescription Songs/ Traintracks Studio/Prescription Songs (ASCAP) Music/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI)
RCA Records/19 Entertainment

"Better Than I Know Myself" the first single from Adam Lambert's forthcoming sophomore album "Trespassing," attempts to replicate the winning pop-rock formula of the singer's breakout single, "Whataya Want From Me." That song, from the former "American Idol" finalist's 2009 debut "For Your Entertainment," included an unstoppable hook and an unflinching vocal performance to serve as its foundation. While "Better Than I Know Myself" is not as immediately overpowering, repeated listenings amplify the untamed vulnerability that has become Lambert's defining asset. Producers Dr. Luke, Cirkut and Ammo provide a ground-swelling chorus, but Lambert shines in the intimate verses, singing, "I can be obnoxious at times/But try and see my heart" before the final climax. Like any talented pop artist, Lambert understands subtle reflection as well as epic bombast."

daydreamin said...

I am so excited for Alisan!

Here is a beautiful up-close pic of Adam:

here is another one...wonder where this is taken:

and another two I haven't seen before in those sexy white pants:

tess4ADAM said...

Congrats!! to Alisan & hubby ... so sweet that she is so happy to be having a baby that she wants to share it with the world!! Nothing tacky about it!!! ANY baby is a Miracle & should be Embraced & LOVED in or out of the womb!! Bless Alisan & her sweet baby boy/girl ... maybe one of each!?!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

May your minds run amok. Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

I can understand her being happy about the pregnancy, but taking pics and posting the pregnancy sticks that she peed on for all to see? TMI, folks, TMI. It's not like anyone wouldn't believe her news but we don't need to see it, euw.

daydreamin said...

A nice vid full of poetry for the poets in the house:

daydreamin said...

Now what would you do if you came across this?

daydreamin said...

So Adam made #8 in MTV's best dressed of 2011!!

daydreamin said...

Sauli's post about going bowling for Neil's birthday:

Re: Sauli's Official Blog
« Reply #27 on Dec 29, 2011, 3:10am »
December 3oth, 2011

Original text:
Translation by Miachihu (@miachihu) and Zinnia (@tiiqqu), posted on December 30th, 2011

For pictures go to Sauli's original blog (link above). Please also, feel free to leave comments to Sauli on the site - use the text box at the bottom of the page. You can also write in English.

Yesterday we were with a big bunch of people in the Lucky Strike bowling hall in Hollywood to celebrate Adam’s brother’s birthday. I love bowling!! My game started nicely with a full strike, but then the rest of the game was almost pure gutter balls… Bowling is an awesome sport because you don’t have to know how to do it but much of it depends on the luck. Of course there are also those professional players who have their own tactics and tricks. It was also fun to see yesterday how amazingly different styles people have for bowling. This is one sport that really shows your personality.

Now my whole right arm and lower back are stuck, but it doesn’t matter because it was worth it. If you are thinking about a good way to spend an evening with your friends, you must definitely go bowling!!

New Year is approaching… yay!!



Direct link to this post:

glitzylady said...

@daydreamin 11:39 PM
I'd probably say the same thing I'd say if I ran across this ; )))

daydreamin said...

More from Sauli's blog from yesterday and today (note that the first one is signed "S & A"??):

Re: Sauli's Official Blog
« Reply #28 on Dec 29, 2011, 3:10am »
January 1st, 2012

Original text:
Translation by Miachihu (@miachihu) and Zinnia (@tiiqqu), posted on January 1st, 2012

A wonderful New Year to you all readers of my blog! I hope the New Year will bring all of us wonderful experiences, trips, love, peace, health and everything else we people need!!


/S & A

Re: Sauli's Official Blog
« Reply #29 on Dec 29, 2011, 3:10am »
January 2nd, 2012

Original text:
Translation by Miachihu (@miachihu) and Zinnia (@tiiqqu), posted on January 2nd, 2012

For pictures go to Sauli's original blog (link above). Please also, feel free to leave comments to Sauli on the site - use the text box at the bottom of the page. You can also write in English.

New year and new tricks! Can this year start any better way than with a proper morning run! Today there’s 28 C in the thermometer, so I think this day will be spent by mostly lying outside and reading a book. Right now I’m reading “The Hunger Games” and it really grips your attention. It’s an absolutely wonderful book. This Hunger Games -story is a three-part trilogy, of which there’s a movie coming out in March. I warmly recommend these books for reading!

I’m sending some rays of sunshine and warmth from here to you there in Finland. I’m sure this year is going to be absolutely insane!!

P.S. This week I could again answer to some questions. I’ll pick about 15 – 20 best questions to which I will answer. yay!!



Direct link to this post:

daydreamin said...

Found these tweets on Adamtopia? I wonder if Adam gave Sauli some of th jewelry he is wearing on the previous thread? hmmmmmm....

SaraVannah sarahanna
@adamlambert I really enjoyed working with you! I wish you both health and happiness in the new year!

@SaraVannah wherever my job takes me
finding you the best jewelry to express your love

Read more:

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Daydreamin, you've given us some gems today - THANK U. <3

And thanks for posting that review, glitzylady. <3 I'm glad there are some journos who get it!

Congratulations to Alisan & hubby. Think it's strange that she posted her pregnancy tests but whatever floats her boat!

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the LA water right now!!! Ha!!!! Congrats Alisan from the land of Oz!

HK fan said...

Congratulations to alisan and her husband.

This is myfirst comment from my new xmas pressie.....
Its taken me bloody ages!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Alisan! Wishing you a happy, healthy baby!

Anonymous said...

Aawww congrats to Alisan. Another of the special ladies in Adam's group of friends are at that stage of having babies!!! Riff will have some tight special friends to hang with.

THREE preg-positive... (lol) gotta be sure!! Congrats and best wishes.
Hope she enjoys this special, amazing time in her life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all of you who posted such great links to all the pics and articles! Such a great way to start the day. And Sauli is so cute about the bowling. We are really in "anticipation mode" right now. Lots of Adamazing stuff to come and SOON! BTW 5:47, don't you think Adam's kids would be freckled gingers? Strong possibility!

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe people are still so uptight...I literally cringed at every comment about tackiness. smh it's not like she posted an up-close video of her peeing on the stick. It's a picture of the results, which she is obviously excited about, and that's not tacky at all. Loosen up people, loosen up. Congrats to her and I hope she takes a picture of her belly everyday and makes a montage, because those are so cool to watch. :) <3

glitzylady said...

Another comment about Alisan's post: In case you don't understand twitter: her announcement only went to her friends, family, extended family, and those who "follow" her, and are her fans, and not to everyone in the twitterverse.....I think its really special that she shared her news in this rather cute and really very personal way...

Just my opinion..... : ))

Anonymous said...

Congrats Alisan!!
Another baby, Uncle Adam:))
Hope someday he has his own.


Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin

From now on when I do my rhyming I insist on a composer like Offenbach
to write the music to accompany my verses. Well, a live one...not the late Offenbach himself!

Going way back to my first Am Idol rhyme, just what composer should I have used for...

SATISFACTION was felt by all
A sort of wake up libido call...
BLACK or WHITE was cool and tough
Boy, we couldn't get enough...
RING of FIRE did us in
The boy was tempting us with sin.

etc. etc. etc. thru 12 more verses!

I don't write music...just lyrics~

^o^ JAK

kiwinatasja said...

Very happy for Alison. Not really understanding the need to do 4 pregnancy test tho lol. Hope everything goes well with her and bubs.

daydreamin said...

@JAK Yes INDEED "wake up libido call" AND
"The boy was tempting us with sin".

He most definitely does that to us!!

Thanks for your rhymes and sharing your gift with us as always! You are a treasure here, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...


I recommend a dub step beat for that poem. Where's the rest of it?

I remember the one you wrote about Adam showing an inch of tummy, when he was walking down the street in NYC.
Yummy! That photo still floats through my dreams. Awake and asleep!

Anonymous said...

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