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February 3rd! 7 More Days!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, January 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

Guess he wanted to make some changes to the video. Can't wait!

Just saw this tweet about livestream time of Adam's performance in Austria on his BD:

@mindchnger revised livestream times for Sun gig in Austria: intv performance

Adam Lambert #QSnowcase interview

Livestream Qsnowcase

Anonymous said...

From Chartshowtv:

**CALLING ALL ADAM LAMBERT FANS** Make sure you're tuned into Chart Show TV for the sensational Glam Nation Live Tour debuting on Saturday 28th January at 11am. You wont want to miss it!

Anonymous said...

From Australian radio PD:

Byron Cooke
I'll be posting my @adamlambert interviews 1 video at a time Feb 1st to Feb 7th...more deets soon! #btikm #trespassing

Adamluv said...

So in need of a new Adam video to watch! Too long has passed since IIHY!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam will stay with us for long time and he will not give up.
Because, after all of these interviews, promotions,etc, Tresspassing sale slow down (again:( and we coudn't do anything about itune store score. But we love Adam and I hope he doesn't care so much about numbers. Because he can't get top 10 or top 20 anymore. I'm sure each of us bought few copies of Tresspassing and download BTIKM from itunes and amazon. But it's still doesn't work as good as it was at 2009. Again, ladies, we can't do the market. And I wish I will know WHERE ARE ALL OF THESE GLAMBERTS AROUND THE WORLD!!!!!Sorry, I forgot, they send such a nice birthday cards to Adam. But they can't afford to buy new CD or download BTIKM few times.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't have to pay a lot of money to all of these big stars who was invited to make Tresspassing. Cause, it will be very difficult to pay back.

funbunn40 said...

This video looks like it will be very similiar to WWFM from the look behind the scenes. Sure will be glad when it's finally released. Wish I were on my way to Austria! Lucky fans!Adam will be so fired up!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:52 and 10:55 PM


Anonymous said...

I am an international fan and I will be buying several copies of Better Than I Know Myself and Trespassing. I already have 1 copy of Better Than I Know Myself and 1 copy of Trespassing (on order via Adam Offficial) and will buy more. Please do not generalise about Adam's international fans. We do the best we possibly can to support Adam.

Anonymous said...

Too many NEGATIVE comments!! ( or is that one troll again?)Come on,whoever you are,give it a little time.The new video isn't even out yet for pete's sake!!!I think the new video will surprise a LOT of people with that twist.( I have a pretty good idea what it may be,but I'm not saying yet.)Just wait,you doubters!

Anonymous said...

No worries for me he!He!

Real fans are great and more positive indeed!!!!:))

Adam will have the last laugh from all the negatives he reads about him....



Anonymous said...

10:52 and 10:55 I know a lot of fans who haven't bought the single or the cd yet but are definitely planning to. (They really need to get the single NOW!) Quite a few will be guilted into it or assisted with the download process at Adam's birthday parties tomorrow.

Nobody should be expecting 2009 sales; the sophomore slump is generally 60% and the market is decling because of ilegal downloading. The industry knows this.

You've obviously never heard the song "Always look at the bright Side" LOL. But seriously, you need to enjoy your fandom a bit more. The early word on the cd couldn't be better.

Anonymous said...

I'm uncomfortable with the suggestion that people who aren't bouyant about everything related to Adam are disloyal or trolls or not real fans. As "Sadsack at 10:52/10:55" more or less pointed out, a fan who takes Adam with a grain of salt and buys his cd because they like the music is worth far more than a "Rah Rah" fan who never gets around to the download or purchase stage.

Let's just say that 10:52 is "Sadsack" and leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

4:58 guilted into buying Adam Lambert music ??That's a first. If someone isn't a fan ,they won't buy,if someone wants to support Adam and listen to him any time they chose they will buy.My goodness gum costs more than BTIKM on Amazon.

I would never pressure someone to like Adam.. either you do or you don't.

Guilted into to buying a song.. please isn't Adam allowed to have his fans do some PR out of love?

Cheril said...

Newsflash: Adam's video and RCA's Pop radio push hasn't happened yet. When those things happen Adam will begin to be seen on VH1 and will be on radio play.

Good grief. In this technology era everyone wants everything to happen in a nano second and it just doesn't go that way....

Trolls on this site go play somewhere else. Why don't you find someone YOU LIKE and support them. You will have a better quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Understand where your coming from but your comments regarding international fans is way off base!
If only you knew!

Anonymous said...

The international fans are the most passionate supportive loyal dedicated people who embraced Adam
from the beginning and beyond. It's with the US that the worlds eyes are upon right now. We hope that they will love and embrace Adams new album sending it to platinium. FYE made it worldwide but lacked within the US because of lack of acceptance. So don't worry about the world, put energy into the US and buy 'Trespassing'
for others besides yourself. Send Adam soaring to #1 where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

7:25 You are so right.. Adam is an International star because of his International fans..You guys all rock !!!

Adam's BTIKM is number one and in the top ten on some International Charts.. They love him overseas..

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to watch that video, but meanwhile I've been thinking about the twist that Adam said. I think is that, at the end of the day, WE are the ones who known us better than anyone, even sometimes we don't want to see it.Like he's singing the song to himself, from the light to the dark. Even when we are in the dark we always can see the light.Maybe I'm wrong, I just like the thought.We'll see it Feb.3.:DD


Anonymous said...

9:29 Good thinking I think you are on to something..

Anonymous said...

9:29 I am also thinking along those lines: the deeper meaning of the song can be that half of us knows us better, but sometimes we forget to listen to it or to acknowledge its existence... Let's wait and see how the video turns out to be! Anyway, I am so excited and know that I will love it!

Anonymous said...

9.40 Thanks.
10.32 Totally agree. Sometimes we try to avoid that knowledge, even we know is there.
Adam makes us think too!!:DD

HK fan said...

you do realise that even if all the fans around the world buy BTIKM today, it won't help his standing in the US. It will show up on their own countries charts and not the US ones. If you want him to chart in the US then its down to the US fans to buy....