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Lyndsey Parker Interviews Adam Lambert about "Trespassing" (1/24/12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On finding his true voice: "I think I'm fully embracing the gay community on this album, maybe even more so that the last one. I think I'm really talking about where I come from."

On the American Music Awards controversy: "I think that whole thing was kind of me proving a point. I think I had something to say that was bigger than just the music. Now I'm going back to, 'Let's make some great songs.' I don't have as much of an agenda or a point to prove. I think it's been done."

On Trespassing vs. For Your Entertainment: "With this album I was able to play it for friends along the way--in various states of consciousness! Like on Halloween, I rented a party bus with friends and we were having a great time, and I played some of the dance music to see how they would react, and it was like an explosion....The last album was kind of this showy, theatrical, over-the-top thing; it was me kind of escaping into this rock-star fantasy that I had always had, almost like a big game of dress-up. I think this one came more from the inside out. It came from me saying, 'Well, what do I want to talk about in my music? What do I want to express from a personal place?'"

On past relationship troubles, before falling in love with his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen: "There was a lot of me trying to be a 'fixer.' I was that kind of guy. I'd meet someone who had 'so much potential' that needed 'help.' I think that was kind of my curse for a long time."

On turning 30 on January 29: "There's a little part of me who's like, 'Whoa, 30, that sounds so crazy!' But I also feel changes coming and happening. I feel much more solid in who I am right now."

On the new song "Cuckoo": "It's basically owning how crazy how think I am. I know I'm a little insane! But there's something kind of cool about being a little bit crazy."

On working with Pharrell Williams: "When they said, 'You're going to go in the studio in Miami with Pharrell,' I said, 'I'm not cool enough! He's too cool for me.' I was intimidated, I was nervous!"

On the new song "Kickin' In": "I think people are gonna be like, 'That's Adam???' It's me, but it's a totally different's me narrating and giving my commentary of a hot-mess girl at a bar. But I played it for some of my gay friends and they were like, 'Oh yeah, that's about our friend!'"

On the title track: "The song is basically saying, 'You're saying I'm an outsider and to keep out, and I say...f*** you! I'm gonna do what I want to do, and I'm gonna do it the way I want to do it.'"

On collaborating with Queen again: "I actually think this year's there's going to be some more Queen stuff--so stay tuned! I would be honored to sing with them again."

Source: Lyndsey Parker


Anonymous said...

Thank God he "saw the light" and dropped that over the top trannie glam look. That set him waaaay back. Not that any of that is/was bad, but i didnt like it. Hes way too good looking for all of that makeup. Also, he needs to watch trying to justify last album, like hes making excuses why low sales numbers. The album was fine. I dont think Adam is going to have stellar numbers, so ya'll better prepare yourselves for that. But steady numbers.

Anonymous said...

I'm worried because this album sounds more eclectic than the last one. Will be tough to find his audience. When he refers to 90s etc..sound, I'm just not sure that will really fly on the radio (which truly sucks) or mainstream.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooh he's sooooooo hot! Can not wait to go CUCKOO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just have faith and take risk that's all we can do for him, if we really want him to succeed right????

Everything we breath in this world is a risk and so be it....

I'm confident that this second album will rise to the top indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

If only everyone had the information on Adam and his music as we do. It couldnt fail.
I feel confident this album will bring him the sucess he truly deserves.
Its all up to the marketing now, also to us Lovers of Adam. But I am sure the music will speak for itself.Already the reviews are wonderful from what people have said about what they have heard.

PS Where is our JAK, hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:40 - That so-called "trannie" look was very much a part of Adam. Remember the Zodiac show? He is older and his look is constantly evolving. That's who he is. I too prefer the natural, more sophisticated Adam, but I love all of it! Regarding sales numbers for FYE - it's almost platinum in the US alone (976,000 shipped!) and has sold way over 1 million worldwide! That's great right now.

Anonymous said...

good! steady sale numbers is anyones dream. I love when he talks about Queen, I have been thinking more and more Olympics than anything else but anything will be so fine. Also thinking about next tour I had such a good time the first time around. Still lovin #BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

Adam can't you squeeze in some over the top glam look just once in awhile for me? I loved it !!! But I'll get use to the new look too, you look good either way

Anonymous said...

Count me as a big fan of Adam's "trannie" look, too. But I do love the clean look he's sporting in his new cd cover and in his video.

I am really confused by the comments on FYE. He sold 860,000 and that's an amazing number. Plus it is a great cd. I still play it all the time. Interestingly a very serious young man I know who isn't a huge fan told me, when he found out I was a fan, that his girlfriend had the cd and it was very, very good.

It sounds as though the new cd is a more cohesive effort and the critics/DJ's are loving it. CD sales stink these days for all but a few performers. 860,000 unit sales for the new cd would make me as happy a camper as any Adam fan can be.

Anonymous said...

I think to be fair to Adam, we might need to reasses his success, with a global point of referencing; regarding his talents, sales, appeal etc; simply because the world is his stage now; he gets invitations to sing from north, south, east and west; a global icon is emerging; the tip of the iceberg and we know, an iceberg descends way way below sea-level, a very very huge mountain of ice. From what I gather from internet figures, he did very well in terms of sales of his FYE CDs to the tune of 4-5 million, more than three times platinum; though I've not seen the actual figures. He took only three years to achieve world status; many would have taken years and years and still not come close to what he has done.

Anonymous said...

The fact that he's getting such strong reviews form reputable sources is great boost to this new album's potential. So many people seem "afraid" to like him. But with high profile praise which this new album has been getting, the numbers should be great. Bottom line, the songs sound damn fun and will translate really well to live performance on stage.

As for his look, I love the new sophisticated look but would love a little glam now and then. His connection with Queen is a real bonus. Even skeptics seem to love and respect Queen which is all to the good for Adam! I absolutely refuse to be at all negative about this new music.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my I think that is over 5 million units sold from his FYE album. Like singles, cds/ dvd, remixes etc which is pretty darn good. I think his label was satified and that is why he is making a second album. You have to keep the label happy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interview Lyndsey, I think they both respect each other alot which makes for a good interview.

Anonymous said...

Where can we get some kind of rough but reliable figures. Actually, I am so fascinated by Adam's singing, I don't take that much interest in his sales; but still curious. If the figures emerge, I'd probably as I always do regarding anything Adam, say, Whoa! Whoa! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, ladies! Please,be honest, and let me know who is younger that 16 years old on this blog?

Anonymous said...

I am not telling anyone with the initials PH nutin. lol

Anonymous said...

Lam-my I think I read that on AO a good while back but I am like you, I don't really dwell on his numbers so I hope I am not too far off on them.

Anonymous said...

Loved the glittered ADAM. It will always be in his blood.

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled, you'd be surprise how many younger fans Adam has internationally! Now with a younger looking band you'd be surprised who will be falling head of over heels for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is classy glammed or toned down. Love the theatrical adventures and will never ever forget those magical moments of glitter flying from Adam from the stage, singing he's heart out perfecto, whilst we were all in raptures. Priceless! Now, we move on to new ventures, loving and supporting Adam with a passion. He deserves superstardom!

Anonymous said...

@6:40 pm - I am preparing for stellar numbers. My glass is half full, unlike yours. I spoke to a few young uns at work today and they all admitted they don't pay a penney for music, they download it from those sharing sites. I am not one for inviting capitalism, but I hope all the sharing sites are shut down. But it does make me wonder, who is buying the music of the overrated and overplayed artists in Top 40 now?

Anonymous said...

I'm not prepare for any numbers and any polls, any noms or awards:(
Adam name was forgotten or forbitten or just the people even don't care who is Adam lambert and where is he from?
Adam, darling, you lost your moment, time and fans at 2009. Now all of these over midle age ladies try to help you. But it is doesn't work. You still don't have any noms(except one) or awards(except one), your last single single will die in few weeks. Who are talking about numbers? Even David Cook has better sales than Adam for his first album!
Yes, it was just KISS, But Adam killed his future forever. Just look for numbers,ladies, look for numbers. JB would get 5,000,000 in 24 hours for new sinlge like BTIKM!
But this is Adam lambert new single! WHo cares?!

Anonymous said...

Love when Lyndsey interviews Adam, she "gets him" n he genuinely likes her too. All these worrying comments about the album are stressing me out! I hope his music finally gets played on radio. Wish I could just get my local mix 96.1 in SA to play BTIKM! They play the same 5 songs every hour

I'm really excited for "Cuckoo"! Man, Mar 20 seems so far away!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

@10:07pm....Who are you and why are you here???!

Anonymous said...

@10;14Pm I'm one of the biggest Adam's fans who tired to see these interviews and performances and photos and read these articles, reviews. Also, who hate these polls and nominations.
Adam is fantastic. He is the legend. but he will be recognised and awarded once upon the time:)MAY BE

Anonymous said...

Administrator, please remove the vile comment @10:07 pm. Poor troll needs to learn how to spell.

Anonymous said...

I heard Adam is on drugs. Do you know what kind of drugs? I want to try it. May be I'll start to sing like Adam. Cause I'm very beautiful boy:)

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam can do interviews in his sleep now. He was showing off his blue suede shoes in an interview. He had me laughing so hard.

daydreamin said...

My laptop just crashed but I was able to at least upload a couple of videos and pictures from my 99.7 meet n greet. Many more to come when I resolve computer issues...argg!

Maybe admin can post and flip? I wasn't able to fix it but thought you guys would enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

dayum this site is weird. drug seeking pretty boys, garden variety trolls the pathological jealous. All I want to do is enjoy his bootiful music!!

Anonymous said...

thanks daydreamin for that link. It was so cute. Hope you can salvage your laptop. love what he was wearing.

Anonymous said...

People like 10:07 don't get that Adam is big outside America. A lot of his international fans don't care a KISS - hell, we didn't see it on tv! To us he's a superstar.

HK fan said...

Love this interview, Lyndseys great at interviewing him, intelligent questions, and time to allow him to talk.
I love the new look Adam, although I do miss the eyeliner,and some of the eye makeup, used to make his eyes pop so much.

tess4ADAM said...

@10:07 ... Are you delusional? What do you mean 'Who Cares'? WE CARE!! ADAM's Glamberts .. that's who!! WE have ADAM's back & will support him ... middle age ladies .. indeed!! Show me another artist out there that has his own hour-long radio program halfway around the world with a DJ that is his biggest supporter ON THE AIR!! Plays NOTHING but ADAM music for a full hour & this Sunday Jan 29th ... he is devoting 3 (THREE) full HOURS to ADAM music ONLY!! You CAN'T be a fan of ADAM's or you wouldn't say such INANE things. You should go back to Beiber-land where I have no doubt that you came from ... ADAM is doing just fine with the help of his LOYAL Glamberts!! I've wasted enough time on your ridiculous post!! I have more important things to do now!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I love FYE,,,every single song is great..if it had any issues that was it..all songs were great,,I love all Adam's moods and looks and songs

Anonymous said...

OT - Wouldn't you love to give Adam a gift for his birthday? Let's make sure his song "Better Than I Know Myself" gets more than 1 million views on YouTube before the 29th.

Just go here:

I've heard that if you just hit replay, it doesn't count as another view, you have to refresh the page.

I also finally realized that I can open YouTube about 10 times on my computer, and keep refreshing each song when it finishes.

Let's go for 1 million!!!!!


fefa14 said...

wow.........just wow.....i cant believe u said that (specially here lol) its sad you see things in such a pesimist way.....too bad for u...u talk about beiber but of course he gain fame fast he was a small "cute" boy promoted by usher!! everyone can be famous like that! and havent u seen that guys haters base? is scary! anyway when adams album goes platinum with millions of sales ans he gets lots of nods.....well i will be here waiting for your comment hopefully for positive unless u still think is not enough oh well....sad so sad :/ :)

BTW i love every adam interview and this one is no exeption really good! :) now waiting patiently (NOT) for his music video and i will be satisfied (for now lol) he really love to tease us and i love being teased....very well played hot boy very well played!! XD

fefa14 said...

watching it on youtube is the same as watching it on VEVO right? :)

and thats a great idea i give BTIKM views every time i can but i didnt thought of it that way lol of course i will give my part i never get tired to listen to it so really easy for mee! :)

Anonymous said...

lol at the trolls who post here, go do something more important with your sad lives.

Anonymous said...

The time Adam took to record his FYE album becomes shorter and shorter. Firstly, he said it took 3 months, then further down the track he's been saying it took 2 months and in this interview, he says it took a month and a half to record it!!! What next?? A couple of weeks?? lol

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing Adam on stage with all the glitter and make-up and of course his wonderful voice, as much as I love Adam though I can't help feeling doubtful about his future in the recording industry. So many radio stations don't seem to be interested in playing his music and without sales this could prove to be difficult for his future career, I hope I'm wrong on this score, but for me his voice seems to somehow be hampered in someway in a recording, but on the stage he sounds magnificent, it's very rare to find an artist who actually sounds way better live rather than on a recording, but I wish Adam all the best and hopefully things will work out for him with regard to his new album.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I heart Lyndsey!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had time to read all the comments yet but the interview was a hoot!! I love to watch Adam talking with his hands .... he is so expressive with them. And his HAIR is DIVINE!!!!

Can anyone tell me the name of a '90s house song that was popular? At the moment, I can't relate to what that style of music is all about.

Anonymous said...

Me, too! I've been waiting for her review of the cd and the interview for ages. Critical reaction is not complete for me without her voice in the mix.

So glad she liked Trespassing. Everyone says Cookoo is amazing. Wonder why they didn't release that first.

Anonymous said...

Adam said AGAIN that he's going to do something with Queen again. Mmmmmmmm, I wonder if he's singing at the Olympic Games or maybe they're putting a concert together or a concert TOUR together????? Now, that would be really something and if so, I hope they tour worldwide BUT getting away ahead of myself now, BRING ON YOUR OWN 2ND WORLD TOUR, ADAM!! :)

Anonymous said...

I heart Lyndsey too!!

Anonymous said...

Instead of trying to get a video to a million, we should be requesting his song. Lets see if we can get 30 adds nest week for his 30th birthday.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this new look on Adam. He seems relaxed, happy and very confident, more mature about who he is as he approaches 30. He had me at the first note he sang on AI and I have been a fan ever since. The first phase of his career was about glam, glitz and glitter...appealing to some, offensive to others. I think the album was good and through touring it made Adam an international star. All the reviews of this new album seem very positive, but the songs must be radio friendly. Radio play and promotion of a single are the keys to its success. Money is the driving force in the music business and as fans buy fewer albums and go digital with songs they like, the industry is losing money. I want Adam to have one of the best selling albums of 2012, if not the best one. So it is up to us as his devoted fans, to get the word out about the album, to buy it and encourage others to do the same. I want to TRESPASS into Adam's life and am going CUCKOO until it is finally released in March.

Anonymous said...

wow I see a new breed of troll on here. The cunning. Things must really be bad for their favorite to waste time on a person they don't like.Sneaky pete. tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Oh COME ON people! Yes, we would all like to see Trespassing rise to the top of the charts, but if it doesn't IT. IS. NOT. THE. END. OF. THE. WORLD. I am confidant that he will always be able to sell enough records to keep working in the music industry! And REGARDLESS of how the Trespassing sells, I am going to listen to it and LOVE it (99.9 percent sure I'll love it ;p)! CHILL!

BTW, I am a nineteen year old Glambert (and my fifteen year old sister is too).

Anonymous said...

45 38 ADAM LAMBERT Better Than I Know M... 223 164 59 0.897
+3 Positions
+17 Spins
+10 Bullet
+0.106 AI

Anonymous said...

8:23, Well said! A refreshing voice of reason. I really don't care if Adam sells like Gaga or Bieber. He will always sell well. He has a loyal following (NOT ALL OLD, by any means!)) and will sustain his career. I do think that he'll gain fans over time. Thanks for the common-sense comment.

Anonymous said...

A reminder to some posters I believe is called for here. The nervousness and concern about "Trespassing"s numbers is unfounded, given that there is almost unanimous favorable prognosis about the album's success. Do you think the music reviewers who have their ears to the pulse of the industry have them all of the sudden become tin when it came to Adam's previewed songs, or were they just being gracious because of Adam's high likeability? Also, consider that Adam has tapped the most respected and credible pop/rock writers, musicians, and arrangers for his album team, some of whom even sought him out for the collaboration. Besides being the most charismatic and talented pop vocalist today, Adam is also very intelligent, bringing to the table such things as mission, cohesion, stage interpretation, confidence, maturity, longevity, risk-taking--all that factors in to achieving success in a fickle and risky business.
Few artists have been as bold and fearless as Adam in tackling the musical bull by the horns (imagine being the album's executive producer and creative director, as well) to convey the full force of his art and vision, this despite being burdened with the yoke of his sexual "difference". The landscape is littered with lunatics like the ones who admit to liking his music, but can't abide by his sexuality, or who believe he will burn in hell because he flaunts his boyfriend in public instead of cloistering him in the closet. Adam rejects them all, as just so much idiocy, "words that will never hurt" him, perhaps even adopting the Nietzchean conviction that "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger".

With the first album, Adam laid the groundwork for global stage domination, a decidedly more challenging venture for a gay male artist than for others. But now that he has planted the seeds, devoted fans are clamoring for Adam and his music, to see him once again, or to confirm what they have heard of the legendary "alien from Planet Fierce".
Adam's vision on his terms is a destiny which has all the signs of being fulfilled, if not now, in its time. In being true to himself, Adam has become a stronger artist, and now can take claim to a universe that is "unfolding as it should".
So, to all you Doubting Thomases, Nervous Nellies, and Debbie Downers, take heart. Fortune follows the brave. atm

Anonymous said...

I am getting so excited for trespassing to come out. Adam has the talent and the savvy. My only problem is I wanna see more than 2 concerts!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't think it matters whether you listen to BTIKM on Vevo or YouTube.


Cheril said...

The best thing we can do to support Adam is request his song and buy his music. I've requested 3 times in 3 days for a station to play it and nothing. It is frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Is there somewhere I can watch this interview without it re-buffering every 60-90 seconds? It makes it very hard to watch, and I kinda freak out when video and audio don't mesh (my problem, I know).

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece! But aren't you a little wary all the stereotyped Thomases, Nellies and Debbies come banging on your door? LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

I have an addition, may not fit this particular context; how about Naughty Nigel, you may already be familiar with it. Okay now, I had better bolt my door! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

It is true that AMA incident slowed down Adam being catapulted to the height of success that is expected of him. He has realized that. He lost his conservative fans because that was his first act after AI for those who had no chance to see him on Idol tour. But I am convinced that this Trespassing with all its positive reviews will bring Adam to the success he deserves.

I never fail to include Adam in my daily prayers that the world acknowledge & recognize his GOD given talents which he rightfully deserves. And that Paula's words shall come true, that Adam will be iconic.