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Requesting Adam Lambert's "Better Than I Know Myself"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 04, 2012

US Radio Stations are starting to add Adam Lambert's new single "Better Than I Know Myself" to their playlist. But it is important to REQUEST the song on your local radio. Just remember NOT to overdo it! has more information on radio stations around the US so...

CLICK HERE to GET INFORMATION on HOW TO REQUEST IN YOUR CITY/AREA (This list is only for the people in the United States.)


Anonymous said...

consider it done.

Adamluv said...

Will do. Hope at some point in his career the fans wont have to request his songs since the DJS will automatically play any new release. Dont like feeling this way but IMO, this might never happen. Feel Adam will always have an uphill battle here in the states. Before I get slammed for my opinion, I so hope I am wrong about this. Now tell me what a horrible fan I am. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

get tired of hearing the same ten songs every hour

Anonymous said...

Requested! Adamluv, I've had the same thoughts, but remain optimistic. As everyone here knows. I'm as huge a fan as anyone. All we can do is stick together and help all we can. You're NOT a horrible fan.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv I understand, but I think it will be easier for Adam this time around. The song is officially being added at the end of January so the stations that are playing it now bodes well for the coming weeks. Adam needs promo soon, on T.V. We fans work hard for Adam and RCA better work hard too!

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable . . . .

Anonymous said...

Adam should be shooting his video this month. That will get BTIKM more in the forefront also.

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried about the 2nd album..

2012 is Adams year to shine in the U.S.

I really believe in KARMA:))))


Anonymous said...

There is a petition on twitter to have Adam sing the National Anthem at the Superbowl.

Anonymous said...

OK passionate Glamberts of the world this is where we step up because we too can request BTIKM
from our stations too....that's if you haven't already done so. ADAM
is an international treasure remember!

Anonymous said...

I thought Madonna was performing at the Superbowl this year and if so, is Monte Pittman with her?

Anonymous said...

Hoping SONY pull out more on their promotions soon. They always seem so slow on their moves and grooves.
Some say tatics but other's are concerned about how everything is going to take off.

Anonymous said...

I immediately requested the song. Thank you for posting this link. Adam has the greatest fans, IMO. And, with the mgmt and record company promotion and our help, let's hope that it will be easier this time for his sophomore album. I really want it to go platinum. Gold is fine, but he deserves the best. Hope his 30th BD year is the best ever for Adam!

Anonymous said...

I just did,I wonder do the other fans have to,like say BM?

Anonymous said...

@4:42 I'm asking the same question.

Anonymous said...

Seems like we did good today with our radio request. We have to keep at it to show radios that Adam still has a huge strong fanbase. Some will play the song and others are watching to get adds from RCA. Please don't stop and keep requesting radios to play BTIKM. Let's make 2012 another epic year.

Anonymous said...

They just played BTIKM on Q102 Philly. You can play the takeover game at 7:00 pm eastern time every night. 2 nights in a row now! Read that WWFM sold 11,000 the first week and BTIKM sold 39,000 the first week with little or no promo. Look how well WWFM did. I say no worries BTIKM will do even better. It's a more catchy and current sound that fits radio perfectly!

Anonymous said...

I just lurked around gaga's and beiber's fans to find out what are they up to. They are big and they do the same thing of contacting radio stations to play their fav. artists' songs. Artists are great because of their fanbase voting, purchasing and promoting their fav. artists. We as Glamberts shouldn't stop with our voting, requesting radios to play Adam's singles, purchasing, etc. If we want to hear Adam on the radio we have to contact our radio stations and ask them politely to play BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

@4:42 Madonna is doing the half time not the natioal anthem. They haven't announced who is doingit. Adam was born in Indianapolis and that is were it is being played. That is why they have gotten the petition going.

Anonymous said...

4:45 sony is too busy promoting "the fray" and "foster the people" its up to us as his fan to spread the word.

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't good subject to remind about. However, does anybody know what's going on with Beg For Mercy scam? Cause, they said that it's gonna be the court hearing on the beginning of

Anonymous said...

Yes! Let's not forget that it DOES matter to keep up the requesting and promoting and voting. The Gaga and Bieber fans do it and their singers are at the top. We can't let ourselves get lazy, that's for sure. I've been clicking on the radio station links and voting whenever possible. This IS the year of ADAM LAMBERT!

Anonymous said...

@DRG Please, don't be so naive.
GaGa is very talented and have management who invested big money in her carrier.
Beib isn't very talented but he has 'BIG BROTHER USHER and ALL COMMUNITY" who also invested very big money and got big profit from this investment. Same story with many other stars.
Fans just bring a lot of money when they are buying all of these CD, DVD, parfumes, and movie tickets. Nobody cares about their votes for any big awards. Grammy was great example of this voting scams.
Adam needs to change the management. We can't promote his single or new album. And ADam can't promote his album by himself.
Just forget about it. Enjoy his voice, his talent, but Adam never will get a real fame like GaGa, Bruno Mars or P!NK

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link. I didnt' see WWFM and IIHY in our local radiostations list forever.
However, I just found than they put both songs back in the list of the most popular songs on radio!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:02PM you're kidding with your comment, right? Gaga and Beiber fans are winning them fan awards like People's Choice, Nikelodean, MTV, VMA, AMA, and other awards that fans vote for their fav. artists. Adam's fame depends on his fans to vote for him on all different awards and internet polls. Fans of other artists are constantly requesting radio stations to play their fav. artists' songs. Probably you're too much invested that you are side tracked and can't see the reality.

glitzylady said...

You're a great and supportive fan...I don't think you're alone in that small nagging worry...We've seen the evidence and the reality of what has happened in the last (almost) three years...Adam is so deserving of success based on his talent and charisma, but even he said that he had his doubts about even making it onto Idol Season 8 because of who he is...He also said he hopes that at some point the mention of his name isn't met by the general public with an "eye roll", which sort of breaks my heart a little that he would say that...He knows he has a tougher time of it than your average male pop-star/ the US anyway..No slamming from me..Hoping Adam is wildly successful so we can stop worrying!! And so he can too.....

Anonymous said...

Adam's "eye roll" comment broke my heart too. But, I don't think it helps that cause when OTT-sensitive comments are left on sites that are, for the most part, positively giving Adam's new single publicity.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam sits around feeling sorry for himself, quit pitying him, it's demeaning. He really doesn't need it, he's doing what he wants and gaining respect from musicians. The kind of people he respects. He's a grown man, quit "poor babying" him. I doubt he's crying into his pillow nights.

Anonymous said...

I think many in the legit media world genuinely like Adam due to his winning personality and talent. Unfortunately, in the US being gay is still a joke. Until that changes, just like a high school "click", the uncool people will be afraid to honor Adam because of fear of being labeled themselves. On top of that, we have the so called church-going hypocrites that think Adam is evil.
Uphill battle indeed.
Outlaws of Love,

Anonymous said...

Some choice of Republican candidates. The LGBT community better be sure their birth certificates are in good order.Bad news for them if a Rep is elected and no hope for civil rights equality.