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Singer Whitney Houston 1963-2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 11, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, February 11, 2012


Anonymous said...

I'm literally crying right now-enough said!! can't even bring myself to talkl about it!

Anonymous said...

JAK here..... Whitney took a great song written by Dolly Parton and made it a sensation. I hope that her tragic fall from the heights to an early death will possibly enlighten some people who think they can "handle"
taking drugs. What a sad loss to her family and a sad loss to the many fans who had hoped she could pull herself up again.

Anonymous said...

Soooo beautiful! And Whitney Houston, you too are very beautiful. Rest In Peace. You have just made me cry. Thank you for this fantastic song and your voice too, is in a league of its own.

Anonymous said...

tears came quickly when I heard this news. loved her since I was a teenager. One of my favorite singers. It is a shame that she left so soon. I am so sad for her family. I can't imagine the grief they are feeling. so shocked.

glitzylady said...

Tragic and just so sad.

RIP Whitney Houston

"I Will Always Love You" is one of the greatest love songs ever in my humble opinion. As sung by Whitney and written by Dolly Parton. Two mega-talented women.

May Whitney find the peace that seemed to elude her in life.

Anonymous said...

I lliteraly can't talk about this just too upset! Thanks for 24/7 for this site that I can get that out Wow!! So So sad I just don't nderstand the fame and fortune thing? I guess I don't understand how someone so blessed, ricj beautifl doen;t make ot to 50. IO'm sure they have the best health imnsurance in the world (btw I have none) How does this happen???

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:54 PM

If you have no health insurance I hope you live in a country which provides insurance for all their citizens. Most caring modern countries do.

Anonymous said...

I'm in shock right now still trying to wrap my head around this tragic news of Whitney's death.

I've been watching the news all evening and on Channel 9 News (here in L.A.) they showed the Red Carpet celebrities arriving for Clive Davis' Gala. They talked about "all the stars talking to the media about their feelings on this sad news" when the camera landed on Adam! Not to take away from this somber moment but the cameras were flashing like crazy as he stood and smiled for them. That was a very wonderful moment amidst all the sadness.


Anonymous said...

What a terrible loss. She was incredibly beautiful with the most amazing voice. No word yet as to cause of death but, of course, it's known she's struggled with drug problems. Such a tragedy - and so very, very sad for her children.

lorraine said...

So sad for all of us to lose such a talented singer. When I saw Adam's simple"Whitney R.I.P." I just stared numbly at my computer wishing the words would just go away. I had just come home from a nice evening out {dinner and a movie} with my hubby and my heart sank on seeing this news. I hope you are in a far more peaceful place,Whitney.....

funbunn40 said...

Another majestic voice silenced by the ravaging effects of drugs and entrapments of fame. Whitney like so many other celebs had it excess. She had a truly glorious voice that could have inspired so many for years to come if only she could have found the strenght to face down her demons. Her recording of I Will Always Love You was spectacular and so beautiful, always one of my favorited showing her amazing range.Nothing more beautiful than a pure, long held note. Her later songs, riff laden to excess missed the beauty of I Will Always Love You. My deepest sympathy goes out to her family. RIP Whitney

funbunn40 said...

There is no confirmation of the cause of death, but after so many years of drug abuse it wreaks havoc on the body and mind and even after quitting, there can be irreversible damage. It destroyed that once beautiful voice that was such an incredible gift. She's joined the other brilliantly talented gifted ones, gone too soon, such a terrible loss. I hope she finally has peace.

Anonymous said...

First time I heard the saying “burning as a candle at both ends” was about Elvis, many years ago. I didn’t know the English idiom, I was very young and I thought it was the most beautiful metaphor of a life lived at a too fast pace (some say ‘at its fullest’). Burning your life’s candle at the ‘personal’ end even faster than at the ‘public’ one... How much can one stretch the... wax? Inevitably, the ends collide to the end. May the dead rest in peace and the living ones learn from the dead.


Anonymous said...

I listened to her songs (live/recorded) after a long time last night and what a voice. Beautiful too. As they say she had the whole package. What a waste of talent. After all that listening I don't think Hudson will do her songs any justice at the Grammys. RIP Whitney!

Anonymous said...

Just WOW! Listen to her live here:

Anonymous said...

Watch this Whitney Houston video, it's advertising Adam's BTIKM:

Anonymous said...

one of the best female singers ever. I am shocked by her untimely death. I hoped it wasn't true for the sake of her only child and family. She will always be remembered for her impeccable voice. I will miss seeing her perform. A very sad situation.

Anonymous said...

Goosebumps with this Whitney Houston's rendition of National Anthem:

Anonymous said...

Whitney is a tragic loss. Her life decisions were unfortunate. Among all the tributes to her, let's not forget to vote on VH1 for Adam and play BTIKM whenever possible on YouTube, VH1, MTV, Vevo, etc. Request as much as you can, also. He still needs us to keep active on all this.
As Adam sang with Queen: The show must go on!

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear of her death. She will be remembered for all her wonderful songs, her beauty, but some will dwell on her fall from grace.
RIP Whitney

Anonymous said...

Adam is definately right in Whitney's league vocally. No question.

HK fan said...

I only really know of Whitney from the Bodyguard film, one of my all time favourites, she looked and sounded amazing in that. Apart from that I couldn't tell you one song of hers. Still, very sad, 48 is way too young, but like with Amy Winehouse, not totally unexpected either. Hope her daughter is OK.