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Adam Lambert's 'FAULT' Magazine Cover Revealed!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 2, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 02, 2012


Anonymous said...


Leilani Aloha said...

Beautiful Face!!! Great cover for FAULT!
Adam so photogenic! there's no Fault with Adam at all!

He's tall,handsome, kind, amazing big voice, great sense of humor, positive energy always, goes on & on...
that's why we Love this guy!!!

Saw you perform on AI & knew you 're going all the way to the top cause you do have the "IT" factor!!!

Congrats Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

he has great eyes.

Anonymous said...

I need to migrate to the North Pole, maybe with all that ice I calm down

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great, he is wearing his blue eye contacts. His eyes are not a true blue as it shows. What a gorgeous man. Loved the first pic with the layered look, very interesting, how they created that even down to the bow tie.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful looking man, so photogenic.
And I love your eyes, they're just mesmerizing.....And your voice, out of this world. Can't wait for your new cd "Trespassing".

Anonymous said...

omg that is just the best cover ever and that outfit he is wearing is something else. I am so glad I ordered the magazine. GQ please feel free to critique. lol

Anonymous said...

Love the styling!!


Anonymous said...

HE LOOKS SEXY!! :o kinda reminds me of the mad hatter somehow :D but still smoking hot!!

Anonymous said...

AFL it is your FAULT that I am smitten with you. Nice nail polish color too!!!

Anonymous said...

#adamsFAULT and #adamlambertvideo trended WORLDWIDE around 2:00 PM US time! SO nice to see!! But Twitter removed it after about 30 minutes. Still great that on a challenge from OMGYahooUK, Adam Lambert was trending worldwide!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I almost fell off my chair when I saw that cover picture. Adam is gorgeous; there is no fault with him at all. He just gets better looking every time there is a new photo shoot or any pics of him at a social event. Those eyes just draw you in. I am still pushing for a coffee table book with all the amazing pictures we have seen of Adam esp. the style/hair changes in him over the last year or so. I would love to be on a committee to select the pictures that would make up the content of the book. I can dream, can't I? Love this guy even more with these new photos. Can't wait for the release of TRESPASSING which will include a lot more love from me and all of his devoted fans and the new ones he will gain.

Anonymous said...

Stunning & Beautiful, as always.

Anonymous said...

My third time at looking at the pics, I just noticed that Adam is holding a dog LOL

Anonymous said...

Is Adam flirting with the British audience with that outfit?? The cover photo is superb!!! The other two are too photoshopped. His face isn't that thin and boyish. I like the more natural Adam, with make up or not.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! These pictures took my breath away.....for real! Can he look any more gorgeous? I love the different clothes, colors, bowties, nail polish...well everything, especially those eyes, mouth, nose, hair ....everything! Oh yeah, and he can sing like no other with the voice of an angel. WOW, okay I'm def ready to order my copy of the magazine. Gotta have one.


Anonymous said...

I think we Glamberts may have crashed the Fault Magazine site trying to order a copy of Adam's issue. My computer keeps saying the site may be too busy LOL!


Anonymous said...

I think we Glamberts may have crashed the Fault Magazine site trying to order a copy of Adam's issue. My computer keeps saying the site may be too busy LOL!


Anonymous said...

Hey Glamily it's really Adams FAULT for what is going on in our mind every time he shows his beautiful face indeed!!! He!He!

We are crashing every sites, magazines, DJs etc. etc........:)))

We just love and adore this incredibly talent young man...... Whew!!!


Anonymous said...

I meant incredibly talented young man!!!


Anonymous said...

YES! GQ, sorry now? And, yes, I want a coffee table size book of Adam's photos.

Anonymous said...

He needs to be on the cover of a magazine called "Perfection." There is just no FAULT that I can see. Love the non-black outfit. Nice to see a little change, though he looks great in anything. How can one man be so talented and beautiful and nice all at the same time? I am continually floored. These pics are seen world-wide, and the ocean level is rising due to all the drooling.

BTW My Trespassing-O-Meter is rising!

Anonymous said...

Coffee table book, please!

Anonymous said...

It's Adam's fault for my obsession lol It's his perfection inside and out!

Anonymous said...

So glad I ordered this magazine. This cover is going up right next to my R.S. cover.

The Dark Side said...

Cannot wait for my own copy? WTF is it???

Anonymous said...

Yayyyy, just ordered my copy! Does anyone know what the currency conversion is from British pounds to American dollar? Doesn't really matter 'cause I'm getting a copy anyway LOL!

Yes!!! to the idea of a coffee table book.....Please.


Anonymous said...

Too prettied up, no one on earth has turquoise eyes! It looks like a painting instead of real life.

Anonymous said...

Too prettied up, the real Adam under that touch up would have been devastating enough. This looks more like a painting than a photo. No one on earth has eyes that color!

Anonymous said...

they should have stuck with his true eyecolor. I agree on that! I kind of like the direction with the styling, but should have left the eyes alone.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:21, 3:24,

You are just jealous of his beauty ha!ha!:))))

Too bad u just have to suck it up my dear:)


Anonymous said...

Eyes too weird. Fashion and pose great, but eyes look like glass doll eyes.

Anonymous said...

The eyes are the windows to the soul. I wonder what Adam is thinking about in that last picture. He is just gorgeous. Now how often do you use that word in reference to a male? Add these looks to that superb voice and you have one amaaaaaazing human being.

Anonymous said...

I think the eyecolor was the great idea. This aren't just photos. This is the art of photography. HAHAHA
And I found the names for these pictures. PLEEEEEAAASE, don't cal me troll!
Photo #1: "I think all of these people around me are cuckoo. ANd this headache is killing me"
Photo #2 "Hey, guys, you're deff strange and scary"
Photo #3 "OMG, why I have to hold this little thing? It stinks, barks and it's very annoying. For God Sake, I love tall elegant dogs! Where is my greyhound?"
Photo #4 "They are deff out of their mind! And this headache nails my poor head:("

Anonymous said...

Does Adam wear Christmas shirt? And the bowtie is read, this jacket are gold and his eyes are green!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!

glitzylady said...

FAULT magazine creates fashion art. These pictures of Adam are pieces of Art..Beautiful...

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Thanks for explanation. I've never seen the magazine before, I suppose they give everyone the surreal treatment. No forehead wrinkles, no pores, no freckled lips, fake eyes. Yes, it is artistic just not realistic, which I prefer.

The dog looks realistic-terrified!

Anonymous said...

Perfection is, indeed, faulty!
"This is your Fault". So true... when addressing the readers.
People's need for the Photoshopped beauty is... understandable, I guess. It's like my own need for that unsubstantial taste of Coca-Cola Zero. (Zero! How can 'nothing' be 'something', the old Greeks asked themselves.) However, I do try to fight this ...cultural sensorial perversion with lots of fruits and raw vegetables... and pictures of stars in casual outfits and no makeup! (I love Ancient Greek sculptures only because their perfection lost the battle with Time.) Did I say that I want him to be (in pictures, of course) more like a raw carrot or a marble/bronze nude with a missing limb? Whatever. I like bare feet too. I guess I cannot escape my Eastern, Balkan, Gipsy-like (food-centered?) mentality. HaHaHa. Beware of 24/7 'undeveloped' weirdos! (God forbid, they might taint The Glamour... whose essence might be concentrated in that particular nail polish color :->)


Anonymous said...

Simply breathtaking.

Love art/fashion shoots of Adam. Favorites are Details Magazine, Flaunt magazine head shots with sunglasses, People Magazine's Most Beautiful, shots by Mike Ruiz (SNL photographer), inside Rollingstone photos, Parisian photo shoot, and Lee Cherry's work(i.e. motorcycle shots and exotic photos for GNT--both of which I believe Gaga has attempted to copy). FAULT Cover & Adam in blue with that little Adamized dog (Yah, I'd know that look anywhere :) are now on that list. Simply gorgeous.

The only change I might have made on the FAULT photos are his eyes. I saw them in person and will never forget them. They are this incredible shade of pale gray blue. Stunning. Don't know that the turquoise works better than his own color here, especially given the lovely icy coloring in these shots.

Would love to see him photographed by Annie Leibovitz or on the cover of Vogue. To me Adam IS a work of art. Love everything about him. ALL his styles and looks. I don't want him to dummy down for the masses. He's a deliciously sohpisticated multifaceted work of art.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@ GLb..........JAK here...

I do love your posts, especially the enigmatic ones where I am encouraged to think! A very refreshing exercise!

I share your appreciation of ancient statues which show the wear and tear of their years, their battles, their history. Also
ancient buildings that have not been restored to their former beauty or strength, but instead are glorious in their disrepair and evidence of the hard knocks of centuries. There are stories there!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a Hedonistic Professor!!

Gracie said...

Love it

Anonymous said...

he looks like he can slap a few hands with a ruler.

Anonymous said...

Jak here..........cover photo.....

Beau Brummell of Regency England!

Anonymous said...

OH my, the forever stretching CONTINUUM of Adam Lambert GORGEOUSNESS ---

In MY coffee table book… NO, let me refrase that, in my NIGHT STAND book (I would choke on my coffee watching all the GORGEOUS pics available, LOL) there is plenty of room for all kinds of DIFFERENT styles & looks.

Why complain about photoshopped pics, there are thousands of pics of him with the natural look - and believe me, I love them all, all his styles and different photo shoots!

@DRG 1:13 PM - Love your post, you always make me smile & nod in agreement.

@Kentucky Fan - so good to see you posting again!
I’ve said this many times before: Adam is One of the Finest Examples of Nature’s Art - whether enhanced or ‘au naturel’…

@JAK, you’re the constant source of information and wonderful references - Adam is quite the DANDY here! J

@GLb - your posts MAKE me think, ALWAYS! And they make me read them several times… and they make me think, it probably would be a trip to know you for real… J

According to my interpretation of Dark Adam - Light Adam (as shown in BTIKM vid) the Light(er) Adam would/will eventually get bored, SUFFOCATE, if the Dark(-ish)(-er) Adam would not be (allowed) to be there as well… (and both “sides“ - and everything they represent - are equally ok & needed).

GGD Gal, sending out best wishes to you all - and singing out my Sunday Blues

Anonymous said...

:-)) Exclusively for JAK and GGD Gal (Shoo, all the GalliBERTformes!):
What can I say... I’m living with the impression that if I talk gibberish people will think I’m one of a kind (be it an idiot or a wise person). My English is of some help in this matter. If I talked ‘normal’ (whatever that is), ‘the smart ones’ (which are all people of course, especially the ..Berts) would see the swamp of mediocrity that we all share... Well, if they even noticed the ‘sharing’ part, it’d still be a highlight, you know... Therefore, supposing that idiocy is as rare as wisdom, within my imaginative options, I can ensure my own airy place on the brim of the Gaussian hat anyway. ...Or let’s just say that, beyond my posts’ riddles, I hide my need to challenge myself (linguistically). Like...can I set down in English my all-around flying thoughts? Can I make it less aggressive and funnier?... (and allow me to say that when the answer to this question is a definite No, I TRY to refrain myself from posting :-)) ...All that, and my constant need for dopamine stimulation which is thought to be increased by Internet searching. (How do those mating sites say?... I’m an... Internet addict, in remission from Google disorder right now... seeking for... alike addicts and riddle solvers... with a taste in certain gay singers, if possible.) Only if you must, to all of the above, you could add a tiny-weeny dysfunctional (intellectual) infatuation with the self... My self. :-))

the 24/7 glam-crumpling poster

PS: @GGD Gal Have I ever told you that when people say they had to 'read me' twice I also go back to look for any embarrassing language mistakes and I do find... my own inconsistencies? HaHaHa. Btw, "imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world", Einstein said. S**t, I'm relapsing with wiki-disease! [time to take my exit bow] :-))

Anonymous said...

@ GLb.............JAK here

Now you've done it...I will continue to enjoy your posts from a safe distance...however with your "Gaussian hat" reference I sense a mathematician in our midst.
Eons ago when I hit 8th grade, math
became as kryptonite to me. A deadly substance. Prayer alone and an ability to cram for exams got me thru college.

Please come often and set your flying thoughts free to soar. :)

Anonymous said...

@GLb - I assure you that when I read your posts SEVERAL times, it’s DEFINITELY NOT because of language mistakes nor inconsistencies…Your writings stand out, your words stream…Expressions like “ensure my own airy place on the brim of the Gaussian hat” tickle my linguaphilic nodes (in my brain and in my heart)… :):)

GGD Gal, on natural high due to AFL (otherwise: dopamine deficiency)

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....oh no, this thread is ending just as I've reached linguiphilic heaven ^o^

Anonymous said...

he needs some cheerleaders in plaid in provacative poses.

Anonymous said...

he needs the dog hangy on the front of his trousers.

Anonymous said...

JAK, no! I was shooing the rest of the gallinacean. You are one of my favorites jungle fowl, don't you know? I summon my fellow jungle creatures! They give me some hope... in this otherwise hopeless world.

Thank you, ladies, for your open-mindedness.
