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Nile Rodgers / Adam Lambert SHADY SESSIONS (Last Minute Out of Control)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 01, 2012

From NileRodgersTV:

Adam was late getting to the studio and I had limited time. I'd never seen this footage before because it was shot by my guitar tech. It was in a folder that I didn't recognize labeled "Last Minute Out Of Control."


Anonymous said...

I never heard Nile talk before, he has a nice voice. That would be something else if him and Adam could perform Shady together live.....thud.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam...You're gonna have to change your habit of always being late. You're the one wanting help from Nile, not the other way around.

I learned my lesson when I interviewed for a job and was hired to be there then next morning. I heard the interviewer say to be in the lobby by 8:30 am and the receptionist would call upstairs for someone to escort me to my new workplace. I was so pleased with myself for getting off to a good start by being in the lobby at 8:15 am. When the escort came for me, he said you're fifteen minutes late! I was embarrassed and apologized and said, I thought I was early to which he replied, No, you're late. During the seven years I worked for that firm, I was always the first person in the office.

Adam likes to be "fashionably late" and at this stage of his career, no one should wait for him, not even his fans. I am truly not dissing him, just pointing out that he must not keep the big boys or the "suits" waiting as they have other things to do as well as see him.

On Time Tilly

Anonymous said...

This is a habit? Really? Curious. First I've heard about it. But I'm sure he appreciates these lessons. Without such guidance, he would surely flounder. (Sorry, but I couldn't resist the sarcasm since I think we're all well aware of his INCREDIBLE work ethic by now.)

On point, he certainly wasn't late this morning. According to my calculations, he tweeted around 5:00 a.m. (his time) that he was shooting today. Knowing the industry a bit, that shoot will likely last until mid-night, and very possibly longer.


Anonymous said...

Oh On Time Tilly, you do not know why Adam was late. NYC traffic is crazy, so no need for the lecture!

Anonymous said...

REALLY REALLY want to see them together performing "Shady". Make it happen UNIVERSE!

Anonymous said...

Tilly - from Nile's blog:
The day that we recorded "Shady" we had limited time. It was a last minute session that was desperately thrown together. Adam had called saying he'd be late, so I just started jamming before I could get his ideas. In this video, I was explaining why I'd chosen to play what I played before knowing what he and his producer wanted. It's funny watching me being me! -N

Adam called saying he would be late. The polite thing to do regardless of the reason.

Anonymous said...

2:12 just be glad you are perfect. Loved your self indulgent story though.

Anonymous said...

From MTV BuzzworthyĆ¾@MTVBuzzworthy

Think you know @AdamLambert? Well did you know he's obsessed with kale, @breakingbad_amc, naps & 7 other things?

Lovely pic + video, Adam always so GORGEOUS & EXPRESSIVE!

Anonymous said...

No on knows what Adam has to do or when he has to do it, but Adam. That being said, Adam IS a STAR! Even more importantly, Adam is a kind, respectful, humble man. I don't know if Adam was late or not. Perhaps he was busy helping another person. "Judge not lest you be judged" or something like.

Anonymous said...

From the people around me about those who are always late, including my husband and OMG my aunt, they are the most successful ones. They have so much stuff going on in their brains that they tend to forget about time. They always get things done, no matter what. But they never pay attention to time for some reason. They are sociable and well spoken. I can listen to my aunt talk forever but she tends to be late where ever she is invited. Once she starts socializing everybody forgets about this trait of hers.

Anonymous said...

Meant to say geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzz but I was kinda ticked off!haha

The Dark Side said...

There is no way Adam would have said no to a master like Nile who knows what's he about. After listening to the snippets, it worked.

Anonymous said...

Again pointing out: NOTHING we have ever learned about Adam has EVER suggested this is a TRAIT!

On the other hand--his obsessions. Thank you 3:57 for that delightful video! And I liked the spirit in which the article was written, too. Cute. I even learned a few things! "Breaking Bad" is one of my obsessions, too! GREEN? Where did that come from? haha


Anonymous said...

omg, 2:12.. he's not purposefully late and holding Nile up because he wants to be fashionably late. Why would he do that if he knew they had a short period to meet up. to make a point? this makes no sense. Have you seen how Adam is hauled from one place to another non-stop all day, and they don't even stop to eat if they need to be at the next stop. Absolutely agree with the incredible work ethic comment (and traffic).

Anonymous said...

I hope we are done with is he or isn't he habitually late. BORING!

daydreamin said...

Anon 3:57 THANK YOU for that video of Adam's best 10 things! Sage green is also my fav!! Thank you for bringing the link over!

Anonymous said...

OMG get over the 'late' moment.
Life must be so boring for some people. Wouldn't it be better to put energy towards positive comments relating to the awesomeness of 'Shady'. We're talking Nile Rodgers here, a legend in the industry along with Adam.

Anonymous said...


Just enjoy the ride folks if you want to stay on this site with good conversations indeed!!!!

Late with good reason?? We don't know the real story unless Adam and Nile say something about it:))))



Anonymous said...

Poor OTT - you guys really jumped her. I've watched on this site where people have bitched because Adam was last on the red carpet because he was late. In an interview some time ago he mentioned that he was never on time and that he wished he culd change that bad habit. And if you only read the caption under the picture, you'll see that it doesn't mention that Adam called.

Bugger off!!!

Anonymous said...

Does it mean that "Shade" is going to be next single after BTIKM & NCOE failed? Please, you have to agree with me! Both singles didn't get any success! Even media excpected much more from NCOE! I hope "Tresspassing" will be next single. Because "Shady" is kind of ballad also. And as far as you can see, ladies, nobody wants ballad anymore. Adele got it all! Adam, please, release 'Tresspassing" next as single. It will bring big Fireworks on radios and sucsess for you! For God Sakes, why I am always correct????!!! I knew that NCOE will failed,AGAIN!And everybody will call me troll and talk about promotions on AI, all of these balls, and shows!OKAY! I don't know about American Music Industry like somebody mentioned before. But I know what all on these jerks want to hear on their radio FROM THE ARTIST THEY NEVER HEAR BEFORE!Again, 70% of Americans don't have any idea who is Adam Lambert. Because they don't watch AI, don't care about AMA or Grammys. But they still have little girls who care about JB. And Adele's songs are in the air 24/7. Guess what? Adele never kissed the girl when she had her bigget an most important International performance! Same As Bieb didn't have any relationship before his belated puberty. Actually, I am not sure if Adele ever had boyfriend! Does it mean that she is lesbian? Who knows! So far I saw a lot of photos of Adele without makeup with her girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 6:32.

Adam may have been late for Niles due to reasons beyond his control but the argument that "nothing we have ever learned about Adam suggest he has this trait" is pure baloney.

In addition to 6:32's points - in case you have forgotten: Adam was late for his interview with a Paris radio station first thing in the morning in 2010 (okay, he may have been delayed by Sauli LOL) and when they asked him why he was late, he said something about his hair being hard to get this way. I remember because I was a bit surprised that he was a) late for a scheduled on-air performance (which was admittedly awesome) and b)so casual about his explanation.

Tilly actually made a good point - being late for big meetings can hurt you. If Niles had been a Diva or had had a pressing meeting elsewhere, Adam might have missed out on this collaboration.

It's not like she said he sticks pins in little kids or anything.

Anonymous said...

big effen deal I don't care if he is late for every appointment he has.He has to be doing something right fot the past 30 years.It doesn't look like being late has slowed him down any.

Anonymous said...

7:22 omg lady do you ever shut up? Your comments must be so easy to write because the same thing over and over. Wait a minute you forgot FM this time. For shame.

Anonymous said...

Enuf of all the talk about whether Adam is late or not! Seems he's doing just fine with it all. Now why doesn't everyone check out that terrific MTV Buzzworthy video that was posted here. It's wonderful! He's so personable and open with his thoughts - delightful!

Anonymous said...

Adam spoke with MTV about 10 things he is obsessed with:

Anonymous said...

DAMN! The 10 things Adam is obsessed video clip won't allow me to watch it in my "region". :-(

Anonymous said...

Tickets ON SALE NOW for Queen + Adam Lambert show July 7 in Wroclaw, Poland.

Tickets are available through:


Link to Queen on Facebook post:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I didn't mention FM name in my comment. Guess what? If Bryan and Rodger will include these songs in performances with Adam, it will mean that Adam is star who was born to be a legend!
The name of these songs are
"Sleeping on Side Walks"
"Lily of the Valley"
"Man of the Prowl"
"In The Lap of The Gods"
"My Melancholy Blues"

and the last but one of the best
"Too Much Love Will Kill You"
Anyway, if Bryan and Ridger will include just one of these songs in their Summer tour it will mean that Adam is only genious who deserves to share the stage with Queen
By the way have you ever heard about any of these songs, ladies?

tess4ADAM said...

@9:05 PM ... Nope!! Never heard of any of them but ... if ADAM sings any one of them he will do it ala LAMBERT & it will be AWESOME!! ADAM can sing anything & make it his own ... example: Whole Lotta Love by Led Zepplin ... in any tempo he chooses ... BRILLIANT!! TYVM

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM Try to find "Melancholy Blues" or "Too Much Love Will Kill YOu" on youtube. You will understand what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, most of these songs you can find only in Queen's CD's. But they are very special. And most of Freddie's fans are crazy about these songs


Anonymous said...

@ 9:05 PM

I think Too Much Love Will Kill You would be a poor choice considering the circumstances of Freddie's death. Let's let Brian and Roger and Adam choose the songs.

Anonymous said...

@10:19PM I think you are right. Wish they would perform "Killer Queen" or "Mr. Bad Guy" but, like I said, these two songs are politicaly incorrect. However, "Don't Stop Me Now" would be awesome!

HK fan said...

@anon may 1st 7.22pm,

you do know that NCOE has actually only been out about 2 weeks, and it doesn't officially go for radio adds until the end of May, and that the video is being shot as we speak.....abit early to presume its failed don't you think!!!

Anonymous said...

These pathetic people who provokes the genuine fans of Adam failed indeed!!!!

Just keep on coming here and no worries we don't mind your none sense comments:))))


SG said...

Anon 7.22pm

Please, would you be so kind to leave a tag at the top of your comment so we can skip them? THANK YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Funny SG! and spot on. 7:22, I will kindly say: you simply do NOT know what you are talking about. But by all means, if you are a veteran of the music industry and have credentials to share with us that would enlighten our own thoughts of your posts, please do so. I do not look at Adam through rose colored glasses, I never have, I can see where he has struggled, with BTIKM radio play in U.S., but dear, there is life outside the U.S., and BTIKM did well. It's ridiculously early to make any call on NCOE. I don't know if you are serious, trying to provoke thought, or what, but you simply are uninformed as to the music business... as am I, the difference is, I admit my ignorance and lack of business prowess when it comes to the music arena. good grief

Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger say they really want to change things up for their gigs with Adam. Maybe they will choose some lesser known songs along with the mega-hits. They're all safe in Adam's capable hands. No worries.

I'm also sick of our persistent poster here who rambles on about Adam being doomed for failure. Give it a rest, please. We get your point. Now go point it somewhere else.


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....@7:22 aka 9:05

Isn't there a Freddie Mercury fan site somewhere you would like to join? This is a site to show encouragement, admiration and elation for the career of Adam Lambert. Our hearts fill with joy at each new step he takes in establishing a foothold for a long successful life in the recording industry.

You do not rejoice with us, instead you seem to be filled with gloom and doom concerning Adam, gleefully predicting failure.
Rather than continually upset yourself and aggravate us, couldn't you move on to a happier site for you?

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering when Brian and Roger are going to send love to the Southern Hemisphere! This side of the world loves QUEEN, adored Freddie AND is dedicated to ADAM!
Our storm HAS to happen!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I guess it's too much to wish for that one of the Queen and Adam concerts might produce a live album. I would consider it a collector's album.
Wishin and Hoping!

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