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Adam joins in with Hot or Not on CBBC's Friday Download

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 29, 2012

Posted at : Friday, June 29, 2012


Anonymous said...

He's f-ing ADORABLE!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable, but his voice sounds hoarse to me? I hope not with tomorrow's huge gig.

Anonymous said...

What are they doing? I don't get the hot or not. I think it's because the accent is to much for me.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen Adam in a blazer.

Anonymous said...

Is the concert in Keiv tomorrow at 8:00 (their time obviously)? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Moscow?????

Anonymous said...

it's Keiv . . . just checked

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:22 - I thought he sounded hoarse too and got worried since, as you say, tomorrow is the first huge Queen gig. Keeping my fingers crossed he's fine ...

Anonymous said...

It call saving your voice. I think with a long ride a head of him. That you will see him not talking or doing any thing that would make his voice weak. Singers talk about it all the time.

glitzylady said...

Not to worry about the "hoarse voice".. this was taped..He's in Kiev now and has already done the Soundcheck with Queen..and from all reports, he sounded INCREDIBLE! No worries!!!

Anonymous said...

Some fans heard the sound check at Kiev so I'm gonna bring some of the tweets over here. This is one:


Anonymous said...

@ms_julliette we will rock you, who wants to live forever and I'm too excited to remember:)))

Anonymous said...

Some songs were duets(Under Pressure), some were sung by Brian May alone(Love of my life). Everything was perfect! Even the lights!

Anonymous said...

What surprised me, not sure how to react now, was that @adamlambert wasn't trying to sound like Fredd

Anonymous said...

Is the Billboard Mid Year Poll finished?
Can't we vote anymore?
i get this statement when I go to the link:

"This form is currently private and cannot be viewed by the public."

Anonymous said...

Best night ever! A steak and a nice creme brûlée, nice stroll and the Queen and Adam Lambert in tight jeans

Read her tweets:

Anonymous said...

Ott, but fans should stop complaining about the word queenbert at this moment. It's not the same as tommybert. Adam is not going to tour with Queen forever, but he just might tour with Tommy forever. Unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:48

I got the same message when I went to do my multiple hours of daily voting. :(

I thought we may even have throught the weekend to vote but at least through today. Is anyone getting through??

Anonymous said...

@2:34 From what I have seen it is at 11:30

Anonymous said...

Sorry 10:30 for Adam and Queen.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see younger audience for a change. I'm getting tired of the milfs in this fandom. They complain too much.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so good with people of any age. He's great with these kids and doesn't try to act like he;s their age in a fake sort of way. Just natural. Hope he gained some new YOUNG fans! The hot or not game of kind of fun, and he jumped right in.

The Queen rehearsals sound fabulous! I know others are singing with them, too, but I hope Adam gets to sing a LOT! He's got top billing with Queen. I know he'll knock everyone's socks off!

I read somewhere that the BB poll will be done by the end of the month, which is tomorrow, but maybe they've stopped the voting already. Hope our hard work paid off!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:18 PM
I suspect all of us quote unquote "MILFS" ..yeah, I know what that means.. ; ))) are also very excited to see these young people so excited to see Adam at this kid's show in the UK. We ALL want Adam to be hugely successful in his career. He loves kids and they really do connect with him. But, its a shame you feel you need to diss those fans (as a group) who have been so fabulously supportive of Adam since the beginning. Sure, some fans "complain" but its usually done out of love and concern for Adam and his career. We all care about him. I do agree that I prefer to be positive and definitely do not presume to tell him how to run his career, and certainly not his personal life. I follow lots of fans on twitter and its not just the "MILFS" who sometimes "complain"... by the way. Most everyone I follow (and that is A LOT) are overwhelmingly positive...

I seriously hope Adam is given the opportunity to connect with the kids and teens in America too..We don't see that here much here unfortunately (in magazines, TV shows, etc..) He does have many young fans too, for sure. I think he's have more if they just knew more about him.. . : (( I applaud the fantastic job the UK promo people are doing..So many fantastic opportunities for Adam.. BIG thanks to Shoshanna Stone and Outside Edge PR for their outstanding job in the UK.

tess4ADAM said...

What are 'MILFS'?? I don't know the meaning but being one of ADAM's ADORING "OLDER" fans I suppose it has something to do with AGE discrimination ... just as bad as any other discrimination ... and what has age to do with being a fan? Glamberts come in all ages ... sexes ... races ... etc! WTH cares how old you are?? Are we supposed to retire to the boneyard to await the Grim Reaper?? That was a very RUDE remark ... TYVM!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)Avid VOTER & Supporter of the GLAMILY

Anonymous said...

@ 6:25

MILF = Mothers I'd Like to F***

Anonymous said...

It's not about the age. It's about the attitude of some milfs.

Anonymous said...

There are still 2 places you can vote for Adam...

Greatest Artist of Today (once a day)

and Q102 Ultimate Fans (unlimited voting and almost over)

Anonymous said...

For instance if there's a milf who doesn't like this video, I think she has an attitude problem.

Anonymous said...

is the billboard voting over I can not vote any more.

Anonymous said...

it won't let me on bill board it says for peivate use.will not let me vote.

Anonymous said...

I can't vote anymore on Billboard, it says for private viewing only. What's going on?

Anonymous said...

OMG! VH1 didn't include dwarf JB in 100 greatest artists! It made my day!LOL
By the way, where is Adele?

Anonymous said...

The Billboard poll must not be takiing votes anymore. I tried, too. Voted for Ultimate Fans. Adam is ahead a hopefully will win. Should be over soon.

DYING for the first Queen show.
Sometimes it takes some milfs to show the way.


Anonymous said...

Adele is pregnant.

Anonymous said...

vote on Q102 Utimate Fan poll if you get time. When I first got there Adam had 51.49 and now 51.45 so it is trending down some Anyone know when this poll is over? I don't know why but I am nervous over Billboard poll, so many people were in best album poll.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, get over yourselves. Just because you've given birth does not make you a MILF. And while we're at it, just because you're older and female does not automatically qualify you as a cougar. At 40, actress Sofia Vergara from "Modern Family" is both a cougar and a MILF. Raquel Welch would be another good example. So unless you've got those kind of "attributes" no one's talking about you. And no, your husband's opinion does not count.

Anonymous said...

I just jumped on this site and some of these posts have sickened me. Stop self obsessing, criticizing, wasting space.
Adam Mitchell Lambert is playing with Queen tomorrow!!
Adam Mitchell Lambert is playing with Queen tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Brian May and Roger Taylor in "Evening Urgant"

Brian berting about being able to perform with such a "wonderful singer" (ADAM)

Brian: "He's not arrogant but he's very confident. He has a truly extraordinary voice, extraordinary presence & extraordinary passion"

"He comes knowing what he has to do and feels good about it. It feels great. It feels amazing! Much better than it ought to feel"

Roger: "He's very kind. He doesn't make us feel too much like his fathers" lol

Brian: "He's GLAMOROUS!!!"

Anonymous said...

Aaawwww, love those comments from Brian and Roger. What a happy and wonderful collaboration with those two and Adam. Each one is thrilled to be performing together. Simply cannot wait to see videos (hopefully) of the Kiev extravaganza!! Should be EPIC!

Anonymous said...

in your spare time watch Adam's mv's I read he is getting close to be vevo certified. I have to go look that up, not really sure what it means. Sounds good though.

glitzylady said...


: /

This is why I sometimes come here less these days. Less dissing and more Berting please. Although sometimes we are accused of too much Berting.. (No way there can be too much of THAT!) Hard to win. And less making assumptions about those who come here please. Who really wants to discuss the fine points of MILF's, who qualifies as one, and who doesn't. Who cares. (My husband is in love with Sofia Vergara by the way..because yes, she's definitely a MILF...) Unless you know someone personally, you cannot make judgements about anyone. And even then, please don't. So ridiculous. Fans are fans. That's all that matters.

Thanks. : ))

Anonymous said...

yes I find myself coming here less & less. So many negitives we should be so happy that Adam is going to sing with queen that his promo in the UK has been so sucessful. Isn't that what we have as fans wanted for him? Please guys be more positive be excited be happy be thankful we are so very lucky to be part of something so wonderful. It fulls me with such joy to be a fan of someone so wonderful he sure makes me want to listen to music again!:-):-)

daydreamin said...

Info from twitter about streaming links:


"Hello Everyone,

This concert is going to be televised by many television stations in both the Ukraine and Poland.

The station that is producing the concert is going to have 17 cameras filming simultaneously.

So, it will be very professional.

The links for the streams are all links to some of the various online websites of some of the tv stations that will be broadcasting the show. The streams will not be from fans, etc.

@AdamLambertRUAB from Russia has posted this twitlong giving information about how to watch the tv broadcast on line:

"Links for possible stream of @adamlambert & @QueenWillRock Kiev gig

Date: June, 30

Time: (check time to your country)

Links (Ukraine TV):

1. CTB

2. ICTV or

3. Новый канал

Hope we will be able to find more... "

Good luck to everyone in being able to watch tomorrow an online stream of the televised broadcast. So exciting!!!"


Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam with these kids! He fits in so well everywhere. Blazers are kinda like jackets and we know how much Adam adores jackets. :) Love hearing the Brits speak .... the young and the young at heart.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, Thank you, Thank You!

Anonymous said...

OMG the things Adam has to do!
You've gotta love him! Kids are great but Adam is a man for gosh sake.

Anonymous said...

'Live music'! Talk about hitting the nail on the head, and getting ADAM antsy! We live for 'live music', especially ADAMs 'live music', which goes through your very soul!

Anonymous said...

Adam hasn't been to a Mormon gathering where they play cotton wool on the spoon. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Does Adam sound a little hoarse?

Anonymous said...

Vocal rest for Adam.

Anonymous said...

@7:58 If you are watching that on tv it is old 2010. None of the really current ones are on there.

Anonymous said...

If I live in central time zone what time do I need to be on my computor. Is it at 8 or 10:30 Kiev time??

Anonymous said...

I'm confused, didn't the queen concert already happen yesterday? No videos or mentions of the concert anywhere on the internet?

Anonymous said...

No it is today.

Anonymous said...

IMPORTANT MESSAGE 4 Glamberts Re;ANTIAIDS Kiev Concert June 30th Plz RT
"On June 30th at the main square of our country the most titled and bright English team of Elton John and Queen will play for Ukraine against AIDS" - Elena Pinchuk

As y’all know, Queen, Adam Lambert and Sir Elton John will be performing at a concert in Kiev, Ukraine, at the Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) on Saturday, Junbe 30th, the day before the EURO 2012.

Olga Serdyuk of the Elena Pinkchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation in Kiev, Ukraine has asked me to please pass along this message to Adam’s fans
The Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation are inviting Glamberts to join Adam, Queen and Elton John by showing our support for “#antiAIDSmaidan” and the fight against AIDS!

From Olga at Elena Pinkchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation;


We really need your help!

As during the concert we want to break the record of tweet flow with the special #antiAIDSmaidan hash tag.

We've created a Twitter account @antiAIDSmaidan

All fans' tweets will be on-line demonstrated on the screens on the square (maidan) during the concert and on TV screens while live broadcast on Ukrainian and Poland TV channels.

We'll do appreciate your assistance with this tweet flow!!!!
Thank you!
The Elena Pinkchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, Kiev.

*Fundraising effort TBA*

WOW! That is so cool! :)

Tweets using the hash tag “#antiAIDSmaidan” will be shown on the Jumbotrons at the concert and broadcast to millions of television viewers as well!

Queen, Sir Elton John and Adam have volunteered to lend their time and talent in support of the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation by performing at this epic concert event. (All performers have waived their fees)

For those of us that can’t attend the concert, this is an excellent opportunity for us to lend our support to this very worthy cause – the fight against AIDS.

It’s also an awesome way for us to support Adam and show him how proud we are of him for supporting the fight against Aids.

"Your life is not a game! Let's stop AIDS together" #antiAIDSmaidan

Anonymous said...


“On June 30th at the main square of our country the most titled and bright English team of Elton John and Queen will play for Ukraine against AIDS” – Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation

Hello! We really need your help!

As during the concert we want to break the record of tweet flow with the special #antiAIDSmaidan hash tag.

We’ve created a Twitter account @antiAIDSmaidan

All fans’ tweets will be on-line demonstrated on the screens on the square (maidan) during the concert and on TV screens while live broadcast on Ukrainian and Poland TV channels.

We’ll do appreciate your assistance with this tweet flow!!!!

Thank you!

The Elena Pinkchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, Kiev.

Anonymous said...


@shoshannastone And the day has come. First QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT show tonight in Kiev! Exciting!!!

@AdamLambertRUAB: Glamberts, let’s trend ‪#AdamWillRockYou‬ & ‪#GoodLuckQueenbert‬when Elton John finishes his part..:)

@platinumjones: Getting ready for #DublinPride ?my @gcnie #Pride playlist is here incl. Le Tigre, Kylie, ADAM LAMBERT, Gossip + more

‏@TomKaulitzLove: RT if you like ADAM LAMBERT :) (Because he like Bill) <3

Anonymous said...

LOL to this tweet from a fan:

RT @Lambertosity: Quote from a fan:
"[b]I just hope his adrenaline doesn't cause him to trip,
ninja roll and kiss Brian.

Anonymous said...


Two channels are broadcasting, QUEEN + ADAM are on at 22.30 local time

1) stb (стб in Ukraininan)

2) the first national channel (перший нацiональний in Ukraininan)

Anonymous said...

in Kiev : ' ) RT @Glaaaaambert: People are singing We are the champions


Anonymous said...

KIEV twitter list!:!/AdamLambertRUAB/kiev-show

Glambert for life ‏@Glaaaaambert
People are singing We are the champions

Anonymous said...

Jannis ‏@MR_JANNIS
Just saw @adamlambert in kyiv AhhH

Anonymous said...



“Tonight we sound-checked to an unofficial audience of about 1,000 people, I reckon! They were very encouraging (thanks guys!). Tomorrow we play the first show of the tour. KYIV here we come!”

Anonymous said...

Egg and spoon race - I took part in that as a child. All you need is a very steady arm, Adam and you have to run fast at the same time!

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan of Elton and Queen for almost a lifetime and having Adam on the bill as well will ensure that this concert is BEYOND EPIC, so I'm going to watch the concert from go to whoa .... not long 'til it starts now! :D

Anonymous said...

So excited to watch Adam +Queen and Elton couldn't sleep all night! I hope and pray my old computer will not fail me now!! Waiting for the live stream!


glitzylady said...

Livestream working for me in the US:

Sir Elton on now..Adam and Queen approx. in 30 minutes from now.....

Anonymous said...

HE IS KILLING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They have to come to America!!!!

Anonymous said...

Simply Amazing!!

donnaw said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this for soooooooo long!!
Adam is amazing, simply amazing! I've got tears running down my face......rock and roll is his baby!
I'm so proud of Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!