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Adam Lambert sings NCOE on CBBC's Friday Download in the UK (6-29-12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, June 29, 2012

Posted at : Friday, June 29, 2012


Anonymous said...

My god this man is beautiful! I EVERY SINGLE WAY!!! Look at him, those gorgeous eyes and the JOY ON HIS FACE with those young people and the joy that he brings them. I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks more younger when surrounded by kids!!! So cute indeed!! Ahhh!

Kids are loving it:)))


Anonymous said...

Great performance!! Adam looked and sounded AWESOME! The young crowd really loved it and you could see Adam feeding off their energy! Made me smile. :)

Anonymous said...

He is just the best. Words fail me!

Anonymous said...

CHARITY WATER: LAST DAY to make it reach ADAM's goal!
Please donate what you can to give water to those who are deprived of this basic necessity in life.
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

GREAT! how cool to see Adam with all these Happy YOUNG kids... Hopefully will help propell his sales and popularity in with the younger set. What FUN! So wish we'd see this in THIS country.
Ditto to all of the above =)

Anonymous said...

just's Keiv

Anonymous said...

What is this show? Looks like it targets young kids and teens. Adam is so much older but look what happens....he turns into a musical Pied Piper and gets everyone hopping! That looked like so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

adam lambert turns like a kid-baby face -hes surronded by the young kids haha. love him-love it.

Anonymous said...

What a great audience of young tweens and teens so filled with energy during Adam's performance. He was truly enjoying himself up there smiling throughout as he sang NCOE. I don't think I've seen any of the crowds at his mini concerts as enthusiastic as this one. I just loved watching this performance and I like the Pied Piper comparison that was made about Adam. Now all we need is some of that same enthusiasm across the pond here in the states once Adam comes home.

Anonymous said...

Well, he sure fits ANY audience, regardless of age. Now, let's hope that every kid in this audience buys his CD and tells their friends to buy it and so on and so on and so on. I hope this show has a large viewing audience. Great to see Adam with a younger crowd. That hot or not game was kinda neat.


Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable seeing these very young kids rocking out to Adam. Seemed that some of them knew the song and were singing the words. Adam smiled the entire time and was feeding off their enthusiasm. Like others have said, we can only hope they run out, tell their friends and buy the CD!

SG said...

WOW! That was GREAT!Thouse kids went wild with Adam.They had a great time and really enjoy his performance. He was smiling the whole time,he was feeling great and confortable.One of the best thing that Adam has is the way he adapt himself according to the different kind of audience.He's hot&wild at Night Clubs,classy with the pess audience(London press early this year) and funny & energetic with kids.No matter your age,if you see him life you're gonna fall into his charm!!;))
As some people said, I hope all thouse kids tell about Adam to they friends.
A++++ fot the UK promo team!They're doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a FANTASTIC performance!! Great band, hugely appreciative, young audience & of course, Adam singing like no other!! I'm still smiling! :D

Anonymous said...

Loved it, so much electricity and Adam loving every minute!He also looked remarkable, refreshed and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

At last EVERYONE 'jumped' for Adam!
Great vibes. Kids always adore Adam because they can feel he's sincerity.Total respect for Adam.

Anonymous said...

This makes me so happy. Great exposure for the youth. Joyous energy all around.