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Queen + Adam Lambert concert at Independence Square, Kiev, Ukraine (6-30-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 30, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, June 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful performance by a beautiful man..the Urkraine was truly enjoying him..Adam will win over the world one country at a time..

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!! That was amazing!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

watched it live. it was beyond amazing! he is just IT! thats all.

Anonymous said...

Watched the whole concert from the beginning. Awesome live stream. Elton John, Queen and Adam were great. Adam and Queen in Moscow tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching the livestream of Queen with Adam Lambert. Adam was truly amaaazing and his powerhouse vocals ruled the stage. But when Brian and Roger sang with him, it seemed off at times, their voices not always blending well together.
Adam gave it his all; he was in his element covering the stage in his leather pants and shoulder spike jacket. Loved some of his moves too.
As he sang "Who wants to live forever", I had was magnificent. The audience loved it. For me it was the highlight of the show along with "The show must go on".
Nothing beats Brian May on guitar. When Adam left the stage, he and Roger did several songs together and even used vids of Freddie to add to the experience.
Finally, for me, I'd rather watch and listen to Adam perform his own music. It was an honor for him to perform with Queen and it was a special show, but I prefer him as a solo artist. We all know(as does Adam) that no one can replace Freddie, but he did a damn good job today on that stage.

Anonymous said...

Watched the whole think on live stream and was completely overwhelmed! And to think this is the first of SIX! We get to go to Adam Heaven five more times with Queen. Adam and Brian and Roger must be ecstatic at how it went. Adam has really stepped through to another level with these shows. He is stunning in every sense of the word!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I was suprised by the choice of the songs!I think only Queen's fans could recognize 50% of these songs. And Adam did fantastic job! "Bohemian Rapsody" was brilliant!
Love you, Adam!

P.S. Didn't get this Russian boy. It was very poor performance:(

Anonymous said...

The Blonds' shoulder spike jacket was a good choice. Sexay. It's great that Adam gets to perform with well known world-class artists to a big audience. It must be rewarding after all the hard work. Of course he will sing his own music, and he's been doing it all spring. Honestly, even if his career flopped he could still tour small venues with his own band.

Anonymous said...

the show was fantastic live- wow, very challenging material and Adam nailed it. did you hear the crowd yelling Bravo in the middle ?

Anonymous said...

I have to tell all the Glamberts that to watch this sexy ROCK GOD is attuned to a religious experience for me. I got the same feeling with Adam onstage with Queen as I have in the past in church with a fiery preacher and a black choir singing and rocking a gospel song with their arms reaching to heaven. This young man is iconic! Thank you, LORD, for sending us this magnificent creature to bless and enhance our sometimes mundane lives.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but INCREDIBLE!
ADAM you make us PROUD to be your fans.
You did great and make Brian May and Roger Taylor proud.
You make your parents proud.
i heard some off moment with Show Must Go On, the EMA was much better.
And on an earlier song (I forgot which) also a moment off. But that's forgivable. this was the first though.
Over all, a great job by ADAM and so gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely an iconic performance! Adam's vocals were insane. What a powerhouse and yet so sweet and tender at other times.....just WOW! Please let there be a DVD for sale!


Anonymous said...


Funny, but I kept praying while watching breathless and kept thanking GOD every time the song is over!
I always thank GOD for ADAM and offer Him back all the joys ADAM gives his fans.

Anonymous said...

JAK won't believe this, but I'm speechless! >->O

Anonymous said...

First review of the concert:

Can someone save these videos? I have to be some where tonight but I would like to watch the concert again. Please somebody save them!

Anonymous said...

So am I - speechless that is. Still recovering. Watched the entire afternoon! SIMPLY AMAZING!

For the fans complaining about him being off a little, I think there were sound problems and I don't think Adam could hear his voice at times.

And how about Roger's 21 year old son? Pretty amazing and he looked about 12.

Anonymous said...

Check out this gif:

@illuxxia: make the rockin' world go round

Anonymous said...

The career flop in my comment @3:39was a joke in case someone thought I was serious. But I enjoy Adam with Queen, because it gives him a huge opportunity to progress as an artist and performer. I think Adam is too talented for his own band.

SG said...

That was beyond good,or better or any adjective you can imagine..I'm still trying to belive what I saw just 1 hour ago.I'm gonna need time to assimilate.Am I've been dreaming!?? that was real!? I hope so!;)))


Are you OK!??

Anonymous said...

I think we fans need to send today's performance out to the others who are "not informed" of our BB or have no idea what he is up to. How else will they know? Maybe we can get radio play with a larger USA fan base.

Anonymous said...

I watched the live stream=sooooogood.He sang the shit out of those songs. Such a talent. So many people-he's not used to 1/2 million people. This is such a boost to his already soaring career. You go boy. I hope you know how loved your are.

Anonymous said...

I just don't think there are enough adjectives to say how brilliant of a performer he is. He nailed every song. I am just blown away and just when I though he couldn't impress me any more. Can't tell you how much I love this man. JAK, you are right. Totally blown away!

Anonymous said...

I would think anyone would have trouble singing with Adam ... . I remember he had to hold back when he sang with Kris on AI . . Allison could hold her own with Adam.
His vocals are just untouchable.

Anonymous said...


This is the first out of six and it will just get better.
I admire ADAM as being courageous and so brave to be with legends and singing in front of this huge crowd.
And to think he was just auditioning 3 years ago in SF with Bohemian Rhapsody and now this?

I lost count how many times Brian May changed his guitars. Their sound is truly incomparable as they're made with his own hands.

ADAM you make us your fans so proud!
You make Brian May and Roger Taylor so proud!
And you make Eber and Leila so proud!
And of course, Neil and Sauli!

I am so relieved now and so happy!

Adamluv said...

To anon: - the concert in Moscow is July 3rd. BTW - the Graham Norton Show is tonite on BBC America at 8:00 PM here in LA. Not nearly as exciting as the Kiev concert but at least get to see him again today and on big TV screen vs. computer. Today is an awesome day in the lives of us Lambert fans.(Wow - dont remember ever spending 5 solid hours on computer before but sooooooo worth it!) That review mentioned above is VERY positive!! To Leila and Eber - your son done did you proud. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

US Fans; Graham Norton tonight on BBC America. Don't forget to watch it or record it.

Anonymous said...

Estimate for the crowd at Kiev over 150K. Yay!

Anonymous said...

The song Dragon Attack was new to me. I really liked it.

Anonymous said...

I watched the whole thing but didn't hear the crowd chanting "ADAM!" Wish I'd heard it!


Anonymous said...

If anyone can fit in some voting, requesting, spinning and buying, please do so in gratitude to our Adam!

Anonymous said...

Watched the live stream..Oh my gosh this man is beyond talented..I am speechless..I dare anyone to say that there is a more talented singer/performer out there my opinion ever! What a gift he has been given, those vocals,those looks that stage presence...For him to sing with Queen what a great honor, and all those people watching..His performance has shown he is truly shining star!


Magiclady said...

There aren' enuff adjectives to describe Adam's performance! He was spectacular and such a sexy boy!

I didn't realize that Brian was so magnificent on guitar. He blew me away!

I loved the one song that Adam sang about some dragon?? Can anyone tell me the name of that song? SOOOOO sexy!
Please bring this concert to Los Angeles!

Anonymous said...

I am totally speechless!! Could watch this over and over...was very teary eyed!! GREAT GREAT GREAT!!

Adamluv said...

@DRG - chick on the third video before Adam sings "Who Wants to Live Forever" and you can hear the fans yelling "Adam Adam" but the first letter "a" " is pronounced like "aw" so not as easy to understand. Hope this helps you hear it. His singing of that song was unbelievable - it really show off his singing ability. No words to describe this concert. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am back husband watched this with me and he is not a pop music person really, he is a rocker..He said..Queen and Adam were unbelievable..and that he does not know of anyone that could front Queen the way Adam did, he was blown away!

P.S. Roger and Brian are truly Rock Legends they were beyond amazing!


Anonymous said...

AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING !!! Adam - I am proud to be your fan !!! You are paving your path as a universal LEGEND !!!

Anonymous said...

I watched the entire Queen and Adam concert on livestream and it was absolutely amazing. Only Adam Lambert could keep me in front of the computer for that length of time. I was not that familiar with some of the Queen songs, but Adam did a great job on all of them. "Who wants to live forever" sent chills up my spine it was so wonderful. And Brian May...just spectacular on the guitar. I hope these appearances with Queen give Adam's career and new album a boost for those not familiar with him. He owned that stage as no one else could and is in a league of his own as far as his vocal talent. Bravo to Adam and Queen for one mind blowing concert.

Anonymous said...

Amazing,,everytime I watch it is more and more amazing,,,,I want a

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have Part 7 with the encore?

Anonymous said...

I want a dvd also. Livestream was great- but now I'm forgetting. Hope we get a video on bohemian R- my absolute favorite song. I believe that was part 7 encore i think?

Anonymous said...

Adam has everything that shouts "Super Star" and any doubters just have to watch him own the stage with rock legends Queen. He came he sang he conquered!

lorraine said...

No words to describe the joy I feel after watching Adam---I said to my husband,"and to think he grew up 10 minutes away from us, here in San Diego." Tears of joy hearing him singing in Independence Square.I feel so proud of him-I can't imagine what Leila and Eber must be feeling today.....

Anonymous said...

I wish show-biz tonight could mention this epic concert since all they talk about is stupid same old same old people over and over. This deserves a mention for sure!!! need to tweet them I guess?

Anonymous said...

apart from the stunning vocals on every song, I must say that leather ensemble was ROCKING pretty hard:))

Anonymous said...

those little leather pants were a feast for the eyes *_*

Anonymous said...

@7:00PM Bohemian Rapsody is in Part 6 encore

Anonymous said...

I don't have enough words to describe Adam's performance with Queen. Totally blown away by it. Thank you Brian and Roger for giving the world the opportunity to see and hear the extraordinary talent that is Adam. He gave it all. Pure joy to watch him perform.
I am immensely proud to be his fan.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely extraordinary and touching! HH

Anonymous said...


Cheril said...

Bravo. Adam, Brian and Roger were on fire. I said on another forum that we all have a great debt of gratitude to the person responsible in bringing Queen and Adam together on American Idol. Out of that finale night came this gifted collaboration. Amazing concert.

cb said...

Consider saying thanks for the concert this way too.
Donation links:

Shiggles said...

I was rockin and rollin in my chair and then it would be hanky time as my eyes filled with tears. This happened four times. I don't know how Leila and Eber can stand it because I am SO proud of Adam. I have always known that he would blow the moon out of the sky one day. Tears are running again. This was magnificent. Thank you Roger and Brian for seeing what all of us saw in this remarkable young man. Wow. Just wow.

coloforadam said...

.....I want it all!!

....I want it all!!!

....I want it all!!

....And I want it right NOW!!!

For Adam....fame, fortune, respect, glory!!! He was freakin' FLAWLESS!! I may NEVER recover - I was screaming, crying, clapping, stomping...ADAM you ROCK THE WORLD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How much U.S. press coverage do you think this concert will get?? I hope at least a mention. Do they even know it happened? We have to let the world know!

If we don't, the U.S. music media probably won't even realize it took place.

Had to chuckle at a person who posted on a link on AO. She said she is a long-time Queen fan and thinks that Adam is a "nice" singer but hopes that he will control his vibrato in the future and hopefully he will "improve." LOL! Some of these fanatic Queen fans are funny. At least she said that something "good" was going on up on stage. She gave Adam some credit but couldn't bring herself to praise him. Haha.


Anonymous said...

Are we still voting for anything? Or requesting NCOE? I know we're going crazy with the concert but we can't forget about Trespassing!

Anonymous said...

What a fine concert, I never was a fan of queen,but some of the songs I had heard of. Now I am wondering why I wasn't. I was a true Beattle fan. Why not both? I loved this concert so much, it all blew me away. I am so proud of Adam Lambert, and truly glad to be a glambert. He just hit it out of the ball park. What a voice. I want a DVD. Can't image what his parents are thinking. What a dream. There thinging THATS MY BOY." I am so proud.

Anonymous said...

The filming of this concert was truly outstanding. Brian May is a super guitarist but there were times that I thought he was too loud and he was drowning out Adam's voice. I wonder if Queen will have all the same songs for all the concerts.

Anonymous said...

HD whole show in one video.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the final encore had "We Will Rock You" and "We Are the Champions" so there should be a part 7 but I haven't found it. :(

Anonymous said...

Whoa Whoa!! What a dream of a rock concert! Adam blends in with Queen so well as if they had been together for a long time. And those dangling spiky shoulder adornments. Only wished Adam's vocals were more upfront like at the EMA, nonetheless spectacular, powerful. And the crowd is huge and really appreciative though more for Queen, understandable. Queen sure is a very special rock band, a unique, powerful and consistent sound. Adam the rock-god! :)

Anonymous said...

i heard the fans-the poeple out there said shouting name adam -adam adam- i cried when i heard all adam lambert voice-all the song- adam lamnert look like elvis presley.

tess4ADAM said...

I watched the whole concert on Ytube ... absolutely blown away by that fine young man ADAM!! I was completely mesmerized by ADAM & QUEEN!! I still can't find the words to fit my feelings ... SOoo PROUD!! Oh darn!! Where's those tissues .....


Anonymous said...

I wish that the US Media would talk about these shows/performances..As someone stated in another posting they talk about the same performers over and over again and most of them have no talent..Why can't they talk about Adam? If any media outlet saw this performance how could they not talk about it, it was truly epic..why can't they give Adam the recognition he so truly deserves!!!!


Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that ADAM one just like a sideway moonwalk? I jumped for joy! I'm just in a happy moment in my life now all because ADAM made me proud to be his fan for life.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What a concert!! I watched the whole show on a superb website – 3:30am ‘til approx 8:00am Australian east coast time - and all around the world, weren’t we spoilt?!!!! Three top bills performing under the same roof!! Adam seemed to be having sound problems but he still sounded fantastic. He and Queen sang my 3 fave Queen songs – Radio Gaga, Somebody To Love, The Show Must Go On and Bohemian Rhapsody – so I was in heaven. I do agree with @3.23pm .... I prefer Adam singing his own songs but all in all, it was a concert I’ll never ever forget.

What about all the yellow glow sticks?! Glamberts!!

@9.27am, thanks for the YT link to the whole concert – most definitely a keeper!!

Anonymous said...

O.K. Seriously, I've been watching Adam over and over again for the past 10 hours now, and I need to go to bed..My husband and daughter just told me they are starting to really worrying about me now..LOL..But I'm on a Adam high and I can't come down..( - :


Anonymous said...

when adam lambert sang this song title;crazy little thing called love-omg adma lambert right upper lips just like elvis presley wow

daydreamin said...

OMG!!! I am hearing some on twitter saying that Adam and Queen might be coming to L.A.??????

Anonymous said...

If they do LA...then we need NYC.....
I really want Trespassing Tour!!!

Anonymous said...


Yes, I saw that ELVIS' lip curl and I said the same thing.
ADAM is just so handsome tonight. He looks so stunningly drop dead gorgeous!
I remember my mother (already deceased and a die-hard ELVIS fan) reading that Las Vegas comeback concert of his wearing all black leather pants and jacket and very trim, they said that ELVIS was so handsome and sexy, that you put all the gorgeous Hollywood leading men all together and still would not be on par with ELVIS.
I was reminded of that as I looked how gorgeous ADAM was in Kiev.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the encore - part 7. It has Tie Your Mother Down, We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I have no words, it was so great! I watched the perfect live stream on big tv screen + loud speakers.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. The fireworks and the people...Wow, so much emotion and energy. The crowd is responding to Adam with huge enthusiasm. What an event, it's strength absorbed me as if I were there...super spectacular! A little stunned as I was watching.

Anonymous said...

Should be...its ; Got carried away...:)

Anonymous said...

I'd love a Trespassing tour before an Adam+Queen tour but I'll gladly take both!

Anonymous said...

Too much vibrato but it was a great concert.

Anonymous said...

Well, didn't get any sleep last night so we could watch the concert live. Adam was superb, (but he always is and will be), because he's a legend!
ADAM commands everything he does,
and therefore being a frontsman is not for him, (except in historic circumstances like this.

Anonymous said...

I can't see Adam as a lead singer of a band either - his solo performances are other worldly - but this concert was a very memorable occasion and well worth a sleepless night!

Anonymous said...

Elton, Adam and Queen performing at one concert .... totally mind-blowing!!!!!!!!!! The view I got was so good, it felt as though I was actually there!! Such an amazing night!! <3

Anonymous said...

Adam & Queen rocked Kiev!! :-D

Anonymous said...

If anything proves my point that Adam is a creature of the stage not of the recording studio-this was it. If he never has a hit record he will still be a success where he belongs-on the stage.
What Are We Living For''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''! Superb! Tears and goosebumps!

Catharine Sloper said...

"I can't see Adam as the lead singer of a band" Where the heck does that come from? I thought the concert was historic and I thought it must have felt wonderful to the members of Queen to have someone like Adam bring the music to life in such a respectful way. It must have remnded them of the great days of Queen's glory before Freddie died. I found it immensely moving, and I'm sure Queen found it so as well. Vibrato, tell me someone isn't using a fancy word like that. I don't think vibrato was a big issue here...seriously.

Catharine Sloper said...

If the media censorship of Adam continues to be an issue, I hope Adam does what Queen did, go straight to their audience. The Media didn't support Queen any more than they do Adam and Media can just go to H---! as far as I am concerned. With concerts like this and a fanbase like ours, who needs he media!

Catharine Sloper said...

Has anyone looked at Adam's twitter picture of the event? The immensity of the crowd is extraordinary. From the videos, I had no idea how the crowd just went on and on and on. Are they sure there was only 500,000. It looks like a whole lot more than that. Is there any information on that yet?

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have an ongoing issue with ear monitors. I wish the situation could be rectified for him.

Anonymous said...

Vibrato isn't a fancy word.

Anonymous said...

I can't stop watching these videos. Queen with Adam Lambert = ONE OF THE BEST CONCERTS EVER!!! It must have been incredible to see the show live

Anonymous said...

Full concert MP4 2:05 hrs

I downloaded it, 500Mb so it took a while but was worth it :)

Anonymous said...

LOVED the concert!!!PLEASE vote some on the ultimate fan poll on Q102..BB is just barely ahead.Thanks!Does it end tonight or tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Adam wearing the Sydney Mardi Gras jacket! What a night and a grscious tribute to Freddie. Adam is a legend!

Anonymous said...

Adam was radiant like a super rockstar that he has proved to the whole world through this Queen Kiev concert. Can barely type this, I was so mesmerized. Brian wrote in his website that he was so mesmerized with what Adam was doing that he even forgot what he was doing, like play his guitar. Wow! what a compliment. I bet he never said that of any of the other non Freddie singers. Yay, so proud of Adam, he made me so proud I went from butterflies on top of butterflies, to exhiliration, to tears, exhaustion, reaching for aspirin to get me back down to earth. Is there such a thing as an Adam overdose? If so, what's the cure? A straightjacket? So I don't reach for my computer and live my days in front of it? EEK! Forgot about sleep, eat, work. Must find an Adam cure. NOT!

Anonymous said...

OMG! GAve me such goosebumps! and I was teary eyed the whole time.

Anonymous said...

GLAMBERT ALERT! The Black Stars are awake and are voting their asses off. We're down to the wire and are neck-to-neck. Vote, hit F5 and vote again. WORK IT GLAMBERTS!!!

Anonymous said...

VOTE,VOTE FOR ADAM FOR THE ULTIMATE FAN( URL on post @ 4:56AM!!)Adam is behind..GO!!!!

Arthas said...

I'm completely ok with people having different opinions about Adam's singing. BUT HATRED, HOMOPHOBIC SLURS AND BIGOTRY CAN NOT BE TOLERATED BY ANY SANE MIND ESPECIALLY GLAMBERTS. Please go to Queen's Kiev post on Facebook and REPORT - ONLY - every comment that is a pure hatred towards Adam's personal life not his performance or style.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brian said he forgot to play his guitar due to Adam...that's huge coming from such a proficient guitarist. I think Brian is smitten like cure! lol! Yea the way Adam commanded such an immense prolific crowd; reminded me of those epic ancient scenes in films, maybe Mark Anthony. The way he stretched out his hand to the sea of people; now he reminds me of! Also that most stylish respectful bow to Brian, beautiful. Adam has huge stature, composure, voice! Theatre Kickin In as well... :)

Anonymous said...

This was so incredible. Some of the greatest moments in music ever!

Anonymous said...

Power votes needed in the ultimate fan pole! I still believe that this pole is a hoax. Prove me wrong Glamberts. Watch those videos later. Vote now. SOS!

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I sat mesmerized the whole concert, she's a 3 year old Glambert. She sat happily through the drum and guitar solos and when Adam was singing swung her foot and nodded her head in time to the music. She's hooked onAdam. However, she spoke up on occasion "Mommy he's making that fishy mouth again"! Surprisingly accurate I thought, what is it with the facial contortions with his mouth? First time I noticed it was at EMAs once or twice, but last night he did it again and again? Though she doesn't like the fishy mouth she loves Adam!

Anonymous said...

Jax, I went to that FB site & there are no slurs about Adam's personal life so maybe you meant another site? Sure, there are people being negative but there isn't anyone talking about Adam's personal life. Also, being nasty in return only puts Glamberts in a bad light and Adam doesn't need that.

Anonymous said...

It makes perfect sense that Adam tours with Queen in Europe and in the US Adam will tour with Tommy Ratliff. *grin*

Anonymous said...

@Jax Been saying this for a long time, zero tolerance for any kind of 'hateful', or homophobic remarks regarding Adam and Sauli.

Unknown said...

URGENT! HELP! VOTE for Adam Lambert - We are losing - Who Has The Ultimate Fans? - Closed Today: July 1st - Go Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

If anyone has a negative comment to make about Adam's performance with Queen, they had better get their eyes and ears examined. I was mesmerized watching him on that stage winning over the audience and all those at home watching it. He was magnificent and no one but Adam could have performed those songs with Queen as brilliantly as he did. Freddie was one of a kind and so is Adam Lambert. He must be so proud and I am certain honored to have been asked to perform withthem. I hope the other concerts that they do have a livestream also or at least some vids we can see afterwards. I guess I will be glued to the computer this month trying to catch any new vids of Adam and Queen performances. Adam, you owned that stage and that's where you belong in front of an audience that loves and appreciates your talent.

Anonymous said...

The Ultimate Fan poll closes today. Last week it closed around 10:00 pm eastern time. Perhaps will be the same this week. Adam is only losing by a little bit... nothing Glamberts can't turn around by voting.

Donnaw said...


Anonymous said...

How about some positive comments re Queen. I thought the whole band was fantastic last night and if it hadn't been for Roger and Brian, Adam wouldn't be performing with them.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there are so many closed minded people that won't even give Adam a chance no matter how brilliantly he performs. It is even sadder that the haters and complainers speak the loudest. The only way to combat this is to make sure to leave positive comments where ever you can in an attempt to balance out the negativity.

Anonymous said...

Just gave Ultimate Fan about 20 more votes. It seems like a little thing to win this, but all the little things add up. Hope we can win this! As for the haters who I'm sure are out there hating their asses off after the Queen show, all WE can do is show some class and not respond with rude comments. We will NOT change their minds. Their minds are made up. They don't WANT to like Adam, so they will not like him. End of story. Some of the hard-core Queen fans who DO have open minds are coming around and willing to at least accept Adam if not give him lavish praise. So let's do the best thing for Adam and not respond with bad comments ourselves.


Anonymous said...

@4:30AM and Lammy

You're both hilarious! I laughed at the mention of Mark Anthony and Moses! LOL!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......My Queen dream was granted early in the concert....I got to hear Adam sing "Don't Stop Me Now" and then I just sat starry eyed until I got kicked in the heart....."Who Wants to Live Forever".. that did it, tears and runny nose! My husband walked by and yanked out my earplug and said "are you alright?" I plugged in again, blew my nose and said "leave me alone, I've crossed over into The Promised Land!"
I would say I could now die happy, cept I'm teetering on the brink and don't want Fate to hear me!

Anonymous said...

Haven't really watched Queen's live performances before. Loved Brian's guitar solos too. I like the heavy metal sound. :)

Anonymous said...

Queen + Adam Lambert..amazing,,I cannot get anything else done today..all I want to do is watch the videos of the performance..thank you Adam for your out of this world performance and to Brian and Roger who made it happen and to Ukranine TV coverage so we could watch this world (out of this world)event..beyond awesome..oh my

Anonymous said...

For the Fan who quoted lyrics of The Impossible Dream recently.

After this display of Adam's true stage voice, how would like to hear him sing that and other Broadway classics?

I Want It All because he can do it all!

Keep him away from sound booths and electronic gimmicks. Don't adulterate a pure voice. There are so few in the world.

Okay, okay I know it's what he wants to sing that counts, but I can dream an impossible dream...sigh

Anonymous said...

Now that you alerted me to it, does seem quite funny...these historic personas were from completely different time! Cuckoo club... :)

Anonymous said...

To Anon @6:32-the "fishy mouth", as you call it, happens to be a contortion of the mouth that many singers and models use when they are singing or on the runway. It is considered very "hep" and "sexy" to do it. I was a model for a number of years as a young woman, and I have professional pictures that were taken of me sporting the "fishy mouth" as I would walk down the runways. It is a pursing of the lips to appear to be very sexy, glamorous and to show expression. Adam uses this procedure quite often when he is singing and dancing, so you better get used to it. His lips and eyes are totally part of his sexiness and he knows how to use them for the maximum effect. Some other people complain about the use of his vibrato when he sings. Here again, this is considered a powerful and controlled method in which to use his voice. Just relax, don't worry about his "fishy lips", and feast your eyes on other parts of his beautiful physique.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing some more Trespassing performances but I'm being as patient as possible with Queen and Adam to occupy me for the time being. :-)

Anonymous said...

'Fishy mouth' .... lol

Anonymous said...

regarding homophobic and hateful comments about Adam..I've given this some thought and I've come to the conclusion that there may be only a "few" persons making these remarks..over and over...and the general consensus is correct..we need not respond at all..after all, no one can argue with someone who does not argue back with them..Adam Lambert, my rock god, is poised to become a legendary icon of the 21st century...the brilliant talent of the likes of Brian May has got it right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of Queen for many years and Freddie was the one and only.Adam is now the one and only,he gave a breathtaking performace.Adam owns any stage he is on and he has something that Freddie had.Time will say how big Adam will be and this was amazing.Roger called Adam "our brilliant,genius boy!"And I think Freddie would be proude.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:01

I don't think that is what @6:32 was referring to when they said "fishy lips" but I could be wrong. Sounds like you are talking about pursing the lips which many celebs do to look cool or sexy when performing or being photographed (and it works IMO). I assumed "fish lips" was the oval open mouth think he does at times when he is rocking out to the music. Either way who cares? He is FANTASTIC! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree... DO NOT respond to haters or negative comments, but DO leave positive comments in their wake. "Only love can stamp out hate."

Anonymous said...

Adam is still trailing in the Ultimate Fan vote but the gap is slowly closing thanks to all of you who are voting! Keep it up!! The Black Stars must be a tough group. Every other face off in the competition was very close but the Black Stars crushed their competition in all 3 previous brackets. The Glamberts have been the only group so far to give them a run for their money. The Glamberts ARE the ultimate fans! Vote...

Anonymous said...

I don't like vibrato at all but it was a truly epic performance by both Adam and Queen.

Anonymous said...

We're being distracted from voting on Ultimate Fan because of our Queen excitement! Please vote some more!

More importantly, DON'T FORGET THAT THE ONLY WAY TO HELP ADAM IS TO PROMOTE TRESPASSING!!!! Our gushing over the Queen shows is making us forget about Trespassing. It MUST sell well in the UK! Adam will be talking about the Queen concerts and promoting Trespassing in the next week or so. We need to vote and spin and all of that. These Queen shows are important but Adam's OWN music is more important.


Anonymous said...


Please VOTE. ADAM is losing and it's the last day tonight.

Can VOTE repeatedly:

Anonymous said...

We can help ADAM be #1 in UK. Please buy a couple of copies if you can for Trespassing at Amazon UK. Let's push it, Glamberts! Thanks

Anonymous said...

When my husband and I were watching Queen and Adam yesterday, out of the blue he said, I want to put my fingers through his hair and mess it up! I said me too, really bad!! I kept telling my husband he has that affect on Men and Women, he never believed me before, but he does now!! I think I have a Glambert in the making now..


Anonymous said...

P.S. Been voting too!! Would never stop voting/requesting for our Adam!


Anonymous said...

Fishy lips, fishy mouth, sideways moonwalk, flicking his shirt bottom ever so slightly as to expose his stomach flesh, flicking his tongue like a lizard, sitting down with spread legs and leaning forward with his palm pressed on his crotch, gently running his hand across his crotch while he does a belly dance motion, and on and on and on. These are our Adam gifts to always take home with us after his performances. I just went to the Queen Extravaganza concert and Marc Matel can sing with many Freddie gestures, but he has NO SEX APPEAL!!!! You come home with a ticket stub to take to bed with you. Adam is the entire package (pardon the pun). Marc Matel can sing but he is no rock god. Adam is a ROCK GOD!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for nice videos but damn these are amazing....I feel like I'm there.....Freddy is Freddy and Adam is Adam....but there are moments I can feel Freddy when Adam is singing Thanks Queen/Adam what a great tribute to Freddy...

Anonymous said...

After hearing Adam sing. I have no desire to listen to anybody else.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget on the VH1 poll.

Anonymous said...

We need to tweeet and facebook these performances to everyone. This does not need to go under the radar. Tweet everyon you can think of. Maybe someone big will pick it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula said...

Magic.......that's all I can say...

Anonymous said...

ADAM is losing points again. This is the LAST DAY!
Let's do it, Glamberts!

Can VOTE repeatedly:

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:43, I laughed so hard! You are sooooo freaking funny and I can relate completely. Story well told. Hilarious.

I am speechless at first off, how great! Queen is. But how can anyone, go out there and not just play with those legends, but KILL IT! What planet does Adam Lambert come from?

Anonymous said...

W O W...

Somwewhat speachless.... but extremely happy and so proud. I found myself SMILING from ear to ear thru each video and song,(till I sobbed through the emotional and spectacular "Who Wants to Live For ever") thrilled that we could all SEE this magnificense through video and technolgy. How FREAKIN lucky we are!!! All through, in a peaceful euphoric state I said over andover, "I'm SOOO happy I'm alive in the world TODAY" with the technology to be able to enjoy this amazing event. Beautiful, historic, just wonderful.
Yes I did detect a few pitchty moments here and there, but on the whole, Adam is such a magnificent performer-- the concert in total says with you as AMAZING.

What an honor for Adam... what an incredible event. THIS concert needs to come to THIS country.... and be televised LIVE. (Makes me furious that Justin Bieber breathes and it's on the radio) Oh--- How much fun was "Radio Gaga".

Adam indeed did look gorgeous... VERY, and yes a few double takes when he resembled Elvis in his sexiest prime.

Fabulous concert, Adam was as always, as good as I hoped he'd be.
'Who Wants to Live Forever' is echoing in my mind on an endless loop... (oh the mind is a wonderful thing.) Smiles, chills, and tears... beautifully sung and filmed-videoed)
Definitely would buy this... download it, whatever to keep it.
Damn I have sooo much to do today but I want to watch this again, torture!

Anonymous said...

I watched the live stream yesterday. AMAZING! PERFECT! How did he learn all these songs in such a short time?!! Adam's smile when he sang "I'm falling in love for the first time, this time I know it's for real". Awww!

Anonymous said...

Paula and Simon Cowell predicted that Adam would be a world-wide star when he competed on American Idol.....well, I think he just accomplished that! Who Want to Live Forever is the best song I have ever heard him sing!

GLb said...

The black-yellow canary is learning to fly along with royal eagles... Thank God they’ve started this journey from East. Hopefully, by the time they’ll reach London they’ll look like a great and compact flock in one of the most thrilling spectacle of the (music) world so that the Queen’s hunters will be impressed enough to not shoot at sight.
It wasn’t Freddie and it wasn’t Freddie’s Queen there, that’s for sure. It was less... and more than that. It’s more about the Queen’s legacy now. Roger’s son played the drums on that stage, you know. It was a damn good introduction of... a Queen of the 21st century. There were some quite amazing moments there (“Dragon Attack” and Brian’s solo... that was like... the perfect alignment up in the sky). Overall, you can call it epic. (I hope London will witness the perfect Rhapsody though).

The best of all... It’s Queen AND Adam Lambert! THAT will be written everywhere. Brian and Roger could have chosen any other singer. There are many Freddie impersonators all over the world and some very good singers in that Extravaganza band, it seems. Rock singers! However, I bet they love a Freddie-like spirit a little more than a Freddie-like voice. They’ve given Adam a chance to join legendary winged creatures and fly beyond the (Top40) electro-dance-synth-pop spheres.
Fly my pretty bird! You’ll grow roc-like strong wings. Don’t mind the raptors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PLEASE HELP VOTING AT Q 102 they know we are all watching the concert, he is dropping in #'s fast!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:09

You are absolutely right. Brian and Roger are rock legends and they know it is Freddie's talent, energy and spirit that is needed not a Freddie sound alike or look alike. I am grateful for their foresight and courage and the fantastic show they gave us with Mr. Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

No, Adam is a fierce soaring eagle not a canary learning how to fly, not a fledgling by any standards. This fierce young eagle happened to fly past, and the older, more experienced eagles with bigger and higher nests, invited this young eagle to join them in their flight. Probably to reinforce and also thinking the younger faster one could swoop down to catch some juicy prey to share with them. This young fierce eagle had honed his remarkable skills for more than ten years, actually started off as a 'fledgling' at an early age of ten; and later on in life always stood on his own two feet, never relying much on anyone to 'swoop' and catch his 'prey'. Now he has grown to be a mighty soaring eagle, hardly a canary latching on. :)

Anonymous said...

Anon. 10:57 AM
Marc Martel has no sex appeal?! There's no need to be nasty about someone ROGER selected to be one of the lead singers of the Queen Extravaganza Band. ROGER devoted a lot of time forming that band and he's very proud of it. Being nasty makes Glamberts look bad.

Anonymous said...

Take no notice of what @10:57am said about Marc Martel. How would they like it if people said Adam had no sex appeal???!!! They'd have to be blind of course because Adam oozes sex appeal but it doesn't pay to say unkind things about others.

Anonymous said...

Note: Vibrato is used to help carry the voice a distance, I think Independence Square is pretty BIG!

Anonymous said...

As much as I like Queen's songs, I'm looking forward to Adam singing his own songs again.

Anonymous said...

life will never be the same after watching this concert over and over...I just love it..thank you Adam, Brian,Roger and Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Go to the following Queen facebook page and click on 'like' for all the news about Adam. If you have can also click on 'like' for positive comments from fans. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Even after Adam's amaaazing performance with Queen in Kiev, there will still be those individuals who never will like Adam Lambert, will criticize anything he does and will throw out that gay issue over and over. Their minds will never be changed. And after wataching him with Queen at this concert, I am hooked more than ever on this man. He was spectacular. I was never a Queen fan in the past, but I am now and have looked at any number of you tube vids of Freddie with them . Adam just nailed all those songs,but when he sang "Who wants to live forever", I had chills listening to it and watching his face. The audience loved him and he should be so proud of the entire concert which I have watched several times over already. I hope we get to see the one from Moscow, Poland and those in London. I know they won't be livestreamed, but there should be some vids for us to see here. And I agree with a previous comment that although I loved this concert, I want to hear Adam perform his own songs and get the recognition he deserves as the best vocal talent in music today.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert album -his own song should or include one of this queen concert-it wold be nice.

GLb said...

HaHaHa. Yeah, my ophthalmologist told me to wear those damn glasses all the time. He, as well, thought my vision is seriously impaired. I was too found of my... distortions though. Only now to find out that I just ought to buy a pair of ..Bert-made bioptics. Well, I might do that... while still enjoying seeing things through my own natural refractive system... which tells me that, on the big stage of life, me, myself and... several ..Berts here are just maggots or (bull) ants, Mr. A is (for now, still) a canary and Brian and Roger are royal eagles... Don’t worry, we are all in danger of extinction (into oblivion). Eventually. Some of us sooner than others. However, what better way to kill all that time than injecting venom into everyone around. Either it boosts our species’ immunity or it shortens our throes.

Otherwise, I’m all in for flowers, butterflies and nightingales. And Queen-sized rock events!
So then, Moscow, the next magic. Only one wish... Please, don't "own" the Bohemian Rhapsody, Mr.A. That's like whistling in church. You have lots of songs there to play with and make the ..Berts flail around.

Adam's BBF (Bitching ..Bert Forever) :-))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice rebuttal but if you insist he be a canary, probably the more suited species is Bird of Paradise; David Attenborough crowns it king of birds. And if you prefer a smaller less intimidating bird, perhaps nightingale may be more reminiscent. Nightingale means night songstress but it's the male bird that is the prolific singer. By the way, I love canaries; in fact bred some of my own, watched them break free, open, from their small, thumb-size egg emerging...However, Adam is a soaring young fierce eagle. :)

Anonymous said...

Help me get Adam played ore in Romania:go here and scroll down until you see the AllPop poll and vote for never close our eyes

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be Simon or Paula to know Adam would be a superstar! Hells bells we knew it way prior to AI and was just waiting for it to happen. All that required was exposure.

Anonymous said...

There were people who disliked Freddie. Differcult to believe but just a fact. Adam doesn't have to worry about negative remarks because he's soaring towards total international superstardom. Guy is a genius entertainer who owns every note he sings!

Anonymous said...

Adam fused this concert together.
For me he was the main man alongside legends who needed him to bring magic alive once again, and Adam took it off the planet.
Adam has such guts and strength!
Adore, love and respect him!

Anonymous said...

I really loved FREDDIE,but that was awesome from Lambert.
i`m still..WTF

GLb said...

(@July 2,4:08pm & @July 3,8:41am Shall I fetch a glass of iced water for you?)

Oh my... Lam-my, you know I’m a sucker for a good (metaphorical) debate. Although, I would have never thought that you’d be my interlocutor for this... bird talk. :-)
Generally speaking, I (try to) choose my words carefully (the best I can given my limited knowledge of English) in order to convey my thoughts (although I do fail at grammar and spelling sometimes). In this case, I’ve considered the (idea of) sounds, colors and... existential altitudes. In my mind, this had nothing to do with the bird's size. (I’m one of those morons for which size don’t matter. Imagine that!). And yes, I did think of nightingale, which is a great singer, but less colorful than a canary. As for the bird of paradise, that is, indeed, a very good-looking creature, but I dismissed it as too much of a show-off. I mean, really, this is what you are proposing me:; Sexual, fascinating and... very hollywoodian, indeed, but I don’t think of Mr.A as a mating material. Sorry about that.
There are other singers in the birds’ world, but many of them are just mimics that do covers.
However, look at this little one: (great singer, trespassing colors... just disregard the cage and think of a wild one). I mean, listen...

PS: Talking about “existential altitudes”... look at that crowd in Moscow. That’s what I’m talking about with all the (big) birds and ants! That’s a Queen-sized crowd! A stratospherical flight. In a few years, that might be also a Lambert-sized crowd... A regular, modern (synthpop), aquilated flight!
(Bloody... crow, it seems that size does matter after all! I'm totally messed-up... but sticking to my arguments)

Anonymous said... I come, lol! We may be using different yardsticks to 'measure' Adam. You are more into his successes gauging by the magnitude of the concerts. I'm viewing more his genius/talents/skills. In my measure, Adam is no canary compared with Brian and Roger, musical geniuses themselves, or for that matter when compared with any of the greats. Also, huge countries around the world are clamouring for him to sing in their countries; these 'invisible' queen-size audiences may be taken into account...a matter of time. Finally I doubt Brian and Roger, well-established iconic eagles, would have swooped in to lure their prey if it was just a canary. I see 3 iconic eagles, no canary anywhere to be found... :)
Lam-my... (army ant / worker bee) lol! :)

GLb said...

Vox populi (visibilis et invisibilis) vox dei... I guess. A fallacy (appeal to the people) stays at the basis of any democratic system anyway. And I cannot argue against the invisible crowds! I could only raise with another fallacy - 'appeal to tradition'. Then what?
...No 'prey' anywhere in my sight either. He was indeed... from (up) there. Adam's theatrical soul was freed and fed on that stage. Standing next to Freddie on that stage... hearing them... that's "a kind of magic". He did good, very good. He'll be magnificent in London.
Just keep in mind that some songs on that setlist are more than 3 decades old. Let's talk again about Trespassing in 2040, shall we? Our man is, undoubtedly, great, but I kind of doubt that today's music has the staying power of those Queen songs and I don't think the look and voice alone can ensure... endurance. Will people sing Gaga's or Rihanna's songs in 30 years from now as those young Ukrainians and Russians sing now the Queen's songs? I don't know. We'll see.

That's it. My "wind loading" argument. I'm English-drained. Landing time for me. :-)


Anonymous said...

Shall communicate with you by telepathy or telekinesis and ESP as well, in! Till then... :)

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