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Real Radio UK Interviews ADAM LAMBERT (6-28-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 28, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, June 28, 2012

ADAM LAMBERT Interview with David Heane on Real Radio Northwest in the UK on 6-28-12


glitzylady said...

Adam, Sam Sparro and Lulu at Sir Elton John's Ball tonight in London

Anonymous said...

OT: Adam WON " most follow artist on twiter" Yah our hard work paid off!!

Anonymous said...

That Elton party!!!! Whoa! Hope we get some pix from it. We won Twitter, too? Yay! The last time Adam won, didn't it allow him to be on a special discussion panel on the Grammys about social media? I think it did. Maybe he'll do that again!

Love love love you, Adam!


Anonymous said...

@OMusicAwards: Adam Lambert is the #winner of the Must Follow Artist On Twitter #OMA! Congrats @adamlambert!

Good job fans. Now let's make him win that Billboard poll, too!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed!!!!

I can brag this anywhere that we are the greatest passionate fans indeed!!!

Congrats to everyone!!!!


Anonymous said...

mindchnger ‏@mindchngerawww! OMA stream RT @Cloex75: They said he is one of the only reality stars to make something of his career and talked up Queen big time.

Anonymous said...

Where's the "white" tie, Adam?? He still looks gorgeous, of course. Hope we get some great pics of this wonderful event.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts, rejoice! Your prince — Adam Lambert — has taken his rightful throne as Must-Follow Artist On Twitter. Make sure to tweet your general exclamations of joy to @MusicAwards.

By: Brenna Ehrlich

Check out this link:

FYI: Some radios played NCOE. I assume when there are news circulating the internet about Adam radios play his single. He is at Elton's party. He won this MTV poll. Bunch of radio interviews. News Buzz gives his single spins.

Anonymous said...

Hoopla1 ‏@HooplaPF
@adamlambert fans: Go to #OMA stream: Time: 22:14:00 to see 4+mins of GR8 talk+A's acceptance speech!

Anonymous said...

LA or SoCal fans; listen to 102.7 KIIS FM to win tickets to Adam's OC Fair concert on 7/19.

102.7 KIIS-FM ‏@1027KIISFMWanna see @adamlambert in CONCERT??? I'm HOOKING you up with TIX at 3:30!!!!!! Get ready to dial through!!!!!!- @boytoyjesse

Anonymous said...

Check out this video of Adam OMA win and his acceptance award talk:!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Glamberts... Adam looked genuinely happy to win the Must Follow on Twitter award! Yeah! Now for the best #1 album on Bilboard. Even more important and more recogition. We can do this!! Let's go!! :)

Anonymous said...

@ 3:37

Do you know if she was kidding when she said "soon to be over here"? At fist I thought she was but the then she asked her co-host if he knew the date and talked about googling it. I wanted to go see Queen with Adam SO BADLY but the airfare put the venture out of my reach. :( I would love to see them state side. Do you or anyone else know anything about this??

Anonymous said...

I hope she is right that Adam and Queen are coming to the states!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@2:44 PM - that's our Adam...the quintessential non-conformist..heck..he looks gorgeous in anything (or nothing at all..I would imagine..):)

Anonymous said...

He won two MTV OMA awards. One for twitter follower and another one for Best Vintage Revival Gif. Way to go glamberts. Good job!

Anonymous said...

This is the link for MTV OMA Best Vintage Revival win:

and this link is for MTV OMA Must Follow Artist on Twitter win:

Anonymous said...

A big pat on the back for all of us on our hard work for getting Adam the win:! Must Follow Artist On Twitter ; Best Vintage Revival !

Adam looks soooo handsome at Elton's Gala....yummy.


Anonymous said...

2:50, You said a mouthful with your last line: "NewsBuzz gives his single spins." THIS is why we vote and tweet and keep Adam's name out there. BUZZ gives him spins!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you all Glamberts for making Adam win these awards that should help him with his career! Now let's vote for Number One Album, which is really important! Let show that we Glamberts are 100% behind our Adam, we can do it!

Anonymous said...

Notwithstanding my carpal tunnel syndrome, I VOTE, VOTE VOTE for the LOVE of ADAM!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely interview and such a nice interviewer.

Adam can never win enough awards. He is the best and we are the best at supporting him.

Anonymous said...

what a cool lovely interview:)
Adam's so witty, smart & down to earth!!!
love not just his amazing voice, his outlook of life, etc..
very very lovely adorable gentleman:)

Yes! Hope he plays with Queen stateside!!!
that will be totally AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

I like this guy's interview, he seems to have good vibes and Adam felt comfortabe with him. I also like the fact he let Adam introduce NCOE. Also Adam again got across the AI moments.....Adam is always a winner!

Anonymous said...

The world is expecting Queen to tour next year, because they surely cannot leave the rest of all their devoted, passionate fans in limbo.

Anonymous said...

"you know" seems to be creeping into alot of his interviews....maybe he's just getting busy the last month....

Anonymous said...

Yup! He's bound to be tired after this week. Hope he slept last night 'cos tonight he's going to have a hard time sleeping for all the excitment. I wonder if he's travelling to Kiev on Elton John's private jet?