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16 Minutes of Capital FM UK Chat with ADAM LAMBERT (7-9-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 09, 2012

16 Minute Capital FM UK Chat with ADAM LAMBERT 7-9-12 from Gale C Whittington on Vimeo.

And another fan picture of Adam meeting a UK fan outside Capital FM.

@HellaGeo: Just met my boo adamlambert in London!


Anonymous said...

Wow! This fan is agressive!

Anonymous said...

Look how much people around him!
Adam you look gorgeous! M

Anonymous said...

good interview it didn't seem 16 min at all.

Anonymous said...

Hey about the toilet seat or water question...definitely, seat, at least nothing falls on you! lol! :)

daydreamin said...

He neither confirmed nor denied being AI judge. Great interview as usual. I just love watching him. He is so quick on his feet.

Anonymous said...

I found this very boring interview. Not because of Adam Lambert. I felt that they was not in to his work or who he was about. Really was something missing. That toilet seat joke was sad.

daydreamin said...

Nice gif of Adam shaking his behind:

Anonymous said...

Lucky fan ha:) HMMM!!!!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the interview. I could listen to Adam talk (and sing, of course!) 24/7. Always on a diet - he's so disciplined but it can't be easy. As long as he's healthy - that's the main thing.

Gorgeous photo of our man. :+)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the gif, daydreamin. I'd love to see some of those HOT moves he did on the Idol tour so I guess I'll have to go to YouTube to see them again. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, he neither confirmed nor denied the Idol judge possibility but there seemed to be a twinkle in his eye when he spoke about it.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. It felt good. Adam better stay off the Yorkshire Pudding though if he needs to keep in shape. (not actually a pudding but more of a risen cooked batter that is eaten with roast beef or even with jam and stuff like that)
Sometimes with sausages and it's then called toad in the hole.

Anonymous said...

I've not watched AI since Adam lost...If he gets it, well of course, I will be watching every week..

But Miley Cyrus? Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard...and so annoying..If Adam doesn't get it, I wont watch it..but Miley, good luck listening to her every week..

SG said...

Hahahah!! nothing falls on you but maybe some big ass sits on you!LOL!!
The interview, well, nothing new but always good to hear Adam talking.1969,good choise, if I had the time machine I would go to the 60'in the USA, nice decade,full of lost innocence...and I loooove thouse skirts!!
Well, in about 14 hours I'll be flying to London!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I still can'r believe it!! I'm gonna see HIM LIVE!!!and also I'm gonna meet some of you too!!I'm really exited!!I promise I'll post everything by the time I'll be back to planet earth,which I'm not sure how much is gonna take me!;)))
See ya'!!

Anonymous said...

POSITIVE comments please needed on this site re Adam for Idol judge .....,,20610314,00.html

Anonymous said...

Re Yorkshire pudding - Adam was thinking of Black Pudding and I agree with him - YUKKOS!!! But Yorkshire Pudding is very nice with roast beef and gravy.

Anonymous said...

You must have seen the fantastic videos of the concert so far...really good. But nothing beats the real voice and person...very sexy with the black singlet and the voice when he sang Who Wants To Live Forever...he owns it now. Queen is superb! Wow SG...the time of your life! :)

Anonymous said...

Queen + Adam Wroclaw concert playlist videos:

Anonymous said...


Cover you ears America, because Glamberts are gonna be a-screaming with the news that their idol, Mr. Adam Lambert, may become a judge on American Idol, the show that made him a star. This is not a good sign Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler.

Adam would certainly be great for the show as he has been through the Idol process and has an amazing singing voice, something most of the past judges were not blessed with.

Anonymous said...

IMO Idol panel of judges should be Adam, Katy Perry, and Kanye West. Adam and Katy are with same management company. Katy and Kanye collaborated on one of her song, ET. Now this is a show to watch.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Queen+Adam playlist videos...The audience is really into Queen songs and they love Adam too.

Anonymous said...

such hateful remarks on the People poll about BB...terrible!!also need more votes!Whether or not if Adam is offered the gig,I just HATE the haters!!!need more votes now,please!

Anonymous said...

@8:19..I've been voting on that poll since yesterday and writing comments..I agree..some nasty things being said about our boy..I pray that all the haters will be eating crow soon..


Anonymous said...

I really don't know how I feel about this whole AI judge thing. I can see pros and cons.

HOWEVER... after seeing the tons on nasty and hate filled comments about Adam on the People website (which is widely seen) I HAD to leave a positive comment.

Everyone should leave a positive comment about him there even if you think he is too good or too busy for AI!! (You could say that in your comment if you wanted to.) Makes me sad that people will think this is how Americans feel about Adam. The good needs to outweigh the bad!

Anonymous said...

Below is one of the post on the, many more on there..

If Lambert is a Judge, I'm all done watching Idol. Can't stand the "Gay" thing.

How sad is this?.. I do think that the majority of negative postings are from anti-gay people..

This is exactly why Adam is not as popular in American as he is overseas..Sad but true..

Yes please leave positive comments for our man..

Anonymous said...

#Trespassing No. 3 on the official midweek album charts & NCOE No. 12 on the single midweeks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trespassing back up to #1 in New Zealand and #6 in UK. That is GREAT! happy dance. Tour Adam please. Can't wait wait for next QUEEN concert in UK.

Anonymous said...

@9:01 this ranking U.S or somewhere else???

Anonymous said...

9:01 where is this at? thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the interview. At least it wasn't the same old questions and I think Adam enjoyed it as well. He's so adorable with everything he says or does!

To those of you going to London, you are living my dream! Please let us know everything and especially, post those videos. You will spread much happiness throughout the land!

Have fun all!

Anonymous said...

@9:01 this ranking U.S? From What?

Anonymous said...

8:36 thanks for the idea. It is better to leave a positive comment than argue with a bunch of clowns.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

If Adam takes Randy's job if they boot him, I will no longer be a fan of Adam's. That would be like kicking sand in the face of someone who helped him get to where he is now. He would be no better than Monte Pittman...or even worse!

Anonymous said...

IF Adam is offered the job and that is a BIG IF..I respect whatever choice he would make..It is his life and his career and he certainly has the right to make his own choices and I will be with him 100% along the way...

Anonymous said...

Dear 11:15
I think that your reasoning is not quite right. Adam does not purposefully seek to kick Randy out of his job. If Randy leaves IDOL, it's either by his own choice or it's been decided that way, independently of whoever will take his place. It's just like when you are offered a good job at a good company that has let your friend go, it does not mean that you're slapping your friend's face by taking that job. Adam should be able to take advantage of whatever opportunities he has so that he can overcome all the challenges we all know he has been facing, allowing him to continue doing what he loves, i.e. making music, for all of us to enjoy. IMHO, it's maybe time for Randy to leave so that the show can be reenergized. Personally, Randy is my least favorite judge with his eternal comment to the contestants "you're a little bit PITCHY" without real advice to help them improve their game. I believe that ADAM, who is honest without being rude, can give specific advice to the contestants to help them be their best. Sorry for this long post, but I think that choosing ADAM as one of the judges is the best thing that can happen to IDOL and can set this show apart and above all the other singing shows: it proves that IDOL does find real international superstars and that it stands 100% behind them, even after the show! It's not only a reality show, but has an important role to play in the music industry.

Anonymous said...

I too get sad with all the hateful comments. This is exactly why adam is somewhat shunned from the radio, media ect. There are so many people in this country that feel like that. If he was to be a judge on idol my biggest wish is maybe some of these people will come around and see what we all see. Although most say, they won't watch but I bet they would be lying. Some comments have said they want let thier children watch, it's a family show ect. My god what do they thing adam is going to do?? So so ignorant its unbelievable. Well that's my take, I'm all for it, for the world to see adam as we do. I will say I think he should continue with the look he has now for this show without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

a lot of People readers would skew "middle america" imo. West coast and East Coast and urban areas read mags and online mags that are less "mainstream" than People, mag or online mag... People very mainstream, and with mainstream, you will get the intolerant haters (ya know, like those that would give Carrie Underwood a hard time for doing the honorable and forward thinking thing like supporting gay marriage and civil rights). JMO.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, cuz J Lo and Steven Tyler have had such "family friendly" careers. Give me an effin break! And JLo has RECENTLY put out much that's not family friendly. Muther Fricker I can't stand people sometimes

Anonymous said...

I know reading some of those comments on make me sick to my stomach..just think Adam has had to deal with this shit all his life..makes me love him and his music even more...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that someone would say that they wouldn't let their children watch AI if Adam was a judge. Don't they realize that their children are watching gay people on TV all the time and don't even realize it? How ignorant. How shallow. Adam's presence in the media will ultimately be remembered as positive and groundbreaking. I can't get over how provincial and backward America is on this issue compared to the rest of the world. It's embarrassing.


Newfie Duck said...

I Found this on another site, not sure how/where to post it here.

Adam is listed in a Fantasy List for a possible making of "Fifty Shades of Grey".

MSN readers speak out: Fantasy casting Fifty Shades of Grey

Didn't have any luck copying and pasting the URL. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I think the worst choice as AI judge is Nicki Minaj! Also, how come nobody had any problems when Ellen was AI judge?

Anonymous said...

Some people are so's ok for Steven Tyler to use such bad language that they have to bleep ever other word...but they won't let thier children watch Adam...people like them are the reason even though we live in a free country all our citizens don't have eaqul rights...hope he does become a judge...that'll really piss em off.

Anonymous said...

JLo's performances and videos on idol were definitely not family friendly. Don't get me started on her clothes.

Anonymous said...

I would like it only if Adam gets to sing on every elimination show. I think they should consider Pink or Madanna for the female spot.I think Jimmy Ivin should be a judge, and not do the mentoring.

Anonymous said...

@1:36pm Adam's name was mentioned in only one article about Fantasy cast. My personal opinion that Matt Bomer is gonna be fantastic in this movie!

Anonymous said...

So has the movie been cast yet?

Anonymous said...

who is Matt Bomer?

Anonymous said...

Google his bio and pictures. He is very very cute. If you have USA channel highly recommend his show White Colar. Also, Matt is openly gay and has 3 children! Absolutely love him

Adamluv said...

As much as I would love to see/hear Adam twice a week on TV, I do not want him to be a judge on AI or anyother show at this moment in his career. And re: Ellen being on Idol - she is a woman and a comic and not threatening to the haters as a very sensual, sexy, in your face, proud out gay man that Adam is! Of course the 4000 Moms hate group wont even accept Ellen? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@2:46PM I would agree with you. But Adam will get more popularity and some $$$$$$$$ which he defy needs for the next tour:)

Anonymous said...

It will bring Adam into every home in the US and the world and make him a household superstar. In return the benefits have to be fantastic and with all the money and power in AI, it will be great.
As to the haters, OMG they live in the Dark Ages! The US has major problems and they won't go away.
International fans watch the US and feel pain for Adam because of their lack of love he is a major star. I never thought I'd say this, but the 'gay' issue has stopped Adam from hitting big in the US, but he is fighting at the beat of his own drum and doing a bloody fantastic jobregardless.

Anonymous said...

Could be a very smart move.
Makes me sick to my stomach to read haters remarks.

Anonymous said...

Randy Jackson is old hat! I lost faith in him a long time ago when he turned two faced on Adam overnight. He never helped promote Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to forget America and live happily and free outside the US where he doesn't have to put up with all this crap. The world is waiting with open arms!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I remember Adam reading those paragraphs from Shades of Grey in that one interview. So Sexy! He would be great in any movie.

I am so emotionally invested in Adam. The haters actually make my stomach ache. I hurt for Adam and I get upset with how ignorant (and un-changeable) these haters are. So ignorant. My heart is so full of hope and excitement for Adam. It's such a rocky road. So many others just ease into a singing career and it just takes off. People with a fraction of Adam's talent. Frustrating.


Anonymous said...

The last time I looked,the video link for the Capital UK chat with Adam was on his twitter page( since it's been removed from this site.

daydreamin said...

I think that Adam being a judge will allow everyone to see the real Adam we have come to know and love, not the guy they gave up on when they may have last remembered seeing him on the AMA's. He is such a warm, loving person. Everyone he comes in contact with seems to flip over how great a guy he his.

daydreamin said...

The only way Adam would be joining the judging team is if another were leaving-albeit by choice or being forced out (NOT by Adam!). AI has been talking about changing things due to a lot of bailing viewership. One of the things they are talking about (according to all the stuff I have been reading on the internet) is dropping Randy because viewers would associate him with "old idol" and they want it to be new and fresh.

Anonymous said...

This is in UK:

#Trespassing No. 3 on the official midweek album charts & NCOE No. 12 on the single midweeks!

Anonymous said...

JAK many of you I am torn two ways with the possibility of Adam becoming a judge on Idol.
Since so far it seems to be "much ado about nothing"...just talk, I won't venture an opinion.

THAT surprises even me! :)

Anonymous said...

All the tv entertainment shows today did a story about Adam as a possible judge on AI. Other names were also mentioned, but it just seems to be speculation even about the three present judges actually leaving. If they are holding out for more money, they do not deserve it. I am not certain if becoming a judge is the right move for Adam at this time in his career, but obviously if he is approached, he will ultimately decide. After the Queen concerts in London, I guess he will continue his mini promo concerts for Trespassing here and internationally. Then a major tour for the album will undoubtedly be in the works for next year. He is just so talented that he deserves to take as many opportunities that come his way.

Anonymous said...

7:06 Thank you very much for the excellent "Queen + Adam Wroclaw concert video playlist" HH.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see any of the vids that come from the first of the Queen and Adam concerts from London. He has been amaaaaaazing in the performances I have watched from Kiev and Moscow. He just seems so comfortable on that stage, enjoying every minute of every song. I really wasn't a Queen music fan before, but have become one now because of Adam. The man was born to perform on stage and I don't know if becoming a judge on AI is where he should be at this time in his career. But it will be his decision and all we can do is wait and speculate.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to be embarrassed about the way we, Adam's fans, talk so contemptuously of other celebrities and then get upset at what other people's fans say about Adam.

It's a two-way street - either you are a respectful person or you aren't. No need to slam Steven, Jennifer or Randy.

It would be great if he joined the show but not getting my hopes up. Just a 24-hour news cycle attention-grabber. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

Hi 6:52
I haven't read here anything disrespectful towards Steven, Jennifer or Randy. Sometimes, it was only pointed out that they all don't make a very interesting panel of judges. Although supportive, they are not really helping the contestants. I do believe that Adam, by the way he performed on that show, knows what it takes to succeed and how to help the contestants reach their full potential. I am stating here only my opinion, without wanting to slam anybody.

Anonymous said...

callin someone "boo" is a little deep. HeY BOO or YOU wanna be my BOO??? or BOO HOO HOO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any one go to London to the Queen+ Adam Lambert concert? Waiting to see some footage. Im sure it was a very good concert? What do you have to pay to go to these concerts? Would of loved to be there.

Hurstbbkj said...

7:06 Thank you very much for the excellent "Queen + Adam Wroclaw concert video playlist" HH.