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ADAM LAMBERT in the latest Japanese INROCK Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 17, 2012

@Kyo_jp: ADAM LAMBERT in the latest Japanese INROCK Magazine


Anonymous said...

Adam, our International Rock God!!

Anonymous said...

I have several of these INROCK magazines from Japan and the pictures are great.I will be getting this one too if I can.

Anonymous said...

Can we get this Japanese magazine in US or Canada?

Anonymous said...

Talking about Adam...

Anonymous said...

Adam will get some great fan love when he performs in Japan in August. Three performances and one TV show if my notes are correct. Japan "gets" him, they love him. They are very smart!!! Can't wait to see these shows, too.


Anonymous said...

Love Japan! They have such an incredible fanbase for Adam and they are so trendy, cool and out the box! Adam always shines in Japan!