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Adam Lambert in the UK (7/9/12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 09, 2012

@craigizzle: Fan pic from today: Me & the Fantastic ADAM LAMBERT!


daydreamin said...

Hey guys, Adam tweeted a thanks to Rolling Stone this morning. This is what RS said (not the "like Zeus in a thong" part!!:

The pop star delivers all the disco sleaze and cheddar bombs you can eat.

Read the RS review: "So here's the great pop album everybody was hoping Adam Lambert would make, ever since he ran wild on American Idol three years ago . . . All over Trespassing, Glambert sings everything like Zeus in a thong."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Adam looking so handome and happy...I heard two DJ's talking about Adam and AI on my morining commute rumor or not creating buzz about Adam...

daydreamin said...

Hey Glamberts, Adam will be answering questions live in 15 minutes (9:30 Pacific Time)!!

Go here to possibly talk to him!

Anonymous said... my day

Anonymous said...

nancdruuu2 (losing it! YAY!)

daydreamin said...

Twitter is ALL Abuzz over Adam being the next AI judge!!!!! Woo Hoo common Adam, just do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just read about Adam joining American Idol. There are a few articles already out there on this-I think this is great exposure for him besides the fact that he would make a great judge. Let's face it ever since he was on the show the show was never the same-the bar was set too high but that being said it's the boost the show needs. I hope they are able to get him!!

Anonymous said...

At this time in his career, I don't know if Adam would want to spend that amount of time as a judge on AI. He is just getting into the promos for Trespassing, and probably will begin organizing a tour for the album. I would love to be able to see him every week on the show, but is it the right move now in his career? Has he actually been offered the job or is this strictly a rumor? He would be a breath of fresh air for a show that has become boring and with judges who don't have too much to offer as far as critical comments or more than repetition of the same words. So let's see what happens there.

Anonymous said...

if adam joins idol it would help really his music career.

Anonymous said...

@9:35..It is just a rumor right now..but who knows if anything will come of it at this point...I hope so..

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so fine here. The Idol rumor---hate the idea-hope it's just tabloid fodder.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam for American Idol:

Anonymous said...

@ 9:16, I heard the same thing this am on my commute. Are you on the east coast near Boston and was it on the Matty show?

Anonymous said...

Every picture I see of Adam in the UK the back ground is so lovely.I want to go there someday and see it for myself.

Magiclady said...

Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not (I tend to think it is true)it is creating great buzz for our boy, and it good publicity!

Anonymous said...

How can he tour for his album, tour (and hopefully create some new music with QUEEN!!!??#), do interviews and guest appearances AND be a full time Idol Judge all at the same time? I remember when this came up a year or so ago he said he might consider judging later in his career when he was more established and didn't have so much to do. Beverly

daydreamin said...

Adam says he WOULD DO American Idol!! Watch here!!!

Anonymous said...

Getting the media to talk about Adam is a win, win for him..regardless if it is a rumor, true or not..I'm happy..


Anonymous said...

Livestream cancelled...I think we Glambets over loaded the system...will reschedule

Anonymous said...

Well, Daydreamin, I went to the link you shared and, there it is! He says he'd jump at the chance to do it. Don't know where the time would come from but I'm sure he knows. Beverly

Anonymous said...

Hollywood Life:
by Andy Swift
Producers think Adam would make the perfect addition to the show — and I agree!

Adam Lambert may have come in second on his season of American Idol, but he’s first on the producers’ wish list for potential season 12 judges. “They have been talking about Adam for over a month,” a source tells E! News. “He knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the judges’ comments, he has a human touch, and they know they can’t go wrong if they bring him on. He would be able to bring a unique perspective to the show. People love him.”

I certainly can’t disagree with any of that. It would be brilliant to have someone on the panel who’s actually been through the process, as opposed to someone like Jennifer Lopez, who probably shouldn’t be critiquing the way other people sing — if you catch my drift.

daydreamin said...

Adam just tweeted this (gotta figure out the timezone):

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Sorry! they couldn't fix the technical difficulties. However! I AM doing a Webchat with @CapitalOfficial at 7:15 gmt
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daydreamin said...
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daydreamin said...
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daydreamin said...

Livestream is in 45 minutes!

daydreamin said...

People article-vote a 'yes' for Adam on AI:,,20610314,00.htmll

Anonymous said... VOTE:,,20610314,00.html

Anonymous said...

Lets start voting on these polls for Adam..American Idol may be trying to get feedback from the public about Adam being a judge..that maybe why they leaked the story..never know...

Anonymous said...

People Quote:
The season 8 singer, who finished as runner-up to Kris Allen in probably the biggest Idol upset ever, is one of the show's biggest stars, and has the outsize personality that would seem perfect for television.

Perfect Article..

daydreamin said...

Picture of Adam today:

Anonymous said...

Let's post on articles to say we love ADAM to be a judge and that for sure it will bring in high ratings for Idol.
I believe he has not been approached and FOX is just trying to see if he is amenable to this offer and for FOX to weigh in the public's reaction to this news. Let them know they will pull in the ratings again. ADAM should do this even just for a season of Idol. He will have the visibility which radio is not affording him right now and he and QUEEN can be on that stage again on the finale. And ADAM can perform his next Trespassing singles live for all the world to see. It's a win win situation if only to overcome radio's resistance to him. And ADAM can gain more fans again.

Anonymous said...

Hope we get a stable video of the interview since the livestream doesn't work. A lot has hit the fan in a few short hours.

However the Idol thing turns out, BUZZ is BUZZ! And Adam really needs some U.S. buzz! It will help when he's finally home from the UK and continues to promote Trespassing. He's not that Austratian promo gig, and then he has two show in Japan in August, right? Then, maybe home to LA for a while.

If it happens, Adam will turn AI into a totally different show. I'll actually watch again.


daydreamin said...

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16m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Are you Adam's biggest fan? Watch him unveil his favourite ‪#Glambert‬ NOW! ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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17m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
We still want your questions for @AdamLambert using ‪#AdamOnCapital‬. Watch his answers here NOW:
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20m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
And Adam's favourite cartoon dog is... *drumroll*... ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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22m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Shout out for @JessieJ from @AdamLambert live on Capital NOW: ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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22m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Adam Lambert: The Musical? Find out if it's coming... ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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24m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Got a question for @AdamLambert? Ask him now: using ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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25m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
"It shows my ups and downs." Adam talks new album 'Trespassing' LIVE on Capital: ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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27m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
‪#Glamberts‬ - watch Adam's special message for you LIVE here: ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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28m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Watch @AdamLambert right now in @CapitalOfficial's webchat HERE: ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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30m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Adam Lambert vs Jack Black! Keep your questions coming in using ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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31m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
"I had a lots of fun!" Adam on his time being single ;0 ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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32m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Come on, keep your questions coming in using ‪#AdamOnCapital‬. WATCH him here:
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32m Capital FM ‏@CapitalOfficial
Adam's just thanking his ‪#Glamily‬! He's been signing autographs for ‪#Glamberts‬ outside! ‪#AdamOnCapital‬
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Anonymous said...

Yeah, 11:50, The Idol gig could be Adam's doorway into radio play, finally! They could no longer ignore him. I just want to see him on ALL the big shows with his great personality and looks and talent! Even this "if" think is getting people talking.


Anonymous said...

I was able to watch the live stream but missed a few parts because of "buffering" issues. They said they would post it so you will be able to watch it on their website. (They had videos of other past live webchats up if you click on the webchat tab.) Check back at the Capital site later and see if it is up to view.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited over this! I do think this was leaked to see the publics reaction. Vote on every pole, positive comment on every article (there are hundreds now) It will be on the news. Our boy is getting U.S. publicity again. J-Lo's career skyrocketed after idol, so didn't adam levines on the voice- it's all good on every level. Adam can still tour after and will have gained many new fans and old ones that do not follow him like we do. This is his big break IMO


Urethra_Franklin said...

If Adam was a judge I would tune in to that horrifyingly dreadful show.

Anonymous said...

He is perfect for a show that is losing fans--even though it is still ranked no. 1 in viewers. I think the show would gain many new fans and it sure wouldn't hurt his career either. He deserves to be a international superstar!!!!

Anonymous said...

the Idol report is definitely NOT a rumour...and also, I think he will agree to do it..reason..he would be grounded in LA for awhile (he was exhausted after GNT)..he has been very coy about talking about a tour with the new album, and the album, lets face it, has not been the smash hit it should be..and this will afford him boo coo money and more worldwide recognition and help sell more albums..this could elevate our boy's career to a height we have all been hoping and dreaming of..and, he has said that he would love to do, my money is on..YES he will be a judge on AI..and I, of course, will be watching each and every week...

Anonymous said...

in ai judge hell be better off- ;i was dreaming about this too hell be the ia judge-my dream comes true. hell be more fmaous once hell start an ia judge peopel will recognize him more and all over the world.o wow nice to see adam lambert in ai it adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he is interested!!Go for it, baby.
You will make millions of new fans who do not appreciate what a magnificent talent you have!
I have been following your European tour with Queen. You are indeed an international super star, as predicted by Simon Cowell!


Anonymous said...

Urieeee !!!
Good to see you here again if only for a short but positive note.

IMO if Adam became a judge on AI, it would afford him so much time to do whatever he wants aside from judging. JLO and Mark A produced a new latin show, she recorded and promoted a new album, got divorced and found a new boy toy during the time she was a judge.

Adam, with his work ethic, could do anything...even a movie or two.

Anonymous said...

prepare adam lambert now to be the american idol omg- ill watch it evry week plus adam wills ell his album music more hell be ell watch all over th world.good thought american idol producer (fox news)

Anonymous said...

I am crossing all my fingers and toes that this comes to fruition. He really needs exposure to support his wonderful album and he is not getting this exposure the normal way through radio. He would be a great judge because is is a fantastic vocalist knows about the technical side of voice. He is also handsome, charming and quick on his feet.