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Adam Lambert on ET Canada July 3, 2012

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Anonymous said...

I never thought Anderson was "in the closet"

glitzylady said...

He had never publicly announced that he is gay, but his friends, family and work associates knew.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people always assumed Anderson was gay even though he wouldn't discuss it one way or the other publicly.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I think discussing ones sexuality is up to the person.
Since it's actually no one else's business. Those who "come out"
after avoiding it for years obviously had their reasons and they shouldn't have to explain it to anyone. Adam explained why he
spoke up in Rolling Stone....he would be uncomfortable to try to live a lie and he found his sexuality nothing he was ashamed of.

What is a shame is that people feel they need to hide their orientation. Our country which is celebrating it's birthday today still needs to grow up in so many ways. It's my country and had my ancestors living here before it became a country....1750....and many of those ancestors, both male and female died in service to the country. I'm proud of them and the country...but It's not a perfect country and needs some changes made.

Happy 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Adam in Poland

glitzylady said...

This is the article that was written by a good friend of Anderson Cooper that publicly mentioned for the first time that he is indeed gay. He was given permission to write this article. I'll post the link to the full article here and also post Anderson Cooper's beautiful and poignant statment within the body of the article. This single sentence says it all...

"I love, and I am loved."

Anderson's statement:

"Andrew, as you know, the issue you raise is one that I've thought about for years. Even though my job puts me in the public eye, I have tried to maintain some level of privacy in my life. Part of that has been for purely personal reasons. I think most people want some privacy for themselves and the people they are close to.

But I've also wanted to retain some privacy for professional reasons. Since I started as a reporter in war zones 20 years ago, I've often found myself in some very dangerous places. For my safety and the safety of those I work with, I try to blend in as much as possible, and prefer to stick to my job of telling other people’s stories, and not my own. I have found that sometimes the less an interview subject knows about me, the better I can safely and effectively do my job as a journalist.

I've always believed that who a reporter votes for, what religion they are, who they love, should not be something they have to discuss publicly. As long as a journalist shows fairness and honesty in his or her work, their private life shouldn't matter. I’ve stuck to those principles for my entire professional career, even when I’ve been directly asked “the gay question,” which happens occasionally. I did not address my sexual orientation in the memoir I wrote several years ago because it was a book focused on war, disasters, loss and survival. I didn't set out to write about other aspects of my life.

Recently, however, I’ve begun to consider whether the unintended outcomes of maintaining my privacy outweigh personal and professional principle. It’s become clear to me that by remaining silent on certain aspects of my personal life for so long, I have given some the mistaken impression that I am trying to hide something - something that makes me uncomfortable, ashamed or even afraid. This is distressing because it is simply not true.

I’ve also been reminded recently that while as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion and equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible. There continue to be far too many incidences of bullying of young people, as well as discrimination and violence against people of all ages, based on their sexual orientation, and I believe there is value in making clear where I stand.

The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.

I have always been very open and honest about this part of my life with my friends, my family, and my colleagues. In a perfect world, I don't think it's anyone else's business, but I do think there is value in standing up and being counted. I’m not an activist, but I am a human being and I don't give that up by being a journalist.

Since my early days as a reporter, I have worked hard to accurately and fairly portray gay and lesbian people in the media - and to fairly and accurately portray those who for whatever reason disapprove of them. It is not part of my job to push an agenda, but rather to be relentlessly honest in everything I see, say and do. I’ve never wanted to be any kind of reporter other than a good one, and I do not desire to promote any cause other than the truth.

continued below (too long for one post here..)

glitzylady said...

Continued from above: Anderson Cooper's statement:

"Being a journalist, traveling to remote places, trying to understand people from all walks of life, telling their stories, has been the greatest joy of my professional career, and I hope to continue doing it for a long time to come. But while I feel very blessed to have had so many opportunities as a journalist, I am also blessed far beyond having a great career.

I love, and I am loved.

In my opinion, the ability to love another person is one of God’s greatest gifts, and I thank God every day for enabling me to give and share love with the people in my life. I appreciate your asking me to weigh in on this, and I would be happy for you to share my thoughts with your readers. I still consider myself a reserved person and I hope this doesn’t mean an end to a small amount of personal space. But I do think visibility is important, more important than preserving my reporter’s shield of privacy."

The entire article..with his friend's comments:

choons said...

Lots of Adam-love on ET Canada -

Anonymous said...

Anderson Cooper... well spoken man. If only we did live in that "perfect world". (sigh)

Adamluv said...

It would be much more difficult for homophobes to hate if every person was "out" since everyone would know a gay person - a family member, beloved teacher, respected athlete, adored celebrity etc. But as a sraight person, I realize it's easy for me to say that. If you havent watched Andersons daytime talk show, check it out. It's a must view at my house - he's a natural! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have followed Anderson Cooper for many years and have found it far more interesting that he is Gloria Vanderbilts son than that he is gay, which I always thought to be true. With that said, I find this to be a cheap piece of journalistic trickery on his part. I don't for one moment believe that he wrote an email explaining his views on homosexuality to a friend and in that email disclosed that he is gay and, oh, it's ok for you, Andrew, to release this information. What crap. He should have written his own press release, read it on the air and I would have continued to hold him in high regard. Not so much now.

This is not about him being gay. It is about the round about manner in which he chose to disclose that fact...through a surrogate.

Anonymous said...

Well, aren't you a sweetheart? A viper in our midst. Is spreading your venom a habit, a compulsion or just a nasty disposition. Who cares what you surmise?

And I sincerely doubt that Anderson Cooper would give a flying f*ck what you believe. Nor do we.

Did you hold him in high regard because he was Gloria Vanderbilt's son? Well, he's still her son and I am sure she loves him deeply and is proud of him.

You are an ass.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:04 PM
Is there some "proper" way to come out?? It seems to me that each person has the right to chose the way they handle that: its their decision and theirs alone. Anderson Cooper chose his way. He has my utmost respect. He said in his statement that he prefers to be low key about his private life and this was apparently what he wished to do, with little fanfare. I cannot imagine why you cannot accept that and move on.

Anonymous said...

And I love Adam for that! He has guts in a world of heartache where total equality is still hidden or scorned. How dare people dictate to anyone about their life. Saying that, Adam is about music but he cannot shake off the 'gay'image ever, so he might as well be a perfected roll model. Who really cares about Anderson Cooper, that's he's business.

Anonymous said...

@7:33 It takes one to know one.