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Adam Lambert on ET Canada (July 9, 2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 09, 2012


Anonymous said...

Audience has lost interest in Idol for being so predictable in who's going to win just from the Top 24 and how the judges would critique. Simon is missed sorely with the panel of 3 stooges. JLo is so wordy with nothing constructive to say and Steven's vocabulary is limited to everything is beautiful. And never mind about Randy. ADAM would pull in the audience again and it will do good for his exposure.

Anonymous said...

loved Randy's critiques. All three getting too pimpy. I think S.O's should be spontaneous not something discussed beforehand. Love Ryan esp. after watching other reality shows. This years program 9/10 stars for me.

daydreamin said...

What kills it for me as far as AI is concerned is the fact that anyone can vote an infinite number of times. So many times, as in Adam's case to be sure, the WRONG person was voted in as winner.

I do like Duet's and some of the other singing competitions a bit better because I think they have learned by Idol's mistakes and the judges keep control over winners, at least at the beginning. I think they need to fix their formula for advancing to the next level.

Anonymous said...

I think there should be 3 brand new judges. So tired of hearing 'I love you", 'You know I love you', 'You're beautiful', 'It's a beautiful thing' plus Randy's ravings. Simon is definitely sorely missed. His honesty was refreshing. Thus, if Adam wants to be a judge on Idol and they ask him to be, I feel sure he will be honest without being nasty. He has a wealth of experience behind him both on stage and musically. I just worry that there might be a lot of hate thrown his way by jealous fans of other former Idol contestants but we would support him all the way - he can definitely be certain of that. We have his back!!

I don't like the thought of the females they may be considering if JLo doesn't return this year. They need to choose very experienced singers or more than that, someone within the actual recording industry who knows what songs sell and what songs don't sell.

Anonymous said...

I would like it only if Adam gets to sing on every elimination show. I think they should consider Pink or Madanna for the female spot.I think Jimmy Ivin should be a judge, and not do the mentoring.

Anonymous said...

POSITIVE comments needed here. This is widely circulated. PLEASE!!!,,20610314,00.html

Anonymous said...

They definitely need to limit the number of votes. But they want people to think that is how many viewers they have.

Anonymous said...

Randy Jackson needs to go for sure.
I could never figure why he was there in the first place. Big decision for Adam with pros and cons on all sides.

Anonymous said...

As I said on another blog here, Adam would get great exposure on AI, but I do think AI is on it's way out. I am also so disappointed by the "main stream" opinions about Adam. The main stream doesn't know him at all, and they have only heard WWFM and his performance on AM awards. He is such a great guy and deserves so much more. Maybe his great performances with Queen will help with the "main stream" opinion. To know him is to love him.