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Adam Lambert Posing WIth London Fan

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 16, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 16, 2012


Anonymous said...

very nice picture esp. love Adam's shirt there.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam on this Billboard poll for who should be next AI judge:

Anonymous said...

She's tall

Anonymous said...

OMG! Deliciously hot couple! Hope, Sauli is okay. But I would be very jealous!

Anonymous said...

a young Scarlett

Anonymous said...

BB is still ahead on the new Billboard poll,but some have been putting in quite a few votes for Nelly F.I've been voting for quite a while for Adam.PLEASE keep voting..I have to leave the house now.Let's try to get Adam to @ least 50% today,ok?Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Adam seriously, does HOT and SEXY just ooze from your pores?? ..lucky girl..wish it were me..

Anonymous said...

did anybody get the UK Trespassing from Amazon yet? So excited mine should be here anyday. I will be driving down the highway blasting MAP very soon.By the Rules will have to grow on me, eventually all his songs do.

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM here!!! PLEASE!!! He wants this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Is Adam still in London. Know he has several shows coming up in California. Imagine a couple of days down time with Sauli after the Quernbert excitement would be nice. Waiting for US Queenbert show and DVD!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading this: (VG blog of concert)

and I'm still bawling tears flowing as I type. This fan can articulate beautifully what's happening during the concert and ADAM's effect on the audience. A must read for all the fans.

Anonymous said...

For God Sakes, ladies! How come nobody(almost nobody) makes any comments about the photo? These two are superb! And I think Adam like this girl!

Anonymous said...

She looks like a model? Hands off

Anonymous said...

Harry Cooke ‏@harrycooke
ADAM LAMBERT really is the most underrated male artist of our generation.

Harry Cooke ‏@harrycooke I mean @adamlambert has some of THE MOST powerful vocals, and the breadth of his vocal range is unrivalled by even female vocalists.

Harry Cooke ‏@harrycooke OMG OMG OMG @adamlambert just RT'd me! I'm totally freaking out! THANK YOU!

@harrycooke @adamlambert also DM'd me a cheeky ';)' but I can't reply because he isn't following me :(

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! Both gorgeous!!!!

That lady kick some ass !!!

I'm totally jealous !!!

At least I still have my memories with Adams hand!!! He!He! Soft and smooth!!



Anonymous said...

Oh who is better looking in this picture. Gotta go with Adam! She is pretty though.@9:53 I am still waiting for my U.K. cd. got an email from Amazon that it was shipped. Hope it's not on a slow boat,like people taking forever to receive their Fault magazine.Voting on the billboard poll. Read someone said that on the Today show they mentioned Adam, Mariah and Fergie as possible AI judges.Who knows,until it is officially a done deal.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Harry Cooke!

Anonymous said...

Yes, ADAM was mentioned at the start of the show plus his photo but not anymore when they were discussing the judges. It was all about Mariah, Miley and then on to Aretha. Same with The View, no mentioned ADAM except those names again and also at Access Hollywood. It's all about Aretha offering herself to be a judge and tagging Patti La Belle with her. Those were the discussions. Only Today mentioned and showed photo at the onset.

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck I can't take it
How can anybody be more adorable...

Anonymous said...

I saw this and had to copy it over, talk about a DIVA?? If he did say this, what an ass...

Even before Simon Cowell said so long to the show, rumors put Carey at the top of the “Idol” wish list. But fans hoping to see the singer accept the gig this time around might be disappointed again. According to Carey’s husband, “American’s Got Talent” host Nick Cannon, it just doesn’t seem likely.

"I don't know if they can afford a Mariah Carey,” Cannon recently told TMZ. “That's a lot of money.”

He then joked that “if they gave J.Lo $20 million, they might have to double that!"

Anonymous said...

Two red-heads, blue-eyed people will always make for a terrific pic. Love this!

Anonymous said...


VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

VOTE on Do Something Music Artist on

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank all the thoughtful fans who have always reminded us to vote for Adam! I do admire their sincere drive to help Adam get the recognition he deserves so that he can continue making music for us all to enjoy! LL

Anonymous said...

FIRST, as to the photo. I have seen so many wonderful pictures of Adam, but this one has to be right up there with one of the best! He is like perfection on legs. I mean it. Really, I can't think of a better-looking man. Really. I have to believe that anyone, famous people included, would love to be photographed with him. He's like standing next to an oil painting painted by a master artist. Really. Gasp. I don't know how Sauli even catches his breath. And Sauli gets to actually BE with him, no just look at him from afar. Gasp again.

AND, yes, thanks for the repeated but oh so necessary links to the voting sites. We need them at our fingertips on every thread. I just voted again. We have discussed the AI thing to death, I think. What will be, will be.


Anonymous said...

"On the Meaning of Adam Lambert" web site..thought this might be very interesting to some..

This Week’s Radio Show – Why women love gay men, fan fic & more

Join us this Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 10-11 PM EDT

If you’re reading this, you are most likely a devoted Adam Lambert fan. You have surrendered to your obsession with this siren-voice paragon of male beauty, while still wondering “what is it about Adam Lambert?” By this point, the question seems rhetorical, and yet, it’s one that remains worth asking. Our guest this week, Ogi Ogas, brings fresh insights to this question.


Kiwi said...

I'm in New Zealand and several of us got our "Trespassing-UK edition" from Amazon on satuday 14th.I was amazed at the speed.

Anonymous said...

YEAH Just received my U.K. version of Trespassing from Amazon in the mail today. Have the bonus song Map on repeat! What a great first intro single that would have made. Oh well that is just my opinion and obviously since Adam was executive producer he thought other songs fit the vibe of his album better. So who am I to say,right? I just pray the next single they put out and there better be a next one, is one that represents Adam,like Trespassing or Cuckoo and that radio plays it!

Anonymous said...

I love NCOE it is an amazing "pop" song, great beat, his vocals are out of this world on it, but for some F****** reason the radio doesn't play it..

BTW, love all of the songs on the CD, I've never had a album/CD in which I loved every song on it before this one..never!

daydreamin said...

Oh so sorry @DRG, I was ready to move on from the AI thing but then I found this about Nigel Lithgow this morning from EOnline wanting only 1 year judges (which would probably be just fine for Adam):

Anonymous said...

I think that "London" fan is actually from Charleston, S.C. and my hopefully potential granddaughter. She and her twin, yes there's two of them, have been in the UK since they graduated from college in FL. over a month ago. I've been trying to reach my grandson to see if he has received this photo from her. She's a lovely girl and my daughter and I are hoping he "keeps" this one. He calls her "Casper" cause she's white as a ghost! It's hard to believe that it isn't her, surely identical twins wouldn't have a double...or triple...too much of a coincidence......oh, JAK here...
What a shock this photo was to me.

Anonymous said...

@2:05 I really did think NCOE would be a big hit and that radio would play it. I also thought the Bruno Mars connection would help. But it felt to me like RCA was almost trying to make Adam like another Bruno and tried too hard to make him fit into radio. Adam is different and that's what I love about him so I guess I just want his music to stand out as something out of the ordinary and more special.I think that is why Goyte's song did so well. It was just different enough to stand out. JMO and I respect yours. We all can feel differently and still love Adam and want the best for his career.

Anonymous said...

oops mean @ anon2:35,sorry.

Anonymous said...

My bad I was right the first time anon 2:05 See what watching all the Queen and Adam videos over and over has done to my brain lol!

Anonymous said...


This is 2:05, we all love Adam, agreed!!!

Anonymous said...

2:37 I think Trespassing is full of well-written, radio-friendly, intelligent, catchy, sexy, beautifully sung HITS


These songs are on a par with any other hits I've been hearing. They are at least as fun to listen to, have great, clever lyrics, interesting melodies....

Bruno or no Bruno, NCOE is a good song, as good as any other hit. It's just not played enough for enough listeners to hear it.

Are Adam's songs too well sung?
Are they too well-written?
Too interesting or introspective?

Well, they're just too HIDDEN, if you ask me. They're like diamonds in a mine that haven't been discovered.

Radio program directors are afraid of something regarding Adam, but I don't understand what it is. Can't be just the gay thing. It just can't.

Not all hits by other singers are junk, of course, but some are. Repetitive drivel. Sadly, hits aren't necessarily quality songs, just WELL-PROMOTED SONGS.

I know we've hashed this topic over and over, but there is my two cents once again.


Anonymous said...

@DRG this is anon 2:37 and I agree with everything you said. It is very frustrating to try to figure out why radio did not play NCOE enough to give it a chance and why lesser songs become a hit. It is because they are played constantly. I just have to believe that in the end Adam will win out and get a big hit and hopefully hits off his amazing album. It truly is one of the best CD's I have ever heard and I am including Adele's.

Anonymous said...

If they don't want to play Adams music so be it!!!!!

There is always something better than these crap people in the radio business indeed!!

Adam always prevails!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

@DRG- your not alone- I think all us glamberts feel the same- Adam is being shunned bigtime here in US. I do listen to top 40 (sirrus radio) just to see if they play adam. I'm not lying, I literally cannot stand what they play and then go over to 20 on 20- they do play adam he was #7 today with NCOE. Regular radio- never ever heard here in fla- ever!! It's downright criminal if you ask me! Regular radio is just the same old rotation katy perry, (doesn't matter what song she puts out- its automatically played) payphone (maroon 5 another one- gosh I could go on and on- why. If they only just played adams songs then let the public decide whether they like it or not. I know he's being blackballed by many radio stations and I wish someone who knows what to do would call them out of this discrimation- I don't know what to do. Requesting does not help at all. Yes, adam's cd is on repeat for me as well as adeles. I do love goytes song and beieve it or not love selena song like a love song. Man radio today is just dreadful, I just put adam's cd in or go to classic rock and roll station or a station that plays music like we all used to love (I'm 50 but this crap today is so bad, the louder they scream and autotune or rap I quess it climbs the charts immediately! Sorry for venting- I did hear adam BTIKM at the gym today in the bathroom only though.

Anonymous said...

I hate listening to the radio!!! They kill songs but sadly those songs become big hits. Adam's first album had songs that never made singles here in the states, I liked Whataya Want from me wasn't my personal favorite. If I had you i really loved. Was shocked to hear Music Again played in a clothing store I shop at but thought it was cool they were playing it. Trespassing should get airplay on radio it can run with the likes and beyond of what they are playing. I Love both BTIKM and NCOE too shame they are ignoring the second one it is great. I don't understand our country sometimes:(

Anonymous said...

Maybe We should start our own radio station here in the states. Show them how its done!

daydreamin said...

@JAK that's hysterical! Could it be her?

Here are a bunch of individual clips from someone at Winkball asking Queen fans what they think about Adam headling the Queen gig. There are a bunch of people interviewed and I have only listened to a few but so far so good! They are keeping their mind open to Adam as well as the continuing of Queen to a younger generation.

Watch these here:

Anonymous said...

Darn he is so commanding!

Anonymous said...

I believe some more songs from Trespassing will kind of naturally "emerge." WWFM wasn't an official single and it got a Grammy nom. The songs on this album are just too good to ignore. There is hope in the fact that it has gotten so much critical praise. Very little negative overall. Hope it gets a Grammy nom for Best Album.

Adam will continue to perform these songs with enthusiasm and positivity. And then he'll move on to the next phase. As has been said many times here, some of the most legendary performers didn't get much radio play early on either, but made it really big anyway. Actually, Adam is doing very well in comparison to many others from Idol, and even many other struggling singers who were NOT on Idol. We core fans only want him on top all the time.

Adam knows better than any of us what is marketing music is all about. Maybe he doesn't fret about it as much as we do. He just keeps on working. Others will catch on eventually. His name will always be out there. Thanks for responding to my rant, even though it's an old topic.

DRG (voted on the favorite male pop star poll. Adam is WAY ahead.)

Anonymous said...

PLEASE DON'T STOP VOTING ON THE BILLBOARD POLL.IT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE NOW.ADAM'S percentage has actually gone down w/in the last few hrs.He was up to 41.13%,but now he's down to 41.05%or lower,I believe.Sometimes,before you know it,on these polls somebody else can sneak up all of a sudden.The popcrush poll may be fun,but BB wants the Idol job,so let's get him MORE votes,please!THANKS!

Anonymous said...

The radio blackball is just another obstacle in Adam's path to career success, a seemingly impossible cross to bear, but I have faith Adam will be victorious. Just think of all that has been thrown his way--the sensationalized skirmishes and disappointments, i.e. the gay photos, the OUT magazine editor letter, the AMA kerfuffle, the Season 8 AI 2nd place, the gay photos, the Finland brawl, the Sonisphere cancellation--, and, look, the Adam train still roars. Granted, radio figures highly in a recording artist's success, but it's just one dark thread in Adam's tapestry that will eventually reveal its role and significance in his still young career. It's just another test of Adam's mettle, which will more likely lead to bigger and better, if we can imagine that. Radio, like AI, and much of media is owned and controlled by moneyed and powerful corporations that can collude or obstruct at will. Adam's popularity and sphere of influence on the young is emerging as a threat to the fundamental values they hold dear so a lot is at stake with Adam's impact on society.. When news broke out about top contenders for AI's judge vacancies, Adam's name was up there. His hiring should have been a no brainer--no other male comes close to his cred and fitness for the job. Now, his candidacy is "circumspect", as the push for him came not from the ranks of AI powers that be, but from his minions--a snarky snipe, not necessarily at Adam and his fans, but more the effect of his fear of getting the heave-ho.
The Charlie Sheen and Jerry Lewis were his "whistling in the dark" attempts to keep away the bogeyman. Adam may or may not get the nod from Fox. Adam looking suave and sophisticated on tv--what an opportunity for us to see his sublime self once more, another excuse to behold his fierceness strutting across an international crowd on a London stage. Radio is closed to Adam in the US? We'll just trespass anyway. Don't know how, but Adam will figure that out; we just have to have faith. atm

Anonymous said...

Beautiful matching blue eyes!

Anonymous said...

red head, blues eyes , adams natural hair color is ginger, blue eyes, they would make beautiful children together. adam go sacrifice please.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert will have a beaitufuk dauhgter or son look like him and can sing like him perhps his babay have his voice . wow.someday hell have one abay of his own .its the matter of when.

donnaw said...

Gorgeous picture! Adam is so F@*king HOT!!

ps. its nice to see him photographed with a "lady" his age for a change"!!

Anonymous said...

My Lord!!! He looks gorgeous in this picture!

Anonymous said...

The best decision would be to select Adam Lambert as one of the new judges for Idol. He is current, knows the music business and most of all has been a contestant on the show Also, he is not going to demand those mega millions as Mariah would. And Aretha, not current, doesn't travel well esp. by plane and at times it is difficult to understand her as she speaks. Forget Miley, Mary J. Blige, etc. It should be Randy, Adam and a female performer who knows the business and can provide intelligent, articulate comments as I think Adam would. I would love to see him as a judge, but I can almost bet he will not be selected for some very stupid reasons. Don't even mention his sexual orientation, because Ellen was on and she is gay. And if a star is demanding an outrageous amount of money, he/she should not even be considered. It's about finding new talent; that should be the objective of the show and mentoring along the way to develop a stage worthy performer who has personality in front of an audience.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam they put a woman in the picture and they marry him off!
How wrong can they be.

HK fan said...

The yellow sticker on her shirt looks like the 'guest passes' at the Hammersmith shows, as displayed by Lulu's tweet.

Have you found out if it is her yet???

Anonymous said...


You are correct, Ellen is gay, of course, but Ellen and Adam are completely different.

Think about this..When Brittany Spears and Madonna kissed on national prime time t.v., what happened? Nothing..You know why? Because our society is programmed that this is acceptable, two women? Yes, that's fine..But two men that's a no, no..especially a gay man that is not afraid to be open about who he is, and not conform to the way society thinks he should be.

That's the difference..

Just my opinion, you have yours and I respect it...


Anonymous said...

SO BRILLIANT!!! Anon 10:05, my GOD i'm in tears. That was PERFECT! just like Adam! So grateful to read this. Everyone, please read this woman's account of her Queenbert experience!

Anonymous said...

Yes,glamberts.KEEP VOTING for Adam on the Billboard poll about the best new judge.He'd make a great one & he wants that job so badly.Now somebody has accused the Adam fans of just starting the whole rumor about Adam's name being considered.Some of those comments irk me so much!!I can vote a little more now,but have to get up early tomorrow morn.Please put in some positive comments,too.Thanks.(About the pic w/the red haired fan.She is very pretty & looks a model or dancer.She must be wearing very high heals)BTW,the click-on link on this site is working for me now.I'm using Firefox which is better than aol for voting.

daydreamin said...

@atm I absolutely LOVE reading your posts. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. You are an AMAZING writer.

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin and HK fan

Haven't been able to verify the red head yet...grandson has been on an 8 state odyssey with a friend.
Theme Park Extravaganza vacation.
He's nuts....but he's also leaving resumes everywhere! He NEVER returns phone calls and I don't text. I would sic his Mom on him but he'll be back in Orlando this afternoon...has an audition at Universal to work Halloween Horror Nights. I'll catch him soon.

Anon 9:01 P.M.....if the lovely red head is the girl I know, she's 5'9" and will start her job as a wedding and event planner when she
returns from gallivanting thru England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland! Graduation gift!!!

Anonymous said...

They are both beautiful and she looks like his sister..if his hair were still red.

Anonymous said...

Adam's looks are so stunning! You can't take your eyes off him! He's so beautiful, but at the same time, so handsome and manly. The best of both worlds. He commands attention and you really can't look away. When you combine all that he is (sex on legs, voice unmatchable, dance moves to die for, beauty that is otherworldly) with his talent, intelligence, and charisma, he's just one of a kind. There is NO ONE LIKE OUR ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!!