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Adam Lambert Signing For Fans Outside of Capital FM UK (7/9/12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 09, 2012

@NoAngellPF: ADAM LAMBERT signing after coming out of Capital FM UK 7-9-12.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks his usual happy self and why not after such a success in E Europe!

Anonymous said...

I'm trending an ADAMERICAN!!!:))

Millions of fans will watch around the world if he will accept the offer:)


Anonymous said...

glad he got peace sign right

daydreamin said...

Fox News is asking if Adam should be the next American Idol judge...they love him AND he is winning over many other choices:

daydreamin said...

Nigel Lithgow speaking to Adam being asked to judge AI:

daydreamin said...

Access Hollywood has an article about Adam that I seem to have read somewhere else...hmmmmm. Wonder if they will talk about it on tv tonight?

Anonymous said...

OT NCOE has dropped out of HAC chart today.

daydreamin said...

Adam on tv in London:!/schufly/media/slideshow?

daydreamin said...

Kudos for THR (The Hollywood Reporter) who not only wrote a great article about the possibility of Adam possibly becoming AI judge, but they actually talk about Trespassing as Billboard #1 in red highlight AND give a link to the Kiev/Queen performance (IN RED TOO)!

daydreamin said...

Wow! Really great right-up by Ryan Seacrest about Adam's fashion sense and then he provides a link to the Queen/Adam performance in Kiev!!

Anonymous said...

VIDEO of Adam answering the question!


daydreamin said...

SS they went on to ask him if he has been in talks and he sort of said something like "I didn't say that, but I would definitely be interested". They haven't posted the whole chat yet so I can't be more specific, sorry.

daydreamin said...

Adam is on The Insider in a few minutes!!

Anonymous said...

Shit, the Insider? I missed it..hope someone post it for us to watch..

Anonymous said...

AI wants Adam to get their ratings uppppppppp:):):)!!!

Anonymous said...

Ii'm very happy that Adam got this opportunity to become AI new judge . If this is truth And not just a rumor. However, we will lose chance to get album #3 as far as it took more than 2 years to get Tresspassing . Adam will very busy to have the tour or start to work for his 3rd album. Because seems that Tresspassing didn't cover the expenses.

Anonymous said...


Just giving the news that ADAM won over Kris!

Anonymous said...

AI is almost dead. Seacrest deff relies that they need Adam Lambert as a judge to get their popularity back. It's gonna be AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Having Adam on AI certainly would give their sagging ratings a gigantic boost. It would fit in his schedule as he could do his Trespassing tour after it is over in May plus make him beaucoup bucks to boot. I hope this works out for him. He is certainly in the spotlight now especially after singing with Queen. I wish they would do a concert together in the states-just a few big stadiums. It would be cool as there are still a lot of Queen fans here.

Anonymous said...

I know some people our saying they don't want Adam doing AI because it will take away from his promoting Trespassing and Touring, making another album..Really?... This gig on AI would only promote Adam and his music...It's not a full time job, he can still tour and promote his album..and make another one...Look at the publicity he is getting just from a mention that he might be the AI judge..If he would get it, he would be hot item in the media..Talk and Entertainment TV would be begging him to appear on their shows...This is what he does need, media attention..He can still tour and make albums..I really hope this comes true..AI would just bring him to another level of success..if it doesn't happen at least he is getting media attention from this..

Just my opinion, everyone has their own..


Anonymous said...

Just to repeat: Opportunities have tobe grabbed when they come up. Something like may not happen for Adam again. The schedule of his own tour and promo can be worked out. The exposure from this would be huge. In a perfect world, he wouldn't need it. But he does. It's a way to get the world to hear him as they should.


Anonymous said...

Look at JB he has no talent or very little (trying to be nice), but has so much media attention that's why he does so well selling his albums/songs..his face is everywhere...

This is what Adam needs now..attention so people will listen to his music and buy it, because we all know he has the talent, brains and the looks..

Anonymous said...

You absolutely right, ladies. Adam will bring a lot attention of media if he will become AI judge! His photo will appear in every magazine, TV Guides, websides around the world! Anyhow, Adam needs it desperately!

Magiclady said...

I totally agree that this would be a coup for Adam. He can do AI and promote Trespassing during the same year. This is just part of what we have wanted for him. To be in the spotlight!
7:38 Of course he did! No contest!

Anonymous said...

POSITIVE comments needed here. This is widely circulated. PLEASE!!!,,20610314,00.html