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Adam Lambert's "Map" snippet Via iTunes!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 06, 2012


Anonymous said...

love it, love it love it, what can I say.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a hit, if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

man I came here to say I love love love this song and two people beat me to the I have it preordered from UK Amazon already. Do you guys?

Anonymous said...


Catharine Sloper said...

I love this song as well. I think this is a hit song! Why isn't it way out there and up front everywhere! I don't get it!

Anonymous said...

I love this song, anything Adam sings is great!

Anonymous said...

love this song lso adams voice is magic.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Adam PLEASE you are making me crazy! In A good way

tess4ADAM said...

YES!! I have my TRESPASSING DELUXE album on pre-order from the UK also!! Go to ... to order your copy ...

PLEASE go here to VOTE for ADAM ..Greatest Artist of TODAY ... also VOTE for ELVIS .. GREATEST Artist of ALL TIME ... and QUEEN ... GREATEST HARD ROCK ARTIST ... unlimited voting ...

~~thanx Glamberts~~ Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I also preordered the UK Deluxe Trespassing from Amazon. I love By the Rules and Map sounds beautiful too!Too bad these songs are bonus tracks. IMO they would make great singles. But who knows what radio believes to be good singles since I thought NCOE was perfect for radio. Not my personal favorite,but fit into top 40 and then stalled. I keep requesting anyway.

Anonymous said...

This is the sort of song you play at your wedding.

...It's just soooo... *cannot fully describe*

...Wow... ...Euphoric, so very beyond anything, yet coming from a humbled, human place. And just... beautiful. My heart wants to cry.

Ahhh. Wow.

SG said...

By now I heard Map like 20 times...That song is like a relieve,like saying I don't have to feel anxious anymore,I don't need to worry about what way should I take,I don't have to face the fear of being alone,I DON'T NEED A MAP TO TELL ME WHERE AM all my worries are gone...
Now all I have to feel is enjoy that happyness and feel the love I had found.
That song so full of emotions.Adam's voice souns really sweet and tender, almost like a lullaby,like a lovely wisper to the ear...
Is a really full of hope song, meaning I was lost and I had need a map BUT I don't need it anymore because I've got all the love that I need because I've found you, you that PAINTED THE WORLD FOR ME...

Now I'm crying...

Anonymous said...

@SG Exactly and it makes me cry to just to know Adam has found his happiness. This is about him and Sauli but it's also about everyone in the world who has searched for love and finally found the one!

SG said...

Anon 2.41pm
Absolutely! Adam wanted that everybody could relate to the songs of Trespassing & he really did it!

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM .... are you sure that's the right link to vote? It comes up with another site when I open it.

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

VOTE once every hour:

VOTE for ROCK in RIO 2013:

Anonymous said...

Who is SEXIER? ADAM or Kris Allen? Please VOTE.

Voting ends Monday 6AM. Right Now: ADAM 58.24 Kris 41.76

July 6, 2012 11:12 PM