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AP: Adam Lambert on being ‘Idol’ judge: ‘Nothing’s been asked yet’

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 13, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 13, 2012

Jul. 12, 2012 - Adam Lambert performs with Queen in London and reveals how he'd love to be a judge on “American Idol” next season. (AP)


Anonymous said...

read a post on another blog that claimed Adam had no interaction with the audience and therefore, would not be a good judge..and he hasn't had enough success, etc. blah, blah, blah..WTH are they referring to?? They seem to think Clay Aiken would be great..honestly, I cannot stand Clay..esp. after he dissed Adam horribly..but, the very sad truth is..I am now doubting that Adam will be hopes and dreams have been dashed for sure...but, as they ain't over til the fat lady sings..and I haven't heard her sing just yet..thoughts???

Anonymous said...

these must be people who have never seen Adam perform- all about audience participation and interaction- and just came from QUeen concert yesterday....could be a mixed blessing to get caught up in AI- exposure, but the show nay be going down the tubes more than anyone can save it. And Adam would be blamed along with other new judges. now if he got to perform that would be great- how many times did we see a J Lo video or performance lsat year?

Anonymous said...

PS 0 used to like clay;s voice, but I have no interest in oldies and do not believe that clay is current enough to be a judge

Anonymous said...

if they ask him they ask him. He will do a good job. Of course fans of other idols want their idol that is how I would be too.Sure has caused alot of buzz for Adam tho. lol

Anonymous said...

first poster may be very true that AI is about to go down the tube..and it is also a possibility that Adam could be blaimed in part (even tho he would have absolutely nothing to do with the demise of AI) any event, the Universe unfolds as it whatever happens, happens..

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if Adam was asked but not the end of the world if he isn't. I have a feeling the next judge has already been picked they can't wait until the last minute on these matters.

Anonymous said...

I can't watch this video. It is a white blank. I hope Adam is enjoying his off day today and enjoying his family and friends. He will probably be home shortly because he has other concerts scheduled for July in the states and I wish I could go to some of them!!

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Adams but I don't think it would help his career the judges get paid well but also get so much hassel i just want the best for him either way i will stll be his fan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:38 I just read that article, I think it is somewhat misleading he said he is up to anything in general.

Anonymous said...

This fan can't wait for Queenbert DVD!!!

Anonymous said...

1:55 me too, my GNT dvd is nearly worn out. ha, ha

Adamluv said...

In todays LA Times Business section, not Entertainment, there's an article about Tyler leaving Idol. Near the end they spoke about finding a replacement and said "Idol alumnus Adam Lambert is a name that's been circulating as a possible new judge, altho he has said there have been no talks". What I liked about this reference to Adam was the two words in front of his name (not runner up nor gay nor eyeline wearer etc.) and that they mentioned no one else even tho we know a lot of other names have been mentioned. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@1:38 I'm referencing you because you posted the article and to allow anyone who did not read it to find it easily. My comments are not in any way directed at you. :)


This headline screems "Adam is a Divo." Nowhere does Adam say he is owed, or he should do or he has earned an album with Queen. He basically says that if it's in the cards he'd be honored. That's the Adam we all know and humble and gracious, never demanding anything. I hate how the media always spins the truth.

OH, and JLO has decided to leave Idol as well as Steven Tyler. Randy bids them goodbye.

Anonymous said...

(best review so far)

daydreamin said...

Here are some wonderful words from Brian May today with the link to the picture/web page:

**Fri 13 Jul 12**

Credit: Roadie Cam (P. Malandrone)

Well, I think we all felt the last couple nights in Hammersmith have been a moment of significance. In fact, perhaps especially last night. The band, as it is now, seems suddenly to have switched into a higher gear - more confident, having more fun … and stepping into new territory … an amazing thought at this stage in our lives and in our careers … to be honest, I would never have thought it possible before this journey with Adam Lambert began.

Adam has his own style and path, and there was never any intention that he would be 'another Freddie" - but there are many parallels, in the mechanisms which we've already developed - coming together as an organic band.

It's very pure - having no extra guitarist means I am back in the old place, as in the Old Days, completely responsible for holding up the 'wall' of sound, but also completely free to control the dynamics and 'feel', working more or less as a four-piece - something which is only possible because Adam is such a strong pivot and front-man. No backing singers - no dancers - it's pure - somehow it feels like Rock ought to be … … dangerous and stimulating. It's completely - real. In this epoch of auto-tune and hard discs on stage, that's pretty rare these days.

And everybody seems to be having fun. Including … totally … US!

Many thanks to you guys in the Hammersmith audience - no bunch of rockers could be more supportive and inspiring. The view above is something nobody else sees … it's from Pete Malandrone … my intrepid and unflappable Guitar Tech - this is the amazing sight from the Apollo (Odeon) stage - you guys are beautiful !!


Anonymous said...


“LAMBERT fronted the band in true style, tackling classics such as 'We Are The Champions', 'Another One Bites The Dust' and 'Radio Gaga' in style - winning over the audience to the extent that critics are already calling for the band to sign the singer up to record a new album with the band.”

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I don't think Queen is quite done with Adam yet. I hope he can continue to do a few concerts a year with them. He also would be a great judge on Idol. If he were able to do both things, he would still have time to enjoy life as he wants, he has earned it. Maybe he can pay back the $20 he owes Neil.LOL

Anonymous said...

even tho a number of female names have been floated to come on AI Season 12, the only male name I have heard is Charlie Sheen..(wtf..Charlie Sheen..really???) so maybe since they already know that Adam wants the job, it is still possible that he may be offered it..if only people could see and appreciate the amazing AL..I was deciphering the lyrics to "Trespassing" and it really does give one insight to what Adam is all about.."I ain't got BS in my bag" (what you see is what you honesty)"My heart is gold, my body is glass" (I have a good heart and I'm an open book") but "I can turn into the North Pole and show you what is cold" (if you screw me over..I will turn off to you..possibly forever)and the references to not staying at home..but going places..

Anonymous said...


“Still, such are the whims of men repeatedly (and correctly) described by Lambert as “rock royalty”. If May and Taylor have an iota of common sense left, they will sign up Lambert for the long live haul and a new album.”

Anonymous said...

It;s great to hear and read press here in London-- no mention of 'openly gay' just as it should be....if critics start calling for a new album it could be in the future...adam needs to tour on TP first. that is how you make $ but he could stand to make alot of $ in future Queen gigs. I hope he got a nice %age of t-shirt sales as they were selling fast at $40 USd each in London. i saw several men around town wearing them the day after the show truly awesome. also saw a guy at show with GNT shirt.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not only multi-talentd,but he has an amazing

amount of energy and endurance.

He just so loves what he does & can go day and

night.. food,sleep bah humbug. I think he can live on

water and keep going.

daydreamin said...

I love how he said he loves to multi-task. He continues to amaze in every way possible. Where did this man come from?

daydreamin said...

I heard today that Mariah Carey is close to signing as a judge. I guess she will take JLO's place.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ok everyone. Giulian Rancic from E says Adam is not seasoned enough to be a judge. And she doesn't like it that he wears sunglasses at indoor interviews. Also implied that he is a diva too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concern season 8 with Adam was the end of the AI.

He set the bar so high and until now, no one can pass that bar right?

I hope this time they listen and shut down the show forever:)

I love Adam to be a judge and great opportunity for him however, I think there's more greater than this coming for him:)))))

I'm really happy for him indeed:)


daydreamin said...

It looks like Jlo and Steven were axed and did not resign according to MJ's blog:

Anonymous said...

Adam not seasoned enough and how long has Adam been in music..

daydreamin said...

More from MJ's blog...I like...

The Voice: RaeLynn Signed To Republic Nashville American Idol Judges Shakeup: Reactions From Randy Jackson, Ryan Seacrest
American Idol Judges Rumors: Adam Lambert at the Top of the List? Aerosmith Pressured Steven Tyler?
by MJ on 07/13/2012 · LEAVE A COMMENT · in AMERICAN IDOL

Here are more American Idol casting rumors from E News. Nothing we haven’t heard already, but they do report that Adam Lambert, Miley Cyrus and Mariah Carey are at the top of the list, and that Randy Jackson may leave Idol voluntarily. E Online is the outlet that initially reported on the Adam Lambert rumor.

Sources confirm that producers have spoken to Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey and Adam Lambert about becoming judges. The three, one source said, “are at the top of their list.” Katy Perry, Nicky Minaj and Fergie are some of the other names that have been floating around too.

No final decision has been made about Randy Jackson. He’s still in the mix.

A source tells E! News that Jackson has been thinking for “a while now” that it may be time to say goodbye.

“He’s been there for 11 years,” the source said. “That’s a long time.”

Jackson may not be up for going through another shakeup. “They got lucky that he had such great chemistry with Jennifer and Steven,” the source said. “Who knows if that could ever happen again?”

Besides, he may not want “to be the last man standing.”

The source also pointed out that Jackson isn’t completely opposed to the idea of returning. “If they offer him the right deal, who knows?” the insider said. “Everything is such an unknown right now, anything is possible.”

Hm. Honestly, at this point, I’d be fine with Randy leaving, or as another rumor suggested, changing his role to mentor on the show. His expiration date as judge has been WAY past due.

FOX is reporting that Steven Tyler was pressured by his band Aerosmth to leave Idol:

We’re told that the promotional tour for their new album, “Music from Another Dimension,” could have clashed big time with Tyler’s “Idol” Tyler commitments. Initially, the album was slated for release in August, before being pushed back to November, which is when “Idol” tryouts are in full swing. That date change could have put Tyler in the position of having to choose one or the other.

Anonymous said...

@4:52 PM - G. Rancic doesn't like Adam...she has dissed him on "Fashion Police" she obviously, has never taken the time to get to know him and what he stands for..she is totally incompetent to "judge" Adam...I used to like her..but now I feel like she is a bitch..sorry, but this is how I feel..I am happy for her in one sense tho..hope her baby will be born healthy...

Anonymous said...

I'd like Adam to get Idol job but at the same time won't be disappointed if he doesn't get it.hmmm, does that make sense?

The Dark Side said...

Who cares what Julianna thinks. She's a talking head on a entertainment show and could be replaced by just about anyone. She should keep her biased opinions to herself. She obviously doesn't like Adam and never misses a chance to diss him. I wonder why?????

Anonymous said...

As Adam big fan I wish he will get this opportunity! And it will win-win-win-win deal! AI will get back a lot of fans, Seacrest & Co get much more money compare with last season. Adam will get muCh more fans and public appearance. And he will get enough money for the tour and next album!!!!

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry has taken herself out of the running for Idol judge. Says she's too busy right now.

Anonymous said...

Ever since Adam left Idol Finale stage, there were/are tons of reports of him being an Idol judge every single year since 2009. Come on Idol, it's long over due. Make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Rancic works with Seacrest and I think Seacrest is jealous of Adam...he's always made soft gay remarks to Adam
Plus Adam is way taller then the little guy....
Rancic is just saying what she hears from Seacrest.

Anonymous said...

@4:52..When did Giulian Rancic say that about Adam? Was it on that show she does on E or somewhere else? Please let me know..

daydreamin said...

Hay! Jlo headlined the insiders today THEN Adam did the schpiel we saw here saying how grateful he is to idol etc then they talked about him possibly replacing Jlo then they talked about Tyler THEN Tom Cruz! He's moving up the importance ladder.

Anonymous said...

I believe that whatever comes of the AI judging position will end up being what is best for Adam. We can not see the future and what it has in store for Adam. I wish him all the best opportunities and success because he so deserves it!Never thought the Queen gig would happen when Sonisphere was cancelled and look now at 6 shows,so much better really.

Anonymous said...

7:18 I know I was so bummed out when they cancelled the Sonisphere concert and now how could things have turned out any better? Adam's mini tour with rock royalty and a gig with another royal, Sir Elton John.

Anonymous said...

Seacrest:Adam, please, come back! I need some money to pay Kardashyans!
Adam: I have to think about to be AI judge or even come back to US! Oh, yes, I still love my Glamberts! I will come back for these shows I promised to have in US.

Anonymous said...

Will someone print out this interview. Adam's lips are so distracting, I forget to listen.

lorraine said...

@7:45 So sorry I can't help you out. I've been staring at Adam's lips for 3+ years---sexiest ones I've ever seen....How does any guy get to be so beautiful???? Not to mention that voice from heaven!

Anonymous said...

Just heard that Mariah Carey has been named one of the new judges. I'm feeling more than I'd rather Adam NOT be an Idol judge. I personally think it's a sinking ship. Sure, I've been posting my suuport for him getting it, but I'm not so sure now. I'm kind of flip-flopping a little. It's a great gig to get, but I just don't like the show anymore. If he was on, I'd watch of course. But I just don't like the whole concept anymore. Kinda tired of it.


Anonymous said...

like to see adam lambert evey week -its refreshing to see him on idol jdging the sngers contestant.
with out adma labert lAI is definitely sinking-i predict this already.p;s like maria carey-dont like her face and they way she talk.dont like her singing either .

Anonymous said...

I haven't followed all the links from the London show yet, any pics of Mom-Pop-Bro bert or Tommy? If AI is serious about Adam as judge he would have been advised of that already ,he sounds clueless and auditions start soon.Didn't we go thru something like this last time they picked judges?

Anonymous said...

When did US find about Wembly AICD 1984? I just wondering when will they find about Kiev AICD 2012? Oh, I forgot, the fact that JB bought the car for his elementary school friend is much more important in this country! Sad, very sad:(

donnaw said...

Well, I think we all felt the last couple nights in Hammersmith have been a moment of significance. In fact, perhaps especially last night. The band, as it is now, seems suddenly to have switched into a higher gear - more confident, having more fun … and stepping into new territory … an amazing thought at this stage in our lives and in our careers … to be honest, I would never have thought it possible before this journey with Adam Lambert began.

Adam has his own style and path, and there was never any intention that he would be 'another Freddie" - but there are many parallels, in the mechanisms which we've already developed - coming together as an organic band.

It's very pure - having no extra guitarist means I am back in the old place, as in the Old Days, completely responsible for holding up the 'wall' of sound, but also completely free to control the dynamics and 'feel', working more or less as a four-piece - something which is only possible because Adam is such a strong pivot and front-man. No backing singers - no dancers - it's pure - somehow it feels like Rock ought to be … … dangerous and stimulating. It's completely - real. In this epoch of auto-tune and hard discs on stage, that's pretty rare these days.

And everybody seems to be having fun. Including … totally … US!

**This is from Brian May's web page!!

Donnaw said...

Whoops "daydreamin"!!! Sorry......if i had been more observant i would of seen that you had already posted this (THE ABOVE) article!! SORRY!!!

Anonymous said...

Mariah Carey could be the next "American Idol" judge. According to reports, Carey is in talks with network execs to join the program. On July 13, said reports came out around the same time that Jennifer Lopez announced that she was leaving the show—just one day after Steven Tyler announced his departure. According to PEOPLE Magazine, Carey could fill one of their empty spots and join veteran judge, Randy Jackson.

"She's in play. They are in serious talks," a source tells PEOPLE. Also rumored to be joining the judges panel is alum, Adam Lambert, who would definitely bring a younger presence to the show.

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT: Mercurial Gift Of An American Ido
(Very good article)

Anonymous said...

I really, really think that whoever comes on as judges on AI will be bound to fail. People all over twitter are saying that AI, with the zillion other singing shows on now, has lost its "IT" factor. Adam should NOT join a sinking ship. He would surely be blamed for it (even if not true). He worked so hard to establish his credibility as a worldwide reputable songwriter/singer/performer that it would be going backwards for him (at this stage in his career) to go back to Idol. Even Katy Perry said that she wants to concentrate on her singing career at this time (and the media is applauding her for it). Please Adam, say NO to AI judging.

donnaw said...

G. Rancic is emancipated bitch.......if she'd eat something maybe she'd be able to make some sense.

WTF is her problem~and where did she come from? I can't even stand looking at her ugly face and those buck teeth......give me a break.......

Anonymous said...


I'm thinking along that line also that Giuliana Rancic works with Seacrest. I'm sure Seacrest shares what he thinks about ADAM with her. Mmmm.


Seacrest doesn't need any help to pay the Kardashians. Ryan is laughing all the way to the bank because of the Kardashians. Funny to think that both Simons are out to rival each other who is more successful with each of their own singing reality show and who is the star maker between them.
But as I've said it is not any of the two Simons. It is RYAN SEACREST who is the REAL STARMAKER and making him more money than ever. He made stars out of the whole clan of the Kardashians out of NOTHING. Seacrest is now on his way to be an entertainment MOGUL as the heir to Dick Clark and opting to found now his own entertainment conglomerate. He is the one laughing behind the backs of the two Simons now, but being low key about it. And he got himself a trophy sweetheart in Julianne Hough.

donnaw said...

Jesus.....its time for me to go to bed......

I MEANT to say "emaciated" bitch........

I'm so pissed off i can't even type correctly!!!

Anonymous said...

More American Idol Judges Rumors: Adam Lambert, Mariah Carey

“It’s true they’ve talked to Adam but nothing is decided yet. Fergie is another big contender,” says the source. “Adam would be an awesome addition to the show — he could really relate to the contestants and he’s such a good guy. It will be a little while before there’s any decision. They are considering a lot of people for the panel.

daydreamin said...

@DonnaW, no worries! I am quite sure I have done the same thing. Sometimes I post then read later in my excitement. We are all just eager to post our findings about our boy. It all comes from a good place!

Anonymous said...

Adam has said, no-one has approached him yet, I believe adam- he doesn't lie to us! I'm sure carey in, why haven't they talk to adam yet if they are serious. Sorry, could care less about fergie- don't like or listen to thier music at all.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the right hand crossing the fingers?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that can't get this vid...what i see on my computer is a big white box with a tiny strip with what a think is the vid there a link?????

Anonymous said...

try this

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:55

The blog you read are Clay Aiken's fans
so ofcourse they will not favor Adam to be AI judge

Anonymous said...

Idol would be sooooooooo unhappy to sign Mariah Carey. If they thought JLo was a Diva in her demands they'd best hang on to their arses when it comes to Mariah and her dressing room requirements. I love her husband, Nick Cannon, but feel quite sorry for him married to this has been who still thinks she's a star. As for Miley Cyrus just one word - Ugh.