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Daily Mail Gives "Trespassing" 4 Stars!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 06, 2012

@66Shevpf: Short review of TSP in Daily Mail w 4 Stars! @adamlambert "serves up a bracing blend of pop and R&B!"


Anonymous said...

Short and fantastic review. I like that it refers Adam as an Idol finalist. That way it sounds more neutral and less important for his career at the moment.

Anonymous said...

The Media often speaks of Kelly and Carrie'S past on Idol. In reguards to record sales and tour sales Idol it is often talked about. I have heard reporters ask them about Idol contesdents in recent interviews. However, it is not very often, in fact it is rare that I see them being interviewed by reporters. When appearing on talk shows, Idol is sometimes talked about.

Anonymous said...

Queen Official ‏@QueenWillRock
The 20% off 4th of July sale starts today in the US Queen webstore! Running through until Friday July 6th.

 today July 6 starts 9AM.

Anonymous said...

To request ADAM's NCOE:

Anonymous said...

I mean Idol finalist sounds better than Idol runner-up.


Anonymous said...

Yes it does !

Anonymous said...

10:29 do you know how often you can vote? thanks.

Anonymous said...

Those of us who are Adam fans know how great Trespassing is. Now all we need is for the radio stations to play NCOE or any other song from the album. Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in music and the greatest artist of today. I see all these polls out there and asking the public to vote for Adam. How relevant or important are they really? I know they keep his name out there, but the most important ones are the awards and Grammys he should receive for Trespassing. I am sure he is honored to learn about them(if he does), but for him I would think the most important aspect of the music business is cd sales, digital downloads, radio requests,etc. Then there will be the concert tour for Trespassing deciding the size of the venues and ticket sales to determine how well he will be received. I want nothing but the best for Adam. But it seems he has to fight every inch of the way to get the fame and success he so deserves. At least the international audiences get him in his appearances with Queen and he should bask in all the glory and accolades he has gotten so far.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:07 I feel the same way. Very frustrated right now with U.S. radio. I know if Bruno put out NCOE it would have been a huge hit,but its Adam. Adam sounds way better than Bruno,but that apparently does not matter. I hope and do believe he will get recognition but somehow RCA has to get radio to spin his next single. I hope it will be Trespassing. A great song and how appropriate!!!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the female singer from Lady Antebellum didn't even get through to the judges on American Idol. I think she has great voice.

Newfie Duck said...

Just spotted this and thought I would bring it here, not sure how to create a thread for it on this site(maybe someone else knows how). At any rate thought I would share.
Mark Boardman‏@markmeets

Singer @adamlambert is our websites featured artist for July! Read all about his latest work here

Anonymous said...

@Newfie Duck..
Wow...what a fantastic review/feature, that was just awesome, and so true..

“We’ve not had this good a feeling about an album since we heard an advance copy of 21 by Adele” – MSN”

“Adam Lambert is one of those unique perfomers that can deliver a live performance and do it with style" - Mark Boardman "


Anonymous said...

When big-time publications with big circulation give Adam good reviews, I'm a HAPPY GIRL!


Anonymous said...

I agree if Bruno had put out NCOE it would have been a huge hit..I like Bruno, but he doesn't even come close to the talent/vocals that Adam has, and NCOE is a great Pop song for the summer..I just don't get it?

If the radio would just play the song like other songs they play over and over, I know people that listen to the radio would love it..

Anonymous said...

The younger fans like Never Close Our Eyes and that's why the radio should play it more.

Anonymous said...

"Finalist" is good, but you know, people could just say American Idol Adam Lambert. No need for winner or runner-up. Ryan always talks about ALL of the top 10 as "our Idols". For example, "The Idols will be on tour in July . . . "


Anonymous said...

My teenage daughter loves NCOE and is shocked that radio is not playing it. She thought it would have been a top 10 hit for sure especially with the Bruno connection. To me it is not only a slap in the face to Adam but to Bruno cause he wrote it. I sometime wonder what Buno thinks. Maybe he doesn't care, who knows. He is very successful right now which I hope Adam will be also. Adam so deserves it!

Anonymous said...

Financial Times gave also 4 stars. Good and funny review. Here's a link, if it works..

glitzylady said...

I was going to bring the Financial Times Review of Trespassing here..but after I registered with the site, which you must do to read it, and I cut and pasted it said "DO NOT CUT AND PASTE" so I deleted it.

Bottom line: They liked it...Yay!!!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars...

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I got the same message when I tried to copy the article. I didn't register. I copied the web address and put it to google search and was able to read it then.. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam came from planet fierce!!!!

No worries from me:))

We just have to watch his concert and buy his music:)


daydreamin said...

Just wait for the day when all his peers in the music industry start tripping over themselves wanting to identify themselves with Adam in some way. It's gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

It's already starting to happen!
He's mixing with the cream of the industry and soared right on up.
Adam will become a legend without any doubt...worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Well Europe and the southern Hemisphere adore ADAM and so now it's time for the US to give back to an international icon.

Anonymous said...

Wish the AI references would be keep on back burner. AI was exposure time for Adam and now he's moved on to greater and more magnificent moments than repetitive dwelling on AI. And it did't take Simon or Paula to recognize Adams talent, hells bells we knew it way before AI and now to watch Adam take the world is heart bursting! So estatic!

Anonymous said...

It 3:30 in Wroclow, Poland now. They ere 7 hrs. ahead of my time. The concert starts at 9:30 PM I read. wHAT TIME WOULD THE CONCERT START IN THE USA time?

Anonymous said...

The concert would start at 2;30PM. IN THE USA, MIDWEST TIME. iS THAT CORRECT. PLEASE HELP?

Anonymous said...

I also agree if NCOE was sung by bruno, we would here it non-stop. So freakin sad! BTIKM is also 100 times better than the dreadful music today. I literally can't stand radio anymore!

Anonymous said...

EST...6 hours difference..I will start looking at about 3 for a snippet of anything.... pics, audio or visuals!!!!!