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Full 2 Hours Queen + ADAM LAMBERT Concert in Kiev Ukraine (6-30-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 1, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 01, 2012

Via GaleCWhittington


Eleonora said...

Brian May and Roger Taylor (Queen) on Late Night Show "Urgant" Russia

Anonymous said...

Adam Baby you are the best. So very proud of you. You go baby!

Anonymous said...

Epic concert performance!!

OT - Adam is slipping again in the Ultimate Fan poll and today is the last day to vote...

Can VOTE repeatedly:

Anonymous said...

ADAM is losing points every a few minutes.
This is the LAST DAY!
Let's do it, Glamberts!

Can VOTE repeatedly:

Anonymous said...

Just a thought after an AMAZING Saturday, wouldn't it be great if the amazing Roger and Brian would show their gratefulness to Adam for bringing back their wonderful music to stage by allowing Adam to feature one of his Trespassing songs like "Runnin" for the world to witness?

Is that asking too much? They do love Adam like a son.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is losing now. Please this is the last day!

Can VOTE repeatedly:

Anonymous said...

Some one on last thread said she doesn't hear the crowd chanting Adam's name at 31:30 I clearly can hear the crowd chanting Adam's name. I use Bose headphone on my iPad 3 and it is so clear as if I am right there. Adam's voice is OUT OF THIS WORLD. EFF YOU US RADIOS FOR NOT PLAYING HIS SINGLE. We should post this video on all the US radios Facebook pages.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great if Queen with Adam did several concerts here at home and then Adam could perform one of his songs from Trespassing such as Runnin'. I sat mesmerized yesterday watching the entire concert. So far I have not read one word about it anywhere. Maybe there will be some mention tomorrow on some of those entertainment news shows. If not, it is a disgrace because the audience here needs to see what an amazing performance he gave with Queen. They often mention iconic moments from certain tv shows in the past and Adam singing "Who wants to live forever" has to be one of them. No one can replace Freddie Mercury, but Adam Lambert did one helluva job on that stage in Kiev. It was an epic concert performance and Adam should be so proud as should his family.

Anonymous said...

Listened the whole concert for the second time. So good. I was a bit too exited and busy watching the live stream to enjoy the music the first time. There were 250 000 people in Kiev. The Moscow Olympic Arena is next. I'm sure there will be good quality videos later. At least there were last time, when Adam performed in Moscow.

Anonymous said...

I love "Runnin" but it seems it would be a challenge to sing "live"

Anonymous said...

Yes, Runnin would be a challenge to sing live but he could do it after a break. Adam knows how to save his voice.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS to QUEEN and ADAM for an astounding job amazingly done!

CONGRATULATIONS to Brian and Roger for picking the right artist to do the unenviable and daunting position of Freddie's shoes!

CONGRATULATIONS to ADAM for delivering beyond epic what is expected of him.

CONGRATULATIONS to EBER and LEILA for giving to the world the ADAM we have today.

Thank GOD for ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Here's in the news:

Anonymous said...

Also a positive review here:

Anonymous said...

I read in another site that ESPN mentioned about the Kiev concert and saying homophobic stuff about ADAM and that they received a million tweets congratulating ESPN for bashing ADAM.

Sorry to bring this negative report here. Just sharing my disappointment in people.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that someone in Adam's management will send footage of this amazing show showing the 500,000 people cheering Adam and QUEEN to the Grammy's people.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE HELP! ADAM is losing now.
This si the LAST DAY!

Anonymous said...

@12:14 PM - that is an excellent idea..if only..we can keep our fingers crossed...that would be so damned amazing I can't even say..btw..WTH is Adam losing points on Fan Poll??? he is the best there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just loved Adam and Queen..a performance like no other..epic and I will never forget it..awesome and epic,,thank you universe

Anonymous said...

@2:07 PM - where on the internet is such a ridiculous thing???

Anonymous said...

I've been to Kiev in June twice, just not in the right year :(

Anonymous said...

One Question - Were these ESPN guys making the same remarks about Sir Elton John as they were making about Adam ????

Anonymous said...

@2:07PM I just read ESPN article. Actually they put in sh....Kiev, Bryan, Rodger and Adam! It wasn't just homophobic article. However, I didn't find a lot of comments. So, ESPN are idiots and nobody cares about this kind f.....comments!

Anonymous said...

2:53, link please. I don't believe there is such an article, if I can't find it.

Anonymous said...

Please peeps, just for once RELAX and ENJOY this ABSO-EFFIN-LUTELY FABULOUS concert Adam & Queen have given us...
Why bring anything negative to this thread?
Why always ask for more (Runnin etc) - Adam % Queen have already given us SO MUCH...

Anonymous said...

Here's our RAKSTAR!!!

LOOK at this GORGEOUS pic (from Adam's Twitter)

Anonymous said...

Never Close Our Eyes has passed the 4 Million mark on VEVO!!!


choons said...

NCOE was blasting out at Pride Parade in Toronto today!!! So proud of Adam!

Anonymous said...

MTV USA! haven't heard about this Queen + Adam Lambert concert yet..

Anonymous said...

the leather was ferocious rawwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

choons said...

Check this out!!Flash-mob dance to Trespassing!!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE HELP! ADAM is slipping again in the Ultimate Fan poll. This is the LAST DAY! Only a few hours left. Keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone

choons said...

Nice review here:

Nice pic here:

kathybags said...

dear have met one one of your finest hours[many more to come]you were outstanding with queen at KIEV. i am so proud of you ,so is FREEDY he told me!!!!!!!!!!! bye the way i think [underneath] should be your next single

Anonymous said...

OK Glamberts...
Adam has gone from 50.43% down to 50.28% in just over an hour. At this rate the Black Stars are going to beat Adam before the poll closes tonight. The push is on... everybody jump on and vote repeatedly!

Anonymous said...

is q102 fan voting over it shows Adam ahead

Jadam NZ said...

Well, I have spent all moorning "at" the Adam/Queen concert and I am exhausted.
Adam was excellent, breathtakingly wonderful. It must have been a really physical experience being on stage that long.
Nearly all of the comments, reviews etc have been positive.
So, so happy for Adam and I hope this results in a lot more sales for Trespassing, that would be the icing on the cake, wouldnt it?

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone: Adam Lambert Performs 'Bohemian Rhapsody' with Queen in Kiev

Read more:

Anonymous said...

LOL to this picture of Adam and Brian:

Anonymous said...

Please help us!

Anonymous said...

For those of you inclined to vote, Adam is starting to loose ground (lost .05 points in an hour) to Avril Lavigne. He's currently AHEAD, but we need an injection of "Glambert" Power. The poll closes today. He's made it this far....please help him win this. Everything he wins can only help him. Let's show him
how much we appreciate this great ride we've been on!! Open two windows, it helps speed up the process.

Anonymous said...

Looks like voting is over and ADAM WON. It looks final. They are not taking any more votes.
We are the best, most insane fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love ADAM!
I love US!

Anonymous said...

About that ESPN homophobic topic, I read it on posts on this site (by Ali Gloria), starting on page 7 of more than 200 posts. They keep talking about it.

The Headline is ADAM's Kiev Concert with QUEEN:

Anonymous said...

I guess The Ultimate Fan Club Poll is over because it can't be refreshed anymore. Last stats:

ADAM: 50.27

AVRIL: 49.73

So, I believe ADAM won by the slightest of margin if it's really over. It's a big deal with the fans of Avril because they vote like crazy beating Justin Bieber the 1st round with more than 60% of votes and beating David Cook almost 60% also of votes.

Anonymous said...

I watched the game on ESPN and didn't hear any mention of Adam. At what mark exactly they mentioned Adam's name cause I recorded the whole game on my DVR?

Anonymous said...

Lets keep our fingers crossed that those were the final stats and he won...Those were the stats I was seeing when voted too..


Anonymous said...

I just researched about this joke about Adam ESPN made. Apparently, the commentator didn't like the pre-finale celebration having Elton John, Queen + Adam Lambert cause soccer is a manly man sport and the pre-finale celebration was kind of like gay pride celebration instead. Homophobic IMO.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much "24/7" for their excellent performances, video. Full 2 Hours of this glorious concert! HH.

Anonymous said...

I don't know which channel my husband had the soccer game on today. There was an English commentator and a Scottish commentator, live from Kiev. They were talking about the Queen concert last night and when one mentioned the concert, the other guys said "With Adam Lamber" the "Oh yes" and then "That's important". I jumped up and said to my husband "Did you hear that?" They were really excited still about the concert and the one guy really thought it was important to mention Adam. The good will ALWAYS out weigh the bad!
Go ADAM!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't get my T in on Adam's last name but the guy did say ADAM LAMBERT.

Anonymous said...

Here' the post (of Ali Gloria) on mjsbigblog about the ESPN:

"Just for posterity, apparently the Euro soccer ESPN guys on tv mentioned the Kiev concert and I counted over 25 homophobic Twitter comments in one scroll.

JUST IN CASE it comes up in the future that ADAM LAMBERT has no problems being gay.

OH wow now I'm reading the SPORTSCASTERS made fun of him right on tv.

Sorry to introduce negativity but don't have another place to put this observation.

ETA: LOL freaking amazing now there are a million tweets congratulating the ESPN commentators for "bashing Adam Lambert".

AAAANDDDD now ADAM LAMBERT is trending. Naturally.

I guess there should be a site for ADAM LAMBERT bashing live blogging lol."

Anonymous said...

Of what possible importance is a stupid ultimate fan poll? How can sane people obsess over such sophomoric crap? Adam just sang for maybe a half a million people and a million or so more saw it on
live streams. Put things in perspective, this isn't high school. Look at the competition, do they really threaten Adam? Do you think you can save him? Adam is not going to rise or fall because of polls concocted as busywork for fans. The world knows who Adam is, he will succeed or fail_________period.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess I better go to bed. Who the falala is Ali Gloria? Why is this news? I am going to just enjoy the concerts and rewatch in the morning. Nytol

Anonymous said...

8:46 I bet you are a barrel of fun at a party. Lighten up child.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a f*ck about homophobic comments, everyone with a brain knows they are trash and just ignores them and the idiots who make them. They've always been there, always will and only grow with repeating them and wringing hands over them. They are made by ignorant people, don't give their opinions weight by letting them upset you. You can't irradicate all the nincompoops in the world, they will keep popping up.

Anonymous said...

Is there a new trend starting here? Bring negative comments from another site here? Happening more and more.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Strange. Since the "sophmoric" poll ended and no one could vote anymore, I have watched Adam's #s go down from 50.27% to 50.16% and then to 50.14%. How is that possible? Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Yup... poll numbers are still going down. I wonder if people on the west coast can still vote until 10pm their time?

Anonymous said...

now the poll is showing 50.13 hmmmmm. And they really haven't announced a winner yet and Avril's picture hasn't been crossed off.

Anonymous said...

50.08% and still sliding...

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any Adam bashing comments by the Queen fans. Rednecks who don't know the difference between Freddy and Freddie do not count as Queen fans.

Anonymous said...

This poll is a crock. Why waste your time? Read a book, call your grandmother, clean out the refrigerator, plant petunias. anything but cast a vote for yourself as a rabid fan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go to the following Queen facebook page and click on 'like' for all the news about Adam. If you have can also click on 'like' for positive comments from fans. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

To the wonderful person who uploaded this concert THANK YOU!!!!! I bow down

V Camilleri said...

I second that YES to the wonderful people that uploaded all the video. WOW. I am in heaven. God Adam is amazing with Queen. Really homered Freddy.

V Camilleri said...

Also that you all that make this website a reality. Love to share my passion with all of you. Adam just colors my world :) loving this time with Adams history of becoming it!!!!
So excited

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