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Longer AP Interview: Adam Lambert on concert with Queen and possibly judging American Idol

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 15, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 15, 2012


Anonymous said...

Great video & good to see more of that interview.Be sure to bookmark the URL to vote for BB on the new Billboard poll on who should be a new judge on A I( Click here to vote)still on this page.The click-on works for me..just voted some more.Adam really wants the job.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! AP, you did good by Adam with this interview, in which Queen's latest frontman looks every bit the electrifying Glittery Alien from Planet Fierce. In real life the suave, sophisticated but adorkable Adam Lambert of American Idol fame, here he is contemplating a return as judge to remedy an ailing mothership. To be or not to be is the question that lingers in the air. AI, just go on and give the man what he wants. Not only has he earned it (remember the glory days of Adam Lambert?), but he will steer the AI ship to more fertile seas. With his quick wit, phenomenal talent, music industry knowledge, vocal and performance savvy, Adam has the perfect cred to validate AI's mission of nurturing promising talents. His sizzling yet humble personality would not only set an example for the contestants, he would be an instant draw to the show, as Adam knows how to keep things interesting and moving, no matter how meager his material. Adam also has prodigious capacity for hard work. Heck, you wouldn't even need any more judges; he could do all the judging, without any help from expensive divas and clueless celebrities, and still would give Ryan Seacrest a scare for his job. But fortunately for Ryan, his job is safe, as even Adam could not make that cut. Adam's resume, though, makes him the perfect captain for what's being called a sinking ship. To Adam, AI is the vehicle that launched his career rocket, now needing him back to earth for the rescue. atm

Anonymous said...

"We will .. we will .. rock you" and he certainly rocked me. :-D


Anonymous said...

Adam...yea you are a brilliant multi-tasker; the way you sing, direct the band, the sound technicians, looking suave with the 6-million dollar smile which will have an upward swing to a 20-million dollar one soon; also using finger signals pointing up and down and even kicking of one leg when you really feel a little agitated. And on top of that, wail like no body's business and then calmly asks the audience...Are you having! Now this reminds were completely relieved of these multi-tasks when performing with Queen; their machinery is sooo well-oiled, you hardly needed to lift a finger, literally. That too could have been a factor why you looked so free and happy, totally immersed in your performances culminating in the tearing of your pants! lol! Yea, give the man what he wants and pay him well too AI! If Adam does get the AI job, it'll be another huge full-circle completion for him, maybe even overlapping. This time he'll be sitting or standing on the opposite side of the fence, judging instead of being judged. :)

Anonymous said...

Spot on anon 1:23

Anonymous said...

What ever makes you happy Mr. Lambert we are always here to support you eh!:)

I already miss the Queenbert family he!he!


Anonymous said...

Does adam need to have a hit song on radio before he can tour?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to Adam's concert on Thursday in OC! It will be his first singing his own songs, after singing Queen songs for 6 shows. Being the professional that he is, I'm sure the transition will not be a problem Am so excited to see him LIVE again -- it's been too long!! LL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:23AM Reading your comment, I'm about to reconsider my initial NO.

Anonymous said...

@1:23. Love your posted comments on this thread and previous ones. Please post more. Love to read them.

Anonymous said...


When you go to the show Thursday, blow him a big kiss for me, please!


Anonymous said...

@7:01 no way,but it would really help with ticket sales if he had a radio hit.

Anonymous said...

I wonder when the Queenbert DVD will be coming out? I want it bad, and I want it now...

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the capacity of the venue Queenbert performed in? It looked moderate size to me.

Anonymous said...

@8:58AM Just read the great review about concert. The journalist said that Hammersmith Apollo is 8,000 capacity venue

Anonymous said...

In the interview it is interesting that he did not say that the AI gig is only a rumor? Nothing has been confirmed? Hummm..

Anonymous said...

Adam's two singles from Trespassing have done nothing in my city, and I don't see either of the videos on VH1, nor do I see them on the charts. What exactly does he have to do to get his music played in the U.S? After all those promo visits....nothing. It's a little embarrassing that Adam is doing better internationally than he is doing in his own country.

As far as doing Idol, I think that's the worst thing he can do for his career. Judges to to AI to revive their old careers, not begin theirs.

Anonymous said...

We all better watch it, he may move overseas...truthfully, I wouldn't blame him..

After all the promos AND spectacular, sensational reviews of his CD???? It is embarrassing for the U.S...)- :

Anonymous said...

If Adam did move to UK, Sauli wouldn't mind, the flight to Finland is only a couple of hours.

lorraine said...

I would rather Adam stay right here in California where he grew up and has his family and friends. He belongs to us and is adored my millions in spite of the media and all the obstacles he faces. He should always feel embraced by his own country. Of course, all decisions in Adam's life belong to him alone, and I will follow him wherever he is. I just like knowing he is close when he is living here in southern CA where I live.Can't wait to see him at the Pacific Amphitheater on Thursday!!!! When he walks on that stage, I hope he receives a welcoming uproar like no other, since this will be his first gig since his performance with Queen last week.

Anonymous said...

Yea I do feel a huge divide, as wide as the Atlantic Ocean, between his a little less warm acceptance to the almost all-out embrace in the different countries on both sides of this vast body of water, the Atlantic. Look, his two/three 'godfathers' are from the opposite side. In the east, same, almost an all-out embrace of Adam. I really still can't grasp this strange and revolutionary phenomenon that's unfolding right before my eyes! I'll just vaguely assume it erupted out of staunch religious beliefs; then again, I tell myself, I'm Catholic, so why. Is there a lot more...I think so. Doesn't matter, as long as Adam gets to sing, whoa! does he...And by the way, the AI judge stint may help bridge this gap because people fall in love with Adam rather effortlessly, like going down a smooth slide...and bam! you're hooked in no time. lol! :)

Magiclady said...

Can't wait for the OC concert Thursday!
Am really excited to see what happens after all of the Queen performances!
Also if he sings some additional songs from "Trespassing"! Would love to hear the whole album! "Chokehold", "Nirvana", "Underneath" and "Runnin" would love to hear!
This is a full concert not a headliner for a summer festival and want to hear all of "Trespassing".
Hope he is on a high to sing his own music!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE KEEP VOTING FOR ADAM on the BILLBOARD poll!!!HE SHOULD be the next new Idol judge,& he wants it very badly!!Nelly F is gaining new votes;Let's GO & vote some more.It's unlimited.

Anonymous said...

Yea Adam kicks in like crazy, singing his own crafted songs...I do feel a lot more Adam when he sings his own Trespassing songs...they fit like hand in glove; but some Queen songs seem so well-tailored for his theatrical flair and especially at the 3rd Apollo concert, wow his vocals were like firing from a huge canon and the high notes flared up like a wild fire! That's for the DVD...much looking forward to it.
The only thing is I wonder if he'll expect more from his own band after having tasted what Brian and Roger and the other expert members did for him. But I like his band; they are a little softer compared with powerful Queen and so does not camouflage Adam's immaculate vocals. Queen doesn't too, they know exactly when to tone down for Adam's vocals to soar! :)

Anonymous said...


Our colonies were founded by Puritans who left England for religious freedom and then proceeded to set up colonies that punished and banished those who didn't agree with them. ? Strange, isn't it ?

By the time the Constitution rolled around things were a little more enlightened. Thanks to educated founders freedom of religion was assured.

Right now the Puritan movement seems to be making a comeback and has latched on to one of our political parties. A really scary proposition, especially since a lot of our citizens are too lazy to pay attention and realize how this could affect our future.

We are heading down a narrow road while the rest of the world is zooming past us. A pity.

I think Adam will belong to the larger world stage. A blessing.

HK fan said...

@anon 8.58am july 16th
I think the capacity of Hammersmith with standing is around 5,500. Can't remember the exact figure. But saw it somewhere last week.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for imparting some historic now seemingly contemporary religious background knowledge. It's just mind-boggling, the most technologically advanced country is so bogged down by staunch religious beliefs; something as plain and easy for us to accept...Adam, so full of love and sooo talented. Yet he faces difficult challenges due largely to his sexual orientation. Like I said, a strange, deep-rooted, divisive phenomenon. :)

Anonymous said...

HK fan
Are you back with feet firmly planted on the ground or are you still half-floating in Adam troposphere/! Hk, if we eventually get the DVD, how much of what you saw/felt do you think we, the less fortunate will be able to experience? I think I will get a lot, especially the DVD is recorded on the 3rd night; Adam simply gave his all, those tenor and high notes were the most powerful to date. Queen of course always super, they gave their all. :)

HK fan said...

Hi Lam-my
yep I'm back.....glad to be home to some sun....and to a big computer screen so I can watch the concert videos peoperly.
I posted a recap of the first concert some threads back, it was amazing. but I have to say the 2nd show was even more so.
I was standing, had a pretty good spot right in the middle of the stage about 20 feet from the end of the catwalk. Spent the 1 hr40min waiting time chatting to a father and son queen fan duo, who didn't like Paul Rodgers, but didn't know what to expect from Adam, and a lovely Glambert from Dubai, so nice to be able to flail about Adam with someone.
The atmosphere was electric, the videos do not do it justice. And considering it was mostly a Queen audience, the cheers and applause for adam were by far the loudest and longest all evening. I'm certain he won over some new fans that week. The queen fan next to me was well and truly won over by WWTLF. TSMGO was jawdropping too. And the trouser splitting incident was so cute and funny, the way he worked itinto the song...and he didn't rush off to change, just carried on.
I really wish I could have gone to the last show, I kept looking at my watch all evening. It was hard being so close yet not there. Still I am very thankful that I got to see 2 shows.
I've posted a link to some photos I took on the latest thread,hope you all enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

HK fan
Yea I saw your Adam photos; saved some, like the ruby-red dragon jacket and the torn trousers, lol! :) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan..aka Lucky Lady...JAK here

I'm so happy for you. It sounds memorable (mega-memorable). We unfortunates made do with live streams and then scrambling to see the first videos coming in. I watched so late into the night all three nights I've had a week long migraine....Who cares? I never ever expected to see my favorite singer with my early days favorite rock band.

I was curious to see if he'd go for the high "OURS" at the end of WWTLF on the last night like he had in Kiev....and he did! Glory!