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Review of Adam Lambert and Queen's Moscow Show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

One of the most popular Russian producer said that Adam is the best rock and pops singer for today.
Also,they said that 100,000 copies of Tresspaaing were sold in first day album was released:)!

Adamluv said...

WOW - great news. I listened to the entire video hoping I would eventually understand what they were saying but sadly -! (LOL) Can anyone help? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Huh? I don't know what they said either, but the tone sounded good.

Thanks Anon 2:32 PM for the info. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I was watching Kiev Concert (again) and this time I heard the crowd chanting "Adam, Adam" it was right after he came back from break around the 59.56 time... loved it!!

Anonymous said...

@2:37PM I translated this part of the interview where they mention Adam's name. Most of thes comments were about Queen. Also, they mentioned Paul Rogers name. Sounds like nobody liked him when Queen had him as head singer of Queen. Tickets cost started from $300 to $1,000 on black market. 2:32PM

Anonymous said...

Just look at this GORGEOUS, LONG LEGGED SHINING PRINCE FROM PLANET FIERCE... Plenty of other lovely pics, too!

donnaw said...

I CANNOT tell you how many hours per day this past week i've spent on this site!!!!
I am soooooo thrilled for Adam i can't even see straight!!!

Anonymous said...

OT, thanks ALOT! I was having a good work day when I opened your link.
That first photo......dear jesus, help me!
Def. have to go take a very cooooold shower now. How can any one man be all THAT!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 3:18...HOT DAMN...someone bring these pics over here to 24/7

new meaning to the word FIERCE and may I say FABULOUS

Lord forgive me I have more pics of Adam then my family

Anonymous said...

donnaw, I know what you're saying. I'm happily exhausted from being on this site plus I work full time and drive 2 hours each day in traffic. But, I listen to my Adam/Queen downloads and sing all the way while the doors on my car vibrate from Rogers drumming. My kids would tell me to act my age but I can't!

Anonymous said...

Has there been any word on a livestream for tomorrow's UK concert? Please anyone?

Anonymous said...

JAK, where are you? Are you ok? I hope Adam hasn't gotten your bp rising again. He has that effect.

Anonymous said...

Haven't a clue what was said but it had a positive vibe! Would like to see some actual show reviews translated in English. Pretty sure we will get lots of feed back fom the London shows.

Anonymous said...

@4:40PM I already translated the part of interview from Moscow and published it above. 2:32PM

Anonymous said...

Entertainment Tonight mentioned Adam being the next AI judge..

100,000 copies of Trespassing were sold in first day album was released..Yes!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I missed last livestream, if there is one tomorrow- please let us know! Couldn't understand one word, that sounds like a tough language to learn lol. Also, yes I spend way too much time here also, I walk away and say to myself I need to do constuctive things, but always come back a few minutes later. I think I'm constantly checking also to see of adam gets confirmed as a AI judge! Too much going on with our BB.

Anonymous said...

anon @4:56 . . . . where???

England, Russia

Anonymous said...

Russia! This is really funny! Like I said I published few comments from the interview above. But it seems that most of you,ladies,don't read it. 2:32PM

daydreamin said...

donnaw, I hear you. I too have been doing nothing but Adam as I most of you saw me posting link after link (sorry for overdoing it!). Today I just had to shut the computer down and actually run a few errands. Well, here I am again!

Donnaw said...

I know.....its a sickness!! I must check this site 2 or 3 times an hour..

Then i Google Adam's name to see if there's any new news.....

Then i Google "Queen" to see if there's any new news there.....

I'm sick i tell you.....SICK!!!

Catharine Sloper said...

I keep on coming here to 24 7 hoping I'll get some information on what is happening with Adam in London. Any news? Any news at all? I really enjoyed the Wroclaw concert and I think Adam just keeps on getting better and more confident. That red jacket was amazing--he looked so good in it. Looking at the Russian commentary there was Freddie naked with just a pair of white underpants. Guess he didn't have to worry about what anyone thought of him! And yet a great, humble kind of guy as well. Amazing. I'm not surprised his old friends would be supportive of Adam and give him such a wonderful opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Donnaw, I am just as active as you!
Same inquiries, just as often.

Anonymous said...


lorraine said...

So excited to hear any news from the UK regarding tomorrow's concert. It's about 2:30 AM in London now, so I hope Adam is sleeping--after reuniting with his family. I hope he is received well.He is quite a treasure for all of us, isn't he? My friend here in SD just emailed me a picture of her son's kindergarten class from the 1987 school year.In the back row, along with her little boy Matthew, is a sweet looking little guy with the biggest smile-and his name is Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:40 P.M.......JAK here !

This time it wasn't my BP going crazy, it was DELL-A's. I've been without her 3 looong days! I think it's my fault.....I was watching the Kiev and Moscow concerts over and over......I think DELL-A suffered a breakdown and a bunch of viruses got her in her weakened condition.

My wonderful son in law was able to save her once again...but this time I suffered a terrible loss. All my hundreds of "favorites " were wiped out! I've been in mourning. And trying to catch up today on recent threads.

Even my husband who likes my computer about as much as he likes cats!!!...was glad DELL-A was back home, he said I was starting to shake and chew my fingernails!

Adam addiction is a fearsome thing!

Anonymous said...

@ Cathy........JAK here :)

That wasn't Freddie's underwear, it was a tiny pair of white shorts!
He always made me laugh the way he strutted and preened like a rooster! :)

Anonymous said...

#Trespassing No. 3 on the official midweek album charts & NCOE No. 12 on the single midweeks!

@vistadiva: @adamlambert. Stores in London completely sold out of Trespassing! Having Amazon Uk deliver to my hotel. Trying to blow it up 4 u in UK!

@AmazonUKmp3 [Fast Movers] #3: Never Close Our Eyes: Never Close Our Eyes ADAM LAMBERT | Format: MP3 Download Sales #AmazonUK

Anonymous said...

donnaw, you may be sick, but you have company in me. A chore that used to take a half hour to finish now stretches out to two or three hours, if lucky, for the same reason you expressed. I think family is on to me now; the computer visits to google world events news or search health or cooking tips aren't cutting it anymore. They must have seen the silly grin on my face and occasional booty shaking when I'm in front of the computer. I should feel guilty, but I feel that I am in a movement to eradicate homophobia and promote civil rights for LBGT, and Adam just happens to be the activist to follow. That the movement requires that I maintain contact with our leader every so often (okay, very often)is to energize the base, as participation can be exhausting. Ask Dr. May about the rejuvenating and re-energizing effect of Adam. Who am I to argue with a Dr. of astrophysics on these energy matters? That our cause celebre is otherworldly gorgeous and phenomenally talented is not our fault. That's just how the cookie crumbles.

Anonymous said...

@3:18..Thanks for the link to those pictures..Those legs, those long legs..what I would do with them, among his other attributes...(-:

I am so tired, I'm getting giddy now..


Jadam NZ said...

Donnaw and Co add me to that list of those addicted to their computers trying to track down all the Adam news. Love what you gals (guys) have to say even the smallest little thing like the Kindergarten photo etc, love it.
Cant wait for the videos tomorrow.
UK is 12 hours behind us here.

PS Hi JAK glad you are back I missed you to, sorry about Dellas malfunction, Adam will do that to you.

Anonymous said...

@8:46PM It's 4:55AM Wednsday 11th in London. Check time zones!

Jadam NZ said...

Its now 4.35pm Wednesday 11th here now in NZ.
What are you doing awake at 4.35am LOL.
Adams video NCOE just playing on our MTV channel. Yay.

Anonymous said...

I am totally addicted to watching Adam's performances of Another One Bites The Dust in Moscow and Dragon Attack in Wroclaw. Can't get over these two performances. Truly Adam brought Queen's songs to life. He looks like love child of Elvis and Freddie with his performances.

I can't wait to see him live at OC Fair in 9 days.

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Finland!

Donnaw an co - I´m with you here : )

Thanks to @2:32 about translate

Adam all over the world, and Queen


Anonymous said...

The Thought Of ADAM LAMBERT As An ‘American Idol’ Judge Gives Us Another Reason To Live:

“You know how sometimes you say that if you get the one thing you really want, you’ll never ask for anything else ever? Well, if Adam Lambert actually becomes an “American Idol” judge, we promise we’ll never ask for anything else ever in our lives!! NOT EVEN ON HANUKKAH.”

Anonymous said...

Go check out this website for more Adam news

"The meaning of Adam Lambert"
once in go to
Daily adam update, July 10, 2012

Lots of Adam news!!!:):):)

daydreamin said...

Hollywire TV on Adam judging:

mosie said...

They are making DVD of the 3 shows!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Mosie..Where did you read they were making DVD of the 3 shows?

I've just logged on and can't find that news?

Anonymous said...

I speak five languages but no Russian. It's not the first time I regret I don't know a single word Russian...

Anonymous said...

Had a chance to watch this on my break....was planning on having breakfast but one of my idiot co-workers started talking about how wired our boy is...I think bcuz of idol rumors...didn't take me long to set him and everyone else straight...after that I wasn't really welcome anymore...didn't want to eat witth them anyway...Renee

Anonymous said...

what time in the midwest is queen+ adam lambert concert? Any one know? I know it is in London, England today.

Anonymous said...

I feel for you, Renee, but I just pray that all these naysayers and haters shall have their own dose of medicine. That they will reap what they sow so they know how it feels.

Anonymous said...

Those people at your coffee break, don't follow Adam Lambert, like most of use do. They live in there own world, and don't know anything about Adam but what they pick up now and then from the past and present. THEY MAKE A JUDMENT CALL ON OLD NEWS. Were able to follow Adam, and see how much he has progressed in those past 3 years. What a sweet heart, kind, caring person he is. There not one of you. Just be yourself, and fall for what you believe in. Thats what Adam would want. Let them be in a leage by them selfs. Everybody likes different things. But when Adam is brought up again, stick up for him, with all good things. They are probely not aware of. You did the right thing Renee.

Anonymous said...

Rock on Renee..may the force of Adam be with you...

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone tweeting or filming concert should be starting soon????

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone at concert tweeting

Anonymous said...

I can't find anything..just what's on.."On the Meaning of Adam Lambert" website...

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:16

the meaning of Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert daily update

Anonymous said...

Go to:
"On the meaning of Adam
Lambert" website, they are showing a world clock converter and a possible live stream link..
Also live-blogging..


Anonymous said...

Thanks guys for cheering me on...Adam has changed and may have well saved my life ...I don't let anybody speak bad of him....have no desire to be around people like that anyway...oh and I meant to say he called him weird not wired .,,.I was still,Renee

Anonymous said...

"Oh, those Russians"...
What did I tell you, a year ago, about Россия (Rossiya :-)) and its great opportunities? One shouldn't underestimate the rossiywoodian potential (and we haven't seen anything yet).

@July 10, 3:18pm
Very nice pictures. Majestic legs, indeed. No king or queen can match his... platform boots. :-)

Apart from that, I propose to send certain photos (by postal mail) to those who call themselves Tommyberts. Let's send them 'anonymously'. And sign it 'a friendly Brianbert'! :-))


Anonymous said...

JAK here......gave up on live stream... migraine had reached bailout level...but as I left he had the whole crowd arms in air clapping for Radio GaGa!

I think they like him !!!! :)

Newfie Duck said...

Articles I thought I would bring here....enjoy!

Music news: Adam Lambert Enjoys Successful Week In UK

Stepping into the shoes of the greatest performer ever? Wear the most outrageous jacket possible @AdamLambert:

Good news for @AdamLambert as the current Queen frontman is set for success in this week's UK singles & albums charts:

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