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"Trespassing" Featured on PEOPLE Magazine's Hot Albums

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 15, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 15, 2012

via @HannaBec: ADAM LAMBERT's Trespassing album in July 27, 2012 People magazine. 10 HOT ALBUMS NOW!


daydreamin said...

Have they looked at their own picture? He isn't even wearing guyliner. Other than that, I am beyond THRILLED this is in people magazine and with an exceptionally handsome picture of Mr Tall, Dark and Handsome!

daydreamin said...

Forgot to mention-HE'S LISTED AS #2 for goodness sake!!! (Should be #1 but I'll take #2) Congratulations Adam!

Anonymous said...

Usher seemed to fade into insignificance with he's new album compared to Adam. Hey, they might have been under the same promotions but prehaps the world
is waking up to the sound of a superstar.

daydreamin said...

I would REALLY love to know when the H*LL radio wakes up and listens!! What does it take?

Anonymous said...

JAK here....can't wait till spouse turns the page and sees this!!!!!!
Of course he won't say a word.....

He's a newspaper junkie, we get local paper and NY Times, oh how I wish I could slip the UK papers with grand reviews and Standard referring to Adam as a Prince in his stack to read! Heh Heh Heh \o/

Anonymous said...


For sure your husband is also one of us and please just keep on doing the best for him he!he!


Anonymous said...

very cool article. no nitpickin here.

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO HAPPY about this article. Maybe now more people will buy this amazing album.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great article, and last night i did hear better than i know myself on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Come on Adam We need a tour....I'm cocked and ready to go...
BTW...bring Elmo jacket!!

Anonymous said...

This is great and I hope people take this opportunity to buy his CD and listen to it!!

But like so many, I still can't understand why the radio does not play his songs? He has received outstanding reviews after another regarding Trespassing and still no radio play? I have not heard his songs 1x on my local stations? And by what I read here, a lot of people have not?

I don't know the music business, but somehow that doesn't seem right? I could understand if Trespassing was receiving terrible reviews, then I could see where they would not play his songs, but he has had nothing but great reviews..People here have said that the radio stations tell them that no one is requesting the song, but how can the general listening audience start requesting the song unless they play it for people to hear? I hear new songs on the radio often that I've never heard of, how does that work?

I know there is more to it then just requests? Someone makes a decision to start playing a artist's song on the radio? For the life of me I can't figure out why they won't play his music?

This is just my opinion, but I do feel he is being blackballed by the so called "corporate music industry", as a matter of fact, I know he is, any artist who is getting awesome reviews one right after another for their music and still no radio play, something smells very fishy to me...

Sorry, just pissed off..

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congradulation, Adam!
Love you

Anonymous said...

The cream rises to the top!

Anonymous said...

Must Read Fan Blog:

Anonymous said...

This said it all:

Dragon Attack was a total embracing of self. Adam is a strutting, red-feathered cock of a man with slinky hips and plenty of talent, and he is trespassing unapologetically right under your nose and into your fandom and f*ck you if you don’t want some of this! “Take me to the room where the black’s all white, and the white’s all black . . .” Screw the gray area, Adam vibrated with confidence. Beneath the squeals and catcalls was an almost audible, anxious drone of straight men reminding themselves by cautious mantra, “It’s okay. I’m all right.”…I tell you, the entire auditorium craned their necks to see every last inch of Adam strolling off the stage…

Anonymous said...


@nilerodgers: @AdamLambert -Yo man I hear all’s going well. I have a HUGE IDEA (and my huge ideas are pretty good this year) DM, text or email me back-LUV

Anonymous said...

2:04 -- Maybe longevity doesn't rest with radioplay on top40 radio anymore. Look at John Mayer. His music is never played on radio, yet his album went #1 in many countries for a couple of weeks. Adam's album is great and I'm so happy that People mag. has included it in their list.

Anonymous said...

Radio play? Don't you guys know that top40 radio only plays songs with 3 chords in them. Adam's music is probably too good for them.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's time for the US to buy his music!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm with you. I read somewhere before about ADAM not being played on radio and it's not DJ's decision and they're only given a list of songs to play by the higher ups. And that Mitt Romney owns CLEAR Channel which owns over a hundred radio stations majority on the East Coast. So, it's the conservative point of view that matters and rules this decision. I'm just paraphrasing here what I've come across about radio play.

tess4ADAM said...

OT ... ran across this article on Google ... I VOTED!!'s-Favourite-Number-One

Original BoRhap video featuring Freddie .. Brian .. Roger .. John ... I cried watching it ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

They didn't include dwarf new Album in hot top 10! It made my day

Anonymous said...


Your right, I didn't even notice, that makes my day too..( - :

Anonymous said...

YYYYEEEEaaaaahhhh Baby!!! Was I happy to see this when I opened PEOPLE at home... W00OHOOOO.... took a picture of it & texted it to a few folks .... AWESOME! See he's in a hugely read houshold name magazine--- and THAT high on the list, above John Mayer... MADE MY WEEK! That's our boy, makin his way to the top where he belongs. It's so wonderful to see him getting the notice he deserves.

OMG, @ 7:15 a.m. AWESOME post... boy did I enjoy reading that, and TRUE!!! Was that from a review? or your own post?? Either way.. DAYAM!!!! Thank you SO much for sharing that bit of joyous and acurate info =)


Anonymous said...

I was thrilled to read this article in PEOPLE when I received the magazine and see Adam listed there as #2. At least someone is awake and realizing what a great album Trespassing is. Now all we need is for radio to get with it and play NCOE or whatever the next single release will be. I also wish there was more publicity about Adam with Queen and those amazing concerts in Europe and London. We hardly saw or read anything here. Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in music today and will achieve longevity in the business because he is just so good and will outlast all those young, no talent, lip synching, auto-tuned performers whose time will pass. Congrats to Adam on his concerts with Queen and looking forward to future promo information about the album and an eventual tour.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...This comment really really dates me, but when did the playlist get taken out of the hands of the dj's? And why can't they choose to play any song on the album, why just the singles?

I have truly fallen into the "things were better in the old days" mode. But....some things were! I am officially old and crabby! :(

Cynthia Lewis said...

JAK, For sure your husband is also one of us and please just keep on doing the best for him he!he! Canadian