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Adam Lambert's message to Japanese Twitter followers!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, August 16, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 16, 2012

Adam's message to Japanese Twitter followers! from TokyoGrind on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Adam's favourite Elvis song .....

Anonymous said...

I told ya Adam loves Japan

Anonymous said...

Who else is irritated with the divas, I mean they complain and bitch about everything...oh new york it too dirty, japan is too hot, too expensive, so tired, can't eat sushi etc. I mean you have been given an amazing opportunity to travel to one of the most vibrant cities in the world and you rather sit and tweet complaining. Aren't the other band members also in the same position yet someone like Isaac will always tweet how grateful he is to be in such a position. Then to start arguing with a fan who is a minor, his mother, bring your friend in till Adam has to RT a tweet from you to sort of calm things down...then you tweet saying how you are going for dinner to share you experience on twitter. Is Adam going to mediate petty fights between the back up singers and his fans while she could just have ignored any negative tweet and moved on.

Maybe I am overreacting but I would not go on a business trip and start complaining on twitter or bitch about how you are supposed to be in a Nicki Minaj concert instead of stuck in rehearsals knowing full well Adam and his fans can see them. So unprofessional...hope they bring less drama in future and to not involve Adam in their silly twitter beefs. Ashley is so laid back and chill, they should learn from her.

Anonymous said...

@9:02 I am. They are unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

Adam....U R just TOO CUTE for words :) :) ;)

Anonymous said...

Nick Jonas’ American Idol Fate is in Mariah Carey’s Hands?

"Here’s the latest American Idol judges’ rumor which is best taken with a grain of salt, as it comes from Bonnie Fuller’s Hollywood Life, which is basically a gossip rag:

Nick Jonas recently tweeted that becoming an American Idol judge would be a “dream come true,” and now has learned exclusively that Mariah Carey is the only thing standing in the way of his dream becoming a reality!

“He hasn’t met up with Mariah yet, but if she signs off on it, he will be the next judge,” an Idol source reveals. “It’s completely her decision. If they have chemistry, and she’s for it, it will be official.”

The two would have to meet so the producers can size up whether there’s chemistry or not, and I would imagine if Mariah was dead set against him, there is some language in her contract that would allow her to nix him. But. Who knows."

Anonymous said...

So today it's not Adam that's on the other the end of your "barbs", it's the back up singers.

Who's next? Brian? Sauli? the Japanese fans?

Who are you gonna tear apart next?

Anonymous said...

why are you guys still talking about idol? ps There is no way they are gonna pick adam to be a judge!

Anonymous said...

@9:02 rude of her to say that.They are very selfish,maybe they should go join monte on madonna tour.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Adam's favorite Elvis song is also my absolute favorite of all songs. It was our dance at my first wedding.

Adamluv said...

@9:02 - HELP! Who are you talking about? Can someone clue me in, please! Who's the diva? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It's not worth perpetuating the BS spewing of the posters ( 9:02, 9:13, 10:12) so be happy you're not "clued in".

Anonymous said...

Oh just look at the look on his face at the end! He looks so sexy and gorgeous,could look at him all day,but got stuff to do and I am keeping my stuff a secret too,like Adam is lol!

Anonymous said...

Mr Positive Adam Lambert !!! Love him!
A good ambassador for USA, Can take him any where & he appreciates & respect the people in the countries he visits! That's class & well brought up with great family values!!!

An unhappy traveller will not be open to foods, culture outside your own country, then my advise is to stay home :(
Owning a restaurant on the Pacific Islands, very often see the unhappy negative tourists, sad! U r on vacation, so chill & relax! Enjoy life & live NOW!!! Peace

Anonymous said...

If u don't want to experience other culture, you just stick what you have and live in the jungle!!!!! You are illitirate skunk!!!!

No wonder where you came from!!!!

Poor Adam to have these type of people around him.:(

Anonymous said...

And you my dear can't spell illiterate. Poor Adam to have such rude fans!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't decide if Adam is BBSB or SBBB. Help me please. Beautiful Blond Sexy Beast or Sexy Beautiful Blond Beast. Kinda leaning toward BBSB because he is such a sexy beast! LOVE HIS HAIR!!!

HK fan said...

I can't get over how gorgeous he looks in this video, stunning.....

adamluv, basically Keisha said Japan was too expensive, some young lad took offense and called her a c**t, his mum also got in on the act, Keisha says her comments were taken out of context, and that she loves Japan and the culture just not the prices.....

@anon 9.02am if you don't like the Divas then don't follow them or read their twitter feeds, then you will never know what they say..

Adamluv said...

@HK - thanks for answering my question. Sounds like much ado about nothing!

Anonymous said...

@9:02PM For God sakes, what are you talking about? Who is diva?Who complains about food, heat, etc? What is the point about Isaac and Ashley? I think you need rehab! It's too much vodka or drugs.

Anonymous said...

It's true, Adam's back-up singers were complaining about Japan being to expensive on twitter and comments like this do nothing to help Adam.

Anonymous said...

I would feel oh so privileged to be a back-up singer for Adam, & I would never complain.

Anonymous said...

Do these beauties complain about anything else? What do they need to buy in Japan? I don't think they have to pay for the food or hotel. May be want to buy some clothes, finally! Their, are pathetic and I always knew it.

Anonymous said...


Sorry but the diva will not be able to find any clothes to fit them. I believe there's no shops in Japan or any city in Asia that carry their sizes. Japanese and Chinese people are slim and one cannot find any obese people in most Asian countries.

Maybe in this new generation they're getting bigger because of all the fast foods sprouting everywhere but have not seen any obese.

Anonymous said...

Of course the bitches take advantage of the situation because Adam and Brian (the musical director) are too nice.

glitzylady said...

About the Divas (Adam's back up singers..)

I think a lot of people are a little too eager to jump on the Diva "critiquing" bandwagon. I follow them both on Twitter and they are nothing but respectful and grateful to Adam..

Re the little rant that Keisha went on, on Twitter: It started when she mentioned Japan was expensive..So?? Lots of places are "expensive" and I see no big whoop in mentioning it in passing.. So is London, so is Paris, so is New York City... Its just a fact. The kid who called her that really ugly word (one of my LEAST favorite words ever created IMO and beyond disrespectful) was completely disrespectful and out of line, and I suspect if someone called me that **word** in public I might have a few choice things to say about it too...Can't blame her for being pissed...

Re Reyna's comment about missing a concert because of rehearsals: She paid for the concert and was disappointed that she had to miss it...

I wish people wouldn't be so down on these ladies..They're lovely and do a great job in the live performances.. I've seen two recently and haven't been disappointed..

By the way, as we know, Adam isn't shy about speaking his mind on twitter. I suspect those who surround him are "real" in that way as well....

Anonymous said...

I am not on Twitter and really don't care to be or find it necessary in my life. As with so many other things, it has its positive aspects and also those that are negative such as complaining or criticizing about the food, expenses, etc. in Japan by the backup singers. Keep those comments to yourself(if they are true) and make the best out of the opportunity to go to Japan and experience the people and the culture. Are they going to complain also about any of the other countries Adam will visit in the future? It's a good thing they weren't with Adam and Queen in Poland and Russia. They might have complained about the kind of food they serve there. It seems that Twitter has become a sounding board for people to complain/criticize/spread rumors,etc. and then someone else has to come on to correct it or clarify the situation. Thank goodness I don't need this in my life and the only tweet I want to hear is from the birds. Call me old fashioned and I am and there is a lot less "drama" and nonsense in my life.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't eat that shit food in foreign countries. Alot of people complain and that is alright. Alot of people don't like what other places have to offer.

Anonymous said...

Then a lot of people shouldn't travel. If you want things to be the same as at home____stay home!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:02 P.M. There are obese people in every country and they all wear clothes. Fast food is not the only cause of obesity, some medical conditions can cause it and some medicines can cause it.
Steroids that are life saving in many instances have caused many people to blow up into huge sizes.

@12:49 P.M. What kind of person are you to call people you don't even know bitches? Adam seems very happy to have these women in his band and you are insulting him by what you say. You're pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Someone asked Adam a while back if he could find any clothed in Japan, in an interview he said no hard to find a jacket or any clothes there. But he said they have assesories to die for! He said in Japan he was a plus side model and laughed! We all know Adam is very slim! People in Japan for most part are short and small! Handsome is also we know very tall! So if they cannot the singers find any clothes there neither can a lot of people that visit! They said nothing so bad as to be called that C word that is un called for altogether! That was Adam is also very tall said handsome by mistake but he also that too!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you miss the point entirely, Adam and his band are guests in Japan and as such, good manners are essential, complaining out loud about Japan's prices when Japan is doing their best to help promote your business is totally disrespectful it also reflects badly on Adam. It's all about good-will and the Japanese are very big on this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

@12.18PM..I totally agree with you, Adam knows his place,he's parents have done an excellent job in raising him up to appreciate and respect others, he conducts himself in a very professional manner and besides his wonderful talent these things will also help him to continue to be successful. When in Rome, do as the Roman's do, it's an old fashion expression but it still holds true in the our world today.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:01 PM
I do understand that Japan is a very polite country and culture: I'm well aware. However, I don't necessarily think her perhaps off the wall, and not meant to be intentionally insulting or impolite, comment about some item being expensive in Japan warranted the C-word tweeted to her..That was REALLY not nice..and IMO much ruder and impolite than what she said in passing. THAT was my point. We all learn lessons. Sometimes the hard way...

Anonymous said...

Thanks! yes, respect others & you get respect!
Win win for all to be in a happy place:)


Anonymous said...

Glitzylady 12:35AM..I understand what you mean but 2 wrongs don't make a right. Adam's promo in Japan has been going so well, it's important to keep it professional and that includes being discreet when making comments on twitter regarding the country you are conducting your business in. No, the come back with the C-word was not warrented, so all the more reason not to provoke this sort of negative response in the first place.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:44 PM
I do understand what you're saying..and reading back further on her twitter page I can see that she was a little thoughtless in a couple of her comments..and probably should have just stopped tweeting at some point. The food item cost comment is still not a biggie for me (I've run into that situation myself: exchange rates and all..)..but a couple of other comments that I was not aware of I agree bordered on insensitive. I've traveled a bit worldwide and am always aware of keeping a low profile, "blending", and going with the flow in different countries and cultures.."when in Rome.." so far as to try to remember which hand to hold my fork in while eating in Europe, and not shifting back and forth like we do in America...I always try to be aware of differing customs, costs, exchange rates, and not look outwardly surprised at anything. Seems to work : )) Hopefully she'll learn that...Oh, and never order off of the room service menu in an expensive hotel unless you're prepared to pay the price ; ))) (Could be where that $40 sandwich came from...)

Anonymous said...

glitzylady 2:36 AM..You sound so worldly and wise, but really, as Adam would say, "IT AIN'T THAT DEEP", it's just common sense and good manners. I have nothing against Adam's back up singers as such, and realise that the remarks were no doubt a careless slip-up.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady feels compelled to pontificate on every subject.

Anonymous said...

Someone asked Adam a while back if he could find any clothed in Japan, in an interview he said no hard to find a jacket or any clothes there. But he said they have assesories to die for! He said in Japan he was a plus side model and laughed! We all know Adam is very slim! People in Japan for most part are short and small! Handsome is also we know very tall! So if they cannot the singers find any clothes there neither can a lot of people that visit! They said nothing so bad as to be called that C word that is un called for altogether! That was Adam is also very tall said handsome by mistake but he also that too!

Anonymous said...

6:15 Grasshopper do not feel intimidated( or Jealous) over Master GL wisdom and voice of reason.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:30 I have that same sinus problem you do.

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