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Pictures of Adam Lambert Having an Interview at Tokyo FM (Japan)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 10, 2012

Posted at : Friday, August 10, 2012

Adam told Tokyo FM Cosmo a lot of things. He also confirmed that there will be MORE SINGLES and VIDEOS to promote "Trespassing" the album.


Anonymous said...

nice pix,but when can we HEAR the interview also??darn!Adam looks like he went straight to Tokyo FM from the airport,or very soon after.Isn't he wearing the same outfit??

daydreamin said...

Video is here but out of sink. You may have to download Mediafire though:

kai357 ‏@kai357
I've UL ripped JP radio (.mov), full audio. First 5 min visual is w/o Adam, sorry! (visual is out of sinc anyway, LOL)

Anonymous said...

No,he has on a different blue coat..a sports coat & a lower cut black,or dark blue shirt under that.He looks very nice.I wonder what time it was over there..???( & here)It's 3:13 ET on the East Coast now.It's good to see that Adam will be having more singles & videos from Trespassing.I HOPE we'll get to hear the next interview!!

Anonymous said...

aquarius_y aquarius 3m
Adam<3 でも頑張ってもこんなのしか撮れ なかった…

BTW NCOE is no. 1 in Japan and Trespassing album is Top 10 album

Anonymous said...

Just like I imagined before, that Adam's hair will change colour depending on the colour and intensity of the light falling on it. This colour vs light phenomenon has been puzzling me for a very long time. Always asks myself...does colour even exist at all...well, I looked that up and basically the answer is no! lol! Now in this room, Adam's hair looks slightly greenish-blond; he looks magnifique! :)

daydreamin said...

Wow, Sauli with Danielle??? Even she has died her hair blond!

daydreamin said...

Question from Eber to Sauli:

daydreamin said...

Found this old article from 2009 of Eber talking about Adam when he was on idol and how they had to sneak out to go get a meal:

Adam's Run
By Josh Board, June 3, 2009
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I’ve had two Thanksgiving dinners with Eber Lambert, father of American Idol Adam. Last November, before we all sat down to eat, Eber was doing a lot of texting. He said, “My son just made it onto American Idol.” Eber was mum on the details, as he wasn’t allowed to talk about it.

The show ended with Adam Lambert as the runner-up. I called Eber to get his take on Adam’s run.

“Three days a week, I’d go to the Starbucks on 32nd and University before work. Half a dozen people there knew me, my drink. They figured out that Adam was my son. One person overheard me talking about going to L.A. and asked why. I said that my son was on American Idol. That’s before anyone really knew who was who. It got to the point where I couldn’t go in there because everyone knew and wanted updates. I found a new coffee shop.”

How was it for Adam dealing with paparazzi?

“They kept him bubbled in once he got into the top ten. They protected him from the paparazzi, and even from me! I was with him once when he almost got cornered. It was early in the top ten, and we went out to eat. The show was filmed at CBS Studios, and the Grove is right next door. We just left through a gate — me and his mom, Amy, and his friend Danielle. He knew a quick way to get there through the parking garage, and people were chasing him down. It was like I was walking with a Beatle. He signed autographs for a few minutes, but then it got ugly and we had to go through a back door of the garage where the dumpsters were.”

Were you ever worried he’d be eliminated?

“Oh, yeah. I was getting worried about Danny Gokey. Not because he was more talented but [he had] more national appeal. And if you looked at Idol stuff on the internet, he was the front-runner for a long time. People were working the ‘God versus gay’ showdown and all that. With Kris [Allen] and Adam, they really are good friends. My ex-wife and I, we like the Allens as well and have become good friends. They’re really good people. Progressive thinkers. They’re Midwest Christian, church-going folks. When it got down to [Kris and Adam], it was more palpable.

“When Kris made it to the finals, I was convinced he would win.”

daydreamin said...

Here is JUST the audio of that interview in Tokyo today if you don't want to download Mediafire.:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info,anom.@ 12:08am,but my Norton says "threat found",removed, a little afraid of the site.Do you have Norton,or another security system,& any info given about this site?First,it said it was safe,them a threat found,removed,but indicated that only 5 users had ever used it,& it could be high risk..I did listen to a little of it w/o Adam being in it,like you said,but I didn't save the file.That's GREAT that NCOE is #1 in Japan & Trespassing( deluxe?) is in the top 10.!!! Very nice,Japan!!

Anonymous said...

adamlambertJP ‏@adamlambertJP
現在アダムはファンイベントのě 10;備中です! adam is currently prepping for the fan event! #アダム来日

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so sexy.i love his hair

Kennaliya said...

Any one hear about Adam albom sell 148000 unit only in america? what is wrang to people hearing music? this is the best music i can hear! where are twitter fallawer? ther is 1.5 milyon adam fan twiter but 148000 sale. this is very bad! they sayd compane not releese trespassing in Argantine for the bad sells of it in america. pepole are crazy hearing other music but not Adam Lambert beautiful lovly. i am sad

Anonymous said...

Adam arrived in Japan the day/night before this interview. The interview was really good. The interviewer looked young and cute and has a nice, deep voice.

Great start to Adam's visit in Japan and WOO HOO!! NCOE is #1 and Trespassing album is in Top 10. Well done, Japanese Glamily! <3

Anonymous said...

Our boy is sexy looking here!:)

My morning is filled with joy to hear that his music in Japan is on top.

Thank you Japan for being there all the way!!! You Rock!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, not that Adam doesn't look good in his new color but I'm watching videos of him arriving in Japan and as he walks towards camera all I can kind of is Sauli.......bring back the black raven beauty....

Anonymous said...

Please VOTE for Adam for the Creative Disc Favourite Male Award 2012. He's just behind Justin Beiber at the moment .....

Anonymous said...

I have always liked Adam's promo tours in Japan. Great pictures and completely adommy free. I hope the japanese don't care about adommy. Adam's US promo tour started promising with Kevin, but ended in disappointment with Tommy with Adam. The radio dj's, and 99% of the fandom didn't care, but the 1% were pleased.

Anonymous said...

ALSO ON THE SAME SITE, please VOTE for Adam in the Creative Disc Favourite Artist of The Month. Adam is the month of June ....

We can only vote once on these polls.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam is bringing his full band to Australia or just Tommy and maybe Isaac and doing an acoustic set. Not long to go to find out! :-D

Anonymous said...

I don't care about the Adommy thing. It doesn't exist and therefore not worth discussing.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's just Tommy and Adam in OZ. Just to see the results.

Anonymous said...

Hair looks pretty good here. I was upset about the change then i thought go listen to the cd. Adam's voice transcends everything else. He really is one of a kind!. BEAUTY and TALENT and HEART and CRAZY FUN!

Anonymous said...

Adommy only existed on stage and there are still glimpses of the fan service to be seen. I think it's because this minority of fans are like over lords (or brats) and demand the service must continue. The majority of fandom have developed strong nerves and just look away.

Anonymous said...

THIS JUST APPEARED IN MY TWITTER FEED ............ !!!!!!!!!!!


Adam: "After I returned back to the US, I have a job that I can't talk about it yet. Please look forward to it."

Anonymous said...

Full band or acoustic in Oz - whatever - as long as ADAM is here!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:54 AM ..... Holy Trespassing!!! Could that tweet mean Adam IS going to be an Idol judge this year????????? \O/

Anonymous said...

今日のアダムのファッションは{ 71;ちら!厚底ブーツ&ケミカルウォ| 83;シュのパンツがかっこいい~ #アダム来日 #adaminjapan

adam's fashion today! super nice boots and pants (and everything else ofcourse!) #アダム来日 #adaminjapan

Cute picture of Adam:

Anonymous said...

Google translation of this Japanese article:

U.S. singer is said to have a "range of voice of God" Adam Lambert (30) 11, was a fan event in Tokyo. Adam served as chief judge of the fan is Adamunpikku "loud" to the vocal range of "God" out loud in front of his compete, awarded gold, silver and bronze medals to top three point total of the point loud and artistic point. Only for guests of 40 people, showing off the "Tres-passing" in surprise at the end. "I want to eat sushi Adamunpikku You look, good. With a decent", was happy from beginning to end.

 Debut album is evaluated from the talent to Lady Gaga, was offered the music. Second album "Tres-passing" is # 1 won the United States. Participation this year as a tour of the Queen vocal. Very nice. Have. Respect Roger and Brian, gave me to hear my opinion open to frank very tense in the translation singing I instead of "Freddie Mercury. But, and we are trying to enjoy the moment I looked back, "It was collaboration.

 Was coming out to be gay in a magazine in 2009. Even in the event of this day, touching "I'm my boyfriend. Are burnt brown, was like I turned red and said," Lee said that we have sunburn on vacation before coming to Japan.

 Tokyo Summer Sonic performance on the 18th, to appear in Osaka show on March 19. Then, work a week in Australia, to return to the United States. Reported to the fan "After returning to their country of origin, please look forward to. Have a job (yet) can not be published" and Lambert.

 [6:20 minutes August 11, 2012]

Anonymous said...

@6:54 I saw that too. Maybe he did get the idol job IDK. also in the interview he introduced Trespassing as his new song then just said song,like an oops. Now I have a feeling it may be Trespassing. Kick ass song love it!He sounded so happy in his interview and loving his life! Still says more single and videos to come. Adam will keep pushing forward through any obstacles. What an inspiration!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam at Tokyo FM Midtown Studio

Tokyo FMのラジオ番組に出演したアダム。


I went to see his radio show in Roppongi today!
Security was so tight and couldn’t take any pics or videos but he was so cheerful and in good mood.
He is so pretty. SO PRETTY. #RealAnimeCharacter :)

Anonymous said...

Allie ‏@Silliegirl
NCOE.. No.1 in Japan !

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
Adam sang Trespassing at the fan event and all the participants got a pic as a gift. RT @noi307: トレスパ唄ってくれました。みや げ→

Anonymous said...

It could be a Queen tour. They are supposedly booking more venues.

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't tweet that. Where is it coming from??

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP! Wonder what that tweet from Adam about a new "job" is all about!!!! Yikes! Maybe there is a good reason why Adam has not denied the AI thing, unless this is about Queen. So exciting!

Uh, oh, now someone says he didn't tweet it al all. Sigh.

Lovin' the hair now because it's softening up with colors a little, not just straight platinum. The interview was very good. The DJ was fun. I think it's the whole band, right? Didn't the VJJs say that they were busy rehearsing? Hope it's the whole band. These shows will be great! Japan loves Adam.

Sales issue: So glad that doing so well in Japan with TP and NCOE. I know the U.S. is the Holy Grail for sales, but Adam is doing fine worldwide, even in big markets. I'm not that worried.

DRG (hope this tweet thing gets explained)

Anonymous said...

This is the closest we've heard about his impending job...he may be referring to the AI judge job! Whoa! By golly, he got it!

Anonymous said...

@bani_ Adam: "After I returned back to the US, I have a job that I can't talk about it yet. Please look forward to it."

Anonymous said...

@7:14 AM
Tweet came from a Japanese fan.

Also read that it starts in September. When does Idol start????

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
Oh, I got a info from the participant of tonight's event! Adam did talk about this secret job. He said IN SEPTEMBER. ...what could it be?

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
Oh, I got a info from the participant of tonight's event! Adam did talk about this secret job. He said IN SEPTEMBER. ...what could it be?

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
Oh, I got a info from the participant of tonight's event! Adam did talk about this secret job. He said IN SEPTEMBER. ...what could it be?

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
Oh, I got a info from the participant of tonight's event! Adam did talk about this secret job. He said IN SEPTEMBER. ...what could it be?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could read Japanese!!

Anonymous said...

Small photo of Adam with a very young Japanese fan:

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
Oh, I got a info from the participant of tonight's event! Adam did talk about this secret job. He said IN SEPTEMBER. ...what could it be?

Anonymous said...

So that may be the reason why Adam is not stopping by in Singapore...time factor; it was published several months ago in our local papers he would be coming, an apparent cancellation. It's okay, we know you will come next year, Adam! :)

Anonymous said...

That tweet of bani's must've gone viral

Anonymous said...

bani ‏@bani_
fan video RT @aquarius_y: ビデオupしました。何とか撮れてӚ 7;とこを繋げたものです。Adam Lambert @Tokyo FM Midtown Studio Aug 11,2012

Anonymous said...

Kennaliya- Adam's twitter followers are from all over the world not just the US. I do not know how many albums he has sold worldwide. I agree he does need more album sales. With this new gig hopefully he will get ALOT more!!!

Anonymous said...

American Idol is a fool if they don't pick Adam as a judge.

Just look at every single thing he does or he doesn't the whole world goes crazy.

Just imagine the ratings.

IMO if AI didn't have Adam on season 8 this talent show would have been long gone and other talent shows would never have happened.

Anonymous said...

Adam has such a nice tone to his voice at the radio interview as always. Do I mean sexy voice! Oh yes.

Anonymous said...

Darn he looks so classy!

Anonymous said...

I'm expecting the band for Oz.
Hell bells we're gonna be at The Standard! That place will rock!

Anonymous said...

Singapore were expecting Adam for sure and New Zealand will be feeling it right now. They are devoted Glamberts too.

Anonymous said...

Whole lotta Australian fans
buzzing here.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is fairly close to Japan. Maybe fans can fly to Japan for Adam's two or three nights concert.

Anonymous said...

Japan is well over 3,000 miles from Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't tweet anything about job! Somebody had nice dream and still didn't wake up

Anonymous said...

Adam just mentioned he'll have a job in September and Japan's news outlet is reporting it:

Anonymous said...

@6:54 what are you guys talking about

Anonymous said...

Adam looks F****** Hot in these photos..My heart be still...

Anonymous said...

Adam met fans and media in Japan promoting his album Trespassing and he mentioned he has A JOB in September that he can't talk about it but we should look forward to it. Japan's media is reporting Adam's visit and his meet and greet with fans at the radio station.

Anonymous said...

A job in September? What the hell could it be? He has gigs for Trespassing, but that couldn't be what he is talking about? Darn him, whats up Adam? Please tell us...


Anonymous said...

Yes there may be a small group making a last ditch flight to Tokyo, about 7-8 hours flight. But they were thinking Adam may be stopping by; so not sure if there was sufficient time for travel plans, like getting leave from work etc. Movement from country to country is not a problem here, like to Japan or Australia; more the work/leave concerns but knowing these SingBerts, given the slightest chance they'll fly all around the world. lol! This is our national hobby/past-time. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so lucky, what night Adam comes to bed with dark hair, and the next night, silver & dark and looks as hot as ever..must be nice..lucky guy!


Anonymous said...

The telltale word is...job; he has never referred to a gig or a Queen concert as job, though it basically is. :)

Anonymous said...

I've really been suspicious all this time that Adam's been so quiet about the Idol thing, especially with the amount of press and buzz surrounding it. He always uses Twitter to squelch any rumors that are not true but not this time. Sooooo, he really could have been keeping this secret about Idol! Who knows...maybe it's a part on a tv series like PLL cuz they loved him so much? All I know is it sure is exciting to speculate. Whatever it is, big or small, looks like Adam is very happy about something going on!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A job in September! Beside Idol judge rumor maybe he is involved with 50 Shades of Gray!? After all he tweeted recently that Chokehold would be a nice theme track for it.

Anonymous said...

A job in September! Beside Idol judge rumor maybe he is involved with 50 Shades of Gray!? After all he tweeted recently that Chokehold would be a nice theme track for it.

Anonymous said...

Ove how Adam talks about future singles and music videos in the PLURAL. So, there should be more than just one additional single coming from Trespassing. If I had my way, all the songs would be singles and there would be a video for each one.

DRG (Waiting to hear what the secret job is.)

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous August 11 7:56AM

Regarding your comment "IMO if AI didn't have Adam on season 8 this talent show would have been long gone and other talent shows would never have happened"

'Ya know, that gave me pause, and then upon further thought I decided I completely agree with that statement!! Don't think I've ever heard it put quite like that before, but I believe you've got quite an accurate thought there! :)

Anonymous said...

A JOB definitely means something outside of his current music. Either Idol, other TV or maybe movie jobs. We just have to wait to find out.

For now let's enjoy his new look which I'm getting used to and I love it that it changes under different lighting. Also, his 2 concerts in Japan and one in OZ to look forward to.

Shiggles said...

Adam smashed, crashed, slashed, cracked, hacked, sacked and completely broke Idol. It will never again be the on the edge of your seat waiting for the results every week show it was in season 8.

Anonymous said...

There is NO ONE more gorgeous then Adam Lambert. No one.

Anonymous said...

I know! Adam finally relised that good music video needs more than 2 or 3 days to make. So, he is gonna release a new single music video after he will spend one week or 10 days to work on it. May be, finally Adam will make something wich deserved to get nomes or as less stay in VH1 for 2 weeks

tess4ADAM said...

@6:13 PM ... don't understand your comment AT ALL!!! As far as I'm concerned ... EVERY one of ADAM's videos are GREAT!! The people who play them on the TV & radio DJs just don't have GOOD TASTE when it comes to MUSIC ... all they care about is FOOLISHNESS & Flash mobs or car chases .. all of which appeal to the teenie boppers who WATCH this crap ... so don't blame ADAM's videos ... blame the public that have two kinds of taste in music ... POOR & NONE!! TYVM ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I think the idea of taste may not even apply anymore to some, not all of the current pop music/videos. It simply boils down to power and control as to what gets played and sold. And so Adam's special brand is sidelined and labelled as not palatable enough. But hopefully, more people will come round to embracing Adam's meaningful, revitalising music and his God-given voice with precision singing techniques. One thing that is glaring to me is Adam sings other artists' songs and even owns them but I've yet to hear another singer do likewise to Adam's songs.

Regarding this job we are referring to, I hope it's not Adam's way of equating it to a gig or concert; because from the interview, I think the word, job was used by the interviewer first and then I heard Adam ask slightly bewildered...job? and used it anyway. It could be Adam, complying with the use of the word job to mean gig or concert. Pouring some cold water on everyone here! But my gut-feel is he seizes this unusual opportunity to 'leak' something. lol! :)

HK fan said...

I too had been holding out for the Singapore concert I'd heard rumours about. Was going to go to that instead of the Japan one. As much as i would have loved to have seen Adam in concert I have decided against Japan, I wasn't interested in seeing too many of the other acts, and its an awful lot of money with flights and hotels. But I had a friend to stay with in Singapore that also wanted to go to the concert.
Hopefully next time.

@anon 8.21am
by the way although Singapore, Japan and HK are all in Asia they are not that close.....flight time to Osaka from Singapore is about 6 hours...

: anon 6,13
most artists take only 1 to 2 days to record a music video, so have no idea what you're talking about..

Anonymous said...

HK fan
Yes, it did cross my mind about you flying in for the Adam concert since you put in so much effort to see the QueenAdam concert. So far whenever Adam comes around to this region, he has never skipped Singapore. By the way, better late than never...Happy Birthday HK fan!! :)

Anonymous said...

HK fan
I wanted to say...Happy Birthday Double 08! lol! Now you can apply to be an assistant agent to Double 07! I understand you have blonde hair, one criterion considered! By the way, I don't, for the slightest moment think the Queen nor James Bond was on the! The concept was interesting anyhow. :)

HK fan said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes.
My husband brought me a lovely shiny red laptop to spend many lovely hours stanning Ada on:)