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Adam Lambert Photo shoot by Kenny Rodriguez

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 15, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, September 15, 2012

This photo shoot was taken at Le Bain at The Standard, New York. (Jeremy Scott After Party)

Source: Kenny Rodriguez facebook


Anonymous said...

Adam is sooo photogenic and I think it's because his expressions in the photos are deep and he feels the situation really well, could be his theatre expertise and his innate self definitely. There are two superb photos, faultless technically, on the Kera Magazine (Japan), they are experts in portrait photos.
Also enjoyed...Is This Love, jazzy and sexy Adam! Adam looks tantalising when he sings jazz. The swing rhythm suits him extremely well. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Adam is a darling.

Anonymous said...

just read that adam was killed in a jet ski accident this morning.Does any one know about this?I checked his twitter page he has not been on it today.will keep trying to find some thing out have had a total melt down but I do know that false reports get on the internet.praying it is not true.

Anonymous said...

10:40 it's not true you don't think we would be sitting around talking about a photo shoot if it was true,do ya?

Anonymous said...

This is what I found...

Anonymous said...

when was the photo shoot?

Anonymous said...

just follow the link 10:51 posted and it explains everything. Relax everything is fine.

Anonymous said...

Thank you who wrote that should totally be hung.I work until 11;00pm so I didn't have a chance to check it all out it was such a shock.

Anonymous said...

Thank god Adam is OK. How horrid is that article.

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe Adam is onto something really big...instigating this kind of gross death rumour. Foes want him out of the way. Hey, live and let live!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......sorry, but...

I think the top photo looks like a mug shot. All it needs under it is

Anonymous said...

Suspicious looking number...your rank and file? lol! But serves the purpose well...there's the no. 4 gunning the 8 ! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Ho, gotcha Lam-my :)))

1-29-1982-2008....Adam's birthdate and year he auditioned for Idol!


Anonymous said...

I have 5 minutes to get to bed and to sleep before 3:00 a.m.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam would never say any thing like that he knows how much we all care about him.My eyes hurt so bad from crying now finding out it was fake crying because I am happy.

Anonymous said...

Hmm JAK, you will slumber well, you laid your trap with a juicy bait and you knew exactly what entices your prey! A* for that! Experienced hunter! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Jake the 'sly' silver vixen on my! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he is lost.

Anonymous said...

No, Adams not lost. He is looking beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "mug shot" comment.

Anonymous said...

I've seen him look better. These are not two of the better pictures of Adam in my opinion. My heart was in my throat as the read the comment from 10:40pm and the jet ski accident. What a horrible way to start the morning...thank goodness it is not true. I can't believe that certain individuals hate him so much that they want him dead, but terrible things have happened to celebs. It is frigtening with all the hatred in the world of the USA the last few days with the attacks on embassies,etc. Hope Adam is safe no matter where he travels esp. internationally.

Anonymous said...

They will make idol judges announcement at 10:15 EST.

@10:40 They have had lots of fake death notices, last week was Morgan Freeman. They need to find out who is doing this and put a stop to it.

Lam-my Adam had nothing to do with the death rumor. Some sickos did.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a 4 am photo after clubbing...

Anonymous said...

the worn out look is very sexy.

Anonymous said...

the worn out look is very sexy.

Anonymous said...

Yea isn't that obvious...what I'm saying is something big for Adam, whatever it may be, is instigating/provoking some jealous people to think up this horrid death rumour.

Anonymous said...

Love that somewhat haggard look. Really sexy to me. I will not even look at that jet ski article.
Well, looks like we'll finally know about AI today. Yawn.


Anonymous said...

The rumors where right Nicki, Mariah, Randy, and Keith.

Anonymous said...

Jet-skiing reminds me of Adam and Sauli at Bora Bora...and that floundering shark; wonder what's the condition of the shark! :)

Anonymous said...

No mention of mentors. After the AI judges were announced. Still hoping Adam might be a mentor.

Anonymous said...

ADam did not instigate the ski jet death story. that same group did a similar story on him a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam will finally do like Kelly Clarkson did some years back and move on from AI forever! People are 'tired' of all these singing shows. OK, the judges may get some exposure from being on tv, but they quickly lose the respect of their peers in the music biz. SO looking forward to Adam's new projects, whatever they will be. And secretly hoping that one of them would be a worldwide QUEEN + Adam Lambert tour.

Anonymous said...

The subject in my sentence is 'something big/important' and not Adam, so the verb, instigates, does not refer to Adam. Adam has nothing to do with the instigation...subject/verb agreement.

Anonymous said...

I really like these pics. I see no fault whatsoever with them.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe nicky minaj is a judge, she's unbearable.
Adam would be the best, but things happen for something and it will be something bigger and best for his career and life. I love you Adam you'll be the greatest of all!!!!

Anonymous said...

not one white native American in the bunch.

Anonymous said...

So Adam will not be a judge on Idol this season...their loss. This panel looks like a train wreck, but time will tell. I might watch the first show just to see if there is any chemistry there with these four and their degree of criticism and honesty. I have become a fan of The Voice...many talented contestants and a fun, interesting panel of judges. I think Simon's X Factor is the loser with all these singing shows. Britney and Demi don't seem to bring much to the panel at all. Maybe it will get better once each judge has his/her team and the mentors come in to help. From any of these shows, we really have not heard much from or about the winners. I hear HOME a lot and have seen PP on several shows. He lacks stage presence and can barely hold a conversation with the host. Give me Adam Lambert anyday, anyway, anywhere...he has it all.

Anonymous said...

I won't be watching any programs of Idol this year. Guess I'll tune in to the voice too.

Anonymous said...

These things happens for a reason and we all know that our GLOBAL ICONIC SUPERSTAR IS HERE TO ENTERTAIN THE WORLD.

They used Adams name because fans around the world will react right away....





Anonymous said...

No Idol for me. This panel is truly a train wreck and Idol is going to sink. Going to focus now on Adam's new single and hoping for it to be a big hit.Moving forward with Adam!

Anonymous said...

All the singing shows are of no interest to me, even The Voice. I'm with 9:08. I'm going to support the heck out of Trespassing, both the single and the album. I wonder if he'll be working on the TP video pretty soon? Hope so!


Anonymous said...

I don't have the stomach for Nicki Minaj (or however the hl her fake name is spelled). I won't watch and I would have if it had been Randy, Keith and Mariah.

Anonymous said...

So the Idol fiasco is over....Good riddance Idol. I understand TPTB at Fox have the right to make their decisions the way they see fit but IMO, huge mistake to exclude Adam...he's a media magnet, charming, honest, fair, witty and looks beyond amazing, oh yeah and he's the best male singer in the industry today! Oh, and he's a former contestant with first hand knowledge of AI. I know I'm stating the obvious, a bit of sour grapes here, so definitely time to move on.

Adam has a lot on his plate so we have many exciting projects to look forward to....Trespassing video and tour! I'm selfishly hoping for a future world Queenbert tour:)
I'll 100% support Adam in every way I can.


Anonymous said...

I have just become a fan of The Voice.

Anonymous said...

So sad Adam won't be on AI:((. Not interested in watching the show now. Excited though for whatever adam does next:)) He is always such a joy!

Anonymous said...

Agree with CT ! Totally love and support Adam!

daydreamin said...

I am so glad I have been too busy to get on the Internet after hearing of this death hoax! OMG! Ihope they get to the bottom of whoever does these things and locks them up and throws away the key. I wonder if AI will change anything else about idol.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that Randy is still there...he's useless..."Dude"...."your the best ever" many times can you say that

Anonymous said...

If anyone deserves to be locked up and the key thrown away it's the imbeciles who made that video insulting the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Freedom of speech that incites riots worldwide endangers us all. Thank God our president deliberates and thinks before he responds. Words are better than bombs and we really couldn't handles 6 or 7 wars at one time.
However if we had to reinstate the draft, I bet some of the hawks in this country would shut up if their kids were going into battle.
How many sons does Romney have, 4 or 5?

Anonymous said...

They haven't seen nothing yet as far as lower ratings.Whoever is in charge of this show should be fired. They still haven't addressed the voting problems. Good bye Idol and glad Adam want be blamed for bringing it down, I mean further down.

Anonymous said...

The true PTB of AI are the puppeteers who hold sway over the Fox Channel and much of radio. Adam's name was thrown into the ring to drum up interest in a waning show, a nod to an obvious clamor for an illustrious alumnus that should have made the most logical choice. The impediment that was never off the table with the choice of Adam was his sexuality, now revealed with certainty as the principal argument against. Never mind, Adam has a cachet more relevant and compelling than any of those chosen, and would probably have overshadowed the stars. When you're too good for something, it's not a good fit. Let's move on and let out a sigh of relief that fate allowed Adam to sidestep a potential minefield. BTW, the "mugshot" look somehow seems an apt pose. Love Adam's many looks. atm.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love these photos. His hair has more movement-not so perfect. Still not a fan of the hair color,but here it looks good.

Anonymous said...

On another note...THAT is a boring AI panel. Adam's name is the only one that stirred interest.

Anonymous said...

Love the windswept hair, more organic, therefore, more inviting, like it's okay to run your fingers through it, as he has already mussed it up, a refreshing change from the untouchable, reaching-for-the- sky 'do which Adam says he hangs upside down to create. Funny kidder, Adam. atm

Anonymous said...

2:19, Let's say, for the moment, that Adam's sexuality was the ultimate deciding force in his not being chosen for AI. I wonder if any other gay singer who was in the running would have been rejected for that same reason? Or if Adam is the only gay singer to get that treatment for that specific reason? It always puzzles me when celebs who are NOT gay do really bad things, but do not suffer for them. Adam might have been rejected for a variety of reasons, including the fact that he has not sold multi-millions. All the other assets he brings to the show are obvious and valid. He is obviously not what AI is looking for in a judge. They must think that the Mariah/Nicki supposedly dislike will cause "fake" sparks and get attention. They must think that Keith will bring in that HUGE country fanbase. And Randy's just hangin' on for dear life. Idol is not interested in a real, valid judge because the show is not about the contestants anymore, if it ever was. It's about the judges and the ratings they will bring to the show. Run for your life, Adam!!! Leave this debacle behind! I know you will be nice about it, but PLEASE leave this all behind and earn some more valid cred with your music.

I LOVE Adam's "just rolled out of bed" look.


Anonymous said...

just watched N.M. at press conference..good holy God, this woman is a nut case extraordnaire

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments from Anon 8:54AM ... re: AI - yes it is definitely their loss. re:The Voice - I completely agree with what you said about "many talented contestants and a fun, interesting panel of judges". As for X Factor - I think it is terrible and completely disrespectful when they put on some of those people, who are definitely challenged in different ways but who have the courage to get up there and then the judges laugh at them and make fun. It just makes me sick. So, I will watch The Voice and wait for any of Adam's new projects - like PLL!

Anonymous said...

This does not qualify as a 'photo shoot'...simply pictures someone took and posted.

Anonymous said...

Hmm a little down day today...well it's sooo Adam though...can never be tied down, voluntarily or circumstantially. Now I understand better why he often feels like an outsider; even with all the top credentials he is not selected...for something so obvious he fits right into. Despair not, lately Adam has been thrown some juicy meaty picks, like the big fashion shows and his PLL act, SA gigs etc. But we know he wanted this AI job quite badly. What about as resident mentor like they always have on the show...that may still be in the offing, and he can promote his Trespassing album. Half a loaf is better than none. :)

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my re: your post to JAK @ 11:54: You might want to look up the definition of "rank and file" before you use it improperly in a sentence. You might agree that you should have said "rank and serial number." Now come back say how you had the adverb juxtaposed with the noun and dangled a participle in the past tense and give us all an English lesson..ok? It's really not 'rocket surgery' or 'brain science' now, is it? LOLLOLLOL ROTFLMFAO!!

Anonymous said...

I did, I looked it up before using; I know what it stands for and I used it not out of disrespect but because JAK once said she actually has a rank (real one) but she can't divulge when I asked her further. She may be using it in a different sense though. Can you pick the phrase/sentence you are referring to so it's easier for me to explain; because I wrote several, and sometimes I write the sentences a bit 'loosely' maybe.

Anonymous said...

I won't watch AI but when Adam tweets that he likes someome on the show I can't help but check it out.

I've seen both "Voice" winners...they were on a bill with Adam...nice voices but they sang mostly cover songs and everybody was really waiting for Adam to come on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my......JAK here

I don't remember saying anything about my having a rank, I was probably just being silly if I did....but please don't try to explain yourself to the person or persons who are delighting in picking on you!

Ignore them..........we love you!

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my - it is the sentence where you wrote "rank and file." How hard can that be to find? You can't explain yourself out of this gaffe other than to blame it on Jake. Just admit the truth once and don't always have an excuse.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:51 P.M. Did you never get the message that we don't correct each others spelling, grammar, use of or lack of punctuation. It's rude and mean. We have Glamberts from many different countries on this site, English was not their first language. Would you be fluent and accurate in Finnish, Spanish, Chinese or Japanese? We usually know what the person meant and that's good enough. This is suposse to be a fun place to come and chat, not a test that you get graded on........JAK

Anonymous said...

Thank you...but I remember you saying you have a rank and my you have a rank, we have an important person on this site...but you didn't get back to me on it. You also said your family would not approve if you talked about 'any rank' online and admitted you are a 'blabbermouth' lol!. But in my above comment, I did clarify that you could be using it in a different sense. It's okay, I'm not the least bit flustered by an opportunist who also seems to have an inferiority complex. :)