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Adam Lambert's Full Interview with MAX Music TV Take 5 (aired 9-4-12 Australia)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Anonymous said...

lucky for Adam they filmed the dark Adam part last, that helped him get into character.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there will ever be a time when all of Adam's 'baggage' will not be brought up in his interviews? Magic mushrooms, coming 'out', the Helsinki drunk tank, first 'openly gay' on and on and on. Probably not in my lifetime......JAK

Anonymous said...

I totallly agree with your comments JAK. Why can't the focus just be on the music, his stage presence and his charismatic personality? This "baggage" just focuses on negativity rather than on the positive things in Adam's life and career. It seems he has to fight for any inroads he makes in the music business in spite of the fact that he is probably the best vocal talent performing today.

Anonymous said...

totally agree! as if he`s not allowed to be human at all...let alone make any mistakes of any kind!!! He`s a great entertainer and a beautiful human being...glad he stays true to who he is and is proud of it. Wish him and Sauli all the best:)

Anonymous said...

Right you are JAK! I can't believe he brought up the Finland spat,it was so long ago and done with. Look at the great videos he made for BTIKM and NCOE,so thought provoking.They should both be up for the VMA's IMO.I know neither were huge hits and honestly not my first choice of singles off his CD,but the videos were brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam says more meaningful stuff in a few minutes that most people say in a hour. He gets asked repeatedly about his sexuality and "exploits" because it's juicy and titillating. That's what people love to hear. As much as we'd like it to be, it ISN'T just about the music.

(Adam looked stunning in this interview. Those eyes will be the death of me.) He and Sauli have the most beautiful eyes.


Anonymous said...

I too agree with JAK, but sadly agree also with DRG - the fact that his sexuality and "exploits" are thought to be juicy and titillating. The fact that most interviewers bring up that crap is so sad for Adam but, I guess, something he has to live with. Being the fine person he is, he is always gracious about it. Just wish these darn interviewers would use common sense and even decency to realize that Adam is soooo much more than that. But, like JAK said ... probably not in our lifetime. Sad -

Anonymous said...

we hear his interviews over and over, most do not. These episodes make him sound human and they ARE interesting. This one touched alot on his music too so quit complaining. I wonder if some people will ever stop complaining in my life time?

Anonymous said...

I loved both releases off TP and both videos.. but, I am an Adam addict..just adore him..and I, for one, am glad he isn't anyone??? Just want to see more of him...I don't think I could ever tire of my wildest dreams, I would love to be able to sit down across from him and have a long in depth his laugh and his voice more than any other I have ever heard before..he just seems like he would be so easy to talk with and so easy to be a friend of...alas..only in my dreams..thank God for dreams!!!

Anonymous said...

When we listen to these interviews, we
have to put ourselves in the position of someone who has never heard Adam talk about these things before. It's all old stuff to us, but not to everyone. Then we can appreciate how fresh and new he makes it all sound. He's one of the best interviews out there. Wake up, big-time talk shows!


Anonymous said...

Never Close our eyes was!9.1 in Japan as Of a week or so ago! The song had been no.1 in several countries, actually evn more than WhaOtaya want from me, which was a big hit in the US. Also done well in Amwrica on the dance bill board chart, last time heard last week it was no. 6 which is also the highest raking bill board dance he had. I know FYE song did well on dance. The song was a big radio here but it got lots of play abroad, so actually did not do so bad. I actually think any song Adam puts our in certain parts of world such as Japan, china, ect. Will do well they are huge Adam fans! Some one said Adam only had one song platinum, maybe unusable whataya want from me and think that had almost gone double platinum, last time saw 2 years ago. FYI song I believe went platinum in Canada. Adam had quite a few hits in different parts of the world! I hope the next one will be in USA and all over world, if it's trespassing it should that song is great and so Adam! That was some one said whatya want from me only platinum, maybe in USA but FYI was in Canada I believe, the song.lots type mistakes sorry.

Anonymous said...

That was never Close our eyes was no. 1 in Japan as well as the album, couple weeks ago. Also was no. 1 in several countries that not so bad! I posted above made lots if type mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Even though they always asked the same questions, ADAM is very graceful and not afraid to give the real truth as always.:)

We can all say that Adam is a magnet to all....

He is very entertaining to watch and listen to his magical voice.:)


coloforadam said...

At least (bless his little pea-pickin' heart) the DJ did not mention the AMA's. I thought sure that was coming. The ups and downs make Adam human - he's never denied that he loves dance clubs and all that comes with them. LOL - listen to the 90% of the lyrics of the new album - getting crazy and loose is an absolute necessity in this guy remaining sane and alive. He handles it so well - ONE documented incident in numerous years of frolic!! He is SO cool!! Hey, this was the first time I heard him say that IIHY vid was flavored with Burning Man times!! I must have been sleeping to have not made that connect - how COOL!!

Anonymous said...

So listen up 102.9 KDMX Dallas has added Trespassing as Adam's news single. Ding,ding,ding.It is still not official as RCA or Adam has not said anything. But his next single is Trespassing, the station has known for awhile. So doing the happy dance right now, LOVE THE SONG!!!Now the next great news would be if he got the idol job!

daydreamin said...

There are more video's of day 2 Adam+Queen that are full HD and excellent sound quality. I'll post "I Want to Break Free" and you can find the rest of her vids from there. Here is another perspective of those split pants though I am still hoping for a video that shows more closely how it even happened!

SG and I have volunteered to be Adam's official seamstresses. We'd have to go to every show though just in case. Oh Darn!

Anonymous said...

Daydreamin I will always think the guy that helped him up onto the stage pulled a little string and they came unraveled ;)

daydreamin said...

It's cute how he always says "I member".

daydreamin said...

KRW sounds plausible to me! Reminds me of an old song "If you wanna let me do my thing, pull my string..."

Anonymous said...

I think that this interviewer seems to really appreciate Adam: he said in the end "Adam, you're a pioneer!" As someone has pointed out before, this will give Adam the chance to explain and clear out any misunderstanding about the subject to people who have not heard him before. So it does not hurt that we all got to hear his sincere explanation about this incident that can happen to a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

I'd hate to have my "baggage" brought up over and over. I did some pretty dumb things in my 20's that I have lived down with some help and now almost 40 I prefer to leave that girl behind. I learned from her but don't want to talk about the bad old days.

Anonymous said...

Oh JAK, don't say that! (10:27)
Just be what you are, an optimist.
I just focus always on the positive happening for ADAM!
Everything will be for the better for him and you shall witness it.
Stay happy!

Anonymous said...

daydreamin @ 5:32, I know, right? So cute!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert gives the best interviews from anyone in the music business. He is articulate, smart, honest and charming. I just saw Phil Phillips winner of American Ido on the Kelly and Michael show this morning and he was practically inarticulate during his interview. He mumbles and seems to lack confidence when being interviewed. Adam is such an interesting and mesmerizing individual who seems to be teetering on the brink of superstardom and success, but just needs that one mega single hit to put him there. The Queenbert concerts from London have to be seen here by the general public and then those who criticize Adam will realize what we as his loyal fans have known from day one. He is one vocal powerhouse who owns the stage with an audience connection that is pure electricity.

Anonymous said...

Adam knew how to give a great interview even before AI, and immediately AFTER AI, he was able to give smart, articulate and entertaining interviews right off the bat. He just has that instinct. He was born to be behind a microphone singing, speaking, anything. He's gotten better and better at it the past three years. People in the media like to interview him. I wish he could get back on the big talk shows again and actually TALK, showing how smart and entertaining he is. Maybe a Grammy nom?


Anonymous said...

great interview ! thank you so much !

Anonymous said...

Great interview. Adam's baggage was framed in a very "it's-only-rock-and-roll" way. Fantastic interviewer and Adam wonderful as always.

Good intro interview for a newbie fan.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it trots out all his transgressions for him to explain to new fans. Do other artists get the same quiz? What about that arrest for beating your girlfriend?
How many times have you been to rehab now? I understand you're shacking up with your married director, right, wanna tell us about it? Let's chat about those anti semetic remarks you made, shall we? Paris, how would you rate your sex tape against Kim K's and Pamela Andersons?

Adam seems to get special attention. Good thing he's cool.