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Adam Lambert's Interview at Caulfield Guineas Day

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Via CaulfieldRacing:

Hetty, Evan and Jesinta bring us to BECK Caulfield Guineas Day, from the sights and sounds around the course to fashions and Adam Lambert.

Skip to around 3:10 into the video to watch Adam's part of the interview!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Those interviewers were in the last set of photos from Caulffield and they had my curiosity going. Now I know who they are. I would love to go to that event some year.

Magiclady said...

Adam on MSN under Entertainment news. "Lambert goes Glampire"
Video with fangs and all!
Sorry don't know how to attach :(

Anonymous said...

International Music Super Star! You have that right, snap!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam is looking so fine! What a kick it would have been to see him arriving on a horse! LOL.


Anonymous said...

@October 17, 2012 9:05 AM

If you want to come to the biggest racing meet of the year, the MELBOURNE CUP is the one to attend. Horses from around the world can enter and they do - it's an international event and an extremely prestigious race to win. Everyone either dresses to the nines or wears bizarre gear or simply turns up as is - fashion in all its glory (or not I would ADORE it if Adam were to sing at the Melbourne Cup - it's a holiday for everyone who lives in Melbourne - and the exposure for him would be huge!! Maybe they only select Australian singers but we can always hope.

Lovely interview with Adam. :) The interviewer is almost the same height as he is though I suspect she's wearing really high heels.