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New Picture: Adam Lambert with his friends

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 6, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 06, 2012

Via @jovancarrington: We went in last night!! #happybdaytt @terrancespencer @jskystyle @whoisjohnnyrice @adamlambert


Anonymous said...

Adam must get soooooo much attention where ever he goes, even to Terrance's Birthday. Everyone's, loves gorgeous hot, hot, hot Adam. He looks so innocent here, like he's saying...".Sauli, come home soon".

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? Why I don't like them? Where is Sauli? I think Adam looks like virgin Mary who was surounded by monsters!

Anonymous said...

He`s so gorgeous and sweet looking...Looks like missing Sauli so bad...When Sauli went to Finland, he said he`s going to be there for few weeks...Adam going to New Zealand and Australia...hope they`re going to South Africa together:)

Anonymous said...

Sauli is in Finland right now:)

Anonymous said...

From TMZ:

"When TMZ photographer’s caught up with ex-American Idol judge, Steven Tyler in LA to ask him if he believed the Nicki Minaj/Mariah Carey feud was BS, he answered “OF COURSE.

He also said he ain’t never going back to American Idol."

Anonymous said...


Oh my, you are HILARIOUS!!! Love ittttt!

Anonymous said...

11:08 - calling people monsters? WTF?

Anonymous said...

For some reason, he looks sad in all the pictures now. He does not smile.

daydreamin said...

Queen's "Greatest Hits" is best selling album currently in Poland, look at the pic they used includes Adam at EMA's!

Anonymous said...

So glad Adam keeps his good friends close. Terrance seems like a sweetheart and I bet his birthday party was a blast! Adam looking very sexy in this picture. Love the attitude they all express. So cool! Wish I could just chill and hang out with Adam!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Adam keeping up with his friends and I hope Terrance had a very happy birthday.

This guys don't look like monsters (how rude?) They look like Terrance's and Adam friends and I bet they loved geting their picture taken with Adam.

If Adam look less than merry it's probably because birthday pics aren't as much fun as they used to be. A bit like work, posing for the pics now, especially when you consider that people will flash them around for months saying: "Look - it's me and Adam Lambert."The pressure of always looking good.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks happy being in Finland and seeing his friends:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Sauli's having a good time. It shows he's not insecure.

Adam doesn't look sad in the picture - can't you tell it's his sexy look, with a slightly pouty lip?


Anonymous said...

not monsters.. that's Terrance on the left behind Adam..He's just making a goofy face..What Steven Tyler said about the BS on Idol..I BELIEVE him,but they took it way too far.N M..WILL cuss out anybody anytime..She even did it to her followers on twitter a couple of mos ago..a very bad example of an American star & esp to anybody that doesn't know much about her or Idol.): very dirty if Idol is that desperate!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of Sauli....with all that hair!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli looking so glad when they can be together for awhile..they always look so good and happy together

Anonymous said...

How strange that some people look at a picture and decide Adam has turned permanently sad or something. Adam is posing with a non-smiley, sexy, serious face. That's it. He and his friends are having a good time. LOVE the fun pic of Sauli. He and Adam have been apart for quite a while. I hope Sauli does go with Adam to South Africa. I think he will.

Sauli celebrity status in Finland seems to be going just fine. GO QUEEN! Adam is a frequent smiler and always will be.

Just my random thoughts to this thread.


Anonymous said...

Can someone please post the link to the fantastic complete American Idol season fan video of Adam. I believe it was Japanese. Somehow my computer lost it, I almost panicked, then I realized that most of you would have it!

It's nice to have a Glamily. JWG

Anonymous said...

daydreamin I looked at your link and that is strange they used the EMA picture with Adam. I hope many didn't buy it thinking Adam may be in it. Was Adam's TP released in Poland do you know?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Terrance is part of the Glamily. I only like Terrance and Sauli from the glamily. :)

tess4ADAM said...

@JWG ... here's the link I copied from the AI Season8 video I have ... I hope it's the one you are looking for ... it has a lot of other videos as well ...


tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

They are just having fun posing all cool. Adam made a bunch of silly fun faces and smiled for the pics at the DC Benefit. Not every picture has to be a smile. I love the silly faces.

Anonymous said...

BRIAN MAY FOLLOWS ADAM ON TWITTER! He jointed twitter 2 days ago and is only following like 12 people to date!

Anonymous said...

...joined....(not jointed :)

Anonymous said...

Keep viewing Trespassing official lyric video on you tube or vevo and get the count up. don't know if radio stations look at this for interest in the song,but it can't hurt. Refresh the page so each view will count. Keep requesting people tomorrow Trespassing officially goes for adds!!!

Anonymous said...

just started following DrMay on twitter too.

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

That's the one. Thank you. How nice. "ask and ye shall receive".

Anonymous said...

So many people think Adam doesnt have a life without Sauli.
Looks pretty good to my eyes thats a boy Adam go have fun.

daydreamin said...

Anon 7:44 I honestly don't know if Poland has Trespassing as a single but I want to say no though not sure. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful:(

Anonymous said...

OMG! It's called Posing for a Photo !!!!

Adam & friends are just being dramatic & have attitude for the photo shoot! LOL!!!
Some Glamberts need to try & have fun & enjoy Adam's ride to success!!!

Anonymous said...

Its called gay boys havin fun, easy easy thats what they are.Who knows who ended up with who by the time the sun came up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You read the comment "we went in last night" nuf said.
All liquored up and horny.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for that much chocolate on my vanilla ice cream.