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Adam Lambert talks 'Sauli' during Sirius Halloweenie Interview by Lance Bass

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 2, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 02, 2012

Via Lilybop: From audio of Halloweenie interview by Lance Bass


Anonymous said...

This angle of Adam in his Halloween makeup, long, blond-silver hair hanging beneath the top-hat, is captivating. Have not heard the interview yet; will be back; first, a glass of aromatic coffee and nature's!

Anonymous said...

Adam's so darn cute when using what I guess is Sauli's Finnish accent to describe how Sauli wants Adam back with him! So cute -

Anonymous said...

Shake a tail feather Adam !!

Anonymous said...

lol!!I only heard Sauli talk in English once..& he said,"I like to boogie!"He was with Adam( in the background) during a phone interview while talking to some DJ..It was so funny!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and Sauli together..perfect

funbunn40 said...

They are the cutest couple and I love seeing them out together, having a great time. Sauki's a good, healthy influence on Adam. He stays very fit and gets Adam on the jogging trail, altho' there hasn't been much opportunity lately with both of them in different countries working. I give Sauli a lot of credit for dealing with all that goes with Adam's fame so well.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli...perfect loving and so affectionate with each other:) So glad they`ve found each other!

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought...who is yin and who is yang...I always had the idea, they are complete yin-yang on their own, because yin denotes female and yang male. So it sometimes perplexes me...that together as a couple, Adam and Sauli are a double yin-yang, lol! Just a personal concept, not found in texts, lol! Perhaps with Adam and Sauli, one takes on the male role and the other the female role. From their Halloween dress-ups, Sauli seems to be yang and Adam yin...appears to be who actually holds the reins...Sauli. lol! But I think they are a sensible and intellectual couple; so those lines blurr, overlap. Gay, lesbian couples can make great parents because they have both innate father+mother instincts...hmm only my hypothesis, no research, lol!

Anonymous said...

Our boys seem to have such great balance in their relationship. You can tell they feel secure and safe with each other. Very intelligent guys, down to earth and so much in love the pair of them:)

Anonymous said...

Exactly, so I still don't see why the whole gay issue is so blown out of proportion. Some staunch quarters say because they can't have children as a couple; fair enough, that indeed is a downside. Still, it does not warrant such deep hatred against gays. In any case, their children will have the father's input/genes. Well, many men have second wives who bear children; so only the father's input is in some of the children of the same family...allowed in certain religions with rules attached.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my...wise comment! Gay issue has gone out of proportion. We have this wonderfully talented and charming Adam who wants to connect people with love...and we have these nay sayers who try to tell us (not that they succeed!) it`s the wrong kind of love!!!makes me so angry!people just need to chill and take a long look at themselves in the mirror. And what they should see on a reflection is that "Who am I to judge anyone!!! Gotta see the prick in my own eye first!

Anonymous said...

being homosexual is NOT a simply is the orientation of some one would choose to engage in a relationship that had no chance of bringing them satisfaction, sexual or otherwise..why can't people recognize this??? recently found out that my own granddaughter is gay..and I love and respect her more for being herself..I don't, from my point of view, feel that being gay has any bearing on any aspect of any part of life for the person, or life in general..but, I also realize that there are close minded, ignorant people who just do not see it that way, and for them, I feel sorry...

Anonymous said...

It always gets me when the argument is made that a gay couple can't reproduce and bring more children into an overcrowded world.
" be fruitfull and multiply" was an admonition to Adam and Eve in an empty world. Somebody find The Duggards and say "enough already".

Anonymous said...

You're right; just to add on to the same thing you've said...You can see the splinter in another person's eye but not the beam in your own. For some people to judge that another person will go to hell just because he is gay; well that righteous person had better pray hard that he/she is able to touch God's face when the time comes; with so much hatred/disdain for another fellow human being. Jesus also said: The least you do to one of my brothers and sisters, you do it to me. So if someone tells gay people to go to hell, they may be saying that to Jesus. It is in the Bible. When Mother Teresa was asked why she went round picking up dying people, some in the drain (Calcutta), her reply was because she saw Jesus in that dying person. And so she with her helpers would bring the person to the home, personally removed all the maggots, cleaned the person, who usually died on the same day or later. Clearly St Mother Teresa saw Jesus in people very deeply. So be careful those who carry placards against Adam and gay people, the next time. You may be doing it to Jesus. I'm assuming these naysayers are Christians. Anyway, why the h... would anyone want to put Adam down? I simply have no clue. As for the "wrong kind of love", sounds odd; I think it's not love anymore; it has changed its form. But we can see Adam and Sauli love each other and they are good, decent people...perceived wrong. Perceptions can be wrong too. At one time, people believed the earth was flat, so ships would sail and fall over the edge. So dangerous. lol!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my..1:53 answering you know your Bible:DD Agree with you completely... and Jesus was a rebel who strongly spoke for those who were put down by other people. We are all equal in the eyes of God, but we are unequal in the eyes of people who think waaaaay too much of themselves!So happy for the love Adam and Sauli share:)

Urethra_Franklin said...

Not having kids is a downfall? I see it as WIN WIN! Not everyone WANTS the little hellions running around! No possible OOPSIES with this couple. Good on them!

The Duggar clown car needs a flat tire...STAT!

Anonymous said...

The word, least, is more emphasised as in: Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do it to me. Here, God means all, even the least of mankind...whatever kindness or meaness is done to another person, it's done to Him.

Anonymous said...

No, not so much as not having kids is a downside per se, rather, as a couple who wants a child to join/express their union. So in that sense a gay couple will not be able to achieve that. But as I stated earlier, the gay couple will still be able to father their own children; as opposed to what some think they can't, referring to most likely as a couple. But that is a very long way off on Adam's and Sauli's minds. They will cross that bridge when the time comes. Right now, they're so happy to have each other.

Anonymous said...

Who Adam loves has absolutely no bearing on my life so why should it matter to me or anyone else. I'm just happy that he has someone to love and cherish. However, Adam's beautiful voice and his positive personality do have a bearing on my life and bring me much joy. His music has enriched my life and it is the reason I am such a big fan.

I feel the same way about my friends straight or gay I enjoy their company period.


Anonymous said...

Loved Adam's costume this year. It didn't look like him actually. Terrific effect. Sauli was cute too.

glitzylady said...

Just jumping in with a comment re same sex couples and children. The non-sense reason given by opponents of Marriage Equality, the inability of Gay and Lesbian couples to share DNA to reproduce, would summarily also negate my marriage. My husband and I have an adopted son and no biological children. So under that "logic" we shouldn't be married. Our son IS our son. And we are his parents. We all love each other. The love is what counts. Biology is secondary. With any family, of whatever configuration, the love is what matters most. That also works with "blended" families: children who are "yours, mine and ours". And in families of 2, with no children, again, the love is what makes the marriage. One of the slogans of the organization in my state of WA, campaigning for Marriage Equality, on the ballot this election, is "Make Love Legal". Really says it all.

Anonymous said...

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Anonymous said...

I think friends and the Glamily band are more important to Adam than Sauli will ever be. Just my observation from the past two years. I'm fed up with Adam's need to remind us, the fans, of how much he loves the Glamily and we should too. My patience has run out. The Glamily band is Adam, Tommy and the backup singing ladies, since I have noticed that all others and more talented members seem less important to him. Beacause of this I've invented a new name for the band. How about Jerks and Juggs. Nope, I'm not going to apologize for saying that.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure knows how to bring down his bf. Depressing.

Anonymous said...

11:00 am and 11:12 am

what the h..l are you talking about??????Didn`t understand at all...Adam adores Sauli and if you don`t get his and Sauli`s humor, they`re not to blame.

Anonymous said...

@11:19AM Like how? Give some example.

Anonymous said...

He has said many times that he loves Sauli very much, has never been happier and balanced in his life, misses Sauli when they`re not together, they have connection that he`s never felt before, he feels safe and secure with Sauli and can truly be himself...In my world that speaks for admiration and love!

Magiclady said...

So true! Whoever we love or choose to love is our choice. Why can't people just live and let live???

Anonymous said...

Adam has said that Sauli is the ONE for him and is his true love...and also referred to Sauli as his BEST friend:)so some people get off your high horse and start respecting Adam`s choice.

Anonymous said...

The inner workings and relationships of Adam and his band and Adam and Sauli will never really be known to us. We only see the public part of it. I don't speculate too much about what it's all "really" like. Unless Adam writes an autobiography someday (and I hope he DOES), we'll never really know. Until then, I think it's best to not make up stuff we know nothing about. JMO


Anonymous said...

11:00 you don't have to apologize for a comment that made absolutely no sense. lol

glitzylady said...

@Anon(s) 11:00 AM and 11:12 AM ..and 11:19 AM too.
Why does Adam give so much love to his Glamily? Because he loves and appreciates them. Simple as that. And I suspect because he hears a lot of BS on Twitter..and maybe on some blogs here and there (sound familiar??) that sometimes diss his band and his singers etc....No doubt he gets sick and tired of hearing that. And gives them kudos, just because he CAN. He's one of those wonderful people who love to give credit where credit is due. He also speaks lovingly of Sauli in interviews on occasion... He generally strives to keep his professional life and his personal life separate but sometimes he just can't help but break into one of his beautiful smiles when speaking of his boyfriend/partner Sauli.. As an example, too, when he was at Fantasy Springs last time, the love between them was palpable, in the interaction during one of the songs. Sorry, but I think you're just trying to create the illusion of trouble where there is none. Correct me if I'm wrong..Thanks!!

Anonymous said...


No need to correct anything:) Agree with you totally:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your replies, lol. I agree with you Glitzylady, but there has been strong resistance against the relationship, too. Imo, Adam is not strong or brave enough to oppose those people who don't like Sauli. Fans with conservative family values oppose his relationship. Many of them support Glamily fiercely, but mostly just Tommy and recently the backup singers.


Anonymous said...

1:00 pm has nothing to do with strength or bravery or lack of it for that matter ...I think it has everything to do with Adam not giving a rats ass what other people think about his private life. He has made perfectly clear that he is now with the love of his life..Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not strong or brave? You try living in this country as a gay person for 30 years, that takes strength. And still being good natured and kind and loving, it's a miracle that Adam has achieved.

Adamluv said...

@1:00 - Adam not strong or brave enuf? Next to the word "brave" there should be a pictute of him. And to the conservative family values crowd, Adam doesnt give a rats ass what they think. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

@1:10 and @1:11 cant believe I wrote what you did! Didnt read your comments, I swear!!!!! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:00 PM and 1:00 PM : )))
Yes, I know, there are those who prefer Tommy over Sauli (which is ridiculous..but it is what it is)..but I really think they are the small minority of Adam's fans. The majority are happy for Adam, that he has found someone to share his life with, and who loves him back, and respect his private life and the choices he makes in it, including his love life. I honestly do think that Adam chooses to ignore the majority of the BS, so as to not give any credibility to those who dislike Sauli for whatever reason, etc..or make up things that are only true in their deluded minds. I like Tommy. He's a loyal band member. I like Sauli, not only because he seems a good guy, but because of the apparent joy and homefront stability he has brought into Adam's life..and I adore Adam. And he does occasionally address the silliness. As for those who don't approve of his choice of partner, either because they would "prefer" someone else or because they would prefer not to acknowledge the fact that Adam is gay and therefore has a male love interest...Well what can we do about that?? People will think what they will and say what they will. I appreciate your perspective.

Anonymous said...


Too funny:DD Don`t worry about

from 1:10 pm

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam and Tommy complement each other very well, especially on a professional level they don't bring out each others best features. I also thought that they acted like bullies, they laughed, when the Sauli hate was going strong. Again, feel free to reply and enlighten me, lol.


Anonymous said...

I bet there were three men laughing...Adam, Tommy and Sauli:)

Anonymous said...

@1:38 Yea, but I still think Adam and Tommy they acted cowardly.

Anonymous said...

@1:47 pm

And you are entitled to yours and I respect that:) Sauli is a very confident man and has recently said how happy he is in his relationship with Adam. I don`t think anyone could be happy if they feel bullied.I think people should just be happy for our guys and try not to create drama where there`s none.

Rebecca said...

haha how cute

Anonymous said...

@1:55 Sauli is 27 and confident and quite balanced. I trust he does what is best for him. I guess I'm more confused about Adam. Fans tend to patronize Adam and Tommy because they are more immature.

Anonymous said...

2:37 pm

What exactly are you confused about? if you don`t mind me asking...

Anonymous said...

@2:55 I'm confused Adam has occasionally encouraged or taken the side of the fans that don't approve Sauli. Mainly on twitter. Does he feel sorry for them or does he like the drama?

Anonymous said...

I personally think that Adam likes the drama, so there's nothing wrong what I'm doing here, lol.


Anonymous said...

3:05 pm..I haven`t been on twitter that long so I guess I`m not aware of everything you`re referring to...all I`ve seen and heard is Adam truly loving Sauli and vice versa. I would think Sauli would get out if not treated with respect. And all is going great for them according to them both:)

Anonymous said...

I have never ever heard Adam say any thing but kind living things about Sauli. if he was laughing at stupid comments made of Sauli, it's because the comments were so rediculous and with out merit, he loves Sauli, get over it!! Adam Lambert is about as far from being a bullie as anyone in this world.totally nuts talk. he loves Sauli, never heard him say anything, but loving things, and that he missed him!! Correction of above comment, only heard loving comments about Sauli, period!! Sue

Anonymous said...

yet another thread turned over to the troll.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ha,ha very funny Adam with an accent. That was pretty dang good.

Anonymous said...

This thread is completely nuts!

Anonymous said...

Won't get involved too much in all this, but just want to agree with the commments about Adam being VERY gutsy and brave to be an out and proud gay man right out of the box in his career. THAT takes guts. He has paid the price in many ways but continues to be honest, charming, talented, generous and everything else. He loves openly and honestly, too. That courage, if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

I had not heard this small, comment above when I commented about Sauli and Adam here! Adam was teasing, good grief, how in the hell could anyone with any sense, make that into humid laughing at him or ring a bully. Also why alway's got to get into the gay thing. Adam loves Sauli, Sauli loves Adam, that's all. Adam is so much happier now than before Sauli. of they ever want children, they can adopt or get someone to have a child for them, like so many straight people who are unable to have kids! I understand most here who are quoting bible like Lam/my are defending Adam. Honestly he was out to have Good time and dance and enjoy himself, with someone he loved and missed for a month, that's all! He was kIdding about Sauli period!!as usual I have correction, how could any human make what Adam said into he was being a bully, He think the world of Sauli K., the band and Sauli are 2 different kinds of feeling's. Sauli takes no second place to that band, he is first! The band are friends and people he works with that is it! Sauli is his pardner in life! I think of Adam has a great talent and a sweet heart, who he chosses to live I do not care about at all! I do not think the gay card needs dealing every time there together, I know most mean well, of course then there the nut trolls, with there band non sense!! Who he chooses to love nor important to me, correction! Again sorry for mistakes! sue

Anonymous said...

Your mention of someone hinting/calling Adam a bully gave me a chuckle, sounded rather cute to me. Hmm Adam is a! Hey Sue, they may have a teeny-weeny point there; because when he rock-screams, oh my goodness, sure 'bullies' everyone else! lol! And perhaps indirectly, without knowing it themselves, people find Adam threatening, intimidating; for upstaging them in talent and also the other reason, religion. So they launch counter-attacks to put down their mind-perceived 'bully'. Especially now, Adam's voice is heard loud and clear on the gay issue. Hmm Adam is quite a 'bully' then lol! The most benign bully I've come to know. And a sexy one! lol!

Anonymous said...

That's it for me. I'm leaving this site for good after Lammy's total nonsense on every subject brought up. Book learning and common sense are two entirely different things and she's way too full of the first and terribly lacking in the last. If I ever read another lol, I'll scream.

Sue, you need to put down the liquid spirits or meds or whatever causes you to go on and on and on and on about absolutely nothing and change the subject mid sentence over and over again.

Both of you need to write your name before you write anything. That way sane people can pass your posts by and be all the more happy for doing so.

Anonymous said...

Sue and I haiku

Sue, it's okay, just spew
I've read all your reviews
Refreshing, darn good too

Whoa, this haiku is 6-6-6 syllable pattern instead of the usual 5-7-5...Hmm what could have prompted that, I!


Anonymous said...


Please give us a rest from haiku,
not everyone enjoys it or gets it.
If it's written in traditional pattern or not, it's boring.
If you are running for poet laureate of this blog, drop out.
There are better contenders.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for voicing them out for I feel the same way. It's relentless. And yes, the tags should be on top but I actually have been skipping their posts as I look at tags first. Posts should be brief and to the point.

Anonymous said...

As I've pointed out before, there are so many threads to choose from and I do not write on many threads. Even if you happen to stumble on my writings that do not appeal to you, just read the first few sentences and simply scroll on by. That probably takes 5 seconds, like you want, short. I do that myself. This is called skimping; surely you would have been taught that in school? And I notice you, who complains is actually very interested in what I write and keeps following me otherwise how do you know it's relentless if you simply scroll? By the way, it's time you put a name when you make a specific complaint over and over again; you remind me of one who throws a stone and runs off in a cowardly way. I've always put my name even if it's at the bottom; where is yours, not even at the bottom! Firing much like a sniper wearing a hood, hiding behind a wall. Until you put a name, top or bottom, you do not have the right to tell me to put my name at the top. I decide where I want it to be!

Anonymous said...

Also, you say you've been skipping my posts because you read the name-tag first; well at least you have a way of getting past my writings. In your case, I don't even have this option and simply have to read your nonsense; they don't register though. lol! So what exactly is your complaint then, since you presumably skip my writings.
You may have a much deeper problem than you know. Hey take it a little easier on yourself.

Adamluv said...

@Lam-my - very well said! Another coward anon. poster complaining about you. She is fixated on you for some reason? I enjoy your comments so keep them coming. I always put my tag at the beginning and at the end so that those that have a problem with me, know to skip my comments. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, I really needed that; you have touched me. I also notice that someone on this site is trying really hard to drive away regular posters. I think I know that eventually, those left behind will be the anons like this person; probably that might make her feel less insecure. As for me, it's a no! I will leave when I want to, just like Adam as he sings...I shine when I wanna shine...Thanks again Adamluv, yea, you do hail from the land of the brave and free! By the way, I like your National Anthem especially when Adam sings it; because he really takes those high notes to the sky. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add that I have no qualms with most of the Anons on this site; I treat them exactly as I would the regulars. But I think if someone wants to lodge a complaint against me or another poster, she should have the decency to put a name-tag so that I can reply specifically to that person. I think the reason for the attacker who refuses to put a name-tag, is so that she can reply to her own negative comments as many times as she wants; a kind of illusion tactic to make me think several posters are against me; to strengthen her own position. And that's why I didn't even bother to write their time-tags because I think they are one or maybe two, of the same person/s, who have been 'obsessed' with me for some time. I have also seen them using a name-tag (80% sure). Because when a person writes, it's not just words that I can read into; a lot more than that. Strange that I actually attract this sort of attention. I thought only Adam would have to deal with this kind of 'fixation' problem. lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are quite capable of looking after their relationship without all and sundry putting in their two bobs' worth. IT'S THEIR BUSINESS NOT OURS!!!

daydreamin said...

Lam-my, I for two, enjoy your well thought out, intelligent, Adam-loving posts! I sure would love to see Admin enforce a tag for all. It would make this sight much more bearable as I'm sure many would clean up their posts before posting. Not only that, but it makes it so much nicer trying to figure out all the many varied personalities here. That's a good thing. We are Glamily, I want all my sista's with me(and brotha's)!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. That's a rather good idea about everyone adding a simple name; I mean there's no email or password involved; just a simple name, what's so difficult about that; doesn't even reveal anything. But it facilitates replying to the message or complaint by the person involved. Yea maybe Admin could look into this...those without name-tags will not be published or to be treated as spam. Because lately quite a lot of people have come onto this site or maybe it's just one or two writing many negative comments and simply want to throw us off track. They claim they love Adam from day one, etc. lol! and then subsequent anon posts by that same person put down Adam. I can recognise one in particular, the one 'fixated' on me; she's not an Adam fan, maybe before; could have been 'thrown out' by Adam on Twitter. So with a name-tag, though it doesn't reveal much, the same cowardly anon will not be so brash and occupy practically the whole thread with as many as 10 negative, nonsensical anti-Adam comments. And she replies and agrees to her own nonsense. To me this is not just sneaky but gross dishonesty. So daydreamin, agree, maybe Admin should implement what we have suggested. Some good old-timers might even return. This site is worth keeping it together. This particular 'fixated' anon on me, has irritated others on this site too...may have other agendas; I could be standing in her way, without my knowing, for her to achieve her own agenda. This is the one who called Adam a bully (80% sure only) and so when Sue and I replied to that, we both aggravated her; and she even attacked Sue regarding her sick can this person be. She may have a much deeper problem herself, without being aware of it.