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Another Picture of Adam Lambert, Sauli Koskinen From Rasputin Club

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 24, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 24, 2012

The other guy is xtiansbulldog:

"#Rasputins and saw @Adamlamberrt so much fun!"


Anonymous said...

I'd be smiling ear to ear too if I ran into a couple of walking dreams like those two....bueaty at its best times 2....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are just soooo gorgeous! Both of them beautiful on their own, but together to die for<3

Anonymous said...

I notice Adam's shave his beard off, just as I was getting used to it, still he looks gorgeous both ways and it's nice to see him clean shaven as well.

Anonymous said...

Very nice to see Adam with no hair on chin and nice to see Sauli with hair on sides of his head! Plus it's just plain nice to them!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Yuppers on Sauli with hair on both sides! Adam looks great with or without the facial hair but the more we see of his face the better!

Anonymous said...

This picture just fulfilled one of my requests for a beautiful Christmas present. Wow!


Adamluv said...

Think Rasputin is an aweome name for a club!

Magiclady said...

I think Adam looks particularly amazing in these pictures from the club. It seems like he is glowing!

Anonymous said...

Clean-shaven bliss .... mwah! :)