Thursday, January 17, 2013

2BlackGeeks Behind The Scenes : The Adam Lambert Virus

VIA 2BlackGeeks:

Laurence's homegrown tech and programming attracts gremlins that are huge fans of Adam Lambert in this quick behind the scenes from our most recent Pretty Little Liars fashion rant show. Every button on the iPad interface is Adam Lambert!

We were supposed to film Saturday but right as we were about to start Laurence's entire system just died. He ended up taking his entire computer apart, examining every part, taking out the motherboard even and we were unable to film all day. So when something goes briefly wrong with his real time interface on Sunday, it was hilariously maddening :)

3 minutes of tech chaos!!


  1. I have that same virus! I'm Adamized all day every!LOL!nancdruuu2

  2. funny, And I thought I was techy deficient.

  3. omg that virus is on this computer too. lol funny clip.

  4. harhar that was hilarious! He's everywhere! He's everywhere!

  5. I`ve it too, LOL! M

  6. I caught that virus almost four years ago. There is no cure! There is no cure! There is no cure!


  7. Me again! I remember when I first saw Adam on Idol and tried to turn my sister on to him. She was at my home for a visit and I had her trapped in front of my computer for a long time looking at videos of Adam on you tube. Don't you want to listen to any other singers she asked patiently. My answer - No! That's just the way it is..nancdruuu2

  8. That's so funny. Yup my computer has that Adam virus on a daily basis. Don't want it fixed though!

  9. looks like those guys have a blast working together.

  10. I caught that virus years ago. There is no cure!

  11. The virus will not disappear until I die he!he!

    ADAM VIRUS I just love it he!he!


  12. Haha!! That was hilarious!! The Adam Lambert virus has traversed the world and cannot be obliterated!! :-D

  13. I got virus on my computers at home and at work about two years ago.Seriously! When they checked browsing history they found a lot of information about Adam's hair, Sauli,GaGa's B-day party,etc!
    It wasn't funny at all.
    But these guys are hilarious! Love them!

  14. Ha! Ha! Ha!
    I tell my husband daily after dinner, " Hon, It's Adam Lambert time "! :)
    He just cracks up all the time & is happy that I'm happy:)
    New line for me " I've got adam Lambert Virus"!:):):)

    Love these geeks!!LOL
