Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adam Lambert Featured in Promo by Star World for American Idol Season 12


  1. Could anyone be more talented, likeable, charismatic, gorgeous, and sexy. No. Only Adam Lambert! He knows how to sing a song...nancdruuu2

  2. For me, after season 8 with Adam, the show was never the same. He set the bar so high that no one comes close to him in vocal talent, stage presence, personality and style. I look at PP last year's winner and even though Home has become a hit and somewhat of an anthem, he just seems to force himself to hit some of those high notes and generally seems uncomfortable performing. He lacks that stage presence, that excitement that Adam brings. It was interesting to see the interaction of the new judges; sometimes it seemed to be more about them(mariah and nicki) than the contestants. And although it was only the first show, none of the performers made me sit up and take notice. Will I continue to watch? I dont know. Maybe I'll just wait until the live shows towards the end.

  3. Anon at 9:41am--I agree with your comments about Adam on Idol. He was the total package and could really sing. I waited each week to see him perform and to see his new look/style. I haven't felt the same since then about the show and the performers.

  4. Thank You 9:39, you took the words right out of my mouth.

  5. American Idol for me is Adam Lambert forever!!!

  6. I know what all of you are saying I really try to get interested in a show or a singer it lasts for a while then when I don't see them for a while I can't even remember their name little lone what they sang.Adam from the very first time I remembered every thing I had seen & heard.I rem. when I had to work eve. shift I would record the show just to watch him I have never done that with another artist.It did seem like last night the judges was faking the bickering for veiws.If Adam would had been promoted like phillip he would have done better or as good but did not have the backing.

  7. I have never followed a artist in my life and then here comes Adam Lambert on AMERICAN IDOL, from the first time I saw him I in Love with him, could not get enough
    of Adam. Me to could hardly wait untill the next time I see him on Idol. Week by week. When the show was over, I wanted more of Adam, and could not give him up. I just had to know what he was up to at all times, and I am still hooked. Thanks to this site 24/7 and also people who post information, we can stay connected. lOVE Adams twitter. It makes me feel closer to him. Like I know that man. dO YOU KNOW what I mean.

  8. Adan Lambert thank you for making my world a whole lot better. Love everything about you.

  9. I always resist jumping on the Adam Lambert broke AI bandwagon ... for about a second and then I jump right in :) ... because it's so so true!!!!

  10. Adam Lambert is definitely the whole package: stage presence, amazing vocals, entertainment factor, handsome as hell! This season 12 is all about the judges, their feuds, and Nicki primping and posing. She can't even sing, what is she doing judging a singing competition? I read that the ratings dropped 19% last night. I'm not surprised. Now Adam's season 8 was the most mesmerizing season of all. I looked forward to week after week what Adam would sing and how he would style himself. It was the only season I watched through to the end because of the talent displayed. This season 12 is a joke and bore and I'm so happy I have Adam to entertain me.

  11. P2 is a nice kid who has a popular song, luckily. But he has no star quality, IMO. Adam, on the other hand, has changed my life in many ways. Love, awareness, friendship, and much more. No one on AI even come close to his talent, before or after Season 8. Here's to many years of love and light from Adam and among his fans.
    I'm done with AI. Just seems like there's no point to Idol anymore, at least for me. Its peak was reached with Adam, and no one has even come close.


  12. I totally agree with all of you! Adam touched my heart like no other artist could. Adam is the best, deserves the best, THE END.

    oh yes, AI really lost an amazing opportunity by deciding not to bring Adam on as a judge. He's a media magnet...people can't help themselves ....he's so charming, talented and handsome....they fall under his spell.

    Look how gorgeous and charming he is on the AI Promo clip ....who could resist? What is the Star World and where is it from. 'cause this s a wonderful promo!


  13. @DRG I agree. Saw P2 on one of the talk shows singing his new single Gone,Gone,Gone. He barely looked at the audience,no connection for me at all. Interscope did an amazing job with promoting his song Home,but will he have longevity, who knows. What I do know is that Adam will!And yes Adam broke Idol, and it will never be fixed IMO.

  14. I watched Idol last night and it was so boring by the second hour I was reading my book. The most interesting judge was Nicky, Keith is nice but bland and Mariah has no personality .........similar to Britany. I can't believe that they are paying her $18,000,000......OMG! Also that the Idol people went with Randy instead of Adam is absolutely ridiculous.


  15. American Idol is OVER, folks! Once they gave birth to Adam Lambert, they should have gotten an immediate hysterectomy (or vasectomy), which ever one applies.

  16. @GMT - only watched AI for about 10 mins. so maybe not fair to give an opnion but agree with you. Carey did remind me exactly of Britney's responses during the XFactor. Maybe will improve with time but given the money she's getting and her experience in the business would have expected more right from the get go. Liked the little I saw of Minaj. . . . Adamluv

  17. I said I would. It watch idol was not going to. Only reason I did was see any mention of Adam, will be last time I watch it, unless Adam on it and I mean it! What a joke this was, flashing couple picture's of Adam and more prominently displaying pictures and promotion of people Who have not done well and have been dropped by record company, or not world stars or stars of anything. PP so lucky to get a good song off the show and Ton's of promotion on it, when Adam got a stupid hurricane song! PPis a good talent, he luck out a song has had Ton's of promotion and push from show last night and idol, so album will do good, but Mega Stat quality PLEASE, he'll know he has no eye contact and is not a world shattering performer Adam is! Some of the people still with 19 entertainment need a record comp. they been dropped by RCA. Records so let's push them. They are making no profits off Adam now, he has luckily devested himself now, sarting 18 months ago and had been stuck another 18 months paying a lot of his money, for nothing! They or not making profits, now so stop pushing him. lDand KA, probably KA for sure still have 19 that Adam chose not to resign, so push him which never have really done before they both need record comp. after being dropped by RCA, so push them. Not trying to be mean, but why should I not be they were, idol was! Showing color purple all this stuff, and showing other did not win. Adam did Queen, Diva's, MAMA's, china voice, that just last few months he had so many successes you cannot name them! They definitely should mention queen for Adam, showed JH stuff. Showed all of winner's and some non winner's that did not do anything close to Adam! The shoe was absolutely awful last night, NM made mr sick along with RJ. I only watched a little bit of it. I can assure you will not watch this mess tonight or again, unless Adam on it, not sure he wii be, because they ate making no profits now, which is what happened last night! jimmy K. Said will this be last year for Idol hope so! Sue

  18. Oh, and they really made a mistake not getting Adam as a judge! Did not like Carter Matt or however you spell it or whatever is right name is, remark about Adam nom. For Glaad award. He said Adam up against big competition this year but it was an honor, to be nominated. Hey Buddy let not make any assumption, Adam could win it. If he does or not, he just as good as the rest. Also did not like hearing Grammy nominated Frank Ocean and pop star Adam Lambert on another news article, last time I checked Adam was nominated too, not this year but had been, 2 years ago! Sorry I just pissed off today, I mean this Idol is dead to me! Thank you KU, for kind words for Adam but the show, messed it up for me last night with the intro and the whole crap of a show, poor guy only human in the bunch! Sue

  19. Oh thank you star world, bless you for your excellent taste! Sue

  20. Sue don't for get American Idol is how Adam did get his big break then all of his hard work & determination is what kept him going.He never gave up but I agree if they would have promoted Adam like PP he would really be up there but some times when people hit stardom to fast they don't last Adam will be here for the long haul.I did watch Idol for about an hour don't laugh but I had to shut it off & come to Adams site for the next 3 hrs.

  21. @ Sue,

    I know how you feel my dear and I read that article regarding the Grammy and the Pop Star indeed!!!:(

    All we can do is just to continue our loyalty to our Rock God and keep on kicking dear:)

    We are the Worldberts and no one can take that away and they can kick my a** he!he!


  22. Adam was featured today on Access Hollywood as one of those nominated by Glaad.
    I jumped with joy.

  23. PP's new single Gone, Gone, Gone is almost the same as Home or he just sings the same every time? He cannot even raise his voice but just stretches it painfully. Ouch!
    Watched Idol last night and the judges seem mean starting with Nicki who seems to be the leader. I cannot understand how they ALL said NO to that amputee guy who is not bad at all.
    I'm sure all previous set of judges would have given him ticket to Hollywood. I feel so bad for him.

  24. YAY!! EXCELLENT promo for AI. I don't get the P2 factor and I don't like "Home" at all .... so overrated.

  25. Thank you Canadian, I really have had it with this one sided bill crap. It should have been 6 time nominated frank Ocean, and Grammy nominated, international super star, who was the first openly gay singer to reach no. 1 on the billboard 200 or at least thrown Grammy nominated international stat, oviiously wanting ocean to win, well there are plenty who want Adam, guess what! I barely watched that mess of a show last night it was awful, i taped to catch Adam turned that off less than hour in, forgot to save it and it erased.probably would heve erased it anyway, so stupid! The rest I would have turned off but was not watching anyway tonight will not be turned on taped or anything, it's dead to me! I have. It forgot Idol gave Adam its start and bled him dry for last four year's doing little to nothing, not speaking of RCA I am very grateful for them, talking about 19! Maybe now Adam and RCA can work well together, or better! They are pushing some of the other's not talking about the CU or the KC, but some have not done near as well as Adam because they still have 19 still get profit even know not much, and they nedf record companies ect. You know what it works both way's with Adam he did a lot for that show, it had not been the same after that, with all the promotion OP has had, I could have a hot if I had it, I cannot carry a tune in a basket! adam devested himself altogether only financially of Idol, the ones that still have 19 are going to get more promotion even if they have not done well and do not have a record comp. well who cares Adsm is working on his third album, he is a international Grammy nominated star, even CU not an international star she sale well here he sold well abroad! Hopefully no. 3 will please them all, but I think you can count on Asia's support! In a nut shell, they are not gonna support Adam now as much, because no profit, before he was making more profit for then than many, now he left completely, so even small profits from some who have not done well at all is better than Adam who left for a better management and chose not to give them a big chunk of his money for nothing. Now RCA and Adam will do way better, he doing fine without their praise because many more or praising him like the top video! I am glad they gave me Adam, but let's not forget Adam took it and ran with it with not near the help PP getting. He a big concert draw he worked his ass off, with just minamal help from idol. I appreciate they had him to sing, but he makes profits they did, now they don't! See how wonderful and supportive they are. They
    Are cut throat and do not forget it! I gave then a chance I watched half the show and kept it on did not watch, it sucked and will never watch again unless Adam on it. Won't hold my breath for that, because not getting any profits from him! Everybody watch E talking about Idol's bad rating's. Have feeling gonna be worst tonight, pissed off Adam fan's. Not supporting this show not waching! Sure made Ton's of mistakes, more than usual, AI hope it readable! Canadian think you and me may have had a rough start when I started to write here.. Honestly you are so supportive of Adam and I am proud if you, you also do not let meaness that rears it nasty on here a lot bother you, several of you here are level headed, and good for you! Adam Lambert is fine, without them showing him off, like before. He gets more press than all if them together! Lord I know many mistakes, I just so mad today, Adam fine, so everything ok. Sounds like people not in love with idol, so far!sorry to be mean right now it warranted! Sue

  26. Saw this on Star T.V. in my country too. But there's a new one now also with Adam in it. My mom also thinks he's cute.

  27. I sure my top post was crazy, because reall not happy with idol and some other stuff. Just want to specify one thing do glad Idil gave us Adam. Adam has said repeatedly how grateful he is to them. On the other hand gives them no right to poopy on him, just because he did not resign with 19. Yes they more or less have! To push people more that have not done near for th in sucess that Adam has is maddening. Sucess takes work , he had worked is butt off. I am not saying lot other have not, but lots have not worked near as hard, on their concert skills and that is what will keep him here, for years. He should not have to stay with some comp. not doing him any good, but taking money to get praise. Well he has his record comp. and is working third Album, let's hope this one pleases them all! Pretty sure he will have lots of support abroad, think RCA and Adam do better this time minus third party! When they said many Idol's done different things and did not mention Adam and Queen and mentioned color purple, off broadway Fsntasia who is still with 19, that was it for me with AI , not watching mean it! Not to mention the show is awful, really awful! Sue

  28. I don't understand comments about Adam not being promoted right after Idol like PP is. Adam was given the Finally of the AMA's, was scheduled to be on GMA and Dick Clark Rock N Eve. All major exposure. Plan B is not happening as fast as we would like it. But with his fan support and the lovely talented man that he his he is winning everyone over.

  29. I did not say right after Idil I said, what they pulled last night! Adam has done Ton's more stuff that some of these people. Lee D. Come on now, KA, and many other's Adam is a star and he has done so much. They always pretty much have shown him until he did not sign back with 19, they did nothing but take his money. When they were his management they did ok. But Adam when he was able to get out signed with different management! Now he just with RCA he did not resign with 19 and I sure he could heve, they were not his management so were just taking a third if his money for nothing. Adam has had more converts than many, had 6 albums merchandise they took from gave nothing but happened decisions with RCA! He completely out of Idol management so they are not making profits anymore off of him! Some they showed more of last night do not even have a record comp., but still with 19 do pushing them to try get them pick up by someone I guess! Adam deserved more props, he was one of the best and has done very well, Inspite of it all. He a world star, those people do not come close! Bottom line they need to push the other's that are with them for profits. Adam not bringing them they big chunk if change any more! Because he just with RCA and a management comp. not with idol! He so much better off financially, and the world is taking there place. Some pomi's here and abroad only feature Adam!! They alway's do good for the artist for a year or so then in to the next, then they are not so good! Why when Afam was able to get out of contracts he changed! Management such as Adam's only take star quality, they are not gonna take many of these kids from idol, so they have to stay with 19 whether they have a record comp. or not. That was some promo's here and especially abroad feature Only Adam! Not trying to say they should only feature him but they like Adam, and they will have is back, IFAD they think he not getting, promo he deserves! Adam more or less financially devested himself from them. There gonna push the ones that need record companies and may still bring a profit even if not so much! Kind of a punishment, wanting not to give all your money to them for little in return! Some of these people have no choice but to stay with them! In not being mean if you have eyes in your head you can see what they ate doing, just making glamberts mad that would have watched it! Does not matter some here and abroad have his back, and are featuring him! He devested himself of Idol when he finally could, still had RCA, all he needs and his new management! There are many last night they featured that need a record comp. Adam has to make a living they were taking much and just givinh nothing but there two cents, with his label! Best thing ever he devested himself of them, a few words at top of show not gonna make those career's sore they got to work hard like Adam and I do feel he worked harder than some! Sue

  30. Just finished watching the second night of season 12 of AI with the Chicago auditions. The bickering between Minaj and Carey is ridiculous, so immature and catty. Between the faces she makes and her comments to Mariah, Nicki just turns me off. Once again, the focus seemed to be on them and not on the contestants who were better than last night's. But there was no Adam Lambert in the crowd and I don't think there ever will be again. I just can't help but compare each contestant to Adam since he was just so special with his voice and stage presence. The only reason I would ever get hooked on Idol again is if Adam came back as a judge.

  31. I agree with these posts, Adam on Idol can never be replaced in my eyes of entertainment ever on this show.I also waited each week with anxiety to see what he would bring to us and it was never a let down. I listen to Trespassing and FYE non-stop in my car and at home. I never get tired of his beautiful voice.Hopefully his talent will soon be reconized in the big way it should be, very soon. regardless I am a huge fan and always will be, I love reading posts from people who feel as strongly for Adam as i do.

  32. Sue

    Your post is all supposition, you don't know any of the details of the management, why do you get so worked up? You are always in a state of anxiety about things you imagine. I know you are dealing with several medical problems which I hope can be eased for you, but getting so upset can't be helping. Adam is fine and not being mistreated, just be happy for him.

  33. Like so many others, I had never followed a singer, let alone become OBSESSED by a singer! I'm one of the older Glamberts, so have been around for all the big stars. None of them ever affected me the way that Adam did. The song that really 'did it' for me was Mad World. I must have replayed that clip a hundred times after that show. I've been to 4 of his concerts and will pay whatever it takes to see him again, if and when he tours again in the US. Took my one granddaughter - a fellow Glambert - to his final GNT show in LA. It was amazing and totally worth the ridiculous amount of $$ I paid for the tickets! I check this website at least twice a day to keep up on what's happening with him. Just love this talented, charismatic and down-to-earth good man. L

  34. Tried to watch AI tonight, just out of curiosity, and only lasted about 10 minutes before I turned it off. The bickering between Mariah and Nicki is just stupid. Personally, I'm GLAD Adam wasn't chosen as a judge for this season, since all the emphasis is on those two women. I feel sorry for Keith Urban. I had never watched AI before Season 8, when I happened to see Adam perform while at my daughter's house and became an instant fan. I have basically never watched it since and certainly won't be watching this season. ugh.

  35. Kris Allen is appearing here Saturday night in a small movie theatre and tickets start at $15.00.


    3. Season 8 (2009)
    Two words: ADAM LAMBERT!
    LAMBERT was The BEST contestant the show has ever seen and whether he was hitting homers (his version of “Mad World,” his stunning “Tracks of My Tears”) or bombing badly (remember his psycho sexual take on Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire?”) you couldn’t take your eyes off the guy.

    Still, he somehow lost to Kris Allen in the finals, the biggest injustice in the show’s history.

  37. @CT
    Star World is shown all over Asia. I have been lucky enough to see this advert on my TV many times. Adam also did some very short countdown clips, i.e Only 10 days till American Idol.

    So far this year he has been the only ex idol doing any promo.

    I watched the first episode of Idol last night (we're one day behind here), and I quite enjoyed it. I thought Mariah was OK, could be better, liked Keith Urban although he's being overshadowed by the girls. Randy was better than he has been. Nicki was great at times, but I think the fighting and sniping will get old very quickly, and whats with the fake (not even that good) British accent??
    I think potentially she is actually a good judge, just don't think she is a very good fit for Idol, she's probably more suited to the X factor or The Voice.

    I still much prefer Idol to the other 2 shows, just can't get into them. Don't think I will ever find anyone like Adam on it, but as a reality show its great. Just hope there's not too much country on it this year, seems to be getting more and more.

  38. Watched Idol tonight. It was somewhat entertaining but I miss seeing Adam. I even miss Paula and
    Simon. I'm listening to energy radio and love hearing Adam sing.

  39. First time I watch AI was on season 10 that's why I knew Adam, he performed on the show, since then I'm a huge fan and I love him so much. If It wasn't for the show probably we never hear about him. I'm very grateful with this show, because of him. Unfortunately the program started to get bored, because the competition. Honestly the voice is not the best program for me at all as many mention in this blog, the only part entertaining and interesting is the blind audition, after that it get so boring and there is not so many talent people as other say. The contests are talent, but nothing different or special, common voices that you can hear on the radio. As Adam Lambert said these shows are great to find people who need exposure to show their talent and AI is the only one so far that made it, in all this 11 seasons they found amazing singers some of them are more successful than others, but they are from AI and one of then is Adam Lambert. Have you heard something about of the winners of the voice from the first and second seasons? ........ not me. I support AI and very grateful as Adam is because of him and I hope next season he will be one of the judges. Sorry for grammatical mistakes, English is my second language.

  40. I like AI and also hope it doesn't become too too much country. We shall see. it is reality tv..

  41. Even though shows like The X Factor and The Voice are looking to find the next big performer in the music business, it seems that Idol is the only show to really produce any major stars. Do you even remember any of the winners on either of those two other shows or have heard their songs on the radio? Even the non winners on Idol have gone on to great success. However, with the new judges and with this being season 12 of Idol, the viewing audience may just have given up on the show esp. with the bickering between the two female judges. And for me, after season 8 with Adam, no one has come close to him in vocal talent and stage presence. I looked forward each week to seeing him and no one since then has come close to him in appeal. Hoping that Adam makes a guest appearance on the show this season.


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