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A gift from Fanclub VIETNAM to Adam Lambert for his birthday (29.01.2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 27, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, January 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

This is such a loving tribute to a very deserving, one of a kind, superstar. Anyone who isn't a fan is truly missing out on REAL talent! Always and forever a devoted Glambert...LB

tea said...

So beautiful, Vietnam!
It tugged at my heart strings and brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

what a tribute !! very original.

Anonymous said...

No, thank YOU Vietnam. Yours is a great hommage to a fantastic singer and human being. Those whose eyes and hearts are open to this immense talent have enjoyed every second of it for over 4 years! We are indeed the lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute for Adam's birthday. Thank you Viet Nam for a wonderful, thoughtful video! I have been mesmerized by him for four years and his amazing talent and warm personality have filled my heart. He is a special human being and I will always love him.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the lucky ones . . .to be here everyday . . following our national treasure.

Happy Birthday and we love you !!!!

Anonymous said...

This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!. So creative and heartfelt. I hope he will see it.... My life is great but so much more to be able to follow a star like Adam.

Anonymous said...

I am fixing to watch the tribute I am sure I will cry! I Truely Love Adam like he was a part of my family, I know that silly he does not know I am a live, but I do. Such a special sweet man! Lot of celeb's seem nice but in reality when working with them or not, from what I have heard! Everyone that is not a biggot, lOves Adam that knows him, think he won a few of those over, I wish so much good sucess, he deserves it as much and more, more than any person or celeb out there! Love him happy birthday Adam!! Sue

Anonymous said...

This is from last year, it is so wonderful. On that Glaad award there so much pushing of Frank O. From some blogs and people, some sites saying this may be his last chance to be nominated. They hope not, he was so brave to. One out. He came out after al ums were sucessful, really has he done anything for the gay community like Adam, done so much! He had a much harder from being gay from the start! Ocean getting more decorations here for album Adam more abroad! It been harder because of his honesty, and being more unique than say a hip hope artist may be, I know 0 about him! I know they will be one to decide, but they ask for opinions, so please leave your Opinion Of how he deserves the award on the Glaad site, just a nice note, it cannot hurt! Because there has been a bit some one sidedness towards Ocean on some different articles about it! Sounds to me may be between Adam and him, but o e orher's may get it! If you have. It already please leave, a nice note in Adam's favorite. Love this video! Sue

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was amazing and so creative. Went to You-tube and saved it to my favorites. Happy Birthday Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the TRUTH and the LIFE!!!

His BANNER over me is LOVE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thankyou Vietnam.What a wonderful, beautiful tribute to an amazing human being.If only everyone in the world looked at things the way Adam and the Glamberts do their would be no more hate and there would be love and peace in this wonderful world.....